Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 308 Divine Stone of God’s Will, Alchemist of Qian Clan

The forbidden space talisman prohibits space, not the sky.

Yi Tian's magical power cannot attack to that height.

This made Yi Tian feel frustrated.

If you use Wuji from the beginning, can you defeat Mo Yi?

Yi Tian has hard power and defensive power, but Yi Tian lacks the secret skills.

"Open the refrigerator!"

Yi Tian opened his own loot.

If the devil doesn't hesitate, he can escape the monk but cannot escape the temple. When he becomes stronger, he will loot the Mo Yi territory.

Mo Yi did not leave, as if he wanted to prove that the robbed refrigerator was an empty box.


The refrigerator opened slowly.

Halfway through, it suddenly stopped.

Just like this, it's half-covered.

Spiritual creature!

Although there is no treasure chest light, Yi Tian has been looking forward to this kind of thing for a long time.

His special talent for fusion of ice and fire is due to the ice and fire spirit beads in the half-covered box.

However, this kind of half-covered box is full of dangers. Yi Tian held the Ice and Fire Tai Chi diagram above his head and slowly approached the half-covered box.


When Yi Tian approached the half-covered refrigerator, a strange light struck Yi Tian.


This aura hit Yi Tian's powerful defensive shield without any ripples.

Then an "eye" jumped out and continued to shoot this strange light at Yi Tian.

But it is impossible to break Yi Tian's defense.

This "eye" is a ball the size of a basketball.

There is a large golden eye on the ball, occupying two-thirds of the ball.

It seemed to move by bouncing.

"Golden Eyes of God's Will, 6000 spiritual power, special talent, golden light of God's Will..."

"Those who are among the top 100 on the S-level combat power gold list have a chance of encountering the Golden Eye of Providence."

"Kill the Golden Eye of God's Will to get the Divine Stone of God's Will..."


After Yi Tian got the information, he punched out Tianyi Golden Eye.

The next second, a golden stone the size of a baby's fist appeared in front of Yi Tian.

The chance of becoming a lord depends on the combat strength gold list, which surprised Yi Tian.

"The Divine Stone of God's Will, in its unactivated state, absorbs five pieces of colorful glaze, five hundred pieces of King's Stone, and fifty pieces of Supreme Stone. It can activate the Divine Stone of Divine Will. The Divine Stone of Divine Will can inscribe an SSS-level martial skill, allowing it to break through to the divine level. And help living beings complete the synchronization of martial arts."

The effect of the God's Will Stone made Yi Tian's eyes brighten.

No wonder only those in the top 100 on the S-level combat power gold list can get it.

However, the peerless geniuses all possess several god-level martial arts, which is not very cost-effective for them.

Most of Yi Tian's weapons are still SSS level. Moreover, the God's Will Stone can synchronize the realm of martial arts.

Yi Tian's Heavenly Ice Palm was perfect, and it was still perfect after being upgraded to the god level.

The Heavenly Ice Palm and the Heavenly Flame Palm complement each other, and Yi Tian currently needs at least two Divine Stones of Providence.

Yi Tian is even more looking forward to this treasure hunt.

Yi Tian glanced at the sky and saw that Mo Yi had disappeared.

It was impossible for her to pester Yi Tian and influence her.

All of them underestimated Yi Tian's strength!

They can obviously be more powerful, but time limits them.

While Yi Tian taught Mo Yi a lesson, Mo Yi also taught Yi Tian a lesson. The peerless geniuses in the first echelon have great luck and are not easy to arrest.

These peerless geniuses have not been beaten to death by the aborigines for almost a year. Their various aspects are not as simple as the combat strength gold list reflects.

Be tough, Yi Tian is not afraid of anyone now,

I am afraid of occult techniques and the use of foreign objects.

"Chang Ming ran away while I was dealing with Mo Yi. If you catch him, you'll have to beat him up!"

Yi Tian had a purpose, but ran aimlessly for a quarter of an hour.

The night was hazy, and I could see a mountain range in the distance.

What Yi Tian cares about is not the mountains, but the group of aborigines under the mountains.

At this time, the indigenous people squatting at the foot of the mountain were definitely not enjoying the snow.

Yi Tian used his speed and rushed over.

The group of aborigines guarding the stone box also saw Yi Tian.

Judging from the lightning speed, we know that Yi Tian is not a good person, and their strongest is only in the mid-S level.

The aborigines are very smart. The lord's Tiandao Stone can detect the color of their underwear. When they saw Yi Tian rushing towards them, they understood that Yi Tian was not afraid of them.

If the lord saw them and hesitated, it would embolden the aborigines' arrogance.

Yi Tian looked like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, and the aborigines felt extremely guilty.

It is extremely unwise to fight for a refrigerator.

So these aboriginal qigong masters ran to the mountains one after another.

But how could Yi Tian let them go? He speeded up and aimed at the strongest.

"Jiang Yan, from the Qian tribe, strength 2664, constitution 2645, agility 2648, spiritual power 6126. Martial skills: body martial arts SS level dragon and tiger step... skills: spiritual secret LV.10, swordsmanship proficiency LV.10..."

It’s you!

Yi Tian passed by the refrigerator, just took a look, and chased Jiang Yan, who was ten thousand meters away.

Jiang Yan used his body skills, but his legs were left with afterimages.

He was one step ahead of his men.

Just when he thought he was about to escape, he turned around and saw that his liver and gallbladder were split.

Because Yi Tian had already appeared a thousand meters away from him.

And at an extremely fast speed, he narrowed the distance with him.

The spiritual power of the whole body is brought into full play, and the secret of the Dragon and Tiger Steps lies in the legs.

But the speed difference is too far...

In one breath, Yi Tian caught up with Jiang Yan and kicked Jiang Yan in the back.

Feeling a chill on his back, Jiang Yan quickly activated his defensive martial arts.

Yi Tian didn't exert much force, and his feet were blocked by defensive martial arts.


Yi Tian's legs shook, and with some strength, his defensive martial arts shattered, and he formally came into contact with Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan drew an arc in the air and loaded it into the snow nest.

After Jiang Yan emerged from the snow nest, he pulled out his sword and tried to resist.


Swinging towards Yi Tian's sword, it was caught by Yi Tian's fingers. Then he flicked his middle finger, and a huge force surged into Jiang Yan's arm, forcing him to let go of the sword.

"Stop resisting, it's useless."

Yi Tian said with a smile.

"What do you want to do? Our clan leader is nearby. When the clan leader arrives, you will die!"

Jiang Yan looked fierce and scolded Yi Tian.


Jiang Yan was knocked away by Yi Tian with a punch.

When he was flying upside down, Yi Tian sucked him back in and pinched his neck.

There was blood at the corner of his mouth, and he kept struggling, but to no avail.

Yi Tian ignored the other Qian Clan Qi Practitioners and just dragged Jiang Yan to the refrigerator and threw him on the ground.

"Find three similar refrigerators for me and give me some free time!"

Yi Tian pointed to the refrigerator and said to Jiang Yan.

"I don't know where the refrigerator is..."

Jiang Yan said word for word.

"Then why should I keep you?"

Yi Tian said, taking out the Daxia Dragon Bird Knife.

"Wait a minute, I think I know the location of a refrigerator!"

Jiang Yan saw Yi Tian's sword rising and falling, and no longer abided by his principles.

"On a?"

Yi Tian expressed doubts.

"We each have our own division of labor. I'm only responsible for guarding the refrigerator. I really don't know anything else!" Jiang Yan looked at Yi Tian with pleading eyes.

Yi Tian did not answer, but used the Tiandao Stone to scan the refrigerator: "Open the refrigerator!"


At the same time as there was a flash of purple-gold light, a beast roar sounded.

The second supreme treasure chest!

At the same time, four scaled lion beasts jumped out. Their three dimensions were all 6000+, and they had talents, special talents.

For Yi Tian, ​​this strength is not enough.

Yi Tian killed four scaled lion beasts with just a few swords and took away the beast cores.

Judging from this trend, as long as there is not a colorful glazed treasure box in the refrigerator, the strength of the guardian beast will be easily crushed by Yi Tian.

Jiang Yan originally wanted to escape while the box was being opened, but after seeing Yi Tian solve the battle cleanly, he no longer dared to have such thoughts.

From Jiang Yan's point of view, there was no difference between Yi Tian killing him and killing the scaled lion beast.

"Lead the way! Run at a speed of 10,000 and find the treasure chest."

After Yi Tian collected the Supreme Treasure Box, he gave orders to Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan didn't dare to disobey, so he used all his strength to run towards the mountain.

That was the direction he came from, and the refrigerator he knew was in the mountains.

However, there was no surrender in Jiang Yan's eyes.

Because what he said was true, their clan leader was nearby, and after getting the news, he would definitely come back to save him.

He expected Yi Tian to let him go without even thinking about it.

After stepping into this mountain range, Yi Tian had a sense of sight as a sunset mountain range. Yi Tian estimated that it was also a boundless mountain.

Unlike the Sunset Mountains, which has rugged rocks and few trees.

As this mountain range goes deeper, tall trees are everywhere, and even intermediate trees are found.

This means that this territory is at least a two-star territory.

Traveling through the forest, it even blocked Yi Tian's sight.

Yi Tian originally didn't want to look for treasure chests in the mountains and forests.

I ran for more than twenty minutes, climbing over one mountain after another.

While running, Yi Tian did not do anything. Under an ancient tree, Yi Tian found a refrigerator.

After opening it, there was not only an empty box, but also two ferocious beasts.


Ten minutes later, just when Yi Tian felt that Jiang Yan was tricking him, Jiang Yan suddenly increased his speed and ran towards the north.

"It is detected that the surrounding space is imprisoned by the forbidden air talisman. Leave the restricted area before teleporting!"

"With your strength, you still dare to trick me?"

"Heavenly Ice Palm!"

Yi Tian pushed his palm and launched a powerful attack.


Just when Tianbing Palm was about to hit Jiang Yan, a burst of energy flew in and neutralized Yi Tian's attack.

An old man with a white beard holding a wooden stick appeared not far from Yi Tian.

"Haha! Lord, you dare to steal our clan's treasures, are you tired of living?"

Another middle-aged man wearing a mink coat fell from the sky.

"Jiang Tiangui, the leader of the Xianling tribe of the Qian tribe, has strength 9988, constitution 9898, agility 8899, and spiritual power 15436. Skills: SSS-level martial arts Tianba Palm is perfect, SSS-level defensive martial arts Bilingong is perfect, SS-level Dragon Tiger Step is perfect, The SS-level Soul-Slaying Sword is perfect... Skills: Secret of Spirit LV.15, Sword Mastery LV.15..."

"Jiang Qiankun, the great elder of the Xianling tribe of the Qian tribe, has strength 4396, constitution 4263, agility 4102, and spiritual power 10056. Martial arts... skills: Secret of the Spirit LV.10, Alchemist Master..."

After Yi Tian saw these two pieces of information, his interest in Jiang Tiangui was only "resources and gold."

On the other hand, Jiang Qiankun, a Dacheng alchemist, and Yi Tian had great ideas.

Alchemists are rare, and accomplished alchemists are even rarer.

Jiang Qiankun is 2,500 years old. If he hadn't been a breakthrough king, he would have died.

Yi Tian could tell that the old guy was very weak, and he was basically in the state of taking pills.

Moreover, his body was hollowed out by the elixir, which affected his understanding, potential, and combat effectiveness.

He couldn't refine SS-level elixirs.

The alchemy master's alchemy cultivation level represents his realm!

A junior alchemist who can refine D-level and C-level elixirs. This is theoretically, if the technology is not good enough, nine times out of ten, one will explode!

A small alchemist can refine B-level and A-level elixirs.

A Dacheng alchemist can refine S-level elixirs.

The Perfect Alchemist [Alchemy Master] can refine SS-level elixirs.

An alchemy master like Venerable Bing Xin can refine SSS level elixirs.

The efficiency of refining elixirs depends on the alchemist's understanding of the properties of the medicine and his proficiency in refining.

Arrest Jiang Qiankun and let Jiang Qiankun serve him like the Golden Snake Master!

In an instant, Yi Tian made a decision in his heart!

Yi Tian was sure that Jiang Qiankun had been an alchemist for countless years and would be able to refine S-level elixirs proficiently.

"Lord, why are you laughing? You are about to die and you don't know it yet?"

Jiang Tiangui saw a smile on Yi Tian's lips, thinking that Yi Tian looked down on him.

"You are laughing at your meager strength, and you still want to ambush me?"

Yi Tian didn't originally laugh at Jiang Tiangui. Seeing that he was so sentimental, he laughed at him once.

Jiang Tiangui is the king of his side, but his fighting ability is like a younger brother in front of the peerless genius.

"Arrogant! Ignorant!"

"Tian Ba ​​Zhang!"

As a king, how could Jiang Tiangui receive such contempt?

He could see that Yi Tian was only in the middle stage of S level.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Tiangui would never encounter a genius like Yi Tian in his life.

Even if Yi Tian is confident, Jiang Tiangui does not think that Yi Tian is his opponent.


When Tianba Palm is completed, the spiritual power increases by 160%.

With one palm shot, hegemony filled the air.



Hundreds of big trees around were shattered by the force released by Jiang Tiangui.

Jiang Yan and other clan leaders of the Qian clan looked at their clan leader with admiration.

The clan leader has been a genius since he was a child. He has perfected the Heavenly Domination Palm and is now invincible in the world!

The little lord will be destroyed at the hands of the clan leader.

Jiang Qiankun touched his white eyebrows. He felt that there was something wrong with Yi Tian's calmness.

"Heavenly Sword!"

The sword came out and white light flashed across it.


After Tianba reached Yi Tian, ​​he was easily destroyed.

The sword flashes on a snowy night.

Everyone saw that the night seemed to be split open by this knife.

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tiangui was shocked. The power of his palm was one hundred thousand, mixed with the special effects of the true meaning of the five-level spirit. How could it be crushed so easily?

The other clansmen of the Qian clan’s Xianling tribe were even more stunned.

The patriarch didn’t use all his strength!

They must have used this reason to convince themselves.

"Tian Ba ​​Zhang!"

Jiang Tiangui attacked again.

But at this time, Yi Tian ran with all his physical speed and rushed towards Jiang Tiangui.

The Five Elements Interaction Dafa is activated, and the Daxia Longque Knife is taken out.

Demon-killing knife!


The flying Tianba Palm was chopped into pieces by Yi Tian.

Yi Tian didn't use his special move because he was afraid of beating Jiang Tiangui to death.

Jiang Tiangui's identity was great, so he would have no problem catching him for blackmail.

Yi Tian rushed over, and Jiang Tiangui saw that Tyrant Palm could not defeat Yi Tian, ​​so he could only draw his sword to fight.

An SS-level sword skill is perfect, and a god-level sword skill is perfected.

One is proficient in swordsmanship at LV.15, and the other is proficient in swordsmanship at LV.15.

Yi Tian turned on the Five Elements to close the spiritual power gap with Jiang Tiangui.

The difference in attack power is 20,000, which is not the same magnitude at all.


The two swords collided, Jiang Tiangui leaned back, and the sword almost came out of his hand.

This blow had already exhausted Jiang Tiangui's strength.


Yi Tian used the speed of the knife to strike again, releasing the power of the knife, allowing Jiang Tiangui's SS-level sword to come out.

Without weapons, at such a close range, Tianba Zhang would definitely not be as fast as Yi Tian.

Jiang Tiangui wanted to use the Dragon-Tiger Step to escape, but Yi Tian shrunk into an inch.

Before he knew it, Yi Tian teleported behind Jiang Tiangui and put the Daxia Longque Sword on his neck.

Jiang Tiangui was sweating profusely and did not dare to move anymore.

"call out……"

The SS-level spirit treasure binding rope came out and tied Jiang Tiangui very skillfully.

This set of dazzling operations left the Qi Refiners of the Xianling Tribe with no time to react.

After Jiang Tiangui was tied into a rice dumpling, they were frightened and began to hesitate again!

To run or not to run!


At this time, Jiang Qiankun proved to them that he had to run away!

The moment Jiang Qiankun was defeated by Jiang Tiangui, he ran away, his old body walking as fast as flying.

"Whoever dares to run away, I will kill Jiang Tiangui and Jiang Qiankun!"

Yi Tian has long been eyeing Jiang Qiankun, how could he let the old man run away.

He grabbed Jiang Tiangui, used his speed to the extreme, and pursued Jiang Qiankun.

After all, the old man's body was weak and his body and martial arts were not good enough.

After a few breaths, he was kicked away by Yi Tian.

After Jiang Qiankun stood up from his snow nest, he raised his hands in surrender.

Yi Tian used the spirit binding rope to tie Jiang Qiankun and Jiang Tiangui together. The two stared at each other, sighed, and lowered their heads.

Except for a small number of those qi-refining warriors from the Zero Tribe who escaped, most of them did not dare to move again.

The chief elder of the tribe was captured, which was a heavy blow to the tribe.

Judging from Yi Tian's speed, it would be easy to hunt them down and kill them in one wave.

They were loyal to Jiang Tiangui and often took Jiang Qiankun's elixirs. Yi Tian was able to successfully threaten the lives of Jiang Tiangui and Jiang Qiankun.

"Jiang Yan, you were running very fast just now!"

Yi Tian looked at Jiang Yan with a half-smile.

"Sir, please let the clan leader and the great elder go free. If you want to kill or behead them, please do as you please."

Jiang Yan knelt down and begged Yi Tian for mercy.

The clan leader and the great elder were arrested by the lord for rescuing him. How could he live with it?

"Don't talk to me about these useless things! Listen up to your Qian tribe, Zero Tribe! You mobilize all the strong men in your tribe to find a refrigerator for me. If you satisfy me, give me a little ransom, and I promise to let you go. Jiang Tiangui.”

Yi Tian suddenly became impatient when he saw Jiang Yan's appearance.

He ordered to the more than a hundred S-level Qi refiners of the Gan clan present.

Yi Tian not only needs to find all five Tiandao treasure chests, but also needs to find more half-covered refrigerators.

Divine stone of providence!

Yi Tian is bound to win.

Yitian's strength alone is not enough.

"Don't give in to the lord, we Gan clan have no cowards..."

Jiang Tiangui couldn't stand it anymore when he saw his clansmen groveling to Yi Tian. He tried to resist, but before he could finish his words, Yi Tian put the Daxia Longque Knife on his neck.

Jiang Tiangui's voice stopped suddenly.

After all, he was afraid of death.

Jiang Qiankun also took the opportunity to pinch Jiang Tiangui and hint to him: Don't seek death, you are still young, I haven't lived enough yet!

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and find me a box?" Yi Tian scolded the group of people.

"Sir, let's go right away. But we have found seven or eight refrigerators, but I don't know if they have been taken away by other lords."

A late S-level Qi practitioner answered to Yi Tian.

"Yeah! That's right, take me there." Yi Tian beamed with joy upon hearing this.

It's convenient to get a tribe.

Yi Tian learned that this mountain range is called Fuling Mountain Range. The boxes found by the Xianling tribe are all within the Fuling Mountain Range, not far apart.

The nearest one, less than ten kilometers away from Yi Tian, ​​is the one Jiang Yan mentioned.

The S-class strongmen of the Xianling Tribe had a clear division of labor. Some continued to spread out to search, and some stayed with Yi Tian to serve as spies and report.

The Xianling tribe has an ancient communication method that is not affected by the winter beast.

This is similar to the communication method of the Danu Orcs.

Yi Tian carried Jiang Tiangui and Jiang Qiankun on his back and found the nearest box.

The Qian Clan Qi Practitioners who were guarding the refrigerator were shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't know what to do.

After the Qian Clan Qi Refiner beside Yi Tian whispered to them, they stepped aside.

The clan leader and the great elder were tied together for unknown reasons, which would touch the dignity of any clan member.

Only by knowing the cause and effect of the matter can we understand that the lord cannot be provoked.

"Open the refrigerator!"

Yitian scans the refrigerator.


When the box was opened, there was no purple-gold light, let alone seven-color light.

When the box stopped halfway, Yi Tian felt happy.

"Ice and Fire Tai Chi Diagram!"

Yi Tian's thoughts moved, and the Ice and Fire Tai Chi diagram flew out from between his eyebrows and rested on top of his head.

Jiang Qiankun and Jiang Tiangui, who were carried on Yi Tian's back, suffered old sins.

Although Yi Tian is very restrained and controls the energy of the Ice and Fire Tai Chi Diagram.

But the Tai Chi Ice and Fire Diagram revealed the power of the eighth level's true meaning, which made the two unable to stop.

A wave of ice, a wave of ice flames, coupled with heart-breaking special effects, made Jiang Qiankun and Jiang Tiangui sweat profusely at one moment, and feel like they were bathing in glaciers at another, which was ten times more uncomfortable than the extremely cold weather at this time.

"Great Elder, don't rub yourself against me." Jiang Qiankun complained in a low voice. He couldn't bear it anymore.

"I don't want to either! Patriarch, please be considerate of my age." Jiang Qiankun was panting, as if there were countless bugs crawling on his body.

Yi Tian ignored Jiang Qiankun and Jiang Tiangui who were whispering, and he slowly came to the half-covered box.

When he was half a meter away from the refrigerator, several green vines rolled towards Yi Tian.

But when they touched the ice and fire defense, they immediately retracted as if they had touched something terrible.

Yi Tian was not used to them, and the Tai Chi defense was cancelled.

The Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed at the vines with one strike.


The green liquid, like blood, splashed across Jiang Tiangui's face.

Yi Tian's sword has a special attack speed bonus of being as light as a swallow. When the mountain-carrying cauldron is turned on, it is impossible for the vines to escape.


There was a strange noise coming from the refrigerator, like a grinding sound.

The next second, dozens of thicker vines whipped out.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Yi Tian raised his sword and cut off the vines that were hitting him one by one.

Great disparity in strength!


Jiang Qiankun suddenly screamed, and a vine almost wrapped around Jiang Qiankun's neck.


Yi Tian used his backhand sword to relieve Jiang Qiankun's crisis!

When all these vines were destroyed, a green irregular block flew out from the half-covered box.

"The essence of Fujimori can make trees grow for three thousand months."

"Fujimori Essence is only effective on the growth of trees and cannot be used on mature spiritual fruits or flowers and vegetation."

Similar to Treant Essence, but stronger than Treant Essence.

Not the divine stone of hope, but not bad.

Go back and give birth to the tree of life!

Carrying Jiang Tiangui on his back, Yi Tian was able to order almost all the Qi refiners of the Xianling tribe who participated in this operation.

In the northern mountains, the Qian soldiers made it clear that there were three refrigerators inside.

Yi Tian let the accompanying Qian warriors disperse and run around.

They didn't have perspective. The night was dark and windy, and it was snowy. Most refrigerators were covered with snow. If you didn't look carefully, you would think they were a stone, so it was easy to miss the refrigerator.

Sure enough, after climbing several mountains to the north, a Qian warrior found a refrigerator seven kilometers away from Yitian.

After opening it, the box was empty with not a hair on it!

"Sir, can you let us down so that we can walk by ourselves and never run away..." Jiang Qiankun asked Yi Tian in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I'm not tired! You guys have a good rest on my back!" Yi Tian objected.


Jiang Qiankun greeted Yi Tian in his heart.

Now it's minus 100 degrees Celsius. How can it bear it at such an age?

Still resting?

Who could sleep on this?

He couldn't tell that Yi Tian was afraid that they would escape and would not let them down.

The three refrigerators on the north side are all there!

An empty box!

A half-covered box was filled with water, and a strange fish that could breathe jumped out.

After killing the strange fish, you get something called a water-avoiding pill.

By taking the water-avoiding pill, you can realize the tenth level of water mastery.

In Yi Tian's opinion, this is a very naughty treasure.

Yi Tian was also glad that his territory level had been upgraded to a three-star city lord and he had obtained such good things.

It can be seen from the first fortune outside the mist that the items in the half-covered box are closely related to the level of the territory.

As the only eighth-level territory at that time, Yi Tian could only open the Ice and Fire Spirit Dragon.

The last stone chest in the north will reveal a Supreme Treasure Chest.

Not even monsters!

Yi Tian was very depressed. He was already a three-star city lord, but the first three did not have a colorful glazed treasure chest.

That would definitely be impossible for other lords!

Yi Tian was a little disappointed and could only place his hope on the fourth Tiandao treasure box.

In Yitian territory, Siwa ran out of the villa and took the third supreme treasure box to the villa...

Finished exploring here.

The Qian Clan Qigong Master told Yi Tian that another refrigerator was found to the west.

There are three refrigerators found in the west.

To the west, Yi Tian was running non-stop.

I ran for half an hour. There is strength in numbers, and after searching all over the place, another Qian Clan Qigator found the refrigerator.

Unfortunately, the box is still empty!

"Sir, it's bad, a lord is attacking our refrigerator, it's the west side."

Jiang Yan quickly ran to Yi Tian, ​​glanced at the hopeless Jiang Tiangui and Jiang Qiankun, and quickly lowered his head to report to Yi Tian.

"Can you hold on?" Yi Tian asked Jiang Yan.

In his opinion, if the lord attacks the aborigines, they can be dealt with in a few blows.

They ran over, not to mention the refrigerator, and the champagne was opened.

"We have late-stage S-level qi masters who are fighting fiercely, and they are equally matched." Jiang Yan reported to Yi Tian.

"Late S-level Qi Master, eh! Lead the way, go there first!"

In this case, it doesn't hurt for Yi Tian to go and take a look.

Jiang Yan took the map and compared it, and everyone ran quickly.

Ten minutes later, they climbed to a mountain peak and looked down at the bottom of the mountain. A fierce battle was going on in the mountain col.

The lord was extremely brave, and the Qian Clan Qi Refiner seemed to be unable to hold on any longer.

"Lord He? Dare you steal my Zero Tribe refrigerator?"

Yi Tian shouted loudly and stepped down the snow from the hillside with a majestic momentum.

Jiang Tiangui, who was being carried on his back, spurted out a mouthful of old blood...

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