Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 319 Obtain Qingxia Lingshan, Soul Purifying Divine Water

Yi Tian wants Qingxia Lingshan very much, but he will never buy it with the value of Qingxia Lingshan.

Yi Tian knew the big man's purpose and used the Qingxia Lingshan to upgrade the tenth level territory.

If you upgrade to level ten before the end of the month, you will become the city lord. Then you have a chance to get a god-level treasure chest.

If he can upgrade to level 10 in time for second place, there will be a huge reward.

This is related to the chain of interests!

This thing doesn't add territory points.

If Yi Tian doesn't buy it, at this moment of upgrading, will other lords spend hundreds of billions of Tiandao coins to buy it?

Definitely not!

Even if there is, it will definitely be after this month.

"Six thousand astrological stones."

Although Yi Tian said that he wanted to be honest, no matter how upright Qing Yun was, he would still quote a higher price.

Six hundred billion Tiandao coins!

If Yi Tian takes out so much, he will immediately fall from the top of the resource gold list.

"Six thousand astrology stones are too many! In the world of Tiandao, long-term interests are formed, and the price is much lower than short-term interests. What's more, if I pay so many astrology stones, then I will be dropped from the resource gold list, and my The loss is immeasurable! I am very sincere. It is true that Qingxia Lingshan is very valuable, but you should understand the rules of resource exchange in the Tiandao world."

Yi Tian politely declined the price.

"I know you are a shrewd person and I can't beat you. At a discount, 300 billion Tiandao coins or items worth 300 billion Tiandao coins are my bottom line. Otherwise, I would rather sell it to the aborigines in ten days!"

As soon as Qingyun heard that Yi Tian was about to start tampering with interests, he immediately stopped.

He has a plan. With 300 billion Tiandao coins, plus his own savings, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures obtained on Qingxia Lingshan Mountain, he can upgrade the territory to the tenth level.

"Okay! Since you are so sincere, I accept this sale!"

Qingyun said this directly, and Yi Tian was not sure whether Qingyun had really made up his mind.

Three hundred billion Tiandao coins, Yitian can accept this price.

After Yi Tian got up from his sleep, he first went to the underground treasure house and took out one hundred thousand S-level beast cores from the underground treasure house. These were the beast cores obtained from the Blue Dragon pirate treasure.

As for the spiritual jade jewelry, Night Pearl, Spirit Jade, etc., Yi Tian hesitated for a long time and did not take them away.

These treasures are all valued. In terms of valuation, Yi Tian suffered huge losses from such a large transaction.

One S-level beast core is 500,000 Tiandao coins, which is a fixed price.

These S-level beast cores are worth 50 billion Tiandao coins.

Yi Tian produced another thousand astrological stones and 150 billion heavenly coins.

In this way, he is still number one on the resource gold list.

Second, although there is a difference of more than a thousand stars from Yi Tian, ​​the second is to develop the territory.

And when Yi Tian calms down, his resources will skyrocket!

There are many valuable things in Yi Tian!

Ten thousand pieces of ordinary and intermediate rare treasures worth five hundred stars [Limeng Orcs].

There are two thousand pieces of ordinary and intermediate rare treasures worth one hundred stars [Scorpio Bandits].

A thousand pieces of high-grade rare treasures worth 800 stars [Golden Snake Master].

Five thousand pieces of high-end rare treasures worth four thousand stars [Blue Dragon Pirate Treasure].

Six thousand pieces of ordinary and intermediate rare treasures worth three hundred stars [The Three Kings of the Divine Tiger Territory].

One thousand high-grade rare treasures worth 800 stars [The Three Great Kings of the Divine Tiger Territory].

The spiritual grade jade jewelry alone is valued at 6,500 stars.

Not to mention that Yi Tian also has various spiritual objects, heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Yi Tian has three SS-level spiritual treasures, six SSS-level spiritual treasures, five quasi-god-level spiritual treasures, and one god-level spiritual treasure.

Including thirty-eight spiritual-level rare treasures worn by the little baby.

Yi Tian spent hundreds of billions on territory members and territory guardian beasts.

This is something no other lord can match.

Many lords feel that their subordinates are expendable and not worth spending billions to train.

It's most cost-effective to use good things on yourself. If you don't need them, you will keep them and wait for opportunities to exchange them for other things.

Although Yi Tian also kept the best things for himself, the members of the territory never treated him badly.

Qingxia Lingshan must be located on the floating island.

The floating island covers an area of ​​four square kilometers.

Qingxia Lingshan occupies half of it, which is okay.

Yi Tian planned to place Qingxia Lingshan on the west side of Peach Blossom Pond on the floating island.

In the Peach Blossom Pond at the foot of the mountain, try to let the Qingxia River flow into the Peach Blossom Pond.

Later buildings were built at the foot of the mountain and beside the Peach Blossom Pond.

Behind the building are ten acres of purple sand soil.

The territory's natural treasures, especially the SSS-level spiritual fruit trees and SSS-level spiritual tea trees, are planted in Qingxia Lingshan, which increases the potency by 50%.

After Qingxia Lingshan, Yi Tian will definitely live on the floating island in the future, greatly improving his cultivation and strength.

"[Astrology Stone*1000][S-Class Beast Core*100,000][Tiandao Coin*150 Billion] Trade [Qingxia Lingshan]."

After getting ready, Yi Tian drew up the transaction order.

Qingyun over there agrees!

"A large object has been detected. Please confirm the location of the object."

Yi Tian knew there was such a reminder. This has happened several times.

The Tiandao Stone pops up the panel and allows Yi Tian to control it.

Yi Tian arranged it according to the original plan.


A spiritual mountain landing floating island covering an area of ​​3,000 acres.

There are four small ones and one big one, with five hills. The largest mountain is 860 meters high, with cliffs on its sides.

The largest hill has the highest terrain and is in the far west.

On the top of the four hills, there are layers of terraced fields, which are Qingxia spiritual soil.

You can see large and small pieces of light blue nepheline.

Of course, such a big mountain is definitely not all made of green nepheline, there are also some other stones.

Yi Tian knew that the formation of Lingshan was definitely not because of these green haze stones, but the spiritual things inside Lingshan.

The Qingxia water of Qingxia Lingshan and various bonuses are also due to the spiritual object.

If azurite is not mined, it will not be included in the gold resource list, just like the obsidian in the territory.

On the top of the largest mountain, there is a Tianchi covering an area of ​​30 acres. There is a waterfall flowing down, forming a mountain stream that passes through two opposite hills and winds eastward.

The stream is not organized and flows freely after flowing out of Qingxia Lingshan Mountain.

Fortunately, the traffic is small and insignificant.

Yi Tian didn't want to worry about it. He wanted to sleep and let Xiong Daxiong Er and Yin Yang panda dig the creek tomorrow.

"[Jinqing Holy Fruit*3] Transaction [None]."

It is equivalent to saying that Zihuang Yuewu only keeps one for herself.

Yi Tian accepted.

He has decided to give Zihuang Yuewu the soul-purifying water tomorrow.

Jinqing Holy Fruit, after taking it, mental power +150, spiritual power +150.

Yi Tian took one himself.

The fourth baby and the fifth baby took thunder core and water element respectively, so they were not given any more.

Of the remaining two spiritual fruits, one is given to the sixth baby and the other to the seventh baby.

Before going to bed, Yi Tian started the SSS magic weapon one-time forging furnace and placed the Daxia Longque Knife in it.

Go back to the bedroom, take out the purple ghost lamp, light the drunken soul wood, and wake up the little milk baby.

Then consume a dream stone, think about the demon-slaying knife, and fall asleep.

This is the second time Yi Tian has entered the dream to kill the Demon Knife.

The surging sword intention has been in the dream, filled with golden light, and boundless sword light...

It’s half past six in the morning on the twenty-first day of winter.

Mental power +72.

The soul-nourishing tree has a spiritual power +5.

Drunk Soul Wood can also burn for 88 hours.

Yi Tian sat on the spiritual stone platform to practice, and his spiritual power was +15.

Body training in the martial arts platform, strength +15, constitution +14, agility +14.

This time it has improved so much. Firstly, the Wubao Tianhua Fruit has replenished the lost potential. Secondly, the intensity of the spiritual energy in the territory has increased again. Thirdly, Liyue cooked with Qishan spiritual rice last night, which made Yi Tian hold back his energy. .

Cultivate the light of the gods and shrink the earth to an inch.

Silver Wood Golden Tea spiritual power +15, Qingbing Lingquan three-dimensional +3.

Strength 5535, Constitution 6013, Agility 5639, Spiritual Power 6095, Spirit 6024.

Yi Tian checked the combat power gold list, it was level 5582.

The cultivation level is improved, increasing by more than 100 levels.

The second place is no longer Shen Yun, but Demon Source, whose combat power is 4956 levels.


I don’t know what I got yesterday!

How could any lord on the B-level or A-level combat power gold list pursue him like this?

The king of genius is the king of genius.

The third place is Shen Yun, level 4816.

It’s not easy to leave early and still have such a big improvement.

The fourth place is Qingyun, level 4746.

Hidden and hidden.

Purple Phoenix Moon Dance eighth place, level 4496.

In Peach Blossom Pond, Yi Tian walked on the water and came to the Pure World Lotus.

On the lotus platform, there are three very obvious white water drops.

Soul purifying water!

Yi Tian collects them, then goes to the Tree of Life and collects 700 drops of water of life.

Now the water of life: 1103 drops.

"It takes an hour to collect the water of life. I can't do this work alone! Liyue Qixin has to collect spirit flower dew and spirit secrets every day. Now there are more and more spirit flowers. They are too busy. Wait for me to control them. After the auspicious beasts, let the auspicious birds collect them for me."

The top spiritual tree, the Qiankun Red Willow Tree, increases the spiritual energy intensity of the territory by 100%.

The other fifteen SSS-level spiritual flowers and Wubao Tianhua fruit trees were re-transplanted by Yi Tian to Qingxia Lingshan.

Wuyu Tianyuan Tea was transplanted to the highest mountain next to Tianchi.

These provide a total of 10% aura richness to the territory.

As the concentration of spiritual energy reaches a certain level, the treasures of heaven, materials and earth increase the concentration of spiritual energy less and less.

The current territory’s aura intensity: 2140%.

Due to the emergence of Qingxia Lingshan, the territory's planning score and territory livability score have skyrocketed.

Current territory planning score: 1360.

Current territory livability score: 1725.

Basically, they have risen by 200%, which is unprecedentedly large.

The three bears were driven by Yi Tian to work as coolies.

The Yin Yang giant panda finally saw the green bamboo forest on the floating island, but unfortunately it had to work, suffering and happy.

The eldest baby takes two sources of agility, and the sixth and seventh babies take the Jinqing Holy Fruit.

Long Lin's essence and blood were given to Xiaoyue Silver Wolf.

The soul of the yellow beast was given to Fengyun White Tiger, which made it extremely happy.

It was just improved yesterday, and it will be improved again today.

This improvement made it throb.

Lord Tiger, I am indeed the most powerful general under my master!

The beast transformation elixir was distributed to Zou Wu, Thunder Niu, Xuan Fire Bird, Xuan Turtle, and Water Qilin according to the plan.

Yi Tian also began to improve himself.

"Congratulations to the lord for upgrading his combat proficiency. The current combat proficiency level is LV.15, and his melee attack power has increased by 150%."

"Fifth level of fighting spirit, fierce fighting +50%, strength +50%."

Yi Tian already knew where the fist intention came from.

Only through pure physical cultivation can boxing intention be born.

They don't need weapons and subconsciously fight with their fists.

Just like Sanwa, weapons are thrown away like toys.

When Yi Tian took the Yuan of Heavenly Dao, he felt the mastery of the sword.

Yi Tian believes that he has two god-level sword skills that improve his sword mastery and are more cost-effective.

"Congratulations to the lord for the upgrade of sword mastery. The current sword mastery level is LV.16, and the attack power of the sword is increased by 240%."

"Sixth level of sword intent, fierceness +60%, speed +60%."

After taking Da Wa around the War Intention Hall, Yi Tian raised his fighting proficiency to LV.16, and Da Wa became as light as a swallow at LV.16.

The spiritual power of Sixth Baby and Seventh Baby has also been increased to 4800+.

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