Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 324: Capturing the third prince of the devil alive, victory

After witnessing Jiao Yue being devoured by the Tengu, the third prince of the Demon Wolf completely changed his mind.


What kind of monster territory is this?

The third prince Mojiao didn't care about his clansmen who were still fighting bloody battles.

The take-off position was smooth, and it flew hundreds of meters into the air in the blink of an eye.

Then, before Yi Tian could react, he flew diagonally, farther and farther away.

The Lord's speed was too fast, and he couldn't run away on land. When the lord gets closer, it will be too late for him to take off.

How could Yi Tian let the third prince of the magic dragon run away? He wanted to catch the third prince of the magic dragon and try to chop him a few times.

Then tie it with a spirit rope!


The Chongming Bird flew out from behind Yi Tian.

Yi Tian jumped on the back of the Chongming Bird and chased after the third prince of the magic dragon.

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf and Tengu rushed back to the city to support the city.

When the third prince Mojiao saw Yi Tian's flying mount, his expression immediately changed.

He is in the sky, only half the speed of magic.

As long as you give him a minute, he can fly out of the lord's territory.

But birds of prey are good at flying, and even without talent, it's not something he can escape.

The third prince of the magic dragon was very anxious, but no matter how anxious he was, there was nothing he could do!

He watched helplessly as the Chongming Bird got closer and closer to him!

Then a purple light flew toward him.

Come again!


Just when the Third Prince of the Demonic Dragon had this thought, the Ice and Fire Tai Chi Diagram hit him right in the chest.

The flow of magic power throughout his body was cut off, and his body fell uncontrollably!


Below the Third Prince of the Demonic Dragon is a saltwater lake, with a large hole in the ice being smashed out of several meters of solid ice.

The Chongming Bird suddenly swooped down, approaching the direction where the third prince of the magic dragon fell.

When he was a hundred meters away, Yi Tian jumped off the Chongming Bird and landed on the ice.


The third prince of the magic dragon poked his head out of the cold lake water.

Since his body was not injured, his mind was clear and he was ready to escape immediately.

But at this time, Yi Tian was only about ten meters away from him.

In a flash, he came to the third prince of the demon dragon, and the Daxia Dragon Bird Sword fell.


The third prince of the demon dragon was unable to dodge and was slashed on the shoulder by the sword of the blessed demon-slaying knife.

As Yi Tian expected, the clothes were just cut and no scars appeared.

Yi Tian's attack directly suppressed him on the ice, making him unable to move!

The spirit binding rope came out, and Yi Tian wrapped it around the third prince of the magic dragon very skillfully.

Yi Tian knew that the black light on the third prince of the magic dragon must have a time limit.

But it doesn't matter now. If the aboriginal God's Chosen is captured alive, he will definitely be able to sell it for a good price!

Will the Demonic Flood Dragon Abyss redeem the Third Prince of the Demonic Flood Dragon?

Yi Tian is not sure.

The Demon Wolf Abyss is very cruel!

"Ah... hateful lord, let me go!"

"My father is about to become a god, and you will pay the price!"

"Being an enemy of my abyss will not end well,"

"You have no idea what the existence of my abyss is!"

The third prince of the magic dragon shouted hysterically.

This is destined to be a meaningless struggle!

While Yi Tian was fighting the SS-level warriors, densely packed undead skeletons with long wings attacked the city.

They fly thousands of meters into the air, and territorial members have nothing to do with them.

These winged undead skeletons are all holding a ferocious beast undead skeleton that matches their own strength.

When they were close, the twelve-winged tiger star beast blocked their way.


The twelve-winged tiger star beasts roared in unison, and their bodies were wrapped in light.

This kind of starlight is purple-blue, as vast and mysterious as the stars in the sky.

When the starlight enveloped the Winged Tiger Star Beast, the purple-blue starlight sometimes shrank and sometimes enlarged.

When these starlights solidified, they turned into twelve purple-blue stars.

There is a starlight connection between the stars, which is constantly turning and undulating.

Winged undead skeletons have no intelligence and only follow orders.

They invaded the city, destroyed everything, and killed everyone.

Anything in their way will be destroyed.

The skeleton army has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that they are "unafraid of death" and fill those who fight with them with fear.

The shortcomings are also obvious. When encountering creatures whose strength can crush them, they are destined to be "moths flying into the flame".

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The twelve-winged tiger star beast releases purple starlight at the same time.

The beams of light contain the destructive power of the secret of the stars.


The bloody winged undead skeletons were unable to escape and were destroyed one after another.

This caused the bloody beast undead skeleton they grabbed to fall to the ground.

Their strong physique prevents them from being thrown to death.

Other winged undead skeletons rushed over to attack Tianlong's stars.

However, after the Winged Tiger Star Beast transformed into a star, its spiritual defense increased by 500%, combined with the secrets of the stars at levels 13 and 14.

There was no damage on the bone knife of the winged undead skeleton.

One bad thing is that the Winged Tiger Star Beast needs to waste starlight to deal with the purple-gold winged undead skeleton and the golden long-winged undead skeleton that are entangled around it.

Otherwise, they will be blocked by the dense winged undead skeletons and will be unable to escape.

However, this move has relieved a lot of pressure in the city.

There are hundreds of winged undead skeletons entangled by the twelve-winged tiger star beasts alone.

And they are all a relatively powerful group.

In order to attack the twelve stars, they had to throw down the undead skeletons of the ferocious beasts they had captured.

Large numbers of winged undead skeletons took advantage of the twelve-winged tiger star beast being dragged and came to the top of the city, especially near the floating island. However, here, they were blocked by raptors such as Haidongqing and Dark Night Snow Owl.

At night, the Snowy Owl is at its most powerful.

The two Snowy Night Owls and Hai Dongqing, who were under Yi Tian's special care, could easily kill the purple-gold winged undead skeleton.

Their huge bodies flew past, their claws were like hooks, and with their speed and strength, they could easily crush the purple-gold winged undead skeletons.

The Black Fire Bird unleashed its talent, endless fire feathers were incited from under the feathers, and dozens or hundreds of winged undead skeletons were destroyed.

The airship was above the floating island, surrounded by raptors, with full firepower.

But there are too many winged undead skeletons after all!

After they lowered themselves to a certain height, they dropped the undead skeletons of ferocious beasts they carried into the city.

The most important ones are the inner city area and the northern area of ​​the outer city.

And more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in the city are ready!

The Sunset Cavalry rushed towards them, and a group of undead skeletons of black ferocious beasts that had just landed met them.

The Sunset Cavalry charged forward, leaving broken bones everywhere.

In the main building area, Li Jing sent soldiers to form a formation, and with the help of the strong men in the territory, they attacked the ferocious undead skeletons and winged undead skeletons.

Spades Bai is the top thug in Li Jing's army.

After exchanging the Battle Soul Orb, he gained level 15 in combat proficiency, and then entered the War Intention Hall for further training, reaching level 16 in combat proficiency.

Not to mention the purple-gold undead skeleton, even the blood-colored undead skeleton is no match for Spades Bai.

A purple-gold beast undead skeleton brutally killed several members of the territory.

"court death!"

When it was preparing to find its next opponent, spades came white.

This was a ferocious beast covered in bone spurs, with purple flames dancing in its eyes as it charged at Spades Bai arbitrarily.

Spade Bai does not need to take the Green Star Pill. The special talent of the Four-Armed Demon is his magic weapon to win.

The sixth level of fist intention!

Destroy the front!


Spade Bai punched the undead skeleton of a ferocious beast full of spikes, and the spikes broke instantly.

The four arms are like shadows, and the fists are deep.

When Spades Bai stopped, the beast's undead skeleton had become fragments!

Spade Bai walked around to the next battlefield, an ordinary black undead skeleton, but Spade Bai didn't even look at it.

He only stared at the purple-gold undead skeleton, so that the territory could reduce casualties.

There is a ball of SS-level Wind Fusion Origin on the shelf in the points building, and Spades Bai is very eager for it.

After getting the Fusion Wind Origin, he has no shortcomings in speed!

He must work hard, he is not the only one who needs to integrate the wind source in his territory!

"I read the sword while I was drunk, I dreamed of blowing the trumpet in the company camp, my subordinates were burned eight hundred miles apart, the sound of fifty strings tumbling outside the Great Wall, and the autumn order of troops on the battlefield..."

"Huo Ruyi shoots at the nine sunsets, and he is as powerful as the emperors flying dragons. He comes like thunder to calm down his wrath, and ends like the clear light of the river and sea..."

Du Fu and Xin Qiji are next to the Warring King Pavilion, where there are the most skeleton enemies.

One of them displays the swordsmanship of poetry, and the other displays the swordsmanship of words, forming different scenery.

The swordsmanship of the two is based on the improvement of poetry and lyrics, rather than hard training.

Now Xin Qiji's poetry and swordsmanship are perfect, and Du Fu's poetry and swordsmanship are about to be perfected.

Xin Qiji and Du Fu are both proficient in swordsmanship at level ten, and can easily kill some purple-gold undead skeletons with a three-dimensional value below 8000.

This is the area hardest hit by undead skeletons, and the main force has to be Wu Wa and Thunder Niu.


Thunder Niu made a sound from the sun, moon and sky, and all the long-winged undead skeletons in the sky north of the inner city fell.


A group of ferocious undead skeletons rushed into the high-end building, and Wuwa summoned a water dragon.

With Wu Wa's current mental and spiritual power, the water dragon summoned is fifty feet long and can last for three minutes.

Characteristics ride on a dragon and soar into the sky.


With a swipe of the divine dragon's tail, hundreds of winged undead skeletons and hundreds of ferocious beast undead skeletons were crushed.

Whether it is a purple-gold undead skeleton with long wings or a golden undead skeleton with long wings, it is as fragile as an egg shell in front of the water dragon.

Wuwa has also become the main force in killing undead skeletons.



Siwa climbed to the top of the Wu Pagoda and sprayed colorful gunpowder.

With lightning!

All undead skeletons that were close to Siwa were burned to the ground.

Sanwa relied on her jumping ability to catch the winged undead skeletons flying in the sky one by one with her bare hands.

Da Wa took advantage of splitting the mountain and kept moving.

She specifically picked purple and gold skulls to start with.

Many winged undead skeletons and ferocious beast undead skeletons will set their sights on the war manor.

But the War Manor is the place where Yi Tian's confidants are located. The most ruthless pack of Howling Moon Silver Wolves are here, and they are destined to be torn to pieces by the Howling Moon Silver Wolves.

After Fengyun White Tiger evolves, it will also face its first battle.

While the battle was going on inside the city, the battle outside the city also started.

Fight undead skeletons and undead skeletons falling from the sky, mainly attack from the north wall.

Seeing this situation, Zhuge Liang continuously mobilized soldiers, elemental warriors, three-dimensional warriors, and five-element warriors from the other three walls to return to defense!

There is a city wall that is mobile and can quickly return to defense. Erwa is here, and he is not afraid of the enemy taking advantage of the situation.

Ants must not be able to climb such a high city wall.

Two thousand meters away!

The demon dragon man accompanying the undead skeleton took out something like a "stone platform".

This stone platform seems to be hollow, only one meter long, wide and high.

But there are so many stone platforms, and the thousands of accompanying demonic dragons all carry one on their backs.

The last battle undead skeleton jumped onto thousands of stone platforms.


These fighting undead skeletons bounced together, leaning against the stone platform two thousand meters away, like cannonballs, jumping towards the city wall.

Look at this, you can just jump to the city wall.


The generals of each section of the city wall issued orders in this situation.


"Bang bang bang!"

Elemental warriors, five-element warriors, qi refiners, elemental masters, all kinds of energy soared into the sky.

The undead skeletons in the air exploded one after another when they were one thousand meters away from the city.

But the ejection speed of the undead skeleton is extremely fast, and it can eject several waves in one breath.

Elemental warriors have intervals when releasing their skills.

Now the spiritual power of elemental warriors is generally 1150+.

The power of soldiers LV.2.

The time to release a normal attack is shortened from the original five seconds to three seconds.

The time to release the skill was shortened from the original 300 seconds to 220 seconds.

In the sky, undead skeletons ejected wave after wave.

After the destruction, the bones fell.

They have no consciousness of death and are waiting for the killing that will board the city.

"Elemental warriors retreat!"

After a few waves, the long-range attacks on the city wall became a bit overwhelming.

Zu Ti and other generals issued orders to the elemental warriors.

The elemental warriors retreated towards the city wall, with the three-dimensional warriors and the five-element warriors on top.


The first black combat undead skeleton was the first to jump onto the broad city wall.


Dongfang Qiu was the closest to it. After the black fighting undead skeleton landed on the city, he was chopped into pieces by Dongfang Luo before he even raised his knife.

This is just the beginning!

When the long-range attacks were interrupted, more and more combat undead skeletons fell on the city wall.

In this wave alone, there were hundreds of undead skeletons.

The soldiers on the city wall swarmed up and destroyed these undead skeletons.

After hundreds, it was thousands, but still thousands.

Fighting began on the city walls.

At the same time, the golden combat undead skeleton and the purple-gold combat undead skeleton began to eject.

Territorial powerhouses target these high-level undead skeletons.

Next, there is the bloody battle undead skeleton.

"call out!"


Xue Rengui holds a heavenly wood bow without even aiming it.

Three arrows set the Tianshan Mountain trigger!


The bloody fighting undead skull was hit by an arrow and fell.

As soon as a bloody battle undead skeleton landed on the city wall, it was caught and exploded by Haechi.

"Psychic Sky Strike!"

As Liuwa disappeared and appeared, a bloody fighting undead skeleton was still in the air and was blown away by Liuwa's strength.

Qi Wa used the gourd to release the Heavenly Ice Palm several times in succession.

Each time, a bloody battle undead skeleton or a bloody ferocious beast undead skeleton can be destroyed.

These bloody undead skeletons have average combat and defense capabilities, and Qi Wa only needs to use a little strength.


The stars in the sky quickly cleared away the winged undead skeletons that entangled them.

They shoot down starlight and kill the bloody undead skeletons and purple-gold undead skeletons.

Xue Rengui fired all three arrows, and all the bloody undead skeletons were destroyed.

At this time, the demonic dragons had arrived outside the north city. They took advantage of the fierce battle on the city wall and landed on the city one after another with the help of stone platforms.

Thousands of S-level warriors, if they come together, can attack the city in an instant.

But at this time, the twelve-winged tiger star beast stepped forward.

They flew over the heads of the demonic dragons and used only 20% of their star power to kill dozens of demonic dragons with 9000+ magic power and hundreds of demonic dragons with 8000+ magic power.

The powerful demon dragon man tried to attack Ziwei Xingchen with martial arts, but it had no effect at all.

However, the starlight of the Winged Tiger Star Beast can directly destroy the defensive martial arts of the Demonic Dragon Man and kill him.

Attack from top to bottom, there is no way for the demonic dragons to avoid it!

A few minutes later, the twelve stars had dimmed and no longer emitted starlight, but the demon dragon man still felt like he was being hung over by a sharp axe.

As a result, the first wave of people who climbed onto the city wall were only A-level demonic dragons.

On the city wall, the elemental warriors and elemental divisions attacked from a distance, and the gas warriors, soldiers, and three-dimensional warriors attacked from a short range, gradually stabilizing the situation.

The A-level demonic dragon people's participation in the battle only increased the pressure on them, but it was far from enough to cause the defense line to collapse.

The territorial members on the city wall all have special talent bonuses from generals, and their combat effectiveness is generally higher than that of black undead skeletons.

The battle is in full swing, and the members of the territory are also showing their spirit of disregarding death and must not be pushed off the city wall.

In this battle, the Five Elements Warriors played a great role and became the backbone of the territory.

The powerful demon dragon man looked at the twelve-winged tiger star beast, but it was just hanging high and no longer emitted starlight.

They guessed that these stars were no longer useful.



Just when they were about to eject, two voices, one white and one red, rushed toward them.

The demonic dragon warriors at the rear came to stop them, but when the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf and Tengu pounced, dozens of them flew into the air.

Both the Howling Moon Silver Wolf and the Tengu are very good at speed.

After the Demonic Dragon Man was rushed into the formation by Xiaoyue Silver Wolf and Tengu, he could no longer be captured.


Before a late S-level demonic dragon could react, he was slapped on the chest by Xiaoyue Silver Wolf.

A claw mark appeared on its chest, and its white bones were clearly visible.

The Tengu also took the opportunity to bite off a mid-level S-level demonic dragon.

The demonic dragon people wanted to fight back, but found that they could not lock on the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf and the Tengu.

There were demonic dragons everywhere, and the Tengu and Xiaoyue Silver Wolf shrank into the demonic dragons, causing accidental damage to them.

"Psychic Sky Strike!"

At this time, Liuwa had already disappeared under the city wall. She found a demonic dragon who was about to break through to the SS level and punched him.


The demonic dragon man's clothes were torn, his shield was not activated, and he flew backwards.

After all this hard work, there are not many demonic dragons left in the late S level!

Another little one appeared, making the demonic dragon camp even more chaotic.

When several martial arts attacks hit Liu Wa, Liu Wa disappeared.

"Destruction Palm!"

Liuwa once again appeared behind a late-stage S-level demonic dragon.

He put his small palm on the back of the demonic dragon man and slapped him to death.

Although the Destruction Palm that Liu Wa learned in the Sutra Pavilion was an SS-level martial skill, it was only a small success.

But Liuwa had a fifteenth-level spiritual secret and an SSS-level spiritual treasure, the Nirvana Spirit Bead. This demonic dragon man was a Qi Refiner, and he was attacked to death immediately.

After this happened, other S-class demonic dragons activated their shields one after another.

"Destruction Palm!"

Still doesn't work.

Liuwa aimed at mid-level S level, her defensive martial arts were also shattered, and she died tragically on the spot.

The Howling Moon Silver Wolf and Tengu are still causing harm.

This is the tragedy of not being strong!

When two sides fight, if one side is strong, their personal strength will crush the other side.

Even with thousands of troops, defeat is inevitable.

The demonic dragon people were no longer in the mood to attack the city. They ran around to avoid it, and everyone was in danger.

Only the undead skeletons are still fulfilling their duties and fighting without fear of death.

Yi Tian sat on the Chongming Bird and flew to the north over the battlefield.

He held the spirit-binding rope in his hand, hoisted the third prince of the devil dragon, and carried it in mid-air, so that all the devil dragon people could see their "high above" third prince.

In order to prevent the Third Prince of the Demonic Dragon from screaming, Yi Tian sealed his mouth with a piece of ice.

When cultivators fight against cultivators, if the strongest person on one side is captured alive by the other, the morale of the side that loses its leader will collapse, without exception.

This is not a battle between mortals that can be won by courage.

A group of magic dragon people looked at the third prince of the magic dragon who was tied up in mid-air. They felt like the sky was falling.

Don't they fight bravely in the hope of victory?

What's the point of dying when there's no hope of victory?

Not only the Third Prince of the Demonic Dragon, but also none of the adults showed up.

This means that they will either run away or be killed.

"Listen, all demonic dragons, put down your weapons and surrender, and I will spare your life, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

Yi Tian circulated his spiritual energy, and his voice rolled downwards.

Yi Tian's voice can be heard on the long front.

The third prince of the magic dragon kept struggling, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

The creatures in the Demonic Abyss did not put down their weapons as Yi Tian expected.

"Run away! If you fall into the hands of the lord, life will be worse than death. There are so many of us, and he can't possibly kill us all. The undead skeletons will hold back the lord's pursuers!"

An S-level late-stage demonic dragon man seemed to understand the meaning of the third demonic dragon prince from his demeanor. He activated his magic power and let out a long drink.

Only other magic dragons can react, right?

No matter how powerful the lord is, he is not a god.

They are more willing to take a gamble than to be captured alive by the lord and enslaved.

Whoever was unlucky was caught up and killed by the demon lord.

Fortunately, you can run out of the territory in a short time.

Only some of the demonic dragon people chose the north, while a large number of demonic dragon people fled for their lives in the south, east, and west.

"Seeking death! Tianbing Palm!"

The long-drinking demon dragon man was targeted by Yi Tian, ​​and he slapped him to death.

Now there are at least 40,000 demonic dragons. If Yi Tian uses up another round of spiritual power and all his physical strength, it is impossible to kill even one tenth of them.

What's more, the demonic dragon people are running away, and it won't be long before they escape from the territory.

Yi Tian was not stupid enough to chase down these demonic dragons, but came to the empty ship.

At this time, the battle with the undead skeletons is coming to an end.

After the bloody, purple-gold, and gold undead skeletons were destroyed, the other black undead skeletons became a test stone for the members of the territory.

Yi Tian mobilized thousands of people from the Sixiang Army, led by Siwa and Wuwa, and took an airship to intercept the demonic dragons in the west.

Let Huo Qubing lead the Sunset Hussars to intercept the demonic dragons escaping to the south.

Let the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf Pack, under the leadership of Xiaoyue, go intercept the Demonic Dragon Man in the north. Also there are the Dark Night Snow Owls, Golden Eagle, and Hai Dongqing. Let Guan Yu lead a group of Longque Guard soldiers to follow behind them to assist.

Let the Five Elements Soldiers, led by Da Wa and San Wa, pursue the demonic dragon people who fled to the east.

Da Wa and San Wa ride on Zuowu, accompanied by the ruthless character Tengu.

Try to catch them alive!

Now Yitian is poor and short of money!

The living ones can be sold directly. These demonic dragons with a minimum level of A are very marketable!

Other territorial members continue to clear out the undead skeletons.

Yi Tian did not help the members of the territory to clear it out, because there were no golden undead skeletons standing.

Black undead skeleton allows territory members to get some points and coins.

On the city walls and inside the city, in addition to the remains of soldiers, there were also the bodies of many territorial members.

Yi Tian felt quite uncomfortable.

Conservative estimates put the number of deaths and injuries in the thousands.

They didn't die in the same level game, they were all killed by undead skeletons above S level.

A purple-gold undead skeleton suddenly appears. If the strong men in the territory have no time to resist, it can kill dozens of territory members in an instant.

Fortunately, Yi Tian had arms like the Twelve Winged Tigers, otherwise the casualties would have been even greater.

Yi Tian went to attack the SS-level enemy, and he did not hesitate to use Tianyu Zimo.

This is to prevent SS-level demonic dragons from confronting members of the territory.

Xiaobai's big promotion disrupted Yi Tian's plan.

Fortunately, Yi Tian had a lot of resources and could easily catch up with Xiao Bai's cultivation.

Crushing with hard power is the main reason why Yi Tian can easily solve the battle.

With Yi Tian's current mysteries, talents, and magical powers, even if he comes to the mid-term SS level, he will be crushed by Yi Tian!

If we talk about the classification of geniuses, the third prince Mojiao can barely be regarded as the top genius.

It just depends on when the aboriginal genius and the king of genius will arrive!

Yi Tian believes that this day will not be far away!

After looking around in the air to confirm that there were no undead skeletons, Yi Tian flew to the southwest on the Chongming Bird.

If you intercept one more demonic dragon, even if you are in the early A-level stage, you will gain millions of Tiandao coins.

The strength of the demon dragon people varies from good to bad.

They are not as light as a swallow, and S-class might be able to escape from the fog.

But in A-level, especially in the early stages of A-level, the sunset hussars, airships, and five-element warriors were quickly overtaken.

The fastest ones are the Snowy Owl and the Silver Wolf.

They can even intercept mid-level S-class demon werewolves!

More than fifty moon-whispering silver wolves were on the ground, twenty dark night snow owls, two golden eagles, two sea green eagles, and a black firebird were in the sky.

The demonic dragon people wanted to resist at first, but after Xiaoyue killed several mid-level S-level demonic dragons, and the Dark Night Snow Owl and Howling Moon Silver Wolf killed them all, the demonic wolf man surrendered.

This is just a wave.

The demonic dragon people escaping to the north were divided into ten waves.

The Dragon Bird Guard confiscated the weapons of these demonic dragons, and after watching them, the ferocious beasts went to surround another wave.

Yi Tianti sneaked the third prince of the magic dragon, one person and one bird to stop a wave.

There were many stubborn demonic dragons. Yi Tian used fire spells to kill several demonic dragons before restraining them.

Yi Tian left the Chongming Bird to guard him, and it went on foot to intercept the others.

When a wave of demonic dragons were about to run out of the fog, Yi Tian dragged the third prince of the demonic dragons to stand in front of them.

Because Yi Tian ran too fast, the third prince of the magic dragon rubbed against the ice.

This wave of demonic dragons is about to escape from their territory, how can they give up?

Regardless, they dispersed and rushed towards the mist.



Yi Tian pointed out the sword energy with his finger, and everyone who ran was injured and fell to the ground.

In the face of absolute strength, the devil's idea is too naive.

After severely injuring half of the demonic dragons, they were completely stopped!

At this point, the demonic dragon man who should have escaped has already escaped!

Of course, there are also a group of magic dragon people who are very clever. They hide in the mountains and forests of their territory, under the ice, and in snow nests.

Wait for the lord's pursuers to leave, and then escape from the territory!

But if they don't leave, Yi Tian's mission will not be completed!

The task of finding the hidden demon dragon is left to Erwa, who carries the Dzi Bead, and the raptor in the sky.

Night will not make it difficult to find the magic dragon!

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