Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 355 Qin Fanshuang, master of swordsmanship LV19

Chapter 355 Qin Fanshuang, proficient in swordsmanship LV.19


As the spiritual energy rain fell, the soldiers patrolling the city wall immediately noticed that their three-dimensional skyrocketed.

They quickly thanked the Lord.

Then there are the ten major tribes that have no houses to live in. Whether they are babies waiting to be fed or old people on the verge of death, their bodies have been transformed by spiritual power.

From a mortal to E-class, D-class, C-class, with a longer lifespan.

Some well-established people, who originally had a three-dimensional level of 100, now directly become B-level.

Among the ten major tribes, the members of the ten major tribes who are strong and brave and are being selected as soldiers have their cultivation level exceeding 1300+.

There are many people who have made rapid progress after reaching the late A-level stage, and now directly break through to S-level.

This big improvement has swept away the haze of the tribe being breached.

They don't understand why this happens?

When they learned that this was the good fortune that the lord had secured for them, they were infinitely grateful to Yi Tian and became full of loyalty.

The cultivation base of the soldiers in the territory has been greatly improved, especially the Sunset Hussars, who all have a cultivation level of more than 2,100.

The auspicious beasts in the territory are also changing to a stronger state.

The most depressing ones are the Qi refiners and elemental masters in the territory.

How great it would be if we could improve our spiritual power and vitality!

The rules of heaven and earth and the emphasis on three dimensions must have their purpose.

Improving so many three dimensions can also be regarded as improving the overall combat power.

All ferocious beasts and desolate beasts have reached a higher level.

Those beginningless gray wolves broke through to 10,500+ and became the most powerful ones in the territory.

"Congratulations to the lord for becoming the Lord of the Six-Star City!"

After Yi Tian stabilized his mind, the Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian.

If calculated according to points.

Millions of people have broken through C level, which can provide Yitian with hundreds of millions of points.

Not to mention there are a large number of B-level, A-level, and S-level breakthroughs.

Yi Tian even felt that if he worked harder, he could become the Lord of Seven Star City.

It is very important for Yi Tian to become the Lord of Seven Star City before the assessment.

Yi Tian decided to try this method by expanding the territory before the assessment.

The level improvement of the city lord is different from that of other lords.

Expanding the territory area is also one of the ways to improve the level of the city lord.

Yi Tian walked to the colorful glazed treasure box and put the colorful glazed treasure box into the storage ring.

Yitian's territory fortune is now 520%.

The last time he opened the colorful glazed treasure chest, Yi Tian's territory fortune was 280%.

Even so, a quasi-god level spiritual treasure was released.

Yi Tian is looking forward to the harvest of the colorful glazed treasure chest.

Two Dzi beads!

Collect all eight Heavenly Beast Dzi Beads.

Next month, Yi Tian is confident that he will become an Eighteen-Star Merchant, and then he can open a Dzi Bead store and gain profits.

There were two Dzi beads, and Yi Tian had nothing to exchange for them in the Dzi bead store.

If chosen, Yi Tian would choose to exchange it for an SSS-level elixir with the best potency.

The Skill Master Scroll is of no use to Yi Tian.

If it is a skill master upgrade stone, Yi Tian may also exchange it.

The spiritual object dropped by the snow beast is the Tianbing spiritual heart.

For cultivators who possess the secret of ice, after taking Tianbing Spiritual Heart, their level below ten will be increased by seven levels.

Levels above ten and below level fifteen will increase by four levels.

Those above level 15 and those below level 20 will be promoted to three levels. Above level 20, advance one level.

The icing on the cake.

Although Yi Tian's Ice Mystery has been sublimated into the Sky Ice Mystery, the level of improvement in spiritual objects has not changed.

The Heavenly Ice Mystery increases by a wave, increasing the power of the Heavenly Ice Divine Palm.

The consumption of Tianbing Palm is much lower than that of Five Elements Bagua Divine Fist, and its release speed is faster.

Maybe there will be ice attribute magical powers in the future.

Winter beads.

After taking it, any weapon proficiency and body refiner skills will be improved by three levels, up to level 20.

The effect of winter beads made Yi Tian's eyes light up.

His mastery of swordsmanship is showing off!

Returned with a full load.

I really want to go back and open the box, but I still have to go to Qin Fanshuang’s territory.

Riding on the Howling Moon Silver Wolf, he held the drowsy Erba in his arms.

Zoned channel.

"The winter beasts and snow beasts have been eliminated, brothers, there is no need to search for them."

Yi Tianjian was still bragging about his eternal first place in the division and sent a message.

It was not yet half past twelve, and most of the lords were still awake.

The lords congratulated Yi Tian one after another, wondering who had found the heavenly beast!

When looking for heavenly beasts, opportunity is one aspect, and perseverance is also another aspect.

The place Qin Fanshuang was looking for was located in a high mountain stream. Not only was it inaccessible, but ferocious beasts often appeared there.

Even if the lords get to that place, they generally don't dare to go deep.

"A lord has been detected entering your territory, please be prepared."

Qin Fanshuang, who was restless in the territory, suddenly received this Tiandao Stone reminder.

Combined with the message Yi Tiangang sent in the partition channel.

She knew that Yi Tian had come in.

This man was from the same planet and nation as her.

You shouldn't be so cautious, but in just a few months, the myth Yi Tian created is beyond the imagination of people on earth.

There are dragons and phoenixes, heavenly clans, giants, gods and demons everywhere here.

These existed in legends, but were surpassed by Yi Tian and tortured to pieces.

Yi Tian was not very powerful from the beginning. His growth and wealth are obvious to all.

It's just that his growth rate makes it difficult for the lords to understand.

How can a human body be compared with a descendant of a god?

Yi Tian tells the world!


After Xiao Yue Silver Wolf entered Qin Fanshuang's territory, he howled.

Divine power and beastly power permeate the air.

The small animals in Qin Fanshuang's territory were so frightened that they trembled, and even the subordinates in Qin Fanshuang's territory were startled by the wolf howl and broke into cold sweats.

They have never encountered such a strong person!

"Xiaoyue, keep a low profile."

Yi Tian touched Xiaoyue Silver Wolf's head.

It's not good to scare away members of other people's territories.

Qin Fanshuang's territory was not very large, almost fifty or sixty square kilometers.

Mountains, lakes, plains, grasslands, and woods are almost enlarged versions of the original territory.

Unlike Yi Tian's current territory, it has completely separated from the original traces.

On the southern plain, there is a small city tens of meters high, covering an area almost the same size as Yi Tian's war manor.

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf made a few jumps and arrived at the bottom of the city wall.

The members of Qin Fanshuang's territory on the city wall saw Xiaoyue Silver Wolf's fierce eyes and lost the courage to fight.


At this time, the city gate opened wide.

Qin Fanshuang, dressed in white leather clothing, appeared at the city gate.

It was the first time Yi Tian saw Qin Fanshuang. His eyebrows were clear and his expression was quiet. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties, with long hair tied up.

Yi Tian never knew Qin Fanshuang's appearance and age.

When we first met, she was quite stunning. She is a rare beauty on earth.

When Yi Tian was observing Qin Fanshuang, Qin Fanshuang was also observing Yi Tian.

He was younger than she had imagined. He had a resolute temperament and a restrained authority.

Riding a big white wolf and holding a little girl in his arms.

Out of politeness, she did not use the Tiandao Stone to test Xiaoyue Silver Wolf's strength.

She knew that this was a beast that she could not imagine.

"Qin Fanshuang, I didn't expect you to be such a beautiful woman. It's an honor to meet you."

Yi Tian jumped off Xiaoyue Silver Wolf and walked towards Qin Fanshuang.

Qin Fanshuang, the first month of the year is full of frost, and my heart is sad. Her name should be taken from "The Book of Songs".

"Lord Yitian, welcome to my territory."

Qin Fanshuang replied in a very formal manner.

"Won't you invite me to come in and sit down?" Yi Tian looked at Qin Fanshuang, who was a little restrained, and said with a smile.

He could understand Qin Fanshuang. Looking back on the past four months, Yi Tian was amazed.


Qin Fanshuang knew it was rude and immediately invited Yi Tian.

Just like that, Yi Tian held the second baby, followed by Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, who was walking slowly and looking left and right.

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf thought to himself, this territory is too bad, even if there is no spiritual energy, it doesn't even have much richness.

After three months in Yitian territory, Xiaoyue's vision has also improved.

The members of Qin Fanshuang's territory did not dare to say anything when faced with this scene.

They didn't expect that the lord would have such a friend,


From now on, I won’t even dare to have any thoughts of rebellion.

Yi Tian's invisible shock greatly increased the loyalty of the members of Qin Fanshuang's territory.

"This is my second daughter. She needs to sleep at night, otherwise I'll wake her up and let you get to know her."

Yi Tian stroked Erwa's face and said to Qin Fanshuang.

"Second daughter?" Qin Fanshuang was puzzled. Even if Yi Tian got married, he couldn't bring his daughter with him!

I don't know why, but I feel strange in my heart.

"The daughter I got in the world of heaven is a gift from God. Although she is not my biological child, she is better than my biological child." Yi Tian explained to Qin Fanshuang.

"Then let's speak softly and don't wake her up." Qin Fanshuang said softly.

Although it was strange that Yi Tian brought the little baby with him when he killed the heavenly beast, Qin Fanshuang was very happy when he saw such a cute second baby.

"It doesn't matter! There's no danger, it's hard for the second baby to be woken up." Although Yi Tian said this, his voice was also lowered.

"I don't have anything to entertain you when you come to visit. I have some B-grade spiritual fruit wine. I hope you won't mind it."

When we arrived at the place where Qin Fanshuang lived, it was a three-story building. Because the living room was simple, it seemed particularly spacious and clean.

Qin Fanshuang lit a bright candle on the table, which looked warm again.

"Thank you! Anything is fine. How can a guest ask for a host?" Yi Tian didn't care.

With his level of cultivation, drinking B-grade spiritual fruit wine would be of no use at all.

He doesn't like drinking either.

After helping Yi Tian drink, Qin Fanshuang's eyes were nowhere to be found, and she wanted to say something to Yi Tian, ​​but she realized that she and Yi Tian had no common language.

She knew that what happened in the world of heaven and cultivation were not worth mentioning to Yi Tian.

Everything Yi Tian comes into contact with is difficult for her to come into contact with.

Yi Tianze didn't think so and only talked to her about some things on earth.

She is from the north and has an extraordinary status. On earth, they belong to the "official family" that Yi Tian cannot contact.

She is an only child and has no brothers or sisters in the world of heaven.

There are some, though, cousins.

Looking for relatives requires opportunities.

Or bad luck.

Or he is an outstanding person on the four major gold lists.

But among the billions of creatures in the universe, there are only one hundred thousand among the four golden lists. There are also some lords who occupy multiple lists.

When Qin Fanshuang was chatting with Yi Tian, ​​she still fantasized about returning to Earth, where her parents and relatives were all.

I don’t know what’s going on with the earth. No one will let go of the bonds we have.

Yi Tian comforted her that she would be able to return to earth sooner or later.

And Yi Tian was 80% certain that as long as he could survive for three years, he would definitely have a chance.

Because the rules of heaven select a group of people for testing, not for killing.

Three years, unable to pass the test and still alive. The rules of heaven will never kill the eliminated ones, right?

It’s impossible even to think about!

At that time, the lord may be allowed to choose whether to return to his home planet.

Qin Fanshuang was very excited when she heard Yi Tian's speculation.

But there is also melancholy.

She knew that it was impossible for Yi Tian to go back.

Yi Tian is like a son of destiny, born for this.

After returning, she could no longer see Yi Tian's glory.

"Qin Fanshuang, thank you for your reminder this time. In that extremely cold place, winter beasts and snow beasts are all there, which saved me a lot of time and allowed me to get what I wanted. I promised to the division channel, who can help me find it? I will be very grateful for the clues about the heavenly beasts. You can help me find two heavenly beasts at once. What do you need?"

After nearly an hour of discussion with Qin Fanshuang, Yi Tiancai told Qin Fanshuang about the business.

In the middle of the night, Yi Tian couldn't be bothered for too long.

Yi Tian is also very busy!

"It's just a small effort, no need to say thank you. You told me that it is possible to go back in two years, which is the greatest thank you to me." Qin Fanshuang replied to Yi Tian.

In this world where gods and demons reign supreme, Qin Fanshuang knows how weak she is.

She has no great ambition to break through the world of heaven. Being able to go back is her greatest hope.

She thought that most of what she got would be wasted, so it would be better to let Yi Tian add more resources.

"How can this work! I will keep my words and my actions will bear fruit."

Yi Tian took out a ball of Tianzhan bloodline essence, two weapon soul crystals, and five weapon soul crystals.

"Come on, this is my thanks to you. Just absorb them!"

Yi Tian said to Qin Fanshuang.

Qin Fanshuang is proficient in swordsmanship at the sixth level, and absorbing one weapon soul crystal can increase it by two levels.

After absorbing one Weapon Soul Heavenly Essence, if the secret is above level ten and below level fifteen, it can be upgraded by one level.

He has Heavenly War, plus level 15 weapon proficiency.

Whoever attacks Qin Fanshuang will suffer.

Qin Fanshuang was curious about the white light moving in Yi Tian's hand and didn't know what it was.


Yi Tian held the Tianzhan Bloodline Essence in his hand, and before Qin Fanshuang could react, he patted it on the top of her head.

Qin Fanshuang had no power to resist at all.

She felt like she couldn't move for a moment, and a warm current penetrated from the top of her head to her whole body.

In just one minute, Qin Fanshuang was filled with fighting spirit.

Awakening of majestic energy.

After the essence of Tianzhan's blood circulated in Qin Fanshuang's body for several times, it turned into the origin of Tianzhan and entered every part of Qin Fanshuang's body.

Another ten minutes or so.

"Congratulations to the lord for activating the SSS-level talent Heavenly War! Strength +80, Constitution +80, Agility +80."

"Start the Sky War, increase your strength by 80%, your constitution by 80%, and your agility by 80%. Characteristics: Indomitable. Attack power increases by 20%, defense power increases by 20%."

Such a reminder sounded in Qin Fanshuang's mind.

Her mind went blank.


SSS level talent.

The strongest talent below the god level!

It is common for Yi Tian to be exposed to this kind of thing. But for Qin Fanshuang, a B-level talent is like a one-of-a-kind talent.

SSS level talents and characteristics. I don’t know how many people will be envied by this.

This was a talent planted in her by Yi Tian himself, and she couldn't resist.

At the same time, I feel so overwhelmed that I don’t know how to face it.

"This year, we faced cold and heat, strong winds, chased by ferocious beasts, and invaded by aboriginal people. Only with strong strength can you survive two years before you can go back to see your family. You don't have to worry about these, including weapons. Sky Crystal and Weapon Soul Sky Crystal, these are not worth mentioning to me."

Yi Tianyu said to Qin Fanshuang earnestly, and put the weapon Soul Sky Crystal on the table.

He knocked on the table again, as if to say, don't let me use force again.

"Thank you, Yi Tian." Qin Fanshuang said with a blushing face.

She believed that what she helped Yi Tian could easily do.

She deserves such a great gift to transform her.

"We come from the same clan and are close by blood, so there is no need to be polite. Well! It's getting late, I have to go back!"

Yi Tian bid farewell to Qin Fanshuang.

"I'll send you away!"

Because of the lord's mechanism, Qin Fanshuang didn't know how to persuade him to stay, and he couldn't.

She rubbed her eyes and said to Yi Tian.

After sending Yi Tian outside the city, Qin Fanshuang wanted to send him off again, but was stopped by Yi Tian: "No need, I'm riding the Howling Moon Silver Wolf, you can't catch up. We'll meet again later! This month's assessment is over, come and sit in my territory. .”

"I will definitely come as promised."

Qin Fanshuang replied to Yi Tian.

"See you later!"

Yi Tian said his last goodbyes, and then Xiaoyue Silver Wolf turned into a white shadow and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Fanshuang rushed out of her territory.

Qin Fanshuang was outside the city, staring blankly at the direction in which Yi Tian disappeared.

The moon in the sky shines on the unmelted snow, silvery white and bright, like a dream.

Qin Fanshuang squatted down and wrote Yi Tian's name in the snow...


After leaving Qin Fanshuang's territory, Yi Tian took out the top-level fog scroll and gave an order.

White light enveloped Yi Tian, ​​and the next second, Yi Tian returned to his territory.

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf took Yi Tian and quickly returned to Dao City.

Flying to the floating island, Yi Tian did not sleep, but just carried Erwa back to the attic.

Come to the Tianbao Stone in Qingxia Lingshan, and first take out the Tianbing Spiritual Heart.

After swallowing it in one gulp, it feels cold and refreshing.

The profound meaning of Tianbing in the body mobilizes itself.

Tian Bing's spiritual heart, the transformed will of ice, allowed Yi Tian to deepen his understanding of ice.

ten minutes later……

"Congratulations to the lord, Sky Ice Mystery, for upgrading. Currently, Sky Ice Mystery is LV.18, and the ice attribute power has been increased by 360%."

"The eighth level of the true meaning of ice, extreme cold +80%, freezing +80%."

This is a big improvement for lords who have the secret of ice.

For Yi Tian, ​​the power of the Heavenly Ice Divine Palm is there, and the combat effectiveness will not let the genius on the combat power gold list drop much.

Winter beads!

After swallowing the winter bead, Yi Tian released his sword intention and sword mastery to refine the mystery of the winter bead in his body.

Soon, this mystery coincided with Yi Tian's sword intention.

In the process of this fit, Yi Tian's sword intent sublimated.

Countless sword moves evolve in consciousness...

"Congratulations to the lord for upgrading his kendo proficiency. The current kendo proficiency level is LV.19. Using the sword in melee combat, the attack power is increased by 285%."

"The ninth level of sword intent, sharpness +90%, oppression +90%."


You can practice Yuxu Tongtian Sword!

"The colorful glazed treasure chest, you have to be more diligent!"

Yi Tian looks forward to Yuxu Tongtian Sword very much.

Dzi bead exchange shop.

Yi Tian planned to use both of the two Dzi beads to return the Dzi beads to their place.

It is impossible for Yi Tian to redeem the skill master upgrade scroll.

There is no point in upgrading archery proficiency!

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