Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 392 Colorful Epiphyllum, difficulty increases

Thousands of acres of spiritual rice just matured yesterday.

It’s enough to use the territory members and the Flying Tiger Legion for a while!

Now Lingmi ripens every month!

When the soil in the territory becomes top-quality soil, the spiritual rice will ripen in twelve days.

What's more, there is Jia Sixie's special talent [God rewards those who work hard].

Yi Tian let the ferocious beast eat spiritual rice for the good of the ferocious beast.

It can speed up the physical training of ferocious beasts.

this point is very important!

"Okay, Lord Lord!"

Letting a group of carnivorous raptors eat food is a bit unethical.

But if the lord keeps his word, it will be useless for Mr. Shenhu to make trouble.

Gu Qianqiu also had an excuse to prevaricate.

That talking tiger is so difficult!

Yi Tian returned to Floating Island and went straight to the attic on Qingxia Lingshan Mountain.

He is going to plant colorful night-blooming cereus.

Try the power of colorful night-blooming cereus.

One and a half million drops of wood spirit liquid.

After planting it in the flower bed, Yi Tian poured all the prepared wood spirit liquid on it and waited for the short-lived flower to appear.

Zoned channel.

"Haha, it's such a comfortable life like this. Planting flowers, fishing, and being as happy as a god."

"I thought the store's business would get worse after I was eliminated, but I didn't expect it to get better and better."

"I have made a financial plan. In two years, I will earn enough 100,000 units of gold and return to my home planet to become a rich man!"

"Boss, have you experienced any misfortune or fortune from heaven?"

"We enjoy the rare tranquility without coming."

"It's the calm before the storm. Maybe the bad luck from heaven will come directly! It's so hard for us who want to be eliminated but are not eliminated! We only hope to persist for two years!"

"If you are eliminated after two years, even if you return to your home planet, you will still be a big shot!"

While Yi Tian was waiting for the colorful epiphyllum to bloom, he watched the channel and chatted.

"Yitian, you know something big has happened? It's very bad for you!"

Yi Tian suddenly received news from Zihuang Yuewu!

"What's the big deal? I don't know!" Yi Tian is so busy that he pays far less attention to new news than Zihuang Yuewu.

Yi Tian frowned at the big event that was unfavorable to him.

"The Ancient God Cave Teleportation Stone can be traded!" Zihuang Yuewu said astonishingly.

Depend on!

Ancient God Cave Heaven is the reward of the Mercenary King. Can this thing be traded?


Tiandao Stone, it was never said that Ancient God Cave Heaven could not be traded!

Would anyone give up the opportunity of Ancient God Cave Heaven?

there must be!

At the very least, if you are among the top ten on the SS-level combat power gold list, and among the top ten on the SSS-level combat power gold list, you can get the Ancient God Cave Teleportation Stone.

Originally, Yi Tian thought that he was going to conquer the cave of the ancient gods. Gods would kill gods if they blocked them, and demons would kill demons if they blocked them.

How could such a thing happen!

Those top races, in order to prevent Yi Tian from gaining power, would give the opportunity of the Ancient God Cave Heaven to the proud king of the race.

Even those B-level lords and A-level lords who own the Ancient God Cave Teleportation Stone will be robbed.

Those C-level mercenaries who possess the Ancient God Cave Teleportation Stone have not been eliminated. They have the Divine Liquid of Heaven and the rules of Heaven, which means they advance by default.

These people may also be the targets of some people with evil intentions.

"This is indeed not good news!" Yi Tian said to Zihuang Yuewu.

"It's so unfair, the old thief of Tiandao. Why are we working so hard to become the king of mercenaries, but those people are grabbing our resources?" Thinking of Yi Tian's situation, Zihuang Yuewu was inexplicably angry!

"Do those people you are talking about include your mother?" Yi Tian teased Zihuang Yuewu.

"Including!" Zihuang Yuewu said decisively.

"Uh! Your mother will definitely get the Ancient God Cave Teleportation Stone. She will be so sad when she hears your words!" Yi Tian was unexpected.

"I would say the same thing if she were in front of me!" Zihuang Yuewu said.

"We may not lose to those people, so relax!" Yi Tian comforted Zihuang Yuewu.

SS level, no one can beat him.

At SSS level, there aren't many lords who can defeat him.

There is no need for Yi Tian to be timid, what should be his is his.

"There are still six days left, so hurry up and improve. Many SSS-level lords are threatening to destroy you!" Zihuang Yuewu reminded Yi Tian.

"Six days are enough for me to improve, don't worry! You should also work hard, I think Ancient God Cave Heaven is very extraordinary." Yi Tian said to Zihuang Yuewu.

Yi Tian chatted with Zihuang Yuewu for a while and then hung up.

His colorful epiphyllum has bloomed!

The oval petals, in seven colors, are very beautiful.

Yi Tian picked off the colorful epiphyllum and flew it to the Tianbao Stone.

Run the divine light of the five elements and swallow the night-blooming cereus.

The medicinal power of Epiphyllum turned into inexplicable power and was absorbed by Yi Tian.

This power brought Yi Tian into a strange artistic conception.

With the blood boiling, the understanding of the five elements of divine light is rapidly improving...

It seems like a hundred years, and it seems like a moment.

A five-color light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he woke up from his artistic conception.

"Congratulations to the lord for achieving a small breakthrough in the Five Elements Divine Light. The spiritual power has increased by 600%."

"Characteristic one, extreme speed, the five elements of divine light have a speed consistent with its attack power, and the attack distance of the five elements of divine light is increased by 50%. Characteristic two, the five elements are in conflict with each other. When facing enemies with five elements attributes, the attack power of the five elements of divine light is increased by 30%. Characteristic three, All things are unified, and the five elements of divine light ignore any martial arts shield, talent shield, magic shield, elemental shield, witchcraft shield, etc."

"So fast!"

Yi Tian looked at the time. From taking Epiphyllum to breakthrough, it didn't even take half a minute.

Yi Tian was very happy to achieve a small breakthrough and meet Yi Tian's expectations.

An attack like the Five Elements Divine Light, as long as it is a small success and combined with the Five Elements Mystery, will be a qualitative change.

The speed is consistent with the attack power, making it extremely difficult for the enemy to dodge Yi Tian's current attack.

All things are unified, so that those creatures with powerful magical shields will suffer severely.

It's a pity that Colorful Epiphyllum can only be taken once, otherwise Yi Tian will ripen it.

That colorful epiphyllum is not dead yet, but its flowers have been picked. After a hundred thousand months, it will bloom again.

After the little milk babies are stripped of their magical powers, Yi Tian will continue to ripen them.

There are still 2.63 million drops of wood spirit liquid left.

There are 42 types of SS-level spiritual fruit trees in Yitian, but I have never taken any of them.

He plans to ripen these SS-level spiritual fruit trees.

With the bonuses of Qingxia Lingshan and Jasper Spirit Tree, each SS-level spiritual fruit is only slightly worse than SSS-level spiritual fruit.

With the help of Liyue and Qixin, the ripening process was quickly completed.

Some SS-level spiritual fruits have been growing for some time.

This time only 400,000 drops of wood spirit liquid were used.

These spiritual fruits can provide Yi Tian with 1525 strength, 1515 agility, 1630 constitution, and 1420 spiritual power.

There is no spiritual fruit that adds spiritual power.

Give the little milk babies one baby each, Liyue, Qixin, and Mengxue.

The remaining ones are the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger, the Kunpeng, the Black Dragon, the Cailuan, the Insect Ni, the Heavenly Dog, and the Water Qilin.

Give Zihuang Yuewu a wave!

There are still four waves left, and Yi Tian is ready to sell.

Because Yi Tian felt that giving it to other ferocious beasts would not greatly improve the territory. He wants to open the second-level space-time stone again.

Yi Tian is short of money and has to pay Xu Lingyun Tiandao coins tomorrow. His current balance is not enough.

Instead of selling resources and rare treasures, why not hold a personal auction house and sell useless things!

After all the territory guardian beasts took it, Water Qilin still had the highest cultivation level, with 27500+.

Kunpeng and other guardian beasts have nearly 26,000 three-dimensional and spiritual powers.

Yi Tian originally wanted to spawn hundreds of S-level spiritual fruits to improve the cultivation level of the members of the territory.

It suddenly occurred to me that [Wonderland on Earth] would reward a batch of spiritual fruit trees. At that time, the wood spiritual liquid would be used to spawn those spiritual fruit trees and improve their cultivation level.

Yi Tian made some preparations and came to the fourth floor of Fu Jia Tian Xia Building.

He issued an announcement that a spring auction would be held.

Items for auction:

There are three drops of soul-purifying divine water.

Forty-two enhanced SS-level spiritual fruits are bundled for sale, a total of four copies.

One hundred tablets of special Silver Wood Gold Tea and fifty tablets of Special Wuling Tea.

Self-defense items: four Yuan-breaking needles, mantis arms, illusion beads, and ten green lizard poison beads.

SSS level magic weapon, thirty-three handles. These are all of Yi Tian's SSS-level magic weapons except for the sword. The territorial generals have no use for them now, so they have all been sold for money.

Five primary storage rings, five primary storage bags, and two primary storage rings.

There are sixteen spiritual objects such as Snow Spirit Cold Marrow, Golden Flame Stone, etc. These are the mysteries that can be upgraded to levels above ten and below level fifteen.

Twenty truth stones of various kinds.

Two drops of the source of physique. I opened it from the colorful glazed treasure chest a long time ago and forgot to put it in the points building.

Everyone left in Yitian Storage Ring will be cleared out.

There is also the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, which can produce an attack power of half a million, which is nothing to Yi Tian, ​​but to many lords, it is a life-saving trump card.

The Life-killing Treasure Box is more useful than the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, because the Heavenly Thunder Talisman only has one chance, while the Life-killing Treasure Box can be used indefinitely.

Swordsmanship proficiency LV.5 and crystal ball training.

Light as a Swallow LV.5 Practice Crystal Ball.

Heng Lian Jin Gu LV.5 practice crystal ball.

Why do you still have these things? Handled together!

SS level obsidian battle armor.

Ten S-level treasure bows.

Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, Spirit Sword Box.

Diamond grade cursed crystal.

Top spiritual rare treasures, including top spiritual jade, top spiritual jade, top pearls, and top luminous pearls.

First, auction thirty-eight items, and sell them all from the three kings of Danu Orcs, Blue Dragon Pirates, and the Divine Tiger Territory.

There are more than 1,600 pieces of these top-notch rare treasures in the top-grade storage bag. There is no time and no need to sell too many.

After seeing the above auction items, Yi Tian refused to sell any more Lingbao.

He didn't have many spiritual treasures, just over sixty. Even if they were useless, he would keep them.

The auction begins at 2 p.m.

The first auction was hosted by Black Rose.

Yi Tian didn't even have time to watch.

The four Rose sisters have long learned the rules of the auction.

Rich World's spring auction quickly ignited the entire Tiandao world.

The items auctioned by Fu Jia Tian Xia this time are unprecedentedly good.

The soul-purifying divine water is comparable to the divine fluid of heaven.

There are also thirty-three SSS-level magic weapons.

All kinds of life-saving items, all kinds of items that enhance mysteries, are simply a feast for the eyes.

All kinds of top spiritual level rare treasures, as well as the legendary storage ring.

The shocking "Diamond Grade Cursed Crystal".

Baby, you still have to watch The Richest World!

Countless lords felt this way.

If I bid for the Life-killing Treasure Box and the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, who would dare to pay attention to my Ancient God Cave Sky Teleportation Stone?

Countless super rich people began to raise money and prepare to bid for their favorite items.

Yi Tian took the opportunity to go to the Dzi Bead Exchange Shop on the 18th floor of Fu Jia Tian Xia Building.

Several large bottles filled with green liquid have appeared.

Yi Tian used the Tiandao Stone to calculate.

One hundred and seventy thousand drops of wood spirit liquid.

Yi Tian took a breath!

It’s only been a few days and I’ve gained so much!

Those lords who said they would not exchange money with him were actually very honest!

Yi Tian knew that in the vast world of heaven, there were definitely more than just these lords who owned Dzi Beads.

Yi Tian stood on the eighteenth floor. Every once in a while, a small bottle containing a hundred drops of wood spirit liquid would appear on the stone platform.

Hong Rose poured the wood spirit liquid in these small bottles into the big bottles.

Very busy.

Yi Tian stopped for a while and took away the wood spirit liquid.

Total amount of wood spirit liquid: 13.3 million drops!

"It's beyond my expectation. More than 10 million drops of wood spirit liquid are enough for me to reach the full age of the Tree of Life!"

Yi Tian was considering whether to use the wood spirit liquid on the Tree of Life.

"Just use it! After a few days, you will definitely be able to harvest a large amount of wood spirit liquid. At worst, you can exchange it with the soul-purifying divine water."

Yi Tian made up his mind and came to the tree of life.

At present, Yi Tian only plans to bring it back to adulthood, and does not plan to mature the divine fruit of life.

Yi Tianzhen doesn't need that thing!

Now there is Yi Tian Qingmu's reviving magic, as well as the divine flower.

"The tree of life still needs 1,210,000 months to mature."

In other words, 12.1 million drops of wood spirit liquid were obtained.

A bit exaggerated!

However, what Yi Tian has decided will not change.

Bottle after bottle of wood spirit liquid was poured on the tree of life.

A total of 12.1 million drops were poured.

There is only 1.2 million of the wood spirit liquid left in the storage bag.

"Brush la la..."

The tree of life absorbs enough life force, emits cyan light, rises rapidly, and its leaves are constantly swaying.

It looks like it will take a long time to grow, but Yitian doesn't plan to wait.

Eight hours have passed since the "cooling period" of the Starry Sky Tower's voluntary withdrawal, and Yi Tian is ready to race against time to continue challenging the Starry Sky Tower.

Take Baihua Lingmi to adjust your state to its peak!

"Challenge the Starry Sky Tower!"

Yi Tian clicked on the light curtain of the Starry Sky Tower system.

"The lord can choose to challenge below the 210th floor, or directly challenge the 211th floor!"

Tiandao Shi reminded Yi Tian.

"Challenge the 211th floor."

Yi Tian confirmed.

Level 211.

The starry sky where Yi Tian was standing did not have the power to circulate mysteries, and seemed to be the original color.

Not far away is a starman. Its three-dimensional and spiritual power are exactly the same as Yi Tian, ​​but he holds a knife in his hand and exudes a cold light.

This star turned out to be proficient in swordsmanship at the twenty-fourth level, and had SS-level physical and physical talents.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, the sword-wielding stars are much stronger than the dark stars.

The knife-wielding star has no emotions. One second after Yi Tian appeared, he turned into a strong wind and killed Yi Tian.


Yi Tian casually swung his SS-level sword and chopped off the head of the sword-wielding star.

At this moment, a soft sword intent rushed towards Yi Tian.

Yi Tian mobilized his mastery of sword skills to absorb this sword intention.

Nine seconds later, Yi Tian quickly teleported to the next level.

The next routine is very familiar, the number of knife-wielding stars keeps increasing.

Yi Tian slowly killed the sword-wielding stars and absorbed their sword intent.

"Congratulations, lord, for your sword mastery upgrade. Currently, your sword mastery is level 20..."

By the time he reached the 219th floor, Yi Tian's mastery of swordsmanship improved.

On the 220th floor, there were 512 sword-wielding stars.

The 221st floor is the sword-wielding star.

Its swordsmanship is proficient at level 25, SS level talent.

What's just frustrating is that Yi Tian fought all the way to the 230th floor and killed all 512 sword-wielding stars. Yi Tian also failed to break through the mastery of the sword.

Yi Tian's sword proficiency is level 43. If he wants to break through, just absorbing these is not enough!

Sure enough, even if there is no breakthrough in swordsmanship, by the 231st level, he will become a gun-wielding star with proficiency in marksmanship level LV.26.

Yi Tian also understood that as he was proficient in swordsmanship and swordsmanship, he would definitely encounter the weapons he was good at first.

Until the 300th floor, the starman's weapon proficiency reached level 32.

Their talents have also become SSS-level talents, with characteristics, and a special talent that increases attack power by 40%.

Each has an attack power of 370,000.

Yi Tian activates the talent of lifting mountains and carrying cauldrons, the ancient stone god's bloodline, and flowing wind. He holds a sword and fights with him in close combat, killing him heartily.

Yi Tian has an attack power of 700,000 and strong defense power. There are speeds and reflexes that are difficult for stars to capture.

Victory is only a matter of time.


The last star was chopped into pieces by Yi Tian.

"Congratulations to the lord for passing the 300th floor of the Starry Sky Tower. As a reward, you will be rewarded with 1 advanced weapon bead*1 and SSS-level elixir beast power pill*1."

Tiandao Shi reminded Yi Tian.

Advanced weapon beads can increase weapon proficiency by one level for those above level 10 and below level 15.

Yitian has received the beast power pill many times. Needless to say, he can just find a moon-whispering silver wolf with beast power less than level 15 as a reward.

"I have enough energy now to continue the challenge!"

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

He has the bloodline of the ancient stone god, and the characteristics of the divine bone: physical strength and endurance +200%.

In this case, Yi Tiancai could use his physical body to reach the ninth level.

Three hundred and one level.

"You came!"

As soon as Yi Tian landed, he heard a voice.

This made Yi Tian tremble.

The person standing in the distance was no longer a star, but a Taoist man in white robes.

"Who are you?" Yi Tian frowned.

"Beat your man!"

The Taoist man actually had a smile on his face.

Yi Tian used the Tiandao Stone to scan the Taoist man.

"Unknown time and space projection, god-level talent, three-dimensional increase by 150%, possessing characteristics; special talent with 50% increase in attack power; thirty-level swordsmanship proficiency, thirty-level horizontal muscle training, thirty-level body as light as a swallow .”

Yi Tian mainly wanted to see the identity of the Taoist man.

He thought other lords had rushed in, but it turned out not to be the case.

This is a projection based on existing characters in the world of Tiandao. It should have the combat experience of the original owner.

"Let you take the first shot..."

A Taoist man, very humane!

"Five Elements and Bagua Divine Fist!"


As soon as the Taoist man finished speaking, he was shattered by Yi Tian's palm.

Floor 302!

"It's great for you to be able to get here, but that's all..."

"Let us end you..."

There were two more Taoist men, saying the same pretentious words.

The strength of these two people is equivalent to that of the previous level, but their weapons are different.

Yi Tian was beaten to death with two punches, but he was not beaten to death.

Next, there are not four god-level talents, but three.

Yi Tian understood, only one will be added to each level.

After all, the Chosen Ones are no joke. If there are really 512 of them, Yi Tian's spiritual power will be exhausted.

By the time we reach the 310th floor, there are ten chosen ones.

As long as Yi Tian's Five Elements and Bagua Divine Fist exerts its power, the battle will still be easy.

Go to the 311th floor.

"You're actually allowed to break in here. Are there all the trash in front of you?"

A Taoist man still spoke sarcastically.

He is proficient in weapons, has trained his muscles and bones, and is as light as a swallow, becoming LV.33.

In addition, he has another special talent, which increases physical attack power by 60% and physical defense power by 60%.

With an attack power of nearly one million, Yi Tian's conventional methods could no longer deal with him.

This is only the 311th floor!

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