Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 397: Map of the fate of mountains, rivers, and the country, mountains, rivers, and the count

The resting place of the Dragon Subduing Supreme Being.

To activate this treasure map, one hundred thousand gold and one top-level mist scroll are required.

Yi Tian quickly bought 100,000 gold and took out a top-level fog scroll.

There are still 376 volumes of Yi Tian's Mist Scroll.

"Activate, the resting place of the Dragon Subduing Supreme."

Yi Tian held the four-star treasure map, scanned the gold with the Tiandao Stone, and issued instructions.

The gold turned into energy and flew into the four-star treasure map. Yi Tian carried Erwa on his back and rode on the back of the Thunder God Tiger.

After a while, the world was spinning, and they appeared on an island.

This island is not very big and can be explored at a glance.

Yi Tian took out the treasure map and saw the direction marked on the treasure map.

It seems that the treasure is not on land, but in a cave under the sea.

This Dragon Subduing Supreme Treasure is in a very good location.

No wonder it hasn't been discovered until now.

Along the way, there will definitely be monsters causing trouble.

But Yi Tian's strength, according to the rules, shouldn't be difficult.

"Go north, let's go!"

Yi Tian patted the Thunder God Tiger's butt.

Then he took out the Wudzi Bead and stuffed it into Erwa's pocket.

"Damn it, roar..."

The Thunder God Tiger roared angrily, which was both a clarion call to set off and a sign of dissatisfaction with Yi Tian.

Lord Tiger is a mythical beast, but he actually uses Lord Tiger as a mount.

I wanted to be mighty and unyielding, but thinking of Yi Tian's majesty, I could only swallow my breath temporarily.

The Heavenly Thunder God Tiger does not soar into the clouds and ride on the mist. It also has level 10 water proficiency and can run on water.

The Heavenly Thunder Tiger with its talent activated is much faster than on land.

The wind and lightning drew a purple figure on the boundless sea.

Water waves splashed at the feet of the Thunder God Tiger...

"Dad, there are several late-stage S-class big fish."

Erwa hugged Yi Tian's neck and reminded Yi Tian to fulfill his duties.


Yi Tian did not remind the Heavenly Thunder Tiger who was running wildly.

In the late S-level stage, it is estimated that even the Thunder God Tiger's defense cannot be broken.

Erwa spoke Chinese, but Tianlei Shenhu couldn't understand what Erwa was saying, so he kept running according to the direction pointed by Yi Tian.

It fantasizes about going to the treasure land and finding some treasures when Yi Tian is not paying attention.

There is not even a hair in his crown now, and it does not reflect majesty when worn on his head.


After running for about three minutes, there was a sound of water waves crashing.


The Heavenly Thunder God Tiger realized something was wrong and immediately stepped aside.

I saw a big mouth, and the Thunder God Tiger appeared from just now.

Sensen's white teeth opened and closed, and he was in vain.

This is a white shark, about ten meters long.

Yi Tian used the Tiandao Stone to explore. This thing is called the Tiger-toothed Great White Shark, a three-dimensional version of the late S-class.

"Grandson, do you want to sneak up on Mr. Tiger?"


As soon as he stood upright, the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger cursed at the tiger-toothed great white shark, and a bolt of lightning spit out from the mouth of the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger.

With the strength of the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger, even if it releases ordinary lightning, enhances its spiritual power, and imbues it with the secret of thunder, it still has an attack power of hundreds of thousands.

After the tiger-toothed great white shark was hit by lightning, its skin and flesh were torn on the spot.

Thick blood pollutes the sea water.




These tiger-toothed great white sharks are not just one, they suddenly come from the bottom of the water one by one.

They swarmed up from all directions.

The thunder god tiger tossed and turned.

Each jump was accompanied by thunder and lightning, killing these tiger-toothed great white sharks one by one.

Yi Tian dived into the water and cleanly took out the cores of these tiger-toothed great white sharks.

Several sharks attacked Yi Tian from the bottom of the water, but Yi Tian used small magic to kill them easily.

These sharks were carcasses, which were put on the auction house by Yi Tian on the spot. Shark meat was notoriously unpalatable, and Yi Tian was not prepared to take over the territory later.

There are dozens of S-level sharks. Taking into account the value of the sharks, Yitian put them on the shelves at a low price. He just used the money he spent to buy gold back.

Start again and nothing else will happen along the way.

After arriving at the destination, Yi Tian let the Thunder God Tiger dive into the water.

Erwa holds Wudzi beads and is not afraid of water.

"Dad, there are a group of big crabs at the entrance of the cave. The most powerful big crabs are in the late SS level."

Erwa opened his clairvoyance and said to Yi Tian.

"Okay, daddy knows!"

In the late SS level, as long as it is not a god-level talent, Yi Tian can manipulate it at will.

The water here is two thousand meters deep, but this little pressure will not harm Yi Tian and the Heavenly Thunder Tiger at all.

After diving for more than 1,600 meters, and when he was about to reach the bottom, Yi Tian saw a big crab, holding up two large claws, swimming toward Yi Tian and the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger.

At first glance, this big crab, including its body and legs, is about ten meters long.

Its body is triangular in shape, all red, and there are spikes on its back and legs.

Upon closer inspection, we can see that this crab only has eight legs, two chelicerae and six legs.

Its flexibility is not as bulky as its body. When it sprints in the water, it even creates waves.

"Hu Zhentian, protect the second baby."

Just when Hu Zhentian was about to take action, Yi Tian scolded Hu Zhentian.

Leave these to Yi Tian to solve.

Yi Tian jumped up from Hu Zhentian, activated Mountain Carrying Cauldron, Ancient Stone God Bloodline, and Flowing Wind, and jumped directly onto the big crab.


Once the sword is unsheathed, it will directly pierce the armor-like body of the big crab.

These big crabs have tenacious vitality. Yi Tian's sword, which penetrated his body with sword intent, did not kill the big crabs.

When the two big claws of the big crab stretched out towards Yi Tian, ​​Yi Tian swung two swords in succession and chopped off the two big claws.


Yi Tian determined the position of its forehead and made a two-meter long mark on its head.

This time, the big crab couldn't die any more.

This big crab should only be at the early stage of SS level, not the most powerful one.

Yi Tian saw hundreds of big crabs under the seabed, eyeing Yi Tian and the Thunder God Tiger.

At least twenty of them were larger than the big crabs at Yi Tian's feet.

Race: Divine King Crab.

Potential: SS level.

Stage: Adulthood.

Strength: 38564.

Physique: 38569.

Agility: 36564.

Talent: Power Crab Bloodline, SS level, after being turned on, the strength will be increased by 80%.

Special talent: Iron pincers, attack with pincers, increase attack power by 60%.

Special talent: Rock body, defense increased by 50%, vitality increased by 200%.

Skills: Beast power LV.25, attack power increased by 250%, defense power increased by 150%, speed increased by 150%.

Yi Tian found the strongest king crab.

The three dimensions are quite high, infinitely close to the SSS level.

But the attack power and defense power are just that.

Their three-dimensionality made Yi Tian have no interest in conquering them.

If it is below 28,000, Yitian may conquer it.

The 38,000+ three-dimensional space makes Yi Tian’s territory even more difficult.

Such a big crab can definitely be steamed, and little babies should like it.

Seeing that their clan members were killed, the other divine king crabs were furious. They puffed out bubbles and swarmed towards Yi Tian.

At the front were several late SS-level god-level king crabs. Their large claws had been opened, trying to pinch Yi Tian in two.

Yi Tian released all his sword intent and had no intention of holding back.


An SS-level divine king crab was closest to Yi Tian and was split in half by Yi Tian's divine sword.

The other divine king crabs realized something was wrong, puffed out bubbles, and prepared to retreat. However, Yi Tian caught up with them and killed them one by one with a sword.

The speed of the divine king crab is far inferior to that of Yi Tian, ​​and there are hundreds of them, so the number is not too huge.

There was no possibility of escape.

In a minute or two, Yi Tian got them all and collected them one by one into the top storage bag.

The territory eats meat all day long, but this type of "seafood" is rare.

Arriving at the location of the treasure, the treasure map flew out of his hand and burrowed into a piece of colorful coral.

Immediately afterwards, the sea water seemed to be boiling, with a large number of bubbles and water lumps rising upwards.

It's like the bottom of the sea is shaking.

"Bang bang bang..."

With a muffled sound, the coral forest not far away opened, and then a swirling light group appeared.

"This is... this should be a water-proof array, a formation that prevents water from pouring in."

After Yi Tian saw it, he nodded.

This formation was included in the formation information he received.

Yi Tian can also arrange a very ordinary small formation.

Creatures can enter, but sea water cannot enter.

"Hu Zhentian, you are guarding outside. If anyone dares to approach this water mansion, shoot them without mercy!"

Yi Tian picked up the second baby from the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger and gave instructions to the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger.

"I won't do it. You've killed all the big crabs, and there's no danger outside." Tianlei Shenhu retorted.

Its treasure is still in the water house, how can it be outside?

"This is an order!" Yi Tian said without any doubt.

How fast is the giant beast in the water?

You'll be there in the blink of an eye!

The Heavenly Thunder Tiger must guard here.

"Master... okay!"

The Thunder God Tiger was about to say no when his head suddenly hurt.

Forget it, if you don’t get in, you won’t get in!

Yi Tian hugged the second baby and plunged into the water mansion.

There was no light and darkness in the narrow corridor.

Yi Tian took out a top-level spiritual-grade night-light pearl from his storage bag and asked Erwa to hold it to illuminate the road.

The water house is very deep and eerie.

The resting place of the Dragon Subduing Supreme Lord means that this place is different. The body of the Dragon Subduing Supreme Lord is buried here.

Gradually reaching the end, no light was found.

Probably no curiosities?


Walking out of the corridor, there is a space ten meters high and about twenty meters long and wide.

Generally speaking, this space is not very big.

And where Yi Tian looked, he could only see a bronze coffin in the center.

After testing with the Tiandao Stone, the coffin is still very common and can be purchased for several thousand Tiandao coins.


"It doesn't make sense!"

Yi Tian looked around and asked Erwa to use his clairvoyance to help him find the treasure.

But apart from the bare stone walls, there was not a single hair.

"Is the baby in the coffin?"

Yi Tian looked at the bronze coffin.

"Sovereign Dragon Subduer, since you left a treasure behind, you just want future generations to inherit your legacy. Excuse me!"

Yi Tian saluted to the bronze coffin, and then jumped to the side of the bronze coffin.


Slowly push the bronze coffin.


One corner was pushed away, and when there was no problem, Yi Tian opened the entire coffin board at once.

When I looked inside, I saw a skeleton inside, dead for who knows how many years.

Judging from the skeleton, the Dragon Subduing Supreme Being is a Taoist being. ,

Above the skeleton, there is a box made of spiritual wood.

After Yi Tian saw it, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

A four-star treasure cannot produce a divine object. No matter how powerful an ordinary object can be, how powerful can it be?

He worked so hard to obtain a treasure map and was basically lonely.

Yi Tian picked up the box. There was no lock on it and he opened it easily.


Or a large parchment roll.

Is it a picture of a picture?

The real treasure lies elsewhere.

With a hint of expectation, I used the Tiandao Stone to scan this parchment.

"The Map of the Luck of the Mountains, Rivers, Society, and Grain. The Dragon-Jiang Supreme is the national master of a dynasty. He accepts his luck and devotes his whole life to refining the Map of the Map of the Map of the Luck of the Mountains and Rivers, the State. , Only then can the power of Shanhe Sheji be activated."

"Shanhe Sheji can use the national destiny of the territory to enhance the body's physical attack power and spiritual attack power. The stronger the national destiny, the stronger the improvement."

Yi Tian was overjoyed after seeing the effect of the Mountains and Rivers Shenji Luck Map.

To Yi Tian, ​​the treasure of the Blue Dragon Pirates is not even one-tenth of the value of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Luck Map.

Yi Tian was so shocked!

Normal special talents only increase physical attack power.

This special talent can increase spiritual attack power.

This addition to Yi Tian is unimaginable.

Even if he only adds 30% of the spiritual attack power, he can directly fight back to the Starry Sky Tower and kill the Winged Man.

Yi Tian clutched the picture tightly, feeling the urge to bow to the Dragon Subduing Supreme Being.

Hurry up and cover the coffin of the Dragon Subduing Supreme Being to avoid further disturbing the Dragon Subduing Supreme Being’s rest.

Bowing to the Dragon Subduing Supreme Being, I sighed in my heart that there are so many capable people and extraordinary people in the world.

The Dragon Subduing Supreme is not a god, but he can create a map of mountains, rivers, society, and fortune that is difficult for gods to refine.

This is very important to Yi Tian, ​​who is about to become the leader of the country.

The Dragon-Subduing Supreme is worthy of his courtesy.

When the second baby saw his father acting like this, he also gave him a decent gesture.

When he went back, Yi Tian didn't look around.

That's enough!

Even Yi Tian felt that Mingshen's blessings were not as important as this picture.

After all, as long as there is a divine object, it is a five-star treasure.

If there is only one magical medicine inside that Yi Tian cannot use, and the others are ordinary rare treasures and ordinary spiritual objects, it will not be of any help to Yi Tian.

The moment Yi Tian stepped out holding the baby, the coral closed.

Yi Tian quickly left this area.

After a while, the original Shuifu cave entrance disappeared...

The Dragon Subduing Supreme Lord will rest here forever!

"Yitian, if you get any treasure, let Master Hu take a look!"

When the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger saw Yi Tian coming out, he immediately came up to him.

"There's nothing inside, it's empty."

Yi Tian said truthfully.

"Fart! You must be getting something sweet."

The Heavenly Thunder God Tiger is not good at all, and even speaks rudely.

"You're the one farting, Daddy gets everything."

Erwa also spoke for Yi Tian.

"Little baby, how dare you talk to Master Tiger like this?" The God of Thunder Tiger had a fierce look on his face, trying to scare the little kid.

"If you are cruel, I will ask Kunpeng to bite you to death."

Erwa has been unhappy with the Thunder God Tiger for a long time.

"I'm just curious, don't be so serious, little aunt, I respect you from the bottom of my heart..."

Thinking of Kunpeng, the fur of the thunder god tiger exploded. Its expression suddenly changed, with an apologetic smile on its face, and its words were flattering.

I thought I was invincible, but who knew that this thing would appear.

The Thunder God Tiger felt that the big bird would kill it casually.

The Heavenly Thunder God Tiger is far inferior to Kunpeng in terms of physical attacks, mysteries, and supernatural powers.

In addition to having magical attack powers, Kunpeng!

Its method of devouring is both attack and defense.

Almost perfect!

Kunpeng has just changed for the first time, and his magical powers will become stronger and stronger in the future.

The wild beasts in the territory are connected by blood with Yi Tian.

He is naturally close to those who are close to Yi Tian.

So the wild beast listens to the little milk baby very much.

The Heavenly Thunder God Tiger can only command its flying tiger legion. It goes to command the wild beasts. You see, the wild beasts don't care about it.

"Top mist scroll!"

When Yi Tian saw the Thunder God Tiger bullying the little baby, he wanted to give it a good beating. Seeing how bad it turned out to be, forget it!

With a roll of light, Yi Tian returned to his territory.

He also wanted to explore the five-star treasure and had no time to wander around the seabed looking for opportunities.

Returning to the territory, Yi Tian asked the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger to wait for a while and let the second baby go play for a while. Yi Tian wanted to take the origin of Shanhe Sheji into his body first.

After the territory is upgraded to the leader of the country, Yi Tian can activate it directly.

"A map of the fate of mountains, rivers, society and the country!"

Sitting cross-legged on the Tianbao Stone in Qingxia Lingshan Mountain, Yi Tian input his spiritual power into the map of the destiny of mountains, rivers, and society.

The map of the destiny of the country and the country is originally made of a special material that looks like sheepskin, but is not sheepskin.

It's "blank" with nothing on it.

So much so that Yi Tian looked very disappointed at first glance.

But after Yi Tian's spiritual power penetrated into the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Luck Map, the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Luck Map began to shine.

Dark yellow light.

This light is sometimes bright and sometimes dark. Sometimes he's gentle, sometimes he's violent, and it even hurts Yi Tian's eyes.

Like a person's emotions, they are constantly changing.

After about a quarter of an hour, the light stopped.

The map of the destiny of the country, the country, and the country has changed.

It was originally blank, but now there are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, huge rivers, lakes and seas, every blade of grass and every tree is now visible.

There are also the sun, moon, stars, and clouds.

There are birds in the forest, animals in the mountains, and fish in the water.

After a while, Yi Tian seemed to be hallucinating.

Everything in the map of mountains, rivers, society and fortune is moving.

The wind blows and the trees move, birds fly in the mountains and forests, animals drink from the rivers, and fish jump into the water...

The light of the sun and the moon seemed to shine through.

The clouds are changing regularly.

I don’t know how long it will take.

The destiny of the country, the country, and the country is still changing.

Occasionally, wild animals hunt for food, bees collect nectar, and butterflies spread fragrance.

Occasionally, there is a violent storm, and the sky clears up after the rain, and the birds and animals become more active.

Occasionally, the leaves turn yellow, the fallen leaves wither, and the flowers and plants fall.

Occasionally, heavy snow falls, and rivers and lakes freeze, turning them white.

Winter passes and spring comes again...

Everything grows and flowers bloom.

At the next moment, the map of mountains, rivers, society, and fortune in Yi Tian's hand shattered, and it turned into pure original power and entered Yi Tian's body to sleep.

"Congratulations, lord, for obtaining the special talent: Shanhe Sheji. Status: Inactive!"

"The lord can become the lord of a country and activate the mountains, rivers and the country!"

After Yi Tian opened his eyes, he admired the Dragon Subduing Supreme even more.

What a pity that such a genius did not become a god!

However, Yi Tian knew that failure to become a god was not necessarily due to lack of talent or lack of potential. But all aspects, many reasons.

Yi Tian spent 600 million Tiandao coins to buy 1 million gold.

Prepare to continue Myojin’s blessings.

To activate Mingshen's Blessing, one million heavenly units of gold and a top-level mist scroll are required.

There is still only one hour.

Tiandao coin balance: 527.6 billion.

All the divine king crabs in the storage ring were freed and handed over to Gu Qianqiu.

The little milk babies are jumping around, and their white meat looks delicious.

"Use, Myojin's blessing!"

Yi Tian uses Tiandao Stone to scan the gold.

This time I brought along Erwa and the Heavenly Thunder God Tiger.

You will face an SSS-level beast, probably a late-stage SSS level.

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