Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 608 Perfectly build the divine foundation and break through the gods

"Activate, Mountains and Rivers Soldier Map!"

After Yi Tian took out the Mountains and Rivers Soldiers Map, he activated the Mountains and Rivers Soldiers Map next to Crescent Lake.

After accepting Yi Tian's instructions, Shanhe Bingtu flew into the air and spun in midair.


Along with the ripples rippling around, the map of mountains and rivers becomes bigger and bigger.

Above the picture, the mountains, rivers, sun and moon seemed to come alive, disappearing directly in mid-air.

At the same time, a portal opens.

After Yi Tian gave instructions to the members of the territory, he ducked and took the lead in breaking into the world of Shanhe Bingtu.

Within the map of mountains and rivers, there are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Yi Tian felt the rules of space and time inside, and this world was formed because of this.

But Yi Tian felt that this power was gradually weakening as the mountain and river boundary map opened.

Tiandao Shi also introduced that the Mountains and Rivers Soldier Map can only last for three days.

Gradually, the leading soldiers, led by the general, entered the mountain and river boundary map one by one.

Yi Tianyou walked around the mountain and river boundary map and found no abnormalities yet.

"Kill! Kill these Zhen tribe invaders!"

Without any warning, a voice sounded from the heaven and earth of the world.

There was anger and hatred in this voice.

Also in an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed.

In front of him, countless gods wearing armor and holding divine weapons rushed toward Yi Tian.

"The entire army is on alert!"

Generals such as Sun Wu and Han Xin showed superb qualities.

Originally, when the army entered the Shanhe War Map, it was in very good order, but now it is directly in a defensive position.

Yi Tian's mind moved, and he soon returned to calm.

At that moment, a terrifying murderous aura and unparalleled military aura erupted.

Especially this murderous military aura, which shot into darkness, was something Yi Tian had never seen before.

Dark clouds are threatening to destroy the city!

Yi Tian couldn't see the end of the boundless gods for a while, more than millions or tens of millions.

A stream of blood and evil spirits intertwined.

Streams of energy and sword energy flew out.

But Yi Tian soon knew that these murderous intentions were not real.

It is a mirror image derived from the rules of heaven.

In the turbulent era of the Zhen people, the image of the cosmic beings resisting the Zhen people was preserved.

This is a scene of the ordinary gods of the universe fighting against the ordinary creatures of the Zhen tribe.

Sure enough, on the other side, groups of Zhen tribe appeared.

Among these Zhen people, there are also some creatures that are obviously different from the Zhen people.

Transform living beings!

Maybe a traitor in the universe, or in other universes.

When the two sides met, they were extremely jealous.

After the appearance of hundreds of millions of troops, without too much nonsense, they came together in formation, like dragons and tigers, like thunder and lightning, and charged together.

Thousands of horses roared together, and horses and beasts roared together.

Two powerful energies collide.

In an instant, tens of thousands of gods in front of them fell, leaving no bones left.

Among the creatures in the front row, only a few gods with peerless talent could survive such a collision.

The Yi people have the highest faith and are not afraid of death.

The gods of the universe resist the invasion of foreigners. They don't want to die and the sun is extinguished, so they regard death as home.

Countless flowers of life bloom here.

Bloom the most beautiful moment in this life.

Yi Tian also saw the power of the military formation. Countless people were twisted into a rope, fearing that they could kill the gods at will.

Watching the groups attacking, one can clearly see the gods being killed by a battle formation composed of countless ordinary god soldiers.

The almighty God also became fragile at this moment.

Countless magical weapons were broken along with their owners.

Swords, guns, swords and halberds, spears, axes, sticks and forks, all kinds of military rules are in every inch of the mountain and river boundary map.

Yi Tian's mastery of swordsmanship and swordsmanship were mobilized uncontrollably.

The power of bloodshed made Yi Tian's proficiency in the two martial arts improve by leaps and bounds.

"Congratulations to the lord for the mastery of the sword. The current proficiency of the sword is LV.86. When using the sword in close combat, the power is increased by 1290%. The power of using the sword is increased by 1215%."

"Seventy-sixth level of sword intent, domination +760%, speed +760%."

"Congratulations to the lord for upgrading his kendo proficiency. The current kendo proficiency level is LV.108. Using the sword in melee combat, the power is increased by 1620%. The power of using sword energy is increased by 1545%."

"The sword's intention is ninety-eight, fierce +980%, oppression +980%."

A few hours later, Yi Tian's mastery of swordsmanship and swordsmanship broke through successively.

When Yi Tian wanted to go deep again, he found that he could not enter the state.

The brutal battle was still going on, but the meaning of military art in the Mountain and River War Map could no longer help Yi Tian achieve a breakthrough.

He is proficient in the art of swordsmanship and has been promoted to level seven this time.

It is a rule that mastery of the sword must reach level ninety-one before it can be upgraded to the top level of strength.

Since you have to take the positive petals of the twin flowers of gods and demons, it doesn't matter even if you can't reach level ninety-one.

The mastery of swordsmanship has been improved by two levels. After all, the foundation is too high. When it is close to the full level, it is considered very good to increase it by two levels.

Yi Tian also has soldiers and souls, which should be able to help him take the final step.

If that doesn't work, Yi Tian still has treasures like the Chaos Core and the Nine-Pattern Sky Core.

Looking at the other members of the territory, they all fell into comprehension.

Yi Tian saw that among the thousands of troops, there was blood everywhere, often with no bones left and souls scattered.

Perhaps these will be the endings for the members of the territory in the future!

Thinking of this, Yi Tian still felt uncomfortable in his heart.


Sun Wu, with the Tiandao Military Medal appearing above his head, woke up and saluted Yi Tian.

“It is very difficult to achieve the goal of turning an enemy into a force.”

Yi Tian suppressed his mood and smiled at Sun Wu.

"We are people who have died once, so why should we be afraid of death? I have been in the territory for so long, and I know that my previous thoughts were too ideal."

Sun Wu could see Yi Tian's thoughts and said to Yi Tian: "Someone has to stand up. You can't just sit back and wait for death, right? We are upright people, living like human beings and possessing human dignity. Even if we are weak, we can still Dare to give everything, this is what it means, those who sell their souls and bodies will not understand and cannot understand!"

"I believe that we will all live. After defeating the Zhen tribe, we will return to the mother planet that gave birth to us."

Yi Tian held Sun Wu's hand.

He has his own goals, and even if his men die in battle, he can be resurrected if he completes that realm.

"I sincerely look forward to it too!"

Sun Wu smiled.

At this time, the Tiandao Soldier Medal above his head looked like a book, opening page after page.

Yi Tian knew that this was Sun Wu's opportunity.

No more interruptions.

He was the first to leave the Tiandao Soldier Map, and when the time was up, the members of the territory would come out.

Yi Tian began to break through the gods.

After coming out, the Chaos Dates, Blue Thunder Divine Fruit, Sky Fire Divine Fruit, Suihan Divine Fruit, and Four Yuan Star Fruit have all been ripened.

Yi Tian took these fruits, notified Zhuge Liang, and after comforting the little baby, Yi Tian came to Beiming Sea.

On the small island where the Suihan Divine Tree grows, a time barrier is arranged, and the Nine Infants and the One-Horned Ice Dragon guard the outside of the island.

Now as Yi Tian's time mystery continues to improve, he has deployed a time barrier with an internal and external time ratio of 240:1.

Lasts for more than two days.

In other words, the time barrier set up by Yi Tian can last for five years.

More than two days outside, five years inside. Yi Tian felt that was enough.

After entering the time barrier, Yi Tian spent three days to adjust his energy and spirit to its peak.

Then I started taking the divine food to build the divine foundation.

Yi Tian is now the God of Fighting at level 80.

Level 94 of practicing Xuan Ti.

Tian Qing Yun Tier 92.

Yi Tianxian used the three-color black crystal obtained from the ice cave.

The three-color black crystal can allow the God of Fighting, Henglian Xuan Ti, and Tian Qing Yun Ti to each break through the third level.

Take a drop of Chaos Water. Improve the horizontal training of mystical body. Make Heng Lian Xuan Ti reach level 100.

Take two drops of Chaos Water to enhance Tian Qingyun's body and break through to level 100.

Taking six drops of Chaos Water, the God of Fighting also broke through to level 100.

There is only one drop of Chaos Water left, and it will be given to Purple Phoenix Moon Dance later. With other resources, Purple Phoenix Moon Dance can also perfectly build the Divine Foundation. Yi Tian's promise has been fulfilled.

Next is the sun-moon star core that Yi Tian has collected for a long time, absorbing the energy in the sun-moon star core, the god of fighting, horizontally refining the mysterious body, and the Tianqing cloud body breaks through the third level, the highest perfection.

Yi Tian's third body-refining skill reached level 103.

Yi Tian will not use other divine objects for the time being. He needs to improve in a planned way.

Make it as perfect as possible.

He took out the Ancient Yuan Ice Crystal.

He tried to absorb the energy in the ancient yuan ice crystal.

Although he has not yet controlled the Ancient Yuan Ice Crystal, with a slight movement by Yi Tian, ​​the Ancient Yuan Ice Crystal releases wisps of energy and enters Yi Tian's body.

These energies are mixed with extreme ice attributes and are not very violent. Yi Tian can use this energy to refine his body and improve his body refining skills.

You can also use this energy to refine your ice attribute physique, rules, and magical powers.

The latter should be studied carefully after Yi Tian prepares to break through the gods.

Now, he mainly focuses on refining his body and refining his heavenly veins. Improve body refining skills.

Yi Tian's body refining requires much more power than the Ice Spirit Clan. It takes half a quarter of an hour to absorb it. Only when Yi Tian feels about the same can he refining his body.

The power of Gu Yuan is divided into several strands, one is for refining the body, one is for refining the heavenly veins, one is for refining the fighting god source, one is for refining the mysterious body source, and one is for refining the light cloud body source.

Expand simultaneously!

Although it has the attribute of ice, it has the ice of all things and the realm of all things.

An element, like the element of the world, allows Yi Tian to sublimate in all directions.

It took three days in a row for Yi Tian to complete the refining.

Looking at his body refining method, it turns out that Tianmai has reached the late stage of hegemonic level.

God of Fighting LV.107.

Horizontal Refining Mysterious Body LV.107.

Tianqing Yunti LV.107.

Yi Tian used the Sacred Heart to break through the God of Fighting to perfection.

Using the nine-marked sky core, he will refine the mysterious body and break through to perfection.

Yi Tian originally wanted to use the Taishi Divine Stone, but the Taishi Divine Stone can break through the fifth level of skills, so it would be a waste to use it on Tian Qingyun Body.

Yi Tian put it aside for a moment.

He turned around and took out the Soul Soul Essence and absorbed the Soul Soul Essence in one breath.

The soul of the soldier entered the body, and he immediately received the response of Yi Tian's immortal sword soul.

The power of Bingpo Shen Yuan was absorbed bit by bit by Yi Tian's Immortal Sword Soul.

As the Immortal Sword Spirit improved, Yi Tian's sword mastery also continued to improve.

Without a sword, there is no self, it is for the sword to force oneself.

Proficient in swordsmanship at the ninety-first level, understanding the soul of the sword is the power of the sword.

Now, when Yi Tian realized his proficiency in the way of swordsmanship, a surge of divine will, accompanied by sword intent, cut out from the sea of ​​thoughts.

It marks that Yi Tian's swordsmanship has reached a whole new level.

This kind of realm is rarely achieved even by divine sword cultivators.

Yi Tian had seen it in Zhan Qing.

Jianshi Tian!

Also known as the Realm of Heavenly Sword.

"Congratulations to the lord for upgrading the Immortal Sword Soul. Currently, the Immortal Sword Soul [late stage] uses the sword to attack, and the power is increased by 300%. The flying speed of the sword is increased by 500%, and the attack speed is increased by 500%."

"Congratulations to the lord for his special talent, Clear Heart Sword Intent, which has been transformed into the Heavenly Sword."

"Heavenly Sword, use the sword to increase the attack power by 200%."

"Congratulations to the lord for the sword mastery upgrade. The current sword mastery level is 110. The power of using the sword is increased by 1650%."

"The sword's will is a hundred times stronger, sharpness +1000%, oppression +1000%."

A series of reminders from the Tiandao Stone indicate that Yi Tian's sword has perfectly established the divine foundation.

Like Zhan Qing, the sword rules for obtaining the strength of the Supreme Level will be obtained.

The art of weapons does not seem to be as powerful as the elemental mysteries.

But as the understanding of the weapon becomes deeper and deeper, it becomes more powerful.

From no sword and no self, to the Mingyi Heart Sword, and then to the Heavenly Sword, the power is increased to 200%.

Coupled with the improvement of sword spirit!

Yi Tian knew that after Jianshi Tian, ​​there was still Jianshi Dao and Jianshi Wuji.

To what extent?


After reaching the full level of swordsmanship, Yi Tian took out the Core of Chaos.

There is plenty of energy in it, and refining it is as simple as refining the water of chaos, but it is more advanced than the water of chaos.

Among Yi Tian's elemental mysteries, the avenue of heavenly gold is LV.108, and the avenue of heaven and wind is LV.108.

Others are already maxed out.

Yi Tian holds the core of chaos, first absorbs a force, and refines the origin of the heavenly gold secrets of the avenue.

The all-encompassing power of chaos entered, allowing Yi Tian to enter Jin's understanding and enrich Jin's consciousness.

Yi Tian has complete understanding of the interdependence and restraint of the five elements, and the mysteries of the metal element. There is no obstacle when moving towards perfection.

One day later, when Yi Tian regained the power of the Chaos Core, his Dao Tianjin Secret was at its full level.

Yi Tian spent more than a day to reach the maximum level of Dao Tianfeng Mystery.

The core of chaos still had a lot of power, so Yi Tian used it to understand Tian Qingyun Body.

Two days later, Tian Qingyun's body improved by three levels, reaching the full level.

Up to now, Yi Tian has completed the perfect construction of the God Foundation that meets his expectations.

The power of the Chaos Core is only half used.

There are still many artifacts that remain unused.

Such as Taishi Divine Stone and Tianjiao Element, they cannot be traded.

It can only be placed in the points building for redemption by territory members.

Especially the element of heavenly horn enhances the profound meaning of the element.

Originally, Yi Tian wanted to use the Five Elements Mystery after breaking through the limit.

Later, I discovered that after reaching the Chaos level of the Five Elements Mystery, I could no longer refine any divine objects, so I kept them.

Yi Tian thought for a while and used the remaining power of the Chaos Core to improve the secret of life and death.

Ten days later, the power of the Chaos Core was exhausted, and Yi Tian also absorbed the newly refined power of life and death from the Heavenly Iron of Life and Death to enhance the mysteries of life and death.

"Congratulations to the lord for breaking through to the later stage of the Mystery of Life and Death. Yama and the Mystery of Life and Death have been improved. He has gained the magical power of rebirth and death, and the two realms of life and death."

"The two realms of life and death can create a barrier of life and death and banish the enemy between life and death. The lord can enlighten himself to bridge the two realms of life and death and increase his power."

The Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian.

Yi Tian was very satisfied with the effects brought by the Chaos Core.

Yi Tian thought for a long time and decided to refine the heavenly veins and enhance the secret of time after breaking through the gods.

After the cultivation level is strong, the effect may be different from that of a mortal.

Mortals possessing Mingyun-level heavenly veins can make Yi Tian stronger on the combat power gold list.

But Yi Tian is on the combat power gold list, and Mo Qing Shen and Shen Yun are also far behind. It is impossible to surpass him, and there is no need to improve.

After meditating for several months, Yi Tian took out the Divine Sea Relic Pearl and held it in his hand...

From the depths of Yi Tian's sea of ​​consciousness, thousands of golden threads gathered from all over his body.

This is a sign of condensing the divine source...

He didn't take the divine fruit pill, and he could successfully break through to the gods...

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