Judging from their introductions, they are all leaders among the True God generation.

Only with the same strength can we come together.

Only in the ruins of Tianhe can one smell the power of Yi Tian.

"My name is Zhuge Liang!"

Yi Tian also introduced himself.

In essence, Yi Tian and these races are enemies.

But before the Tianhe ruins are opened, it is necessary to learn about the affairs of the God's Domain from these people.

Of course, Yi Tian would not involve them, and he would not even mind having a dispute with them.

After breaking out, if Dao Xiu and the Supreme Prodigy take action against them, they can be captured.

"I wonder who can pick the fruits of this Tianhe ruins!"

Daoxiu suddenly sighed.

"Your race is famous throughout the world. I am sure you will be the fourth."

Yi Tian said happily.

Daoxiu, Tianfei, Yuanhun, and Canglong happened to come from the Tiandao Divine Realm, the four super races.

"The emergence of this kind of ancient ruins depends on fate. Anyone can get it. What's more, there are many competitors in our clan. But Brother Zhuge, who has the blood of a dragon and is quite mysterious, will definitely not be found in this ancient ruins. Among them, came back empty-handed.”

Dao Xiu said to Yi Tian.

"Your god-kings all want to go against fate, but you believe in fate."

Yi Tian chuckled.

As soon as he said this, Dao Xiu and others immediately changed their faces.

They looked at Yi Tian.

They met by chance, and they actually made fun of the God King. This was not in line with etiquette, let alone disrespectful.

In the Heavenly Realm, every living being must respect the God King.

Because, the God King is supreme.

"We don't quite understand what you mean!"

Finally, Daoxiu restrained himself and asked Yi Tian.

Several other supreme geniuses also did not have an attack under Dao Xiu's instructions.

"You will understand later. But you cannot blame the God King. The God King is also one of all living beings, with seven emotions and six desires. If you can be pure and have few desires, you will not be a God King, but a saint."

Yi Tian didn't give too many hints.

But these words made the few supreme geniuses even more unhappy.

I thought that Yi Tian was a young talent that I wanted to befriend, but I didn't expect that Yi Tian was an outspoken guy with no respect.

Many supreme geniuses regard the reputation of their race as more important than their own lives.

The Heavenly Concubine of the Celestial Clan couldn't bear it anymore: "Zhuge Liang, let me see what kind of strength you have. How dare you talk about the God King here?"

This time, Daoxiu didn't stop him.

He also wanted to see Yi Tian's strength and why he felt so scared.

If he enters the Tianhe ruins, Yi Tian will definitely be one of his opponents.

"Why is the goddess like this? Just think I'm joking."

The imperial concubine was dressed in white robes and had a stunning appearance. Yi Tian had never seen such a goddess-like temperament.

After all, Yi Tian has seen limited numbers of powerful goddesses.


But Tian Fei did not give up because of this. She waved her sleeves and the void turned into a sea.

The sea surface was rough, with ripples rippling.

Yi Tian didn't wait for her to use her magical powers and cast the rules of fire.

Water overcomes fire.

In a normal water-fire competition, there is no doubt that water has the advantage.

But Yi Tian's rules are like a knife, slashing into the ocean of thousands of miles, and evaporating the ocean in an instant.

As soon as the rules of water danced on the ocean, they were annihilated by Yi Tian's rules of fire.

This move made Tian Fei's beauty eclipse. She was aware of Yi Tian's power, so when she made a move, she went all out.

Unexpectedly, the momentum was broken before it was condensed.

And Yi Tian seemed to be able to do it with ease, just moving his fingers slightly.



With a dragon roar, Cang Long's whole body's potential was activated the moment Cang Long's magical power was broken. His body flew into the air, the void shattered, and he suddenly rushed towards Yi Tian.

Yi Tian didn't panic, he grabbed his hand in the void, and thunder and lightning were like a net.

Yuan Long crashed into Yi Tian's thunder net, and all the rules disappeared for a while, his body was paralyzed, and his talents failed.

The whole body fell into the Milky Way below.

This made Yuanhun, who originally wanted to take action, immediately give up the idea of ​​taking action.

Daoxiu just caught Canglong to prevent him from falling into the Tianhe.

The supreme geniuses are all self-aware.

They could tell at a glance that Yi Tian had the eighth level, the respected level of thunder and fire rules.

It's just that this hand is not something they can handle.

Although they were protected by divine objects from the ancestor of the God King, the two supreme geniuses suddenly took out their own possessions in a game, which only served to increase their ridicule.

For a moment, the atmosphere froze.

They all know that Yi Tian is not a good person. Dare to criticize the God King without any scruples, indeed he has strong strength to back him up.

The rules of the eighth level of respect are already stronger than those of many god kings. This made them unbelievable.

Although it was only a moment for Yi Tian to compete with Dao Xiu and others, it had already attracted the attention of many gods.

After all, a true god's perfect battle within a territory, even a huge five-star territory, as long as the true god is there, will definitely be able to sense it.

"Those are the supreme geniuses of the Tian Clan, the Dao Clan, the Cang Clan, and the Yuan Clan. Why would they have a conflict with a young man?"

"What a terrifying power of rules. Fire generates thunder. It has the dual element rules of fire and thunder, and its attainments are extremely high. It is not even seen in the God King."

"That young man looks very unfamiliar. Who knows what ethnic group he is from?"

"He is the protagonist of the era! In the age of great strife, such a monster can be brewed. I am not surprised that he can become the God King."

"The ruins of Tianhe are getting even more difficult. There is another competitor!"

Many gods started talking about this.

"This little girl?"

But there was also a spirit who saw something was wrong.

Because she was very familiar with the second baby next to Yi Tian.

It is Tiange who has been to Yitian territory.

At this time, Tiange passed through the Yuan Realm of Time and entered the true God.

But she still couldn't forget everything that happened in Yitian's territory.

Although she has never met Yi Tian, ​​she only fought against Qinglong.

But the little girl appeared followed by a person who looked like mist, which made Tiange subconsciously think that this was the lord.

But Tiange did not act rashly.

The unscrupulousness shown by Yi Tian means that he is confident.

He was not a god before, but now he is stronger than her in cultivation, which shows that Yi Tian is not afraid.

Even if you lose, you can easily leave at will.

At this time, Tian Ge tried to contact the True God tribesmen who were ambushing outside Yi Tian's territory, but found that he could no longer contact them.

It was obvious that those tribesmen had been captured by Yi Tian.

When it comes to carrying the holy relics of the God King, even Tiange is far behind.

He could only ask the God King how to do it!

Yi Tian is not afraid of his identity being exposed. If the God King does not enter the realm of Heavenly Dao, Yi Tian will be invincible.

Even if they bring the power of the God King.

Rules are supreme, there is only power, no rules, and there is nothing that can be done to Yi Tian.

"Brother Zhuge, you have the qualifications of a god king, I admire you, I admire you..."

At this time, Dao Xiu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much, Brother Zhuge, for showing mercy!"

He seemed to be apologizing for his actions just now.

They also noticed something was wrong.

After all, I had never heard of this name before, it seemed like it appeared out of thin air.

If Yi Tian hadn't used all his strength just now, he could have killed Canglong directly.

In that fight, Dao Xiu saw that Yi Tian was completely crushed not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of luck.

"No fight, no acquaintance. I speak freely, and there are things that are wrong."

Seeing that these supreme geniuses could resist taking out the sacred weapons of the God King, Yi Tian still looked at them with a high regard.

Today, Yitian's pattern has been opened.

If a war really breaks out, Yi Tian will arrest those who attack him instead of taking their lives.

The situation in the universe is complicated.

In the world of Heaven, which is the heart of the universe, people with outstanding talents abound.

It can become a new force to resist the Zhen tribe.

What Yi Tian wants to do is to win over and conquer these races, not to kill the supreme geniuses of these races.

Of course, conquest is not a one-step process.

As long as there is no blood feud, as Yi Tian's strength grows step by step, God's Domain will succumb sooner or later.

"Brother Zhuge's ambition is lofty, and we can't match it." Dao Xiu could only smile bitterly.

"Dad, I saw an acquaintance who took away our loot."

At this time, Erwa suddenly told Yi Tian and pointed into the distance.

Yi Tian's thoughts moved, and following Er Wa's thoughts, he locked onto Tian Ge.

He saw that she was a woman in the early stage of the True God, with a color that would captivate a country.

Its momentum is as peaceful as water.

Although she is in the early stage of a True God, Yi Tian feels that she is more powerful than the True Gods around her, such as Dao Xiu and Tian Fei.

Yi Tian immediately guessed that she was Tian Ge who was fighting Qinglong in his own territory.

He is the protagonist of the era, and his qualifications are above Daoxiu.

Tiange didn't know that Erwa could lock onto the familiar scent he had encountered.

Although he was thousands of miles away from Yi Tian, ​​Yi Tian took one step forward and shrunk to an inch.

Taking Erwa and Bai Ze, they arrived in front of Tiange in an instant!

Tian Ge faced Yi Tian warily.

After all, she already knew that Yi Tian had eliminated all the true gods carrying holy weapons in the Dagu region.

"Tiange, last time you came to my house, why did you leave without saying hello? You also took away hundreds of millions of my divine stone resources."

Tiange didn't speak, and Yi Tian was the first to ask.

"We all underestimated you!"

Tian Ge looked at Yi Tian.

It is impossible to say that he is afraid of Yi Tian.

Tian Ge transformed into nothingness, and the heaven and earth mirrored each other. Even if he was not Yi Tian's opponent, he was confident enough to escape.

What she was worried about was that Yi Tian would suddenly rise up and go on a killing spree.

Most of the people who came to explore the Tianhe ruins this time were the geniuses of the divine domain, leaders of the younger generation.

If they were all folded here, the Divine Realm would be severely injured.

Tiange can't save a few!

According to the information they collected, Yi Tian was not only following the Thunder Fire Rules.

Yi Tian majored in the five elements and ice and fire!

If these two kinds of meta-rules reach the eighth level, it will be useless even for the supreme genius who has perfected the true god to carry a holy weapon.

And Yi Tian has always been mysterious and unpredictable.

"Don't look at me with this look. I have no life-or-death grudges against your Celestial Clan, or even the entire race in the Divine Realm. That trivial friction is as big as a sesame seed and can be resolved at any time. You know me, and you should know that I have a clear distinction between grudges and grudges. People. I will never despise life because of the weakness of a creature. As long as they don't attack me, I will not take the initiative, even if they can bring me huge benefits."

Yi Tian approached Tian Ge and said slowly, lifting the weight as if it were light.

"You are an outsider!" Tian Ge's words were unequivocal.

"After all, you are called the protagonist of the era, enjoying the luck given by Heaven. Is the pattern so small? Although we are different races, we have the same physique, Dao body. A physique that conforms to the way of our universe. Heavenly Dao Divine Realm , has always been influenced by the universe, you should know it. Your world, named after Tiandao, represents the heart of the universe. The rules of Tiandao love you, and you should also understand the meaning of the rules of Tiandao in creating our lord game. If one day, the sun goes out , all the worlds are plunged into endless darkness, and all life is in ruins. I believe that even the heart will stop beating!" Yi Tian scolded Tiange mercilessly.

Even the protagonists of the era have deep-rooted thoughts.

Once you firmly believe something, it is difficult to change it.

What is right for you may be wrong for them, often contradicting themselves.

"Tiange, so you two know each other?"

At this time, Daoxiu and others had already caught up. They all know Tiange.

Especially Tian Fei, who is several generations older than Tian Ge in terms of seniority. It's just that the lineage is different.

"Yes! Tiange and I are inseparable!"

When Tiange was still immersed in Yi Tian's words, Yi Tian said with a smile.

Only then did Tiange react, but she did not reveal Yi Tian's identity.

Otherwise, Dao Xiu and other supreme geniuses will definitely take action again, and they will directly use the sacred weapon of the God King.

As soon as Yi Tian said this, Dao Xiu and others were very strange.

Tiange is famous for not speaking politely to anyone. It is even more impossible to have mutual friendship.

But Jian Tiange did not deny it.

I also saw that Yi Tian was not an ordinary person, so I guessed that this might be the reason.

"Sister Tiange, your purple stone has been flashing. There must be something important in the clan to contact you." Tianfei suddenly said to Tiange.

Although they are many generations apart, Tiange is more qualified and does not belong to the same family, so he will definitely not be called "ancestor".

She didn't know who Tian Ge was contacting, but when she saw the beam of light around her waist, she knew that Zi Shi was in contact.

At this moment, Tiange was very embarrassed.

She knew that this was the reply from the ancestor of the God King.

The communication stone of the top protoss directly simulates the mirror image and communicates with it through time and space.

Before the communication crystal ball appeared, gods could also rely on communication stones to communicate.

"I have something to do, excuse me!"

Tian Ge left a word with a cold face and wanted to leave immediately.


Yi Tian teleported over and directly grabbed Tian Ge's shoulders.

At the same time, Wanli Space was imprisoned in an instant!

This time, Tian Ge finally changed his color.

Space rules!

This is the power that only the God King can master.

Yi Tian has this method, and her magical powers and secrets cannot be reduced to intangibility.

She thought she had been looking up to Yi Tian, ​​but underestimated Yi Tian's methods.

What made her even more embarrassed and angry was that Yi Tian ignored the difference between men and women and grabbed her shoulders directly.

"Let go!"

Tian Ge wanted to break free, but Yi Tian's palm emitted green light, and the rules of wood bloomed.

The invisible web of rules prevented Tiange from moving.

"I guess it's your clan leader or the God King who contacted you. I haven't met the God King yet, so I want to pay my respects to the God King's honor!"

Yi Tian said calmly.

Daoxiu and others also realized that something was wrong.

"Are you really not afraid of anything?" Tian Ge asked.

At this time, she was shocked.

Because the power Yi Tian showed was like a great avenue.

This is like the legendary rule of perfection!

Have you surpassed the God King before you have seen him?

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