Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 624 Fairy Dust from Past Life


With a flash of light, Yi Tian returned to his territory.

It is now the twenty-fifth day of winter, the second year of the lordship.

Yi Tian left the territory for two days.

The harvest from this trip far exceeded Yi Tian's expectations.

One hundred and eight of the middle grade are like water beads, 72 of the top grade are like water beads, and 36 of the best grade are like water beads. A water-like Dzi bead.

A Nine-Destiny Water Bead.

A cosmic ancestral line.

Eight kinds of seven-star god-level special lotuses.

There are tens of thousands of lotus flowers of various grades in each of the nine types.

There are more than a thousand peach trees of various types.

An unexplored storage jade bracelet.

Yi Tian didn't pay attention to the bodies of those puppets.

Give it directly to Luban and Guiguzi later.

Guiguzi's Star God Puppet has basically been completed.

Currently, most of the elite members of the territory are still practicing within the time and space barrier.

Yi Tian returned to his territory without first releasing the ancestral veins of the universe.

Because the moment the ancestral veins of the universe are released, many god-level treasures of heaven and earth will also complete their promotion.

Wait for Yi Tian to plant all the natural materials and treasures he has obtained.

After several major forces offered the ransom for Daochen, Yuangu, and Cangxin, Yi Tian released the ancestral lineage of the universe.

Yi Tian came to Fukongshan Island.

Now the overall area of ​​Fukongshan Island is very large, and there are still many and short positions.

Yi Tian used the power of rules to change the mountains and rivers on the floating mountain island.

The terrain he set is to form a mountain lake within the mountains.

This mountain lake is larger than the lake in the Tianhe ruins.

On the mountain next to it, a Tianchi is formed.

If there is water in Tianchi, a waterfall will form and flow into the mountain lake.

Yi Tian first poured all the water containing divinity in the top-grade Dongtian Talisman into the Tianchi, and then poured it all into the lake.

The peach trees were taken out and planted around the mountain and lake.

And those lotus flowers are planted in the mountains and lakes on a variety basis.

There is no plan to place a sacred lotus on Tianchi, but to plant other magical medicines in the future.

From now on, this lake will be named Goddess Lake, and the Tianchi above it will be named Goddess Pond.

In memory of the goddess Yao Ji who created the Tianhe ruins, he was given the opportunity.

Yi Tian, ​​who controls various attribute rules, quickly completed these arrangements with one person.

Yi Tian also summoned the Purifying Lotus from the Peach Blossom Pond and placed the Purifying Lotus in the center of the white lotus.

They complement each other and are used to nourish the white lotus.

The quantity and quality of white lotus are not as good as those of other colors, and it is difficult to replace them.

But the Pure World Lotus is an eight-star god.

Other special lotuses do not have this opportunity. Even if they are refined into god-level spiritual treasures, they will only be seven-star god-level.

When all was completed, the intensity of the heavenly spiritual energy in the territory had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Territory Sky Spiritual Energy Intensity: 686.35%.

Under such a high density of spiritual energy, it actually increased by 200%.

The lotus flower and the peach tree represent the gods, both of which feed back the richness of heavenly spiritual energy.

After the cosmic ancestral veins are placed, the intensity of the territorial spiritual energy will increase again.

The intensity of the territory's spiritual energy has increased significantly, making the territory members very excited.

The members of the territory who were originally within the time and space barrier were still one step away from impacting the realm of gods.

Now because of the great increase in the intensity of the Heavenly Spiritual Qi, it is directly condensed into the Divine Source.

The replenishment of spiritual energy these days has allowed many members of the territory to break through and become gods faster.

For ordinary members, the richer Heavenly Spiritual Qi can baptize themselves.

Yi Tian remembered that there was another important thing to do, and he immediately called Zhuge Liang, Du Fu and other territorial officials.

Let them organize manpower and prepare to arrange new territory members.

These members of the territory are the clansmen of the immortals in the territory.

There are hundreds of billions of humans and monsters in total.

Although it is a lot, it is just enough land for the current territory.

There is too much empty land, and if we want to develop, we must have more people.

The immortals in the time and space barrier were also called out by Yi Tian.

Their tribesmen must be taken away and resettled by these immortals as soon as possible to stabilize order.

Otherwise, Yi Tian's officials would not be able to arrange for hundreds of billions of people.

We can only wait until everything is settled before doing statistics and establishing prefectures and counties.

Even so, it's a lot of work.

After these immortals came out, Yi Tian found that they all made progress.

There are also some who, within the time barrier, break through and become true immortals.

In particular, 100% of the immortals from the original Human Race Holy Mountain and Demon Race Holy Mountain jumped over that bottleneck.

After all, it was not that they lacked qualifications at the beginning, but that the Dao Yun and Tianling Qi of the Xiaoxian Shen Dao Realm were insufficient.

In the Yitian territory, they will be unstoppable if they reopen their potential.

From this, I am sincerely convinced of Yi Tian!

They were even more grateful that Yi Tian wanted to transfer their clan members.

They all realized that within their territory, everyone among their clansmen would become immortals.

Maybe it will inspire greater potential and break through to a higher realm.

With everything ready, Yi Tian ordered Jiang Lancang to trade with the human race first.

According to the original plan, the human race was arranged in the newly opened eastern plain of the territory.

There were more people than expected.

The southern plain is also used to arrange the newly joined human races.

The northern plain and the western plain are used to arrange the demon clan.

Yi Tian had already made an explanation to Jiang Lancang.

New members of the territory can trade with 100 million people at a time.

Then there is the trading of materials, resources, natural materials, treasures, etc. from these tribes!

Immortals identify their tribesmen in the sky.

Once confirmed, use the technique of traveling to the four major plains of east, west, north, and south.

They choose a place to live in the vast open space.

Currently, there is not a single mountain among the four major plains. They are all spiritual-level soil and have no geographical advantages.

The first territorial members arrive.

The open space with a radius of a hundred miles was filled with bewildered humans.

When they felt that they were in the deep fairyland, they were all very happy.

Jiang Lancang did not lie to them.

Here, they met their ancestors.

The immortals took their tribesmen, paid homage to Yi Tian, ​​and left with the resources of their villages and tens of thousands of tribesmen.

Repeatedly, batch after batch.

The huge migration of people and resources, despite preparations in advance, still lasted three days.

It will not be completed until the twenty-eighth day of winter.

It is estimated that Zhuge Liang will not be able to handle the more complicated subsequent processing in a month.

Even though the assessment was approaching at the end of the month and the lords were preparing for it, Yi Tian was not panicked at all.

He regards the end-of-month assessment as normal.

Even Yi Tian couldn't think of anyone who dared to attack his territory?

If there was no aboriginal attack, would there be any comment on his end-of-month assessment?

With the joining of many members of the territory, a large number of heavenly materials, earthly treasures, spiritual trees, and sacred trees entered the territory of Yitian, providing the territory with the richness of spiritual energy and the richness of heavenly spiritual energy.

Due to the limited number of divine trees and divine-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the spiritual energy in the territory does not increase much. After the members of the territory plant the divine-level heavenly materials, earthly treasures and divine trees in various places, the intensity of the heavenly spiritual energy in the territory is: 705.35%.

Territory intensity: 20800%.

The main reason is that the spiritual energy in the territory is so dense that it has reached the point where a wave of sleeves can collect the spiritual energy rain. Even if many spiritual trees appear, it cannot increase much.

However, to achieve the conditions of the Secret World of Chaos, one only needs a spiritual energy concentration of 20,000%, which has already met the requirements.

For mortals, the intensity of this kind of spiritual energy is almost the limit, and too much is not enough.

Leave the rest of the trivial matters to Zhuge Liang.

Yi Tian returned to Fukongshan Island.

He felt that Mengxue had come out of the time and space barrier and went to the Goddess Lake.

With doubts in his heart, Yi Tian naturally went to take a look at Mengxue's changes.

Mengxue was sitting among the lotus flowers in the Goddess Lake. Her unique and independent appearance made Yi Tian feel amazing every time he saw her.

She is like one of thousands of lotus flowers, colorful and colorful.

She became a god.

Yi Tian immediately used the Tiandao Stone to check Mengxue's information.

Yi Tian discovered that Mengxue had not only become a god, but her cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Mysterious God.

She didn't take any pills.

Even if he becomes a god, his cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

Yi Tian underestimated Mengxue before, thinking that she was not a god before she woke up.

In addition, Yi Tian also discovered that Mengxue no longer only had the spirit rule attribute.

She also has water, ice, fire, and ice and fire attributes.

After becoming a god, be fully activated!

Directly the level of strength. Progress is triple without taking any resources.

Let’s look at Mengxue’s magical power. Yi Tian was dazzled. He has much more magical powers, spells, and martial arts than Yi Tian.

In terms of special mysteries, Yao Ji possesses the perfection of the mysteries of time, the perfection of the mysteries of space, and the perfection of the mysteries of love.

There is one thing that makes Yi Tian pay more attention.

Mengxue’s memories were all restored!

When Yi Tian looked at it before, it seemed that it had only recovered 5%.

It can also be understood that memory is associative. When the memory recovers to a certain extent, Mengxue will definitely explore other memories.

Seeing Yi Tian coming, Mengxue stood up from the lake.

She stepped on the mirror-like lake surface, one ripple at a time.

When she was close to Yi Tian, ​​she smiled charmingly.

Yi Tian's mind moved.

Even if Mengxue regains her memory, Yi Tian is still defenseless.

Because he saw Mengxue's strength information again, combined with Bai Ze's rumor that Yao Ji was immortal.

Yi Tian felt that these qualifications were even more powerful than those of the protagonists of the era. In addition, she possesses the secret of love, so she must be the God King Yao Ji who practices the way of love.

"God King Yao Ji!"

Yi Tian tried to call out this title.

"I regained my memory, but you have forgotten everything."

Mengxue did not respond, but looked at Yi Tian tenderly.

"Mengxue, what are you talking about?"

Yi Tian couldn't stand this look. You are the God King Yao Ji.

Even if it has not yet regained its strength.

"Xianchen, please call me Yao Ji as before."

Yao Ji came to Yi Tian and said to Yi Tian openly.

"I am Yi Tian, ​​not Xianchen."

Yi Tian was touched.

Because Xianchen is the name of the Immortal King of Reincarnation.

Could he really be the reincarnation of the Immortal King of Samsara?

Yi Tian felt that he was very happy in this life and did not want to be the Immortal King of Reincarnation.

"The secret of reincarnation lies in the original mind. All your words, deeds, and personality are exactly the same as his. Even if you recover your memory, it will not matter. Because you are the same person."

Yao Ji knew what Yi Tian was thinking.

She has Mengxue's memory, so she naturally knows that Yi Tian and Xianchen's personalities and behavior styles completely overlap.

"Then why did you appear in the Divine Tiger Territory? Aren't you afraid that others will get you? Are you relying on some kind of resurrection?"

Yi Tian didn't know what it would be like to become the Immortal Queen of Reincarnation.

But he had to accept this reality.

I can only change the topic to clear up my doubts.

"Because you will definitely appear there. And I have never died, even when the Zhen tribe was in turmoil. I fell into a deep sleep and was just using secret techniques to reshape the foundation, hoping to really help you during the next Zhen tribe invasion. "

Yao Ji whispered, stretched out her jade hand and touched Yi Tian's waist.

Yi Tian thought she was going to take off his clothes, but saw Yao Ji taking off the jade bracelet hanging from Yi Tian's waist.

Only then did Yi Tian react.

The jade bracelet under the peach tree is Yao Ji's magic weapon.

It’s good to return the property to its original owner!

I saw Yao Ji's jade hand gently touching the jade bracelet, and the jade bracelet felt a familiar power, and the power of the seal was lifted instantly.

"Xianchen, I know you have many doubts. Although I am not as perfect as you, I have this, the eight-star artifact, the Kunlun Sky Mirror."

"The Kunlun Sky Mirror can allow me to integrate into the way of heaven in a short time, and use the power of the way of heaven to deduce into the future. So I can leave the ruins of the Tianhe for you."

Yao Ji took out a mirror from the jade bracelet with a continuous fairy mountain on the back.

Even if Yi Tian doesn't use the Tiandao Stone, he still knows that the effect of Kunlun Heaven Realm is definitely more than that.

It must have great power.

"Will there be no changes in the future? If everything can be arranged, what's the point?" Yi Tian still has many things that he can't figure out.

"Of course there will be changes. It all depends on the layout ability. They are all linked together. Even if there are changes, they will be solved with the remaining backhand. If someone with great luck interferes and the backhand cannot solve it, then it can only depend on fate. . For example, you, Xianchen. You have paved the way for this life a lot, but you didn’t expect that you would grow so fast in this life! Your roulette wheel will be manifested in advance." When Yao Ji explained to Yi Tian, ​​she smiled brightly.

It was as if he was teasing the Immortal King of Samsara and finally made a mistake.

In a time of great strife, secrets are the most difficult to figure out.

Especially when the lord game is started, unexpected changes occur.

"How can the Immortal King of Reincarnation be able to create a design derived from the rules of heaven?" Yi Tian didn't understand this at all.

"Xianchen, I just said that I have the Kunlun Heavenly Mirror, which can be integrated into the Heavenly Dao and use the power of the Heavenly Dao. Those design drawings are all designed by me according to your ideas." Yao Ji shook her head as she spoke. Kunlun Sky Mirror in hand: "If you want any other designs, you can tell me and I can help you create them. However, my strength has not been restored yet. It will take a long time to use the Kunlun Sky Mirror."

"Uh, no need for now."

Yi Tian couldn't adapt to Yao Ji talking to him with such an attitude.

Her charm and charm would make any man feel uncomfortable.

Especially when there was some entanglement with her in the previous life.

"Yao Ji..."

When Yi Tian was about to tell Yao Ji that he had not recovered his memory and that it was not like this, Yao Ji stretched out her jade finger and put it on Yi Tian's lips like a prophet of uncertainty.

It made Yi Tian's whole body feel like he was electrocuted.

"Xianchen, you can just think of me as Mengxue. Mengxue also loves you. In my memory, Mengxue often comes to annoy you. She doesn't want to annoy you, she just relies on you."

Yao Ji exhaled like orchid and said in Yi Tian's ear.

Her words left Yi Tian unable to say anything else.

"Then from now on, don't call me Xianchen, my name is Yi Tian."

Yi Tian said to Yao Ji.

"Okay, fairy dust. There are some treasures in my storage bracelet that can help you make the peach tree bear fruit."

Yao Ji smiled mischievously, took a step back, waved her arm, and some magical objects floated in front of Yi Tian...

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