Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 658 Qianxian Zhutian Flag, Jedi Dzi Bead

The sacred weapon of the Zhen tribe!

And it is the sacred weapon of the Zhen clan that destroys the heaven and the earth.

Yi Tian could feel the power of the rules of heaven and earth suppressing this black flag so that it could only exert a little power.

Even so, it also reveals something extraordinary.

The other supreme geniuses from the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm were heartbroken when they saw this situation.

From this black flag, they saw a life-and-death struggle, as if just a thought could kill them all.

This is obviously the momentum that only a god king can have.

They also came with magic weapons, but under this situation, their magic weapons were vulnerable under this black flag.

They couldn't figure it out, the abyss was so powerful, why did they need to come here?

"Haha...are you surprised? Because you will be buried with the lord."

The evil leader looked at the dozens of supreme geniuses with disdain, raised his head and laughed.

With the Qianxian Zhutian Flag in his hand, he felt as if he had the world in his hands.

Even if the God King comes, he is no match for him.

Xian is attack and Xian is defense.

There seems to be space transformation and time cause and effect.

With a flag in hand, the evil leader also became arrogant and despised those supreme beings.

"What do you mean?"

Dao Jiuxiao stared at the evil leader and asked, he had a bad feeling.

"My lord agreed to cooperate with you wastes, so naturally he wants to get rid of you together so that it will be easier to control this world in the future."

The evil leader makes no secret.

Because this group of people all have the qualifications to become god kings, especially several of the protagonists of the era, they will definitely become god kings, and they can go a long way on the road to god kings.

Get rid of them and there will be less resistance when the Zhen army comes.


"Ancestor was fooled!"


"How could this be?"

At this moment, the supreme geniuses understood that they had been tricked.

The abyss is the enemy, how could it be possible to be of the same mind as them?

Although they guard against the abyss.

But it's obvious that Abyss's methods are countless times more sophisticated than theirs.

They are too naive and too arrogant.

"The flag in his hand is invincible! Let's retreat first!"

As the leader, Dao Jiuxiao was ready to leave this place immediately.

When the eight immortals crossed the sea and each showed their magical powers, they found that all their magical powers of escaping, hiding, breaking the void, and transforming the void were ineffective.

In the dark, there is a barrier covering the Dagu region, making it impossible for them to travel through time and space.

For a moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"The frog at the bottom of the well has no idea of ​​our power. With our sophisticated design, how can we let you escape!" The evil leader continued to taunt and teased Yi Tian: "What do you think, lord?"

"The method is good, but I'm afraid the strength is not enough!"

In a reversal of the show, Yi Tian is watching the evil leader perform.

The Yi clan's sacred weapons are powerful, but Yi Tian also has tricks.

Especially after returning from the ruins of the Yuanshi God King.

"Still talking arrogantly! Everything about you will be annihilated from today!" The evil leader thought that Yi Tian was playing tricks.

He is not afraid even of the God King. What's more, Yi Tian has not yet become the God King.

"You have to take action as soon as possible, don't talk nonsense."

What Yi Tian was thinking was, besides the black flag, did the evil demon have any other sacred weapons?

Because there is another evil demon next to the evil demon leader, ready to attack.

From the look in his eyes, Yi Tian already felt threatened.

"Since you want to die, I will make it happen for you!"

The evil demon of the Yi tribe was furious, and he waved the Qian Yi Zhutian flag.

In an instant, the sky became dark and the sun disappeared.

All living creatures in the entire Dagu region seemed to have fallen into darkness.

But for practitioners, this is even weirder than falling into the dark night.

Even if he is as strong as the god Perfect, he can't even reach out and see his fingers.

Even the Qi around his body was isolated, and Yi Tian couldn't even sense the four phenomena and the Golden Crow.

No sound could be heard.

"Original God Tower!"


Faced with this situation, Yi Tian did not hesitate to sacrifice the nine-star artifact, the Yuanshi Divine Tower.

All creatures see a glimmer of light in this darkness.

It seemed like colors, it seemed like gold, it seemed like purple, it seemed like the sun, moon and stars...

Then there was a rumbling sound in his ears, and the "dark night" in front of him was dispelled.

Looking at Yi Tian again, he was holding the Tower of the Origin God in one hand, and holding the back of the demon who was a perfect god in the other hand.

The demon's eyes were wide open, and his face had no trace of color or anger.


The pride on the evil leader's face suddenly stopped and was replaced by shock.

With the blessing of Qianxuan Zhutian Banner, only they can sense it.

At the moment when the world was ignited, the evil leader hinted at a genius-level evil to catch Yi Tian.

Because even if the God King faces Qianxuan Zhutian Banner, he will become "deaf" and "blind" and lose all perception.

Even if he is attacked, he will not notice it at all.

But as soon as the scene changed, the god he sent out, Perfect Tianjiao Supreme, was killed by Yi Tian without any resistance.

"That's the nine-star artifact..."

Only then did the evil leader realize the items in Yi Tian's hands.

"You're quite discerning!"

Yi Tian chuckled lightly and dropped the demon's corpse from the air.

His soul was frozen and broken by Yi Tian, ​​and then sucked away by the power of reincarnation. He was completely destroyed and could not be resurrected.

The other supreme geniuses are even more timid.

They had already heard of Yi Tian's name. Nowadays, hearing a hundred times is better than seeing it once. Yi Tian is more powerful than imagined.

Killing the same supreme genius is like picking something out of a bag.

"You are indeed a lucky person."

The evil leader no longer spoke nonsense this time, but looked cautious.

At the same time, he winked at a demon next to him.

The evil spirit understood.


The evil leader waved the Qianxian Zhutian flag again, and an overwhelming wave of smoke rolled toward Yi Tian.

The shape is like mist, billowing like smoke.


When Xian Wu was attacking Yi Tian, ​​he raised the Yuanshi Divine Tower and flickered out a ray of light from the sun, moon and stars.

The sun rises in the east, the moon sets in the west, and the sky above is filled with stars.

A force came down from the sky and the earth around him, dispersing the black mist of Xianli.

At the same time, another demon from the Zhen tribe took out a big bell and threw it at Yi Tian with lightning speed.

The power of Xianli exuded from this big bell is not much worse than Qianxian Zhutian Banner.

"Tiandao Roulette!"

When the big bell was about to cover Yi Tian, ​​the Tiandao wheel flew out from Yi Tian's head.

The threads of fate are woven into a web. Net the big clock.

Together with the net, there is also the power of the big bell exuding.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

The big clock seemed to be struck by someone, trying to break away from the web of fate cast by the wheel of heaven.

But along with the forty-nine lines on the wheel of heaven, light appeared.

In addition to the deafening sound of the first bell, the second, third, and fourth tones became smaller and smaller.

Until the bell stops ringing!

"Thank you for the gift of the treasure!"

After fully controlling the big clock, Yi Tian waved his hand and put the big clock into the storage ring.

A Qianxian Zhutian Flag and a big bell are the most important treasures of the Xian tribe that originally complemented each other.

It is conceivable that when the living beings are blinded by Qianxuan Zhutian Banner, the bell rings, which can kill the existence of the God King.

The moment Yi Tian took away the big bell, the evil demon had no chance of defeating Yi Tian.

This time, Yi Tian took the initiative to attack despite the fear of the evil leader.


From his Yuanshi God Tower, a nine-color ray of light shot directly at the evil leader.


Although his heart was in chaos, the evil leader still waved the flag in his hand, preparing to defend against Yi Tian's attack.

The Qianxian Zhutian Banner integrates offense and defense.

Tens of thousands of whirlpools appeared around the evil leader, swallowing up Yi Tian's nine-color divine light.

"Move the world!"

This time, Yi Tian integrated the Five Elements Rules into the Yuanshi Tower.

It began to affect the stars, heaven and earth.

In an instant, stars appeared in the daytime over tens of thousands of areas.

The power of these stars, the power of heaven and earth, is infinitely accumulated on the Tower of Yuanshi.

At this moment, the power and power of the Yuanshi Tower increased exponentially.

Far more than before.

"The way of all things!"

Following Yi Tian's soft drink.

Boundless elements emerged in the sky and fell towards the evil leader.

The evil leader controls the Qianxuan Zhutian Banner, and there are more whirlpools around him, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions...

Every vortex can weaken the power coming towards him.

But this is not the time!

With the blessing of the Yuanshi God Tower, Yi Tian leads the way of all ways.


A fireball containing the Great Dao fell, and countless whirlpools were destroyed.


Tens of thousands of sky thunders.

Endless heavy rain.

Countless wills with weapons.

The vast power of the sun, moon and stars.

The strong wind filled every inch of space.

Nearly three thousand avenues were suppressed.

The whirlpool formed by the evil leader was unable to support itself even as it breathed, being submerged bit by bit.

"Ah... help me, kill the lord..."

The evil leader's eyes were about to burst, and when he could no longer hold on any longer, he shouted to his subordinates.

Trying to get his subordinates to interrupt Yi Tian's spellcasting so that he could escape.

The other evil spirits obeyed the evil leader's orders. Knowing that the situation was critical, they used their magical powers and rules on Yi Tian without any explanation.

But Si Xiang and Jin Crow around Yi Tian are not vegetarians.





As the four elephants chirped, they were possessed by the tenfold original rules.


Xuanwu cast a wall of water to block all the magical powers attacking Yi Tian.

Those evil spirits who were preparing to approach Yi Tian suddenly felt a force of gravity coming upon them, as if they were stuck in a quagmire.

This is the special rule of Xuanwu, the rule of gravity.

After transformation, its gravity rules are in their initial stage.


There was a murderous intent in the roar, and a chill ran down the spines of these demons, and then they fell unconscious.

Because the most powerful white tiger, wrapped in ten heavy gold rules, turned into golden light, and tore them into pieces under the killing strangulation.

The Golden Crow shot out a ray of light.

The evil spirits in the distance could not be avoided, and after being hit by the light, they spontaneously ignited.

This is the fire of the sun and cannot be extinguished.

They were reduced to ashes under bursts of wailing.

Qinglong and Suzaku also took this opportunity to use the ten-fold rule to kill a dozen other evil spirits.

Not all of these evil spirits are supreme beings, and there is only one evil leader who is the protagonist of the era.

Without the sacred weapons of the Yi tribe, they would be like toys under the ten rules.


Yi Tian increased his efforts and devoted himself to the rules of the eighth level of chaos.

Rules spread across the sky, falling towards the evil leader like a annihilation of the world.


The evil leader was very unwilling and shouted hysterically.

Immediately afterwards, the evil leader was swallowed up by the last energy.

Yi Tian didn't stop!

The evil leader paid the price for his arrogance.

Yi Tian knew that his identity was not simple, but he still killed him without hesitation.

This kind of person may escape if he keeps his hand.

His Evil Suppressing Pagoda already has seven stars, and there will be many opportunities to advance in the future, including dozens of gods.

The supreme geniuses of the Heavenly Realm watched helplessly as the evil leader was shattered into pieces and his soul was destroyed.

Even their stored magic weapons were destroyed.

Only the Qianxuan Zhutian flag and a bead were floating in the air.

Representing Yi Tian's current strength, he is still unable to deal with Qian Xuan's Zhutian flag and beads.

Yi Tian has seen Qianxuan Zhutian Banner before.

Although it is a sacred weapon of the Xian people, it has the same goal through different paths. When there is an opportunity to re-sacrifice it, cleanse the power of Xian, and transform its nature of power, the gods of the universe should also be able to use it.

The Sacred Artifacts of the Zhen Clan are of a different level from those in the Heavenly World.

Yi Tian could feel that the Qianxuan Zhutian Flag was a treasure between eight stars and above and below nine stars.

That bead exudes the power of the dark sky. Yi Tian immediately saw that it was this bead that locked the barrier of the Dagu Domain and hid his territory.


Yi Tian flicked out two rays of the Five Elements Divine Light in succession, and before the Supreme Prodigies could react, he flicked the beads and Qianxuan Tianzhu Flag into his hands.

At this moment, the Supreme Prodigy of the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm had mixed feelings in his heart.

Too strong!

In front of Yi Tian, ​​we are like ants that have not become gods.

How powerless!

The ancestor actually asked them to deal with Yi Tian.

Now that the barrier is still there, they can't escape at all.

What was originally a prison for evil spirits became a prison for Yi Tian to trap them.

Even if the evil spirits want to deal with them, they will not naively think that Yi Tian will let them go.

Because Yi Tian has always been very sinister.

"You fail again and again, why don't you remember it? Are your ancestors so ignorant?" Yi Tian played with the beads in his hand and asked Jiuxiao and other protagonists of the era, the supreme genius, with a smile.

This bead is called the Jedi Dzi Bead, and it can be activated with any energy.

It can ignore any cosmic void and create "Jedi".

Under the Jedi, time and space fail and cannot be broken unless there is the most powerful force.

It's a good baby.

"Don't insult our ancestors!"

A supreme genius glared at him angrily.

"Haha, your life or death depends on my thoughts. Do you still expect your ancestor to save you?"

At this time, Yi Tian was not afraid of their so-called ancestors at all.

He can break through the God King at any time.

Once he becomes the God King, he will be invincible in the world of heaven.

"Lord, what do you want?"

Dao Jiuxiao and others stopped other Tianjiao Supremes from speaking. In order to survive and for the future of Tiandao Divine Realm, they must bow their heads.

Based on past experience, Yi Tian is likely to blackmail their race.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not blackmailing you. If it hadn't been for me today, you would all have died without a burial place. Your race must pay me a sum of resources, and I will do my best to protect you."

Yi Tian could tell at a glance what Dao Jiuxiao was thinking.

"call out……"

He waved his hand and shot out wooden rules one after another, binding these protagonists and supreme geniuses of the era.

The Supreme Prodigy has accepted his fate and has not taken out the magic weapon from beginning to end.

The disparity in strength is like an abyss, and resistance is meaningless!

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