Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 678 Eighty-one Heavenly Dinghai Pearls, Fusion Plan

"Meet the God King!"

Obviously they were in the same realm, so they had no choice but to salute Yi Tian.

The charm has been established and is unstoppable!

In their hearts, Yi Tian is a unique creature, so he comes like a shooting star.

Yi Tian asked these god kings to stand up, sit down, and sip the god tea together.

When all the ancestors of the God Kings were sitting upright, Yi Tian said again: "Just drinking tea is boring, I will do a little trick to cheer you up."

As Yi Tian said, waves were rolling on the sea in the distance.

An ice tree rises slowly from the sea, decorated with clusters of snowflakes, and its branches are like jade.

This ice tree is still growing taller.

Hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, ten thousand feet, tens of millions of feet.

The breath stretches hundreds of millions of miles, from the ocean to the land, from the land to the mountains, from the mountains to the jungle...

Billions of gods can feel the breath brought by the ice tree.

Especially those gods who possess the rules of ice feel a sense of Tao flowing directly into their souls.

There are also gods who can see this ice tree from afar, like a miracle in the ocean, so beautiful.

The ancestors were already frightened, because hanging on this ice tree were the rules of ice at the ninth level of respect.

But the "show" isn't over yet.

Another fire tree, carrying a billowing heat wave, unexpectedly rose into the sea.

The flame is like a flower, still tens of millions of feet tall, with the ninth-level fire rules hanging on it.

Then there are the Rule Tree of Nine Layers of Wood, the Rule Tree of Thunder, the Rule Tree of Water, the Rule Tree of Stars, etc.

What is even more shocking is the mysterious five-element rule tree of the Nine Layers; the perfect destruction rule tree, the rule tree of desolation, the rule tree of power, the rule tree of virtuality and reality, the rule tree of space, the rule tree of time, etc.

Each of them can turn things around, shocking the ancestors of these god kings, and at the same time bless the gods of the heavenly realm.

In particular, the chaos-level nine-level tree of five elements' rules caused the ancestors of the God Kings to achieve the miracle of enlightenment.

They were shocked that one person could master so many rules of perfection and special rules of perfection.

None of the kings of gods are like this.

What's more, there are also the unknown five elements, perfect time and space, and other special rules.

This can definitely reverse life and death.

The ancestors of the God Kings also sensed countless rules and powerful special rules from the aura "inadvertently" leaked by Yi Tian.

What Yi Tian revealed was not everything. Just like the way of heaven, endless.

At the same time, Yi Tian was still talking to the ancestors of the God Kings about the Zhen clan.

Regardless of whether the Zhen tribe invades the Tiandao world, a large number of elite tribesmen, god kings, especially the protagonists of the future era must be sent to support the universe.

Yi Tian convinced people with his virtue and stated the power of it. If the universe did not exist, as the "heart" of the Tao universe, the world of Heaven would definitely be destroyed.

Seeing Yi Tian's power, they didn't dare not listen.

"I am a friend of the Wandao God King, and you are the descendants of Wandao. I want to protect you. Once the Zhen tribe invades, there will be all kinds of spiritual attacks and illusion attacks all the time. I hope you will not fall down."

Yi Tian finally said solemnly to the ancestors of the God Kings.

But the God King Ancestors showed surprised and doubtful eyes.

The God King of Ten Thousand Daos existed hundreds of millions of years ago, and Yi Tian is the lord. How dare he say that he is a friend of the God King of Ten Thousand Daos.

"I forgot to tell you. I am a reincarnated body. In my previous life, everyone in the universe called me the 'Reincarnation Immortal King'."

When Yi Tian spoke, the six gates of reincarnation appeared behind him, and the rules of reincarnation were filled with them.

The ancestors of the God Kings knew the secret of reincarnation, but they had never seen the power within it.

It is difficult to deduce even a single detail of the universe in all the universe for billions of years.

Now that they saw the real rules of reincarnation, they were both excited and shocked.

What shocked them even more was Yi Tian's identity.

The Immortal King of Reincarnation!

As the gears of destiny turn, many things in the universe will always flow into the world of heaven invisibly.

Including information about the peak god king.

They also heard from the God King of Ten Thousand Daos that there were two powerful men in the universe, who were like the "God King of the Ten Heavens", whom he could not match. One is the Primordial God King, and the other is the Immortal King of Reincarnation.

It turns out that Yi Tian is the reincarnation of the Immortal King of Samsara, no wonder everything is unpredictable.

"Meet the Immortal King of Reincarnation!"

The frightened God King ancestors once again bowed to Yi Tian.

If they had known that Yi Tian was the reincarnation of a top power, they would never have been enemies with Yi Tian.

How could the supreme existence known as the "Tenth Heaven" by the God King of Ten Thousand Daos occupy the place of the God King's Ninth Heaven? They thought too much.

"The poison of the Abyss Demon Lord is still there, and it is deeply hidden. I have deduced some information, and some of them are the god kings of your clan. You should know what needs to be done."

Yi Tian used his thoughts to condense a chessboard.

On the chessboard, black and white are clear. He will tell them to eradicate all the back-up men left by the Abyss Demon Lord.

With the improvement of Yi Tian's cultivation, the so-called calculations of the Abyss Demon Lord are not worth mentioning.

"They have forgotten the ancestral precepts of the God King of Ten Thousand Daos and failed the people of the God Realm. They will be crushed ruthlessly."

Although the ancestors of the God Kings were frightened that there were betrayers among their own people, they made a prompt decision and made a promise to Yi Tian.

If they can betray the world of heaven, they will definitely attack them in the future and destroy their race.

Even for their descendants, they will clean up the door.

"The enemy is already accelerating and breaking through the barriers of the universe. We don't have much time. On this ocean, I will arrange a thousands-mile time and space barrier. One day inside the time and space barrier is equivalent to ten thousand years outside. These trees of rules, It will provide the gods with truth and Taoism. When the geniuses of the God Realm return from the ancient ruins, let them practice in the time and space barrier, become the God King as soon as possible, and sprint to the peak of the God King."

"You have underestimated the world of great struggle and the last stand against the law of heaven. I think that the gods in your divine domain will give birth to at least four peak god kings. However, the peak god kings need the recognition of the rules of heaven and only those who have the common people in mind can prove the way. . Who has the will? Seize the opportunity. Who has the destiny? Aspire to the top!"

Yi Tian finally said, giving these ancestors of the God Kings a boost of confidence.

If you have hope, you will not surrender.

"I'll keep this in mind!"

After Yi Tian's words, the God King Ancestors were full of hope and understood how ignorant they were before.

When Yi Tian was about to leave, the ancestor kings of the gods presented Yi Tian with a seven-star god-level spiritual treasure, the Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearl.

From the beginning to the end, Yi Tian never mentioned the Tiandao Dinghai Pearl. They were very sensible.

There are a total of sixteen Tiandao Dinghai Pearls, bringing Yi Tian's number to thirty.

Yi Tian did not leave the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm immediately. He found five more Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls in the mountains and streams.

In the world of Heavenly Dao, three Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls were found.

Then, Yi Tian broke through the barrier and came to the universe.

He did not show any momentum and alarm the god-kings in the universe.

It's just that the God King who obtained the Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearl was visited by Yi Tian.

Those god-kings, whether they had any treacherous intentions or not, were frightened when they saw Queen Yi Tian.

It is indeed the Immortal King of Reincarnation, so powerful. No different from before.

But Yi Tian left after getting the Tiandao Dinghai Pearl, leaving the gods and kings unable to figure out Yi Tian's thoughts.

It won't take long for the protagonist Lord of the Era, who is exploring ancient ruins and cultivating in the time and space barrier in the world of Tiandao, to return to the universe.

By then, they will understand that Yi Tian is using Shen Yun, Mo Qingshen and other lords to clean them up.

At the same time, it shocked the world.

Let all realms work together to defeat the Zhen clan!

The remaining Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls are scattered throughout the universe.

If it is a thing with an owner, after Yi Tian obtains the Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearl, he will give it a great opportunity to show cause and effect.

Although Yi Tian didn't show any momentum, it didn't take long before everyone in the world knew that the Immortal King of Samsara had arrived in the universe in full glory.

Some god-kings were frightened and terrified all day long. They were afraid that Yi Tian would appear in front of them the next second.

Especially during the first invasion of the Zhen tribe, they saw the mighty God King Yi Tian. They knew that Yi Tian crushing them would be like crushing an ant.

"With only the last one left, I can collect ninety-nine and eighty-one Tiandao Dinghai Pearls. Use the power of the nine-star artifact."

After Yi Tian traveled through multiple universes, he came to a world called Jiuxuan Daqian Realm.

As soon as he entered, Yi Tian felt a strange aura.

Memories from past lives surface.

The Nine-Xuan Great Thousand Realm was the place where the God King of Yuanshi once fought with the Immortal King of Reincarnation.

After the reincarnation fairy king fulfilled the rules of reincarnation, he fought with Yuan Shi for millions of years in the Nine Mysterious Universe.

So much so that the entire world is filled with traces of the great path of the Immortal King of Reincarnation and the God King of Yuanshi.

The creatures in the Nine Mysterious Great Thousand Worlds have also benefited from this, and their overall strength is much stronger than that of other great thousand worlds.

Yi Tian suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

Somehow, there is a reminder of the rules of heaven.

The rules of heaven will give up the Nine Mysterious Thousand Realms and let Yi Tian use the Realm Fusion Soul Bead to merge it into the inner world.

Yi Tian now has a cooperative relationship with the rules of heaven. If the Tao universe can be preserved, a vast world will be insignificant.

Now that he has been authorized, when the time comes, Yi Tian will merge the Nine Mysterious Thousand Worlds and break through the Nine Heavens of the God King with the power of the worlds during the fusion.

Now Yi Tian is comprehending the Taoist rhyme here, repeating the discussion of Taoism hundreds of millions of years ago, and improving his Three Thousand Rules.

In the deep sea of ​​the Nine-Xuan Daqian Realm, Yi Tian got his wish and got the last Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearl.

Eighty-one Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls appeared on the top of Yi Tian's head, evolving into eighty-one heavens, like stars in the universe.

It can attack, defend, and suppress all things.

Yi Tian carrying these eighty-one Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

He decided to give these eighty-one Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls to Yao Ji, who was about to break through to the peak of the God King.

In this way, Tao Universe will give birth to a peak combat power.

"I didn't know that the Immortal King was here, so please forgive me."

After Yi Tian summoned the eighty-one Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls to test their power, the God King of the Nine Mysterious Thousand Realms knew that Yi Tian was coming.

The universe has spread and reincarnation has returned.

It is obvious that the Immortal King of Reincarnation has come to the Jiuxuan Daqian Realm.

The Nine Mysterious Thousand Realms have a connection with the Immortal King of Reincarnation. It is the only world in the universe that has not suppressed the human race and distorted history.

It is because it is normal that it appears abnormal. In the Jiuxuan Daqian Realm, the Jiuxuan God Clan is considered a branch of the great alliance of God Clan, but they are not welcomed by other God Clan.

"Jiu Xuan Divine King, reincarnation of spring and autumn, long time no see!"

Yi Tian happens to know the controller of the Jiuxuan Great Thousand Realm, the Jiuxuan God King.

At the beginning, Jiuxuan God King was only a God King in the First Heaven, but now he is a God King in the Seventh Heaven, and he is almost among the top ranks in the universe!

"It is Jiu Xuan's blessing to be able to look upon your holy face again. The blessings left by you and the Yuanshi God Emperor have allowed me and all the Taoist friends from the Jiu Xuan Daqian Realm to reach today's realm. The universe is already dark, but Our Nine-Xuan Daqian Realm has always been bathed in the orthodoxy of you and the Yuanshi God Emperor, and it will never change!"

"The Yuanshi Divine Emperor is no longer here. With your leadership, we will definitely be able to defeat the Zhen people, so that our descendants will be safe and our inheritance will be endless!"

Jiuxuan God King immediately expressed his loyalty to Yi Tian.

"What you said is exactly what I thought..."

With the support of the Jiuxuan Daqian Realm, Yi Tian can fuse at any time.

In the future, when his inner universe is born, all the creatures in the Nine-Xuan Great Thousand Realms, including the Nine-Xuan God King, will receive blessings.

Yi Tian chatted with Jiu Xuan for several days, and then met with the other five god kings of Jiu Xuan Great Thousand Realm, which gave him a better understanding of everything in the Tao universe.

This time, Yi Tian set up a space-time barrier in the Nine Mysterious Thousand Worlds, preparing to retreat to understand the artistic conception of the rules left behind in this world, and improve the three thousand rules.

Although the intensity of the Heavenly Spiritual Energy in the Jiuxuan Daqian Realm is far lower than that in his territory, with Yi Tian's current cultivation level, the intensity of the Heavenly Spiritual Energy is not the most important thing.

One day outside, ten thousand years inside the barrier.

Time flies.

This time Yi Tian stayed in seclusion in the barrier for more than three million years, wholeheartedly comprehending the various Taoist rhymes in the Nine Mysterious Thousand Realms until all of them were analyzed.

During this period, the eliminated lords exited one after another.

They were transported back to their universe by the rules of heaven.

At the same time, it also brought back the legend about Yi Tian...

Those lords who were given the time and space barrier by Yi Tian broke through and became god kings one by one.

Including Zihuang Yuewu, who also became the God King.

In Yitian's territory, Sixiang, Kunpeng, Jinwu, Laozi, Guiguzi, and the Seven Little Milk Babies were the first to break through to the God King due to the inclination of resources.

Then there are those members of the territory who were baptized by Bodhizi and the old tribe of Yi Tian's previous life.

They were baptized by the Taoist charm of the territory and the intensity of the heavenly spiritual energy, and it took them 1.5 million to 3 million years to break through to the God King.

The number of god kings in Yitian territory reached hundreds.

The incarnations of rules, gods and demons have all honed their cultivation to the perfection of heaven, and have used three thousand Dao Beads to find new paths.

Unfortunately, the time and space barrier in the territory can only last for three years. After Yi Tian returns and opens another time and space barrier, they may be able to break through the God King.

Those members of the territory who returned from the ancient ruins for experience have also made great progress.

In the Nine Mysterious Thousand Realms, the time and space barrier disappears.

The Taoist charm of the entire world has weakened a lot, and Yi Tian has not only broken through most of the ordinary rules to the sixth level or above. The rules of reincarnation will also be restored to the later stage.

He completely integrated all the rules into the world of Hunyuan Five Elements.

Tianmai is only one step away from Qingtian level!

The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

At this time, Yi Tian already had the opportunity to break through to the peak of the God King.

But Yi Tian does not want to turn the territorial world into an inner universe at this time. Many of his rules have not yet been completed, and will only open up an inner universe with incomplete principles.

"The ruler of the Zhen Clan is affecting the time and space rules of the Dao universe. Now that time and space are chaotic, the Zhen Clan will invade the universe at any time. Is this cause and effect?"

Yi Tian knew that time was running out.

He would give the territorial members and lords at most another hundred years.

Let them rely on time and space enchantment to improve as soon as possible.

After a hundred years, even if the Tao is incomplete, Yi Tian will open up the inner universe, integrate the Nine Mysterious Thousand Worlds, and break through to the peak of the God King.

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