Lord of the Night

Chapter 268 We want to start a business

Swish, brush, brush...

The sound of writing.

"Question 100..."

Fang Che finished reading.

Take a sip of tea.

He stood up with his hands behind his back and began to invigilate the exam seriously and responsibly.

Stroll back and forth!

Next, the little devils have already started to answer questions.

According to the requirements of the Starlight Helmsman, the title must be written first: Question 1:...

Then write below: Answer:...

Points will be deducted for formatting errors.

Time passed little by little.

Some people are already getting anxious, and it feels like there are nails under their buttocks.

But he didn't dare to turn his head.

In such a cold weather, during the open-air exam, several people actually had steam rising from their heads.

The one-hour exam time passed quickly.

There was a wailing sound.

Obviously, a lot of guys didn't do very well on the exam.

Collecting a thick stack of examination papers.

Fang Che directly arranged the task: "Zhou Mei'er, Wu Lianlian...you eight girls are here to give scores. Well, don't betray my trust..."

"Thank you, Captain, for your trust."

Zhou Meier and others were very surprised.

This is a small bonus!

If there are typos or one or two words missing in your own paper, you can skip it; of course, you must be strict with others except yourself, otherwise the helmsman will be unhappy.

The girls move very quickly!

All test papers have been reviewed and scored.

Passed it to Fang Che.

Everyone has a relaxed smile on their face, obviously they have seen their scores and know that they will not be beaten or expelled.

The mood is very good.


Fang Che looked at the dozens of faces below, some were looking forward to it, some were frustrated, some were uneasy, and some were trembling.

He smiled and said, "The first exam is over. Now, everyone has remembered the rewards and punishments, right?"


"Well, let's start announcing the scores."

Fang Che opened it and read: "Zhao Wushang, one hundred points!"


Zhao Wushang couldn't help but jump up and wave his hands wildly.

He danced up to take his paper, with tears in his eyes.

"Zheng Yunqi. Ninety-nine points."

Zheng Yunqi also stood up and said calmly: "Thank you, helmsman."

He stepped forward and took the paper.

I have to say that they all did well in the exam, with ten people scoring above 95 points.

Then more than ninety, eighty, seventy...

Basically passed the test.

When there was only the last paper left, everyone suddenly became silent.

"Jiang Wenwu!"

Fang Che's face turned cold.

No one said a word.

"Jiang Wenwu!" Fang Che shouted angrily.

Finally, a tall, skinny guy with pimples on his face stood up, shook his head and said, "...ruler, my name is Jiang Bin."

"Jiang Bin?"

Fang Che was stunned for a moment, lowered his head to look at the test paper, and said angrily: "You wrote the name yourself, is this Bin? It's good if I can recognize Wenwu! Come and see for yourself, you are so divided! You Does everyone write like this?"

Jiang Bin almost cried: "The helmsman...the helmsman, I..."

"Fifty-seven points!"

"Look at the score you got on the exam. It's really an embarrassment to our ancestors!"

Fang Che shouted angrily; "The paper is not neat and tidy, and the writing is forked. Two points will be deducted from the paper again. The final score is fifty-five points!"

Jiang Bin looked pitiful as if he were mourning his heir.

"Zhao Wushang!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"In terms of rewards and punishments, how should we be punished?"

"Twenty lashes for less than sixty points! Fifty-eight points and thirty, fifty-seven points and forty, fifty-five points... sixty lashes!"

Fang Che nodded and said: "It happens to be a passing whip. Not bad. Have you seen that tree? Seal your cultivation level, take off your clothes and hang it up! Zhao Wubai, come and execute me!"


"Ah what? The execution was incomplete, and you are equally guilty as him!"

"Everyone else, watch the execution together! And count them together! If you count incorrectly, you'll start from the beginning!"

Jiang Bin almost peed, and almost knelt down in front of everyone, pleading: "Everyone... make sure you don't count wrong..."

Suddenly a naked pig was hung up.

The black brush-like hairs under the armpits were exposed.

With a snap, a new whip snapped in the air.

Zhao Wubai showed an executioner's smile on his face and spat into his palm: "Everyone, let's get started."

"Zhao Wubai!"

Jiang Bin was hung up and yelled: "You have to hit where you should hit..."

Zhao Wubai waved his whip: "Shut up!"








Sixty lashes were completed.

The new willow bark whip had broken three.

Jiang Bin was put down with a disheveled look on his face, his buttocks touched the ground, and he suddenly jumped up with a squealing sound like an electric shock. He covered his buttocks with both hands, his expression was filled with pain.

"The first time, we are allowed to use willow bark whips, but the next time, we have to use leather whips. The third time, we use iron whips, and in the final exam, if you fail, you use the poisonous dragon whip!"

Fang Che ordered coldly.

Suddenly, the forty-two people collectively shivered.

That's all there is to it, but everyone knows about the Poisonous Dragon Whip. That is definitely not something that people can bear!

If you have evil intentions, you can pull out your intestines with a few whips!

"Okay, come down."

Fang Che announced that Zhao Wushang and Zheng Yunqi would temporarily become the two team captains. The others did not score more than 98 points, so they would be selected for the next exam.

It was originally planned to be divided into five small teams, but now it is divided into two large teams.

"Sit down."

Fang Che said: "Let me check your clothing changes."

Suddenly everyone was sitting obediently, and Jiang Bin also behaved himself, sitting on his stool in the air with a straight stance.

There's no way... my ass is rotten.

After checking, Fang Che nodded secretly. The execution of these guys was still good. After he mentioned some points yesterday, he actually changed his mind immediately.

Moreover, even his demeanor and eyesight have changed a lot.

Of course, Fang Che didn't realize that most of the change in his demeanor was because he was scared...

"It's a long-term dormant state, and it needs a proper job."

Fang Che said: "Although our Baiyunzhou branch has been established, we still don't have a plan for what to do next. We can work together and think about it."

Fang Che encouraged: "You are all talents, and you have to be on your own in the future. How to lurk and develop in such a strange environment, on a legal and reasonable basis, while remaining unobtrusive, has to be experienced."

"It will also be beneficial to your future development."

"Use your brain and think about it."

So everyone began to think hard.

This is really a vital benefit.

I came up with it, but it is a job that I will be engaged in soon. Who doesn’t want to choose a job that is easier, more concealed, more legal, and safer?

So this time, I was really serious.

"Captain, how about the escort agency? Let's use this place as our base camp and set up an escort agency?"

Jiang Bin asked, covering his butt.

"Escort agency..."

Fang Che frowned and said: "Escort agency... it's okay... it's a direction."

He thought of Qiao Yishu's escort agency.

Immediately I felt that this method was not bad.

"What do you think?"

Others also feel that this way, they don’t have to go out to look for a job and can directly recruit workers at home, which is safer!

So they all responded.

Fang Che frowned, paced, and said: "The escort agency is not bad...but you guys, I don't trust anything I say. What if you think the goods are good, or find it troublesome, and kill people on the way? , I collected the goods by myself, and it will only be a matter of time before the owner comes and reports to the guarding hall, and then he finds us again."

Zhao Wushang frowned and said: "Captain, we are operating a completely legal business. To be a bodyguard agency, we need to look like a bodyguard agency. How can we kill people by ourselves? Even if we come back like that, Master, you won't be able to spare us." "

"Who knows if you don't tell yourself?"

Fang Che glared at him and said, "My confidence in you is basically zero. So I think it's better to go out and look for work separately..."

Several people swore they would never do anything like that.

They all saw it. It seemed that the helmsman didn't want to open the escort agency, let alone stay here. It was very obvious that he wanted to drive them out.

But... how difficult it is to drive everyone out to find a job!

So collectively plead.

"Unless you swear an oath to God Tian Centipede. While you are in Baiyun Continent and working as a bodyguard, you must be a law-abiding citizen."

Fang Che squinted his eyes and said calmly: "Otherwise I can't trust you, and I don't know how to take the post as the chief escort. Yesterday I was a caretaker of people's homes, and today I am the chief escort. This The improvement span is a bit big."

Looking after someone’s home?

Everyone felt a collective chill.

I really admire him. What kind of awesome person is he who dares to use someone like Starlight Helm to look after his home?

This family is so nervous that they make people cry!

But I admire him very much.

Even people like the Starlight Helmsman are honest in Baiyun Continent, why should we not be honest?

"I swear to God Centipede! While I'm in Baiyun Continent and working as a bodyguard, I will be a law-abiding citizen!"

Zhao Wushang resolutely began to swear.

Immediately others began to take the oath.

We must make the star helmsman give up the idea of ​​driving us out!

Fang Che had a grimace on his face, frowned, and paced back and forth.

"Escort Agency... Escort Agency... Hey... Escort Agency... I always feel bad."

He looked like he couldn't make up his mind.

"The helmsman..."

Zhou Meier said: "Look, if you become the chief escort, don't you no longer have to go to other people's homes to be angry? In our own place, it's not you who has the final say? Before, there was no one, so you had no choice but to do it. Now, , we also have people, why are we still so wronged?"

"Yes, helmsman, please think about it."

"But what about the identities of you people?"

Fang Che spread his hands: "Suddenly, so many skilled bodyguards and bodyguards appeared? Where am I going to get your identities?"

"We have our own way of doing this. Let's just say that the senior brothers and sisters who came down from the sect have experienced the world. This kind of thing happens a lot on the mainland."

Zhao Wushang said.

Naturally, such a trivial matter cannot trouble the children of aristocratic families.

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