Lord of the Night

Chapter 330 The Guardian’s Killing Order [10,000 words]

early morning.

Fang Che got up very early, and his face was red, full of energy and radiant.

The smile is friendly, but also contains some sadness of parting.

Mu Linyuan and others took a special look at Fang Che's face and felt relieved.

It seems that the leader's enlightenment last night worked, and the Night Demon has overcome this psychological difficulty.

It's really not easy.

Yin Shen Palace was a little surprised. His eyes turned around Fang Che's face and said with a smile: "Hey, have you figured it out?"

Fang Che smiled sheepishly and said: "Master... please don't make fun of me. We are enemies of life and death because we are opposite each other. If you say an ugly word, if I fall into their hands, they will cut me into pieces with a thousand knives." It’s light. There’s nothing you can’t figure out. There’s no need to think about this kind of thing.”

Yinshen Palace smiled faintly and said, "That's good."

It looks dull on the surface, but I am very happy in my heart.

Fang Che said: "Disciple is still young and is prone to emotions. If I make any mistakes in the future, I hope Master will remind me again. Don't worry about my feelings. Looking back now, I am still too naive."

Yinshen Palace nodded slowly: "Okay."

Mulinyuan smiled and said: "You think more clearly than anyone else now, so why are you reminding me? Don't be a good boy."

Fang Che chuckled: "Second Master, how do you know I'm being good?"

The four of them laughed together: "We are also from your age, what are you thinking in your heart, we don't know? You guys think that the four of us have been living together all our lives, and we really don't even know what young people think?"

Fang Che smiled in surprise: "It's awesome, ginger is still hot when he's old."

Then he said: "Master, wait a moment, I will take out the things."

Then he turned and entered the study.

Mulinyuan was confused: "What?"

Yinshen Palace stroked his beard and said: "In order to welcome us, this kid blackmailed all the little guys from the headquarters family under him and said he would give us gifts."

The three of them burst out laughing: "Is there such a thing?"

While talking, Fang Che walked out with a smile on his face and four large packages in his hands.

"Disciple is being careful, please ask Master, Second Master, Third Master and Fourth Master to accept it."

Yinshen Palace and others didn't even look at it, they just took it in their hands and laughed: "Then we will accept it."

To the four of them, it didn't matter what was inside.

After all, it was the apprentice’s wish.

Immediately, Yin Shen Palace warned: "We must do a good job in sub-ruling. The acceptance of the headquarters will most likely come this month, or it may be next month, or no more than three months at the latest."

"Either an overt investigation or a secret visit. But it will definitely come!"

"So, no matter what, you must pay attention in the past three months! You must ensure that nothing happens!"

Fang Che agreed wholeheartedly.

The four old devils finally drifted away.

The four old devils soon left Baiyun Continent.

Walked in the wilderness.

They are all very energetic.

Mu Linyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to the Yin Shen Palace: "Leader, this time, it's really too intense."

Now that the matter has passed, Yin Shen Palace no longer holds it, and he nodded and said: "Now that I think about it, it is indeed... a bit excessive."

"Fortunately, Night Demon has a strong endurance, otherwise...it would be troublesome if he really couldn't turn around in his heart."

Hou Fang said: "If it is an ordinary member of the congregation, just a Wuhou, it doesn't matter if he can't turn a corner, but the Night Demon is now like our child, so forcing him is a bit too much."

Qian Sanjiang nodded repeatedly: "That's right."

Yinshen Palace sighed: "After forcing him to kill someone, I felt a little regretful. Especially when I heard at night that this was the confidant he trained, I felt even more regretful. But regret is useless after all, the person is already dead."

Mulinyuan said worriedly: "Leader, please don't be so unreasonable in the future..."

Yinshen Palace's expression changed and he said: "What do you mean by unfounded suspicion? This is a test for me, and it is also the inevitable path of Night Demon's life. He will take this step no matter what in the future; this level must also be passed. First level, what does it have to do with suspicion?”

The three of them smiled bitterly and nodded, sighing inwardly.

If you weren't suspicious this time, why did you do this?

If it weren't for your suspicion, I'm afraid you would have stopped and protected the three of us if we were to test it!

But the three of them also really felt that the suspicion of Fang Che in Yin Shen Palace's heart was completely gone.

Therefore, the three of them were relieved and stopped talking about this matter.

Yinshen Palace said: "What do you think of what Night Demon said on the night when he was forced to get married?"

"What did the Night Demon say?"

Mulinyuan was stunned for a moment, then remembered.

It was the words that Night Demon said about not wanting to be the leader of the Yishin Sect.

He muttered: "I don't think it's a lie. Does the leader think it's true?"

Yinshen Palace said with some distress: "I don't think it's fake, but this makes me unhappy. He doesn't even want to be the leader of the Yixin Sect, so who will I pass it on to after kicking his legs? Could it be that the achievements of this life, Are you going to end up taking advantage of others?”

The three of them had heavy faces and didn't want to talk.

Before, you were worried that your apprentice would trick you and take away your position as leader, which is why so many things happened.

Not bad now.

He actually began to worry that he would no longer be the leader!

I'm really speechless.

But there is nothing the Yin Shen Palace can do. For his position, he really has to consider these things - he is worried about being robbed by his disciples, and he is also worried about his disciples not wanting him!

So contradictory.

Unlike Qian Sanjiang and others, why is the Yin Shen Palace harsh but not Mu Linyuan and the others? It was because Mulinyuan and the others valued their status as 'disciples of the Yin Shen Palace'.

In addition to his sincere love for Night Demon, there is more to it... Night Demon is very likely to be the next generation leader of the Yixin Sect; in other words, the masters that the three of them will assist in the future.

This mentality is naturally different.

"Why don't you speak?" Yinshen Palace asked dissatisfied.

"Leader, let's wait and see about this matter."

Mu Linyuan said after careful consideration: "The Night Demon is now arrogant and arrogant as a young man. Moreover, he has made connections with the headquarters, so he has a very high vision. This is inevitable. He does not want to be the leader of a subordinate sect, but wants to see it from the top of the head church. Looking at the scenery, it makes sense.”

Yinshen Palace nodded slowly.

This is true.

"And he is extremely qualified and talented. It is inevitable to be confident in his future."

Mulinyuan said: "However, things may not all develop according to plan. The future is full of twists and turns; no one can tell where the Night Demon will reach in the end."

Yinshen Palace nodded silently.

"In other words, if Night Demon still can't rush to the headquarters despite countless efforts, then by then, the Yixin Sect will be the escape route prepared for him by the leader."

"By then, I'm afraid they will really come to snatch the position of leader." Mu Linyuan chuckled.

Yinshen Palace touched his nose and snorted.

"But if the Night Demon rushes forward, then the Yixin Sect will be his help. At that time, I am afraid that the leader will have to serve as the leader of the Yixin Sect for a few more years and put more effort into it, hahaha..."

Mulinyuan laughed.

Yinshen Palace couldn't help but laugh and said: "What the hell, you still expect this guy to be my boss?"

Then he pondered and said: "...I hope it will happen one day."

Mulinyuan smiled and said: "Leader, I have something unpleasant to say. Do you know whether to say it or not?"

"Say it."

Yinshen Palace is in a very good mood now.

"Let's talk about our own thing behind closed doors. Leader, you have basically reached your peak today. If you go further, at most, that is to develop the Yixin Sect to a first-level sect, there is no way to go higher. At most , go to the headquarters to work as a casualty, or become a deputy to a certain church, that’s what this life will be like. But in that case, it is better to stay in the Yixin Sect and become the leader.”

What Mu Linyuan said made Yinshen Palace's face turn a little dark, but he did not refute.

This is something he has been thinking about for who knows how many years.

He knew that Mu Linyuan was right.

"As for the relationship between the leader at the headquarters, including the leader's sect, including the ancestor... I may say disrespectful words, but in fact, I don't care much about the leader. Through Ren Zhongyuan Bei Mingxin's incident, and our single-minded education It can be seen from the fact that Gu Chengshen won the first place but was banned for so long and no one spoke up for us. This kind of help is worse than nothing."

What Mu Linyuan said made Yinshen Palace nod slowly, with a sinister look on his face.

These are the two biggest thorns in his heart right now!

In the past hundreds of years, I have piled up several mountains of gifts, but there was no splash, no feedback, and in the most difficult time, no one even said a word.

He knew that he was about to be pulled down, but he didn't even give him a warning!

These two thorns in Yinshen Palace's heart are about to explode.

"But Night Demon now...has a good relationship with the granddaughter of Vice Chief Master Yan and the descendants of Vice Chief Master Chen. His future achievements are limitless. The leader is really not as good as using the resources of Yixin Sect to push Night Demon up. .Even if Night Demon wants to be the leader of the Yixin Cult, he can’t be allowed to do it while the hope at the headquarters still exists!”

"Once Night Demon goes up, and after his position is stable, Yixin Sect...at that time, for the leader...haha."

Yinshen Palace pondered.

After a long while, he said: "Let's take a step and see."

Mu Linyuan knew what he said, and he had already listened to it.

He immediately smiled and stopped talking.

Since the Yin Shen Palace approves, the rest of his words can be omitted.

Yinshen Palace laughed and said, "Look at the gifts that Night Demon has prepared for us. What are they?"

He said taking the package in his hands first.

The other three people also laughed and checked one after another.

The Yin Shen Palace looked through it and said with emotion: "The Night Demon is considered thoughtful. They are unique resources of each major family. Although they may not be very precious, they are things that we can't usually see and are exclusive to those families."

Mulinyuan smiled and said: "We are quite ordinary here. They only have some tea leaves and so on, but each of us has a Danyun Divine Pill."

As he spoke, he took out a small jade bottle. There is a pill inside. The mist is thick and rising in the bottle.

Qian Sanjiang and Hou Fang also had one, and their faces were all shocked.

And extremely gratifying.

"I didn't." Yinshen Palace shook his head and sighed, and said very artificially: "This kid is still partial."

The three of them sneered.

The leader's arrogance is almost to the sky. You are already a high-ranking person, so you won't be able to use this.

But the three of them still felt warm in their hearts: "The Night Demon has a heart."

Hou Fang sighed: "This is one person who gave us a life."

Good things like the Danyun Divine Pill have always been a resource of the headquarters, not even the Yin Shen Palace. Even if it is a reward, it is always a reward.

After reaching the senior level, what is needed is the senior level divine elixir, but the senior level Danyun Divine Pill... Yin Shen Palace has never seen it once...

So the three of them hid them carefully.

A happy look on his face.

Yin Shen Palace is inexplicably a little angry.

These three old guys have taken advantage of my disciples too much!

He snorted and said with a dark face: "Stop whining and let's go!"

"The leader is jealous! Hahahaha..."

The three of them laughed happily, flew up at the same time, and walked away with the Yin Shen Palace.

"Leader, your words of congratulations on Night Demon's wedding really shocked me." Mulin was speaking from a distance.

Yin Shen Palace: "This boy did not disappoint me after all."

Not disappointed after all?

Mulinyuan's face was full of laughter and his heart was full of joy, but after hearing these words, his heart suddenly shook, and a chill came up.

But he didn't say anything, and followed the Yinshen Palace with a smile into the mountains and forests.

The residence of wise men.

Fang Che's reluctant face did not change when he saw the four people leaving the gate without a trace.

After looking at it with a look of reluctance for a while, he turned back to the study.

Take out a book and read it quietly.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the smiling face finally turned into a stiff one.

The crisis is over.

Yinshen Palace and others really left.

Gone far.

Fang Che's whole body collapsed as if falling apart.

He couldn't even be sad when the Yin Shen Palace was here.

He had known that this day would come and was prepared for it, but when it came, he still couldn't accept it.

In that case, Zuo Guanglie's ten people would definitely die.

They have been captured by Yinshen Palace.

Whether they take action or not, Zuo Guanglie and the others have no hope of survival.

Fang Che understands this truth.

But he still couldn't accept the fact that he killed them with his own hands.

Countless reasons can't hide the guilt in my heart, and thousands of excuses can't heal the pain in my heart.


Fang Che let out a long sigh and looked at the roof with dull eyes.

Ye Meng walked in cautiously, walked to Fang Che, and asked with concern: "What on earth...is going on?"

He stretched out his hand to massage his temples, rubbing them gently.

Fang Che stretched out his hand and held her soft body in his arms. Feeling the temperature of each other's bodies, he felt like he was living in the world.

Just now, he was waiting with the Yinshen Palace. Although the sun was shining brightly, Fang Che felt as if he was among ghosts.

He quietly buried his face in Ye Meng's hair and sighed softly: "I killed someone."


Ye Meng was stunned. Aren't you killing people every day?

"I killed the people who guarded the hall. The people who were together every day. Ten of them!"

Fang Che trembled: "Ten!"

Ye Meng was stunned for a moment.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

The reason for the trembling last night and feeling so depressed today is because of this?

Her heart suddenly became very complicated.

After a long time, he said: "I don't know what to say..."

"No need to say anything."

Fang Che closed his eyes tiredly and murmured: "I'm just a demon. It's normal to kill the defenders."

On this day, Fang Che did not go on duty.

He slept at home with his head covered all day.

I woke up from my dreams countless times, covered in cold sweat.

Countless times, Zuo Guanglie asked him in his dreams: "Why did you kill me?"

Fang Che said nothing in his dream.

I'm undercover.

We are on the same side.

I am for the future.

I am for all mankind, the entire continent...

If you were caught by the Yin Shen Palace, you would not survive.

He didn't say a word of these reasons, and he didn't defend himself at all.

Even in a dream, the secret cannot be revealed.

What if you talk in your sleep?

What's more, even if there are 100 million reasons, they are just reasons.

Reasons cannot hide the facts.

He was suffering, suffering, and feeling guilty...

Now he suddenly missed Dongfang Sansan very much.

I really want to talk to him, chat, and tell him my feelings.

Tell him your pain and breakdown.

Because in the entire continent, he could only say these words to Dongfang Sansan. Not anyone else!

Ye Meng is also a member of the Guardians, and is still his pillow person, but he can't say that.

He also wanted to question Dongfang Sansan: Didn't you say that you gave me a list of several traitors to kill?

Why haven't you given it to me yet?

Fang Che never thought it would be so uncomfortable. He had decided to take this path from the beginning, but at this moment, he felt a little regretful.

Kill your own people!

This feeling made him crazy!

Finally, Fang Che finally had Zuo Guanglie no longer appear, and he had another dream.

I dreamed that I became a lone wolf.

Between heaven and earth, the vast desert, the boundless jungle and snow, I was alone, walking on the vast and empty land.

From birth to death, the only thing following you is your own shadow.

Lonely running, fighting, lonely licking wounds.

"So lonely..."

He heard himself sigh.

The sigh quickly disappeared in the wind.

No one heard it.

The Night Demon appeared in Baiyun Continent and killed ten people guarding the main hall!

Ten deacons, including a Venus deacon, were killed with one sword.

This news spread like it had wings.

Southeast Seventeen Continents Guard Hall, Southeast Headquarters.

Even the Guardian headquarters knew the news.

There was an uproar in an instant.

The death of a defender is actually a very common thing. Countless people die in battle every day. However, what is unusual is that the person who killed them was the Night Demon.

The Night Demon is recognized by everyone as the number one demon among the younger generation of the Solipsistic Orthodox Church!

His action meant that he had truly begun to attack the defenders.

Generally, people in the Demon Cult are not so destructive, but when the Night Demon grows up, it becomes a big threat!

All continents are beginning to panic.

The orders are exactly the same: Kill the Night Stalker!


Dongfang Sansan looked at the information and couldn't help but sigh softly.

Three messages.

The Yinshen Palace entered the southeast.

The Night Stalker killed ten of the guardians.

Yinshen Palace left Baiyun Continent.

"Have you finally come to this point? Isn't it particularly uncomfortable to be forced to kill your own people?"

He walked slowly to the window and looked out the window, which was the direction of Baiyunzhou.

His eyes were full of worry.

"Don't blame me for not sending someone to kill you."

Dongfang Sansan murmured: "Because... this is a level you must pass. This level is crucial to you and the mainland."

"If you find a spy to kill you, your experience was easy in the past, but it will be even more difficult in the future. Now you are forced to kill because the painful struggle you showed in front of the Yin Shen Palace is real. This is the most important thing!"

"They are all old demons and old gangsters. If you are not serious, how can you hide it?"

"I hope... you can bear it."

"At this level, your biggest enemy is yourself. Although I'm sorry, you can only be strong."

He looked in the direction of Baiyun Continent in trance.

a long time.

"Now that I have reached this point, I will finally start preparing for my next plan."

Returning to his seat, he immediately called for people and issued orders one by one like thunder and lightning: "Command to the Southeast Headquarters, the role of the Night Demon in attracting the family members of the Demon Cult Headquarters has passed. Go all out to find the Night Demon and kill him! Eliminate future troubles!"

"Seal Baiyun Continent, no entry or exit is allowed! Trap the Night Demon to death in Baiyun Continent!"

"at all costs!"

"This order is issued with my guardian's killing order!"


The order spreads like the wind throughout the southeast!

Master Jiu issued a clear order to inform the world and issued a death order for the guardian.

"At any cost, kill the Night Demon in Baiyun Continent!"

Immediately, the seventeen southeastern continents mobilized at the same time: "Find the Night Demon and kill the Night Demon!"

The momentum was huge, and the investigation in the Seventeen Continents suddenly became more than ten times more rigorous and detailed than before.

Then something unexpected happened.

After a more detailed investigation, the Night Demon was silent and could not be found at all. However, he once again caught many children of the aristocratic family who had been taught by Weirong. They had escaped all previous investigations, but this time, flaws were discovered.

At least hundreds of children from demon sect families were killed.

Then the hunt for the Night Stalker continued.

Baiyun Continent was once again completely blocked.

"Night Demon, since he has appeared in Baiyun Continent, then... he will never leave Baiyun Continent again!"

Teach with one heart.

Yinshen Palace was extremely melancholy and regretful.

"What the hell...this thing is too big!"

He didn't expect the guardian's reaction to be so great. You have killed so many people before, but you didn't make such a big move, right?

Why does Night Demon react so violently when he moves?

Besides, you didn’t react at all when the Night Demon tried to kill demons and teach people before. Did you stir up a hornet’s nest this time?

"Leader, this is normal. The guardians will not move until the dangers of the night demon are revealed. But since the night demon starts to kill the guardians... they will naturally think of a champion of the plan to raise Gu to become a god. The dangers of growing up.”

Mu Linyuan also sighed: "They want to eliminate hidden dangers, or in other words, get rid of a powerful enemy who may grow to the level of Duan Shouzuo, Xue Fuxiao and Ningxue Sword in the future!"

"The Night Demon took action and was exposed in Baiyun Continent. The current situation with tight barriers is the most likely response for the Guardians."

Yin Shen Palace frowned and said worriedly: "The momentum is too great. The Night Demon won't be exposed because of this, right?"

The three of them were speechless.

You did this yourself, but now you are worried about it.

It's really... inconsistent to the extreme.

"It shouldn't be... right?" Mu Linyuan was also beating his head.

This time, the guardian was obviously serious.

He even said ‘whatever it takes’.

Moreover, it was the death order issued by Dongfang Sansan himself. Throughout the southeast, all the guards and guardians have gone crazy!

This is Master Jiu’s personal order!

In this case, no one can guarantee whether the Night Demon will be found and killed.


Yin Shen Palace sighed and regretted extremely: "Who would have thought that Dongfang Sansan would be alarmed..."

He frowned and paced back and forth, worried.

If this matter is just an operation to guard the main hall of Baiyunzhou or an operation to the southeast headquarters, Yinshen Palace will not be worried.

But who is Dongfang Sansan?

What was the intensity of his personal order?

If Dongfang Sansan's order was to kill Yinshen Palace, then Yinshen Palace would be in panic all day long.

"Night Demon, you must not be exposed."

Yin Shen Palace looked to the southeast and murmured to himself.


A sigh of regret.


Fang Che transformed into a star and walked in the night wind, and he actually felt a little calmer.

It seems that this dark night has formed a kind of protection for myself.

The night wind was strong, blowing his long hair, walking alone under the moonlight and starlight.

Looking up at the stars in the sky.

"Old Zuo, if there is a day of victory in the future, I will go to your grave to offer incense to apologize and ask for your forgiveness."

"If I still die on the way, then let's meet in the underworld."

"I believe you will understand me then."


The star helmsman arrived at the World Escort Bureau.

In the escort agency, Zhao Wushang and others came immediately after hearing the news.

The helmsman has not come for four days.

Everyone actually misses me a little.

The girls, especially, were a little restless.

Why didn't the helmsman come?

Zhou Meier was even more excited. My response to receiving Master Yin that day was okay, right? Didn't it cause any trouble to the helmsman?

The helmsman has not been here these days. Is he discussing something?

What did the Indian Lord say?

Now the star helmsman has finally arrived, and almost one of the seventy-two golden flowers has arrived one after another.

"Chief escort, are you okay these days?"

Zheng Yunqi asked with concern.

Everyone watched together.


Fang Che smiled faintly: "Have you guessed who the person who came that day was?"

"Guessed it."

"Well, the leader is basically very satisfied with our division of rudders. So he emphasized that nothing should happen again during this period, because the inspection and acceptance of the chief rudder's overt and covert inspections has only been in the past two months."

Fang Che said calmly.


Everyone felt that the helmsman was not in a high mood.

For a moment, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

Fang Che turned around and said, "Mei'er performed extremely well that day, and the leader was full of praise."

Zhou Meier's eyebrows were filled with joy, and she felt infinitely satisfied for a moment: "Really?"


"From now on, the escort agency will stop accepting outsiders."

Fang Che asked: "Yunqi, how many people are there now?"

Zheng Yunqi said: "In the past two days, we have received... a total of twenty-seven people from the headquarters. Currently, the number of head guards in the bodyguard bureau is 696."

"Have all the new comers been tested?"

"The assessment was passed and the rules were all stated."

"How about it?"

"They are all obedient. Don't worry, captain."

"Did you swear to God Centipede?"


Fang Che nodded: "According to the leader's information, among all the disciples who came to the southeast this time to experience, except for us, the performance of others is not as good as yours, and their achievements are not as great as yours."

"Many people live in seclusion after coming here. Some people come directly to visit the mountains and rivers. Others are huddled in one place and haven't moved since they came in... And other branches, especially those from Baiyun Continent, are all here. Gone."

"Even if there are branches in the other sixteen continents, compared to our World Escort Agency, they are not just one or two levels behind, but they are worlds apart."

"Although there can be thousands of people who can go back alive this time. But the ones who have actually completed the mission and exceeded the quota are probably... only 696 of you."

Fang Che said calmly: "You yourself understand this weight and the value after going back. Now, we have finished the preliminary work. If we just maintain the status quo, we will not be able to escape with a reward. So, those who come in again, haha, even Including the twenty-seven people who just came in, they are actually picking peaches."

The eyes of Zheng Yunqi and others were shining.

I also felt a little annoyed.

If they had known this earlier, these twenty-seven people would not have let them in. Damn it, these guys have been working hard until now, and they picked it up ready-made!

I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

So unfair!

"You guys can now write letters to your family. You have excellent grades, accomplished tasks well, and you have the status to come and lurk for a long time at any time in the future... This is an overfulfilled task. So... now you can let your family use resources. Channels are provided for you to find a place to enter."

Fang Che said.

Everyone was overjoyed.

This time, I am really proud and proud of my ancestors!

And the future is guaranteed.

The helmsman is really our lifelong nobleman.

Fang Che reminded: "But you should also pay more attention to yourselves. Whether you are escorting outside or in Baiyun Continent, you must be more cautious. There are still countless dangers... If you die in this last period of time, think about it for yourselves. Thanks.”

The smiles of Zhao Wushang and others dropped.

The helmsman is right.

If he died at this last moment, waiting for the celebration, it would be a real loss and he would die with his eyes open.

"I'll tell you something."

Fang Che said solemnly: "You must keep it in your heart until... you have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, returned to the headquarters, and stepped into your own home, then you can put it down."

"Yes! Please follow the instructions of the helmsman!"

Everyone answered neatly and seriously.

"You can't relax in your cultivation."

Fang Che said: "So many of you are not dead, and the guardians also know it, so when you go back, there will definitely be interceptions and killings along the way! You know the consequences, right?"


"Well, I'd like to remind you to stop here. As I talk, I feel like an old woman. I'm so verbose. I'm annoyed when I talk, and you're even more annoyed when you listen."

Everyone laughed: "The helmsman is sincere in his fists, and we will never feel annoyed."

Fang Che smiled faintly and said, "Call those twenty-seven people in."

Immediately everyone stood up neatly and lined up on both sides.

Zhao Wushang called the twenty-seven new arrivals.

This was the first time for the twenty-seven people to see the Starlight Helmsman.

After entering, I saw hundreds of people standing on both sides, each standing upright and motionless. The solemn atmosphere in the hall rushed to the face, and everyone's heart suddenly trembled.

When he looked up, he saw a man sitting on the throne.

Although it looks ugly, I can't bear to look at it.

But the dragon and the tiger looked like they were about to swallow up the whole world.

Is this the legendary star-light helmsman who is unparalleled in majesty, extremely resourceful, outstanding in cultivation, and famous for his ferocious reputation?

Is this the man that Zhao Wushang, Zheng Yunqi and others regard as a god?

The starlight helmsman is so powerful that he swallows the sky and the earth.

The eyes are like a sea that can swallow countless ships at any time, hiding thousands of waves.

"Why don't you kneel down and see the helmsman?"

Zheng Yunqi shouted.

Twenty-seven people knelt down in unison: "See the helmsman!"

"Get up."

The starlight helmsman's voice was deep and indifferent. He looked at the twenty-seven people in front of him and said calmly: "Originally, five days ago, our escort agency could no longer accept people. However, since Zheng Yunqi, Zhao Wushang and others will Once you take them in, you can’t drive them out again.”

"For now, our branch has completed the tasks of the headquarters. Now we are just waiting for the inspection and acceptance assessment period. They have already completed all the preliminary work. So the twenty-seven of you are in good luck."

The twenty-seven people couldn't help but beam with joy.

Zheng Yunqi and others' faces were not very good-looking. The eyes looking at these people were as sharp as knives.

What the hell, these twenty-seven guys are actually enjoying the fruits of what I have worked through life and death.

"So, during this period, the escort agency will not allow any problems!"

"Zhao Wushang, Zheng Yunqi!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"These twenty-seven people are left to you to teach! If any problems arise..."

The starlight helmsman said in a gloomy tone: "I will tell you only one thing, even if these twenty-seven people are dead... the escort agency will not have any problems!"

"Don't worry, helmsman! My subordinates will resolutely complete the mission. If anything goes wrong, I will apologize!"

Zhao Wushang and Zheng Yunqi were both grateful, knowing that they were giving power to themselves and others in front of the twenty-seven people, and then they would clean it up and instill in them hard in the days to come, so that they would be grateful to them after they returned...

This is a great favor and a boost for the future!

We are all smart people, how can we not understand? ?

"Humph, that's good if you know."

Starlight Helmsman nodded and said calmly: "Everyone, please step aside."

Everyone left one after another.

Zhou Meier and the other ten women did not leave, but stayed.

The starlight helmsman leaned tiredly on the throne and was about to close his eyes when he realized that there were still so many girls left. He couldn't help but frown: "Do you have anything else to do?"

Zhou Meier took a step forward and asked with concern: "Helmsman, are you... worried? Don't you look very happy?"

The starlight helmsman looked strangely: "What? You care about me so much? How about you marry me?"


Zhou Meier agreed immediately and was very straightforward.

Suddenly, the dozen or so women next to her burst into giggles and their branches trembled wildly.


Starlight Helmsman's eyes bulged out, and he coughed suddenly: "What nonsense are you talking about! Is something wrong?"

Zhou Meier said reluctantly: "Master Helmsman, I just agreed."

"Go! Go! Go……"

The helmsman of Xingguang said in embarrassment: "You can't be serious when you are joking. Do you really think that I, Xingguang, can compete with you, the darlings of heaven? If word spreads, your family will be the first to take action on me! Can I still return the favor?" I want to live a few more years.”

Zhou Meier and others all had a look of loneliness in their eyes.

They knew that what the Starlight Helmsman said was true.

Even if they are just concubines from the side sect, they will not be able to take the turn of being the helmsman of a mere subordinate sect.

Zhou Meier was silent for a moment and said: "I just saw that the helmsman seemed to be in a bad mood, so I made a joke."

But he sighed secretly in his heart.

I'm really not kidding.

As long as you dare to marry, I really dare to marry!

"It's nothing, it's just...this time the leader vaguely expressed a meaning. After the acceptance is completed, after you leave, if I support it for a while, I will find another appointment."

Starlight Helmsman said tiredly: "There are no other big things."

"How could the Indian leader do this?"

Suddenly the women were filled with indignation: "Isn't this just crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, unloading the mill and killing the donkey?"

Starlight Helmsman rolled his eyes and said: "It's okay to be a torn down bridge, but not a killed donkey."

But the girls did not laugh: "This is so unfair, helmsman, you..."

Starlight Helmsman smiled faintly: "After all, after sending you away, this has given me great benefits...Okay, don't worry about me, just worry about yourselves. The completion of the mission is just one thing. I don’t know if I can go back alive.”

He waved his hand: "Go back and practice! Leave me alone!"

The girls were indignant and left, whispering to each other.

Zhou Meier walked out of the palace door, but she was still worried. She took a few steps and came back again.

But he saw that there was no one on the throne.

The Starlight Helmsman has already made great achievements.

Only an empty throne was left, silent and lonely, staying in place.

She took a few steps forward and stared blankly at the throne.

Stretch out your hand and feel the warmth remaining on the cushion.

He murmured: "I promised."

Two strings of clear tears suddenly fell down, dripping on the throne.

Fang Che flew across the night sky, and the Bingche Lingtai activated its full power.

Suppressed all distracting thoughts.

Even the guilt in his heart was suppressed.

His eyes became as calm as ice and snow again.

Before the big thing is accomplished, the mood cannot be confused.

If I feel guilty or apologetic, I will pay it back in the future!

Lao Zuo, my loyal souls on the road ahead are not just you and your brothers.

In the future, I don’t know how many of my own people I will kill.

In the end, I will settle this account with you.

Return to the Magi's Residence.

It was already late at night.

He went to the study, took out the nourishing pill sent by Obsidian and Ye Yun.

This elixir, Ye Yun said, can be taken after breaking through Wuhou. Enhance your consciousness!

However, Fang Che has been useless since he broke through Wuhou.

Ye Yun's last beating made Fang Che very wary of him.

It was said that it could be used to break through Wuhou, but his last hit directly helped me break through Wuhou.

Obviously, he wanted me to take it directly after breaking through Wuhou.

Fang Che always felt that there was some purpose.

So he kept putting it off until he was now at the peak of Wuhou Fifth Grade before he started to try taking it!

Bingche Lingtai, activate.

Infinite scriptures, escort.

He carefully opened the bottle, and inside was a pill emitting mist. When the pill was taken out, clouds and mist rose instantly, like a red sun rising suddenly in the sea of ​​clouds.

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