Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 107 Golden Silkworm, Qishan Tree, King Kong City Wall

"Damn it! Did I read it wrong?"

"My territory is still the size of a village, and Yang Chuan's territory has been upgraded to a third-level town!"

"This is how much resources are harvested to continuously improve the scale and level of Chaoge City."

"Each time is to increase the scale level of the territory twice in a row, this kind of operation of Yang Chuan is really incomprehensible.

"Is there an obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

"Is it cheating?"

"You say he cheated, but according to Yang Chuan's ranking in the Merit Gold List, he is fully capable of raising the scale of his territory twice in a row."

"Well, when I saw the gap between the Merit Gold List, I was completely stunned."

"The sum of the merit points of the next nine lords is not as many as that of Yang Chuan alone, which is too terrifying.

"Please imagine that the regional task of the entire Yongzhou, but Yang Chuan, with his own efforts, has increased the progress to 50%."

"It's normal to say that."

"It feels like we are not even trash compared to Yang Chuan, that's the difference.

The emergence of the Wanzu Announcement.

Make it more difficult for the lords who stay up late to fall asleep.

Fortunately, in this battle of ten thousand races, Yang Chuan, the lord of the newcomer region of Kyushu, is not their enemy.

Or, as long as they don't offend Yang Chuan.

It will not become an enemy with this strongest lord.


If it is like the short-lived Beiliang Alliance before, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly killing it.


But don't make the road too narrow.

After all, it is not difficult to see from the content of the special prompt before. In the end, the enemies of all the lords are the tens of thousands of ethnic forces located in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Yang Chuan's strength will not pose any threat to other lords.

On the contrary, after starting the competition for hegemony of all races, it can help other lords and share more pressure.

The regional mission of Kyushu is the best proof, and the lords of the Yongzhou region also have a deep understanding of this.

After this.

The night passed quickly.

next morning.

The prompt information on time and on time will wake up from sleep.

[Tips]: In the Yanyun tribe, the number of Yanyun wolf riders is +1000.

[Tips]: Yuezhi tribe, donate 6000 taels of gold

[Tips]: Xirong tribe, donate 10,000 units of spirit stone resources

another new day,

Start with vassal contributions.

At present, the role of vassal forces is still very crucial, not just for the contribution of once a day.

For Chaoge City, these contributions are not much more, not much less, and not much less.

The reason why Yang Chuan ordered the Yanyun tribe to conquer the five wild forces was also very clear.

First, it was to complete the epic achievement of Fenglang Juxu.

Second, it is to be like the Yanyun tribe, through the vassal fusion token, to merge the five wild forces into a more powerful force.

If so.

For the subsequent development of Chaoge City, it can be of great help.

After all, the development route Yang Chuan chose was not to build alliance forces.

And with the opening of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

Wanting to rely on Chaoge City's territorial power alone, it seems a little thin after all.

"Lord Lord, there are a large number of refugees in the territory today, about 2,000 people~".

"The effect of this refugee token is indeed very significant."

Without waiting for Yang Chuan to get dressed and get up.

Lin Shuyi's figure appeared outside Tongque Terrace and began to report on the development of Chaoge City.

till this moment.

After another 2,000 refugees joined, the number of people in Chaoge City finally reached 5,000.

At this time, Lin Shuyi's ability needs to be tested. The job of arranging these people is not an easy task.

and at the same time.

With the appearance of the prompt message, another piece of good news came.

【Tips】: Li Moyu, a citizen, successfully identified the golden silkworm. (Class B)

【Tips】: Li Moyu, a citizen, successfully identified the Qishan Tree (Grade A)

【Rare Resources】: Golden Silkworm

[Quality]: B grade

【Function】: Through breeding, A-level rare material gold velvet thread can be produced.

【Tips Tips】: If you feed it with magic materials, there may be unexpected effects.

【Rare Resources】: Qishan Tree

[Quality]: Grade A

【Function】: Make special wooden arrows, build buildings, etc.

【Tiny Tips】: Fengming wooden arrows can be made and used with long-range attacks, with amazing power.

When the level of the territory increases, rare resources will be refreshed again near the territory.


The golden silkworm identified by Li Moyu and the wood of Qishan.

It is the level scale of Chaoge City. After it has been upgraded to a third-level town, the rare resources that are refreshed around the territory.

and after viewing.

Yang Chuan was stunned for a moment. After he recently obtained the Xuanyuan Sword, he was really lucky.

The appearance of the golden silkworm can be regarded as a solution to the material problem of hiding the cloak. Now only the black crow feathers are needed to meet the materials required for the manufacture of the Tibetan lotus cloak.

As for the wood of Qishan, Yang Chuan's eyes lit up immediately according to the contents of Tianji's reminder.

Fengming wooden arrow?

From the name, you should know that it is a consumable that needs to be matched with a longbow for long-range attack.

However, you must know that currently under Yang Chuan's command, the most powerful unit in combat is the Yutian Xingguan.

So obvious.

The Yutian Xingguan equipped with the Tianwei longbow, if paired with the Fengming wooden arrow, will definitely destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

".々 Everything is ready now."

"It's just another crusade against the Centaur Dynasty."

"Strive to increase the progress of the Yongzhou regional task to about 90% before sunset today.

Yang Chuan thought happily.

can be followed.

Only a few minutes passed.

Just when Yang Chuan was washing, the prompt message appeared again, and the good news (good Zhao) came.

[Tips]: The Greedy City Wall was successfully built, Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect was triggered, and the Greedy City Wall was upgraded to King Kong City Wall.

【Special Building】: King Kong City Wall

[Building quality]: S grade

[Durability]: 100000 points

【Defense Power】:1000

【Architectural effect】

Effect 1: Devour ore resources to increase defense and durability.

Effect 2: Every time you devour ore resources, there is a certain chance to comprehend special effects and improve building quality.

have to say.

Zhang Xiaomu is really a hard-working and simple good boy, this can no longer be praised with a thoughtful little padded jacket, it is simply a bulletproof vest.

But it didn't take too long for Yang Chuan to be complacent.

Just listening, a special prompt suddenly appeared.

[Special reminder]: Centaur Dynasty will launch an attack on Chaoge City in 1 hour, please prepare in advance. .

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