Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 110 Peerless Hero Recruitment Order, Exclusive Architectural Drawings

When the progress of regional tasks reaches a certain level, all lords in the region will receive certain rewards.

Therefore, most of the lords focused their attention on the progress of the tasks in the Jingzhou area.

Unconsciously, the invasion of Chaoge City by the Centaur Dynasty also came to an end.

Not surprisingly, the impregnable Chaoge City, even with an army of tens of thousands of centaur creatures, still failed to capture.

And with the death of a large number of centaurs.

The regional task of Yongzhou has actually increased to 75% of the progress.

"Centaur Gale?"

"After the shrimp soldiers and crabs will be resolved, an elite team will finally appear."

Looking at the suddenly appeared Wanzu announcement, he was obviously a little surprised.

Rewards for regional missions.

Centaur Elite, Centaur Gale, etc. state "August 71" achievement tasks.

And the final identity, Yongzhou Mu.

The appearance of these information one by one is like preparing for the final decisive battle.

In particular, all the lords of Yongzhou will be rewarded with a town core crystal, which is the most scarce resource at this stage.

For Yang Chuan, it is relatively easy to obtain the spiritual stone resources required to upgrade the territory.

However, the conditions for obtaining the town core crystal have not been announced so far.

According to Yang Chuan's guess.

It should be necessary to capture the town-level forces before, in order to obtain the core crystals of the town, or complete the achievement task, and then have the opportunity to obtain it.

From this, it can be seen how generous the regional rewards of Yongzhou this time are.

"Sun Ziyu was afraid that she wanted to cry but had no tears, and just finished pretending to be X, she was slapped in the face by Yang Chuan again."

"I envy the lords of the Yongzhou area, this is the advantage of hugging your thighs, I regret it.

"Either perish in silence, or erupt in silence, Yang Chuan is the best example."

"I only care about the combat effectiveness of the elite team, can I stand it. At least so far, although Yongzhou is a 9-star regional difficulty, but there is a big boss Yang Chuan, and there is not much pressure."1

"You can always trust Yang Chuan!"

"Anyone willing to sell the town core crystal, I can exchange it with a special blueprint."

"Then you are probably thinking too much, the value of the town's core crystals cannot be measured by special blueprints.

"It's better to think about how to deal with the next ten thousand races for hegemony, I don't want to be the first batch of lords to eat crabs. 17

"What are you afraid of, it's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, it's not because of the achievement task of Yongzhou Mu."

"According to my guess, the identity of Yongzhou Mu should have some kind of regional privilege."

"Then why don't you hurry @North Liang Alliance, it's time to come out to eliminate the centaur Gale, and kill Yang Chuan in a hurry."

"Haha, is the one upstairs here to be funny?"

In the chat forum, it is still in full swing.

Some people envy the fact that the lord of Yongzhou can obtain regional rewards, and some people are worried about the next ten thousand race for hegemony.

It can be described as a few joys and sorrows.

At the same time that Yang Chuan checked the chat forum, Chaoge City had been restored to its original state, which ended in failure with the invasion of the Centaur Dynasty.

All that's left is the job of cleaning up the battlefield.

After a moment.

Just when Yang Chuan was thinking about the next arrangement, the Wanzu announcement appeared again.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge City, the Wusun Tribe chose to be loyal to Chaoge City.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge City, who lost his allegiance to Chaoge City.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge City, the Xiongnu tribe chose to be loyal to Chaoge City.

The appearance of this good news once again exceeded the expectations of all the lords.

However, for the other lords, it was more of a doubt at this time.

The last second was still at war with the Centaur Dynasty.

Now that less than an hour has passed, how can there be a field force who chooses allegiance to Chaoge City?

Could it be that the Centaur Dynasty, for Yang Chuan, is no longer a threat?

The reason for the delay in completing the regional task.

It is to leave more time for other lords of Yongzhou to develop.

"I have to say that the efficiency of this horn is really reassuring."

"Before the blood moon came, he conquered all the five major forces in the wild."

"As a result, only the Centaur Dynasty remains in the Yongzhou area."

In fact, Yang Chuan was a little surprised when he saw Wanzu's announcement for the first time.

After all, the small forces are the same as the Yanyun tribe, and the scale and level are all tribes.

But even so.

Zhang Niujiao still relied on the Yanyun wolf riding team composed of a few thousand people to successfully take down all the five major forces in the wild.

At this point, Yang Chuan can rest assured to attack the Centaur Dynasty.

At the same time, the epic achievement task of Fenglang Juxu was completely completed.

next moment.

Under Yang Chuan's expectation, the reward for completing the achievement task appeared in front of him.

[Special Tips]: Successfully complete the achievement task - Fenglang Juxu

[Achievement Reward 1]: Peerless Hero Recruitment Order

[Achievement Reward 2]: Dynasty Upgrade Blueprint

[Achievement reward 3]: vassal fusion token, 100,000 units of spiritual stone resources, exclusive architectural drawings

A wooden token, a jade token, two drawings, and a lot of resources.

The above is the reward for Fenglangjuxu, this epic achievement task.

After checking, Yang was ecstatic.

Among them, the appearance of the vassal fusion token, its value is self-evident.

Through this token, the five conquered wild forces can be merged into one force again.

"Currently, the town core crystal has 2.4, and the dynasty upgrade blueprint is also available.

"In addition to the spiritual stone resources just rewarded, there are only less than 100,000 units of spiritual stone resources, and the level scale of Chaoge City can be raised to a fifth-level town."

"As for this peerless hero recruitment order."

Yang Chuan held the jade token in his hand and did not use it directly.

According to his plan,

It is not too late to recruit peerless heroes after deciding to integrate the five major wild forces into one force.

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan picked up the exclusive architectural drawings again.

【Exclusive Building】:???

【Requirements】:Dynasty power

【Tips Tips】: Only the powers of the dynasty scale level can build exclusive buildings. .

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