Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

The 116Th Regional Task Is Completed, Regional Rewards

"Those who offend me Chaoge City!"

"Death is not a pity!"

The sword and shield centaur approached the city.

Li Xiuning chose to take the initiative.

With the dragon pattern spear in his hand, after a sweeping attack, he easily killed several sword shield centaurs.

"Dragon goes out to sea"

The power of a military commander skill at the full level is enormous.

Under the cover of the Silver Light Wandering Dragon, all the sword and shield centaurs in front of them were instantly cleaned up.

But the next moment,

Countless giant swords struck towards Li Xiuning.

Under the continuous offensive, the sword and shield centaurs were all wiped out.

Now among the elite centaur army, only the Great Sword Centaur and Centaur Gale are left.

However, although the Sword and Shield Centaur has been cleaned up, its mission has been completed.

Under their charge.

The elite centaur army approached Chaoge City, which also gave the centaur, the most powerful sword, a chance to use it.



Jumping and chopping that appeared one after another, the big sword tore through the air, and every time he slashed heavily, he could achieve a huge impact.

Even Li Xiuning was forced to take a few steps back.


Li Xiuning roared angrily.

From the blade of the dragon-patterned spear, a terrifying energy suddenly burst out.

The golden light turned into a golden light blade.

Shredded, twisted.

When looking again.

The 13 centaurs of the big sword around Li Xiuning have all fallen under the cover of the golden light blade.

Compared with the jump and chop of the centaur with the big sword.

So far, there is no creature of any race that can withstand Li Xiuning's general skills, the power of ghost-slaying gods, and can easily kill any enemy after each flash of the golden light blade.

Even the ninth-level Great Sword Centaur.

They were also covered by the golden light blade, and fell into a pool of blood one after another.

"The weak human race still has such a thing.

"how is this possible."

"Why is the power of this skill so terrifying?"

Not far away, Centaur Gale was very surprised.

as a first-order creature.

Centaur Gale's combat effectiveness can be said to be the strongest in the entire Kyushu region.

At least so far, no creature can challenge the authority of Centaur Gale.

However, the appearance of Li Xiuning.

Let Centaur Gale feel a little uneasy.

next moment.

Iron hoofs rattled, Centaur Liefeng had a ferocious face, and rushed towards Li Xiuning with angry eyes, and the ax with big eyes in his hand exuded awe-inspiring murderous aura.

"Submit to the rule of the centaur dynasty."

"Your resistance is worthless.


When such a situation happened, Li Xiuning didn't have the slightest fear, holding the dragon pattern spear, he headed forward without retreating.


When the weapons collided, the huge impact force produced directly knocked the surrounding big sword centaurs into the air.

"If you have some strength, why should you be willing to degenerate."

"Joining the Centaur Dynasty is your wisest choice."

"You guys, it's impossible to win."

The centaur gale launched a gust of wind and rain attack, which was easily resisted by Li Xiuning.

For a while, it was somewhat different.

How powerful is this beautiful and beautiful human woman, even if I am myself, I can't beat her back.

And at the same time of each attack.

Li Xiuning's pressing step by step made Centaur Gale feel panicked.

"Take out all your strength."

"Just so fighting power?"

"Then don't struggle."

The imposing Li Xiuning charged again, and the dragon-patterned spear pierced towards the centaur Gale with the momentum of thunder.

Obviously, after several rounds of fighting.

Gale Centaur had already discovered that he was no match for the woman in front of him.

But right now.

Above the sky, a holy light suddenly appeared.

Incomparably eye-catching and dazzling.

And as it slowly fell, the holy light turned into a beam of light, surrounding all the units in Chaoge City, as well as Li Xiuning.

Combat power has improved again.

The sense of oppression brought by Li Xiuning made Centaur Gale feel suffocated.

That's right,

Cai Wenji launched the military division skills.

The effect of Datiansheng appears.

Immediately afterwards, the Detachment of Women bathed in the holy light and the wonderful girl of Wushan no longer stayed at the entrance of Chaoge City, but started to counterattack.

Look around.

It's like a heavenly soldier.

Compared with the Wushan Miaonu at this time, the big sword centaur who was so powerful before has become a bit eclipsed.

"Is this the background of Chaoge City?"

"No wonder you dare to declare war with the Centaur Dynasty."

Gale Centaur panicked.

Under the roar of angry struggling, it seemed to go crazy, attacking Li Xiuning again and again.

There is still hope.

Although the sword and shield centaurs are all dead,

Although there are only tens of thousands of centaurs with great swords left on the battlefield at this time.

But if they can capture Chaoge City and destroy the town hall of Chaoge City, the Centaur Dynasty will still be able to win this battle in the end.

"Stubbornly obsessed!"

Li Xiuning shook her head.

Looking at the Centaur Gale, who has gone completely crazy.

Now Chaoge City, which is on the defensive side, has already left the city to meet the enemy, and the battle situation is naturally very obvious.

The number of the elite centaur army is even less than ten.

in short.

The emergence of such a battle situation seems to be announcing the imminent victory.

Chaoge City blocked the invasion from the centaur elite army and started a counterattack.

Wushan Miaonu bathed in the golden light, although the black Yao long spear in her hand could no longer kill the enemy as easily as before.

But the big sword centaur's jumping and chopping again and again failed to cause fatal damage to Wushan Miaonu.

"Give up resistance."

"Master's judgment on you has only just begun.

With Li Xiuning speaking again.

The centaur Liefeng was stunned for a moment, and when he looked at Chaoge City, the expression on his face fell into despair.

Under the brilliant starry sky.

I saw that Yutian Xingguan no longer carried out long-range attacks, but closed his hands tightly together.

The power of the stars emerged.

The entire top of Chaoge City was covered by thousands of stars, and when they pierced the sky, they appeared like a meteor shower.

【Stars falling from the sky】!

At this time, it was less than an hour before the blood moon came. 257

at this last moment.

In order to avoid surprises.

Yang Chuan chose a quick fight.

Countless stars fell from the sky, completely defeating Centaur Gale's defense line.

What kind of power is this.


No matter how unwilling and unbelievable, under the terrifying power of the stars falling from the sky, countless great sword centaurs annihilated and disappeared.

this moment.

Centaur Gale finally understood that in the face of absolute combat power, all struggles are useless.



The stars fell, and countless wailing sounds sounded.

But it has to be said that the only remaining centaur with a big sword did not choose to flee around.

When the whole army collapsed.

All centaur elites are still resisting.

Only a minute later.

With the stars falling at the last moment, there was a rumbling sound.

Outside Chaoge City, there was no trace of any elite centaur army, and even the centaur Gale fell at this moment.


"The master's majesty cannot be doubted."

"The glory of Chaoge City is everywhere."

Li Xiuning looked around, and after confirming that everything was cleaned up, he rode the Northern Border Dragonrider and returned to Chaoge City in a leisurely manner.

[Announcement of Wanzu]: The progress of the task in Yongzhou area, the prompt is 100%!

[Announcement from Ten Thousand Races]: Congratulations to all the lords of Yongzhou, who are the first to complete the regional task.

[Regional Reward 1]: Regional Blessing (SSS level)

[Regional Reward 2]: Guard the Altar

[Region Reward 3]: Teleportation Array.

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