Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 150 Evil Venom, Desperate Sakura Empress

The cherry blossom rain stopped.

Not far from Smith, a proud woman stared at Smith with ice-cold eyes.

In an instant.

A suffocating sense of urgency occupied Smith's heart.

current situation.

Maybe it's the worst outcome.

Although Smith had thought of it a long time ago, and had already thought of a way out for himself.

But it counts.

Smith would never have thought of it anyway.

Sakura Diji's fighting strength exceeded his expectations.


Sakura Di Ji is not a unit of arms.


Sakura Empress can be understood as a lord profession.

Or rather.

Sakura Teihime is like a god.

And the SSS-level arms units that were exposed in the world chat forum before actually do exist.

But its name is not Sakura Empress "Eight Three Three".

It is the exclusive unit of Sakura Empress, and its name is Sakura Sacrifice.

"Although you are insidious."

"Ambush me in advance.

"But I'm sorry, you still underestimated my combat power. Under the absolute combat advantage, I am an invincible existence."

"Come out, Wyvern!"

"Accept the baptism of venom."

Smith spoke again, with an extremely ferocious expression, and let out a tearing roar.

next moment.

I saw countless black shadows suddenly appearing in the fortifications that were being built.

These black shadows spread their wings and soared.

Flying to the sky, hundreds of bipedal dragons formed a grand occasion that covered the sky and the sun.

No one thought that the cunning Smith would keep a hand.

Those fortifications that seem to be being built are actually for the convenience of hiding the Wyvern.


The appearance of Wyvern,

Mi Douzi was too late to kill.




The Wyvern opened its mouth and spit out old phlegm.

Deadly venom.

Instantly covered Smith's surroundings.

The enemy was blocked not far away.

Immediately after.

Although the Storm Knight stood still, the Storm Crossbowman began to shoot sharp arrows one after another.


Mi Douzi, who was still in the upper hand just now, fell into a disadvantage in an instant with the appearance of the Wyvern.

And under the corrosive effect of venom.

Thick poisonous mist appeared.

Armor, clothing, etc., begin to decay rapidly.

The emergence of such a situation.

Isp looked at it and called it an expert, the picture is simply beautiful in the world.


Mizuko is Sakura Empress.

There are dozens of cherry blossom priests guarding it.

I saw the palm of Sakura Priest's hand lighten slightly, and an energy shield appeared, protecting Mi Douzi in it, so as to avoid the harm of being corrupted by poisonous gas.

In contrast, other lords in the state area.

He was forced to retreat one after another by the poisonous gas.

"Please continue to raise your noble head and continue to struggle, the more you do this, the more excited I will be.

"The beauty of the world."

"It's nothing more than peeling off layer by layer."

Seeing his plan succeed, at this moment, Smith showed a crazy smile.

It was as if he had won the final victory.

And the all-powerful Cherry Blossom Empress has become his possession.


Mi Douzi cursed.

"This wonderful compliment, I like it very much, please call it louder."

"Your continued to resist."

"It will make the next thing more meaningful."

Smith showed his truest face.

Almost crazy at the same time.

Under his wisdom, the two-footed dragon began to attack the cherry blossom sacrifice continuously.

As an SSS-level unit.

There is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the Cherry Blossom Festival.

However, in the face of hundreds of bipedal flying dragons with ninth-order combat power, in addition to difficult resistance, it is not enough to free up their hands and launch long-range attacks.

As for the battlefield, the lords of this state have a large number of arms units.

Available for a while.

When the group of dragons had no leader, and the army was defeated, they were in disarray.

"No wonder this Smith is so arrogant."

"With so many flying dragons around, he must have nothing to fear.

"If you know, you shouldn't listen to Sakura Emperor Ji's arrangement, a woman can't be a great thing after all."

"Thinking about it now, I should have followed Ichiro Yamamoto."

"Forget it, the two of them are not very good."

The current state area.

After Yang Chuan became the local shepherd, the lords could be divided into three forces.

One continued to follow Ichiro Yamamoto.

One follow Mi Douzi.

The rest of the options are shattered and neutral.

Therefore, this time, together with Mi Douzi, the siege of Smith's lord is not all the fighting power in the region...

As such.

Whether there will be reinforcements.

became the key to changing the situation.

In the fleeting moment of time.

One minute.

two minutes.

A full ten minutes passed.

Seeing that under the firepower of the Wyvern, Smith has achieved an absolute advantage.

So far, the reinforcements in the region have still not appeared in time.

this moment.

The chat forums in this state area have also exploded.

Abusive sound.

Cries for help.

Filled the entire chat forum.

The result in exchange was useless.

"Could it be that just watching like this, the region of Honshu fell into the hands of evil people."

"I'm so unhappy."


After resisting countless times, Mi Douzi frowned, feeling a little desperate.

She is lucky.

As early as the beginning of the newbie trial.

He obtained the inheritance of Sakura Emperor Ji.

However, because of the need to integrate the law of divine power, the inheritance power of Sakura Emperor Ji can be upgraded.

So until now.

The only reliance in his hand is the cherry blossom sacrifice, and some melee attack skills.

These are obviously not enough to deal with Wyverns with flying advantages.

But at the same time.

Midouzi fell into despair.

in an instant,

A terrifying force that ripped apart the void appeared above the battlefield.

Dust, gravel, dead branches.

0.7 Countless seemingly unnecessary items began to fly to the sky.

After that, there was a terrifying gravity that enveloped the entire battlefield.

Even the bipedal dragon that was able to fly slowly fell to the ground at this moment.


All units, without exception, swayed slightly, showing a desperate expression.


What a power this is.

to achieve such an effect.

Everyone, at this moment, there is only a pale face left in their minds, looking at the picture that seems to be the end of the world, the only thing they can do is to meet the judgment.

And not far away.

Yingshengyanyu's words sounded slightly.


"The power of this earth-blasting star is enough to wipe out any creatures within it."

"Including the lords of the territory of the state!".

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