Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 163 Divide Troops To Fight, Evil Eye Dynasty, Xiaonei's Intelligence

The undercurrent in the newcomer's trial is surging.

On Yang Chuan's side, through the teleportation formation, he led the army of his subordinates, and they had already joined Zhao Feiyan's team in the Black Crow King City.

Black Crow King City after a war.

Now, there are no traces of any black crow creatures, and a large number of buildings have since been reduced to ruins.

The first step to capture the dark jungle, here is a success.

"Master, fortunately not humiliated."

"The Black Crow Dynasty has since been removed from the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, but the other Ten Thousand Race forces in the dark forest should be prepared."

"Continue the attack, launch a blitz, or just adjust and rest again?"

I saw Yang Chuan's figure appear.

Zhao Feiyan immediately asked about the specific arrangements for the next step.

after all.

For the Chaoge Dynasty at this time, there were only about three days.

And in the dark jungle.

In addition to the Black Crow Dynasty, there are many forces of all ethnic groups, large and small, waiting to be dealt with.

on the other hand.

With the complete victory after a battle, at this moment, the morale of the subordinate units has reached the highest point.

Yang Chuan pondered for a while, and said, "The closest forces to the Black Crow Dynasty are the Harpy Banshees, the Evil Eye Dynasty, and the Lizard Lair."

"Among them, only the fighting power of the Evil Eye Dynasty ranks among the top 100 on the Golden List of Ten Thousand Clans."

"The remaining 780 harpies and lizards' dens are not to be feared by the forces of all ethnic groups."

According to the topographic map of Mirkwood.

After Yang Chuan made a preliminary analysis, he did not rush to make arrangements.

First, he looked at the specific situation of the army under his command.

Confirmation did not languish at the same time.

Yang Chuan felt relieved, pointed to the Evil Eye Dynasty and said, "There are still several hours before dawn.

"Since you choose to fight again, don't waste too much time, this time, let's split up.

When the peerless beauties on the side heard this, they all showed excited expressions.


Yang Chuan's next plan is to speed up the rhythm of conquering the dark jungle.

The split is flawed, though.

But aside from the fact that the Evil Eye Dynasty was a bit tricky, the remaining harpies and lizard lair, the two ten thousand race forces, were simply not enough to fight.

"Zhao Feiyan obeyed the order."

"Slave, here!"

"Your arrangement remains the same, you still lead the Wushan Goddess, Yutian Xingguan and other troops, responsible for attacking the Evil Eye Dynasty.


Following Zhao Feiyan nodded heavily.

Yang Chuan's gaze (bdfi), looked aside, and said, "Huo Qubing, listen to pity. 17

"You lead the Yulin Light Cavalry and the Yanyun Wolf Cavalry to attack the lizard's lair."

"As ordered!"

After this arrangement, only the remaining harpies, as you can tell from the name, belong to the creatures of all races with the ability to fly.

So this time.

The harpie naturally became the test stone of the magic cannon.

The dark troll equipped with magic cannons, it is time to contribute to the development of Chaoge Dynasty.

"Zul Silver."

"You and the spirit of the elements are responsible for attacking the harpies."

"There is no need to worry about it, just turn on the firepower and use the full power of the magic cannon to the fullest.

"As ordered!"

Just a few words of effort.

After Yang Chuan's preliminary arrangement, even if the next step is planned.

As for how to attack the forces of all ethnic groups.

What tactics to adopt.

Yang, as the lord, does not need to consider these specific information.

A fine lord.

Potentially, tactically, very weak.

However, he must have the ability to control the overall situation, and he needs to point out a direction for the development of the territory at critical moments.

This is exactly what Yang Chuan excels at.

And under the circumstances of the absolute loyalty of the arms units and hero units under his command.

Yang Chuan implements any decision without any worries.

This is why.

The reason for the rapid development of Chaoge City.

And after that.

The armies that had just assembled in the Black Crow King City did not stay for too long, and after Yang Chuan's arrangement, they were directly divided into three.

The goals are clear and each has its own goals.

While Yang Chuan was watching, under the gloomy environment, the armies left Black Crow King City one after another, and began to rush towards three different directions.

"Master, in this dark and windy environment, only you and I are left as companions."

"Why does the servant have the illusion that you deliberately distract others.

With the departure of the army of arms.

This moment.

In the entire Black Crow King City, only Yang Chuan and Mi Yue remained, standing opposite each other with their eyes facing each other.

With a graceful smile, Miyue's beautiful and heavenly temperament is vividly displayed on Mi Yue's body.

Even if Yang Chuan has the imperial daughter ascending.

This moment is also a little aroused.

As expected of the Great Qin Mingyue, the existence of Miyue, aside from the fighting power of a demigod, is enough to fascinate people just by looking at her appearance.

However, at the same time.

A friend message suddenly appeared.

Bruce: "Boss, the Western Union has been stimulated by you and is ready to take action.

"I can only do my best, so that there is no unity in the goals within the West League."

"Edward led the Holy Cult Alliance, ready to start the attack on the sword in the stone, this mythical achievement task.

"Zhenxi is also leading the Alliance of the Circle of France. The next goal will be related to the inheritance of Joan of Arc."

As Yang Chuan arranged in Ximeng's Xiaonei.

Bruce is very dedicated.

As soon as the round table meeting ended, he told Yang Chuan all the information he had.

According to Bruce's explanation.

After his disruption, the three major alliance forces in the Western Union region did not reach an agreement on their goals at the round table meeting.

As such.

The development progress of the Western Union region will inevitably be hindered again.

And beyond that.

Bruce even revealed the key clues to record the treasures of the expeditionary army without any concealment.

"Boss, the treasure of this expeditionary army seems to be related to the top miracle building in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield."

"What's next?"

"I can't delay it for too long, but within three to five days, it should be possible to delay it.

Looking at the friend information sent by Bruce.


Yang Chuan had predicted long ago that other regional forces would definitely not stand still.

It's just that.

Such a big move.

Obviously beyond Yang Chuan's previous expectations.

"Sword in the Stone?"

"The inheritance of Joan of Arc?"

"And the miraculous architecture of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield."

"Interesting, presumably this is just the tip of the iceberg in other regions.

"If there are no accidents, there are definitely bigger plans in other areas.

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