Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 18 Three Thousand Beauties, Chaoge Yexian

Mock lord?

Territory development route?

Familiar option information, if you add a dice roll function, it will be really familiar.

"It's no wonder that the territory in the simulated lord will manifest in this battlefield of ten thousand races."

"It turned out that the simulated lord and the battlefield of all races merged."

Looking at the nine options in front of him, Yang Chuan didn't hesitate too much.

After all, it is obviously impossible to have all of them.

And these nine choices also represent the next development plan of the territory.

It is not difficult to find out from the obtained national policy.

After Yang Chuan checked them one by one, he learned that for each different national policy, after using it, the territory can obtain different effects.

"National Policy: Use the Armed Forces"

"Effect 1: Increase the combat effectiveness of the troops by 100%."

"Effect 2: Increase the looting yield by 200%."

"Effect 3: Reduce the resource income of the territory by 50%."


For example, the national policy of using military force to fight.

Obviously, it is to develop the territory as a war machine.

Another example is the national policy of the city's square field tax.

Improve the food harvest of the territory, but need to consume gold.

in various contrasts.

The emergence of national policies will have a pivotal effect on the future development of the territory.

But whether it is agriculture, commerce, or military-based.

For Yang Chuan.

At this time, his attention was all focused on the national policy of three thousand beauties.

"National Policy: Three Thousand Beauties"

"Effect 1: Greatly enhance the charm and appearance of the female subjects of the territory."

"Effect 2: The number of female citizens of the territory to refresh is doubled."

"Effect 3: The lord obtains a physique that is indestructible and indestructible."


At first glance, the national policy of three thousand beauties seems to have little effect on the development of the territory.

But if it is matched with the territorial characteristics of the Royal Girl Ascension, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a match made in heaven.

First, enhance the charm and appearance of the female subjects of the territory, although this effect is optional.

But the effect of doubling the number of female citizens to refresh is enough to make Yang Chuan excited.

The more important point is that King Kong is not bad, and the physique is invincible. For Yang Chuan at this time, it is not an exaggeration to send charcoal in the snow.

after all.

There are too many Yingying and Yanyan in the territory, and there will be more and more in the future. Yang Chuan's physique must keep up, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

Under such circumstances, Yang Chuan's choice naturally became very clear.


"Let's focus on inheritance!"

Yang Chuan made the choice without hesitation.

A scalding warm current flowed into the body, and after wandering around the limbs, it finally merged into the waist and kidneys.

After that, Yang Chuan could clearly feel the feeling of being reborn.

You can go up to the fifth floor in one go.

The waist is no longer sore, and the legs are no longer weak.

But then, the process of simulating the territory did not end there.

【Please name the territory】

The prompt message reappears shortly after the selection is complete.

Yang Chuan fell into a brief thought.

When it comes to naming things, if there is no goal, I really can't think of a good name for a while.

"Let's call it Chaoge."

"Chaoge Yexian, there is no limit to the pleasures!"


【Named successfully】

【Successful establishment of Chaoge Village】


[Chaoge Village]: Village Fortress

Territory level: first-level village

Territory buildings: luxurious houses, blacksmith shops

Military Building: Dragon Guard Barracks

Fortifications: Red Flame Arrow Tower (8), Phantom Arrow Tower (2), Thorns Fence

Commercial buildings: none

Resource Buildings: Lumber Mills, Mining Sites

Special Building: Bronze Sparrow Terrace (Level 2)

Territorial Heroes: Cai Wenji, Zhao Feiyan

Territorial Arms: Dragon Guard (5)

Territorial Citizens: 10

Owned resources: 8750 taels of gold, 48900 units of wood, 43150 units of stone

Rare resources: 225 units of red fire ore, 21 units of jade

Territory specialty: red fire ore (C grade)


Territory Features: Royal Maiden Ascension

Territory national policy: Three thousand beauties


Upgrade requirements: 100,000 units of wood, 100,000 units of stone


The information template for the territory is very detailed.

By checking, Yang Chuan can see at a glance the current development of the territory.

And through the information template of the territory.

Yang Chuan can also accept the life of the defending generals and the acting village chief of the village.

Therefore, as long as Yang Chuan is not suspicious of employing people, he can be a slinger.

Yet at this moment.

The changes brought about by upgrading the territory are still not over.

Just listen to the system announcement, and then follow.

[System Announcement]: With the upgrade of the initial wooden house to a village fortress, as a lord of one party, your influence in the battlefield of all races has risen to a new height.

[Tips]: All resources within the territory will belong to Chaoge Village.

[Tips]: The 108 Villages of Montenegro began to pay attention to Chaoge Village, there is a possibility of invading Chaoge Village, and some may come to form an alliance.


"It seems that taking the lead in raising the level of the territory is not without harm."

According to the content of the system announcement.

As the saying goes, the gun hits the first bird.

It is also a very common thing for other forces to appear in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

But other forces began to think about it.

This had to make Yang Chuan have some concerns.

"Although it may be an invasion, it may also be an alliance."

"But now that we have learned of the existence of the 108th Village in Montenegro, we must take measures to deal with the enemy in advance."

After thinking of this, Yang Chuan's mood became a little depressed at this time.

But at the same time.

An exclamation point suddenly appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

"What is this?"

With doubts Yang Chuan click to check.

【For the concern of 108 Villages in Montenegro, please make the following choices】:

[First]: High-profile declaration of war, do it if you don't agree

【Second】: Take the initiative to befriend and become allies

【Third】: Ignore it and adapt to the situation


"One hundred and eight villages in Montenegro"

"Introduction: Countless thieves and bandits who do all kinds of evil gathered in Montenegro. They murdered and set fire to people's lives. Please properly handle your relationship with them."

"Current relationship: 0 points"



Explain, my brother didn't delete any book reviews, really, zg people don't lie to zg people,

I vouch for the personality of a thousand days lsp.

Thanks to the book friend [Self-cultivation is not cultivation of immortals] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friends [just don't know how to name it] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [s91..] for the monthly pass.

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