Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 23 Golden Equipment, Leader Of Thieves

"Food Seeds: Sweet Potatoes"

"Quality: Class D"

"Growing Cycle: 30 Days"

"Moonwell Effect: Cuts Growth Cycle in Half"


The first time he bought grain seeds from the trading platform, Yang Chuan arranged for his people to plant grain seeds in fertile fields.

The effect of Moon Well is also remarkable.

Directly shorten the growth cycle in half.

Under such circumstances, the problem of food in Chaoge Village in the future has now been found to be a solution.

After that, unknowingly.

The time soon came to the afternoon.

"Hint: The stable was successfully built, Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect was triggered, and the stable was upgraded to a horse farm."

"Hint: The fish scale armor is successfully forged, Yi Changge's talent effect is triggered, and the fish scale armor is upgraded to green scale armor."


The prompt messages that appeared one after another woke up Yang Chuan, who was dozing off on Zhang Mingyue's knees.

After walking out of the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, the horse farm that first caught his eye made his eyes shine even more.

It is the size of several football fields.

Wide green grass.

At first glance, it looks like a green grassland.

However, it is a pity that there are no war horses in the current horse farm, nor are there any happy and gray wolves.

"Territory Architecture: Horse Farm"

"Build Quality: Class C"

"Architectural role: raising war horses, exotic animals."


"Yes, yes, with this horse farm, it is one step closer to creating an iron cavalry class."

Yang Chuan muttered to himself with satisfaction.

at the same time.

Yi Changge also took hurried steps and came to Yang Chuan's side.

"Lord Lord, fortunately not humiliated."

"Gold-quality green scale armor, please check it out."

It is not too much to consume fish scale ore, a rare resource of Grade A, and to be blessed by Yi Changge's talent effect to create golden-quality equipment.

But after Yang Chuan took over the green scale armor, he found that he still underestimated the power of the golden equipment.

"Equipment: Green Scale Armor"

"Equipment Quality: Golden Quality"

"Equipment Effect 1: +120 Defense, +40 Constitution"

"Equipment Effect 2: Increases Physique by 10%"

"Equipment Effect 3: Reduced ranged damage by 50% and melee damage by 25%"


There are three kinds of equipment effects.

Yang Chuan can't think of other words to evaluate this equipment except the adjective that this equipment is so terrifying.

But the problem is that the blue scale armor is a pair of armor.

Although it looks sparkling on the outside, it looks like a patchwork of fish scales.

But who should be equipped with this green scale armor.

The petite Cai Wenji just glanced at Bi Scale Armor and had nothing to say.

The slender and charming Zhao Feiyan was accustomed to light footwork, and equipped with this green scale armor, it was more like a burden.


The blue scale armor that I have worked so hard to create.

Golden-quality equipment, there are currently no heroes in the territory that can be equipped?

Yang Chuan, who did not believe in evil, turned his eyes to Mu Chengxue and Mu Rushuang who were beside him.


A bowl of water should be level.

Twin sisters should dress the same.

After some thought, there was really no one in the territory, and Yang Chuan had no choice but to give up.

However after this.

On the fifth day, the newcomer trial began suddenly.

[Announcement: Please pay attention to all lords, the fifth-day newcomer trial is about to start. 】

[Trial Rules]: Kill the leader of the bandits

The first stage of the rookie trial is coming to an end. According to the order of killing the leader of the bandits, you can get different ranking rewards.


The rules of today's trial for newcomers have changed a lot from the previous four days.

"Leader of bandits?"

"The first stage trial?"

Looking at the content of the newcomer's trial, Yang Chuan was a little surprised.

After all, the change is a little too big.

But this also proves from the side that the novice trials in the past few days, to put it bluntly, are to let the lords accumulate basic resources to prepare for the next ten thousand race for hegemony.

Therefore, the leader of the bandit,

It is very likely that it is the whetstone of the lords.

Whether you can successfully enter the next stage of the rookie trial, the prerequisite is to kill the leader of the bandits.

And this may also be a nightmare for the lord who is lying flat.

"Fuck, the bandit leader has appeared."

"According to the rules of the trial, this is a fight to the death, you can't get stuck."

"Big buddies, I'm still thinking about getting stuck, and I'm about to enter the second stage of the rookie trial."

"The question is today's rookie trial, is it ahead of schedule? My territory has not yet refreshed refugees."

"Everyone should be the same, and I haven't refreshed refugees in my territory."

"The leader of the bandits said, I will demolish the house immediately, and the refugees will not appear."

"Haha, that's what I said, if you don't have the ability to kill the leader of the bandits, even if you refresh the refugees, it won't help."

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle."

"Brothers and sisters, whether you can change your life against the sky and get closer to the next stage depends on whether the leader of the bandits will give you face."

"I'm afraid of a hammer. The archers I've trained are already in place, and this leader of the bandits is bound to come and go."

"Are you planning to let the archer shoot through the chrysanthemum of the bandit leader?"

"Speaking of which, the D-rank arm of the archer, attacking the leader of the bandit, it is estimated that it will not necessarily break the defense."

"What are you doing with these useless things, the market is open, the market is open, everyone guess who will kill the leader of the bandits first."

"I'll count with my fingers, and guess Yang Chuan's boss blindly."

"I can't play it, right, then I guess it's Yang Chuan."

"Then I'll pull Li Mu's child out and whip the corpse."


Changes in the trial of newcomers.

Make most of the lords short of breath and feel a sense of urgency.

Fortunately, with the end of the countdown.

A lonely figure appeared not far from the territory.

That's right,

This time, the leader of the bandits was actually alone.

No other thieves invaded the territory from all directions.

It looks like the difficulty has been lowered a bit.

But after the bandit leader approached.

The burly body with a mountain-like body, the dark heavy armor, and the murderous aura radiating from the inside out.

Just looking at it is enough to make one feel terrified.

and in the next moment,

The information template of the leader of thieves and bandits still appeared in front of every lord.

【Chief Bandit Leader】

"Level: Level 5"

"Attack Power: 300"

"Defense Power: 350"

"Skill: Cleave Huashan with force, rampage, and fight more and more bravely"



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Thanks to the book friend [pitpit] for the monthly pass.

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