Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 34: Apology With Death, Terrorist Combat Power

The effect of martial arts is still very good.

In addition to being a skill itself, the hero's own attributes will be additionally increased according to the level.

In this way, the cultivability of heroes has increased a lot again.

This is unparalleled by the military.

But after all, a soldier is a soldier, and no matter how you cultivate it, it is impossible to surpass a hero.

"The slave family, thank the master for the cultivation."

After obtaining the Moonlight Slashing Generals skill, Zhao Feiyan chose the lord directly while smiling shyly.

In the information template, the force increased by 3 points without any pain.

The time for breakfast soon passed.

According to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

Because the next step is to deal with the intrusion of the gangsters in Huangfeng Village, the 27 Dragon Guards need to leave a few people to guard Chaoge Village.

"Mu Chengxue, you lead the seven dragon guards to stay in Chaoge Village and protect the territory."

"The remaining 20 Dragon Guards, all led by Mu Rushuang, followed Zhao Feiyan and left Chaoge Village to attack the bandit cottage."


After Yang Chuan talked about this, he suddenly thought of the Northern Xinjiang Iron Cavalry that he had tamed these days.

Although the Dragon Guards are not cavalry.

But with the acceleration effect of the Northern Xinjiang Iron Cavalry, it can improve a lot on the march.

next moment.

Mo Xiaoyu received an order from Yang Chuan.

Directly from the horse farm in Chaoge Village, 21 Northern Xinjiang Iron Horses were selected and handed over to Hulongwei and Zhao Feiyan one by one.

After this.

Another hour passed quickly.


At this time.

Not far from the fire village.

Zhao Feiyan, who left Chaoge Village, came to Agni Village soon after asking for money with the Northern Xinjiang Iron Cavalry as a means of transportation.

The gap between the first-level bandit cottages is not very large.

The situation in Raging Fire Village was similar to that of Jutie Village.

There are also only a few bandits patrolling outside the cottage, and there are also only two wooden arrow towers standing at the entrance of the cottage.

Seeing this situation, Mu Rushuang said, "Lord Feiyan, this time, our Dragon Guard will charge for you."

Zhao Feiyan shook her head: "It's just a first-level bandit cottage. The target set by the owner today is 10 bandit cottages."

"Let's fight quickly."

"For this group of vicious bandits, just kill them all."

After hearing this, especially the goal of capturing 10 bandit cottages, Mu Rushuang immediately became interested.

Different from her older sister's cautious personality.

Mu Rushuang was born strong, so even though she was a woman, she was very belligerent.

Now that I have been free in Chaoge Village for two or three days, it is time to exercise.

"Rushuang understands."

"Today, let this bandit cottage, let this one hundred and eight villages in Montenegro know the prestige of our Chaoge Village."

"To save them, they run around every day to clamor."

At this point, Zhao Feiyan immediately took the lead and galloped away towards Raging Fire Village.

The 20-person Dragon Guards followed closely under the leadership of Mu Rushuang.

In an instant.

The sudden appearance of the woman made the bandits who were patrolling not far away froze in place.

"There is an enemy attack..."

Only the screams of panic and misery kept ringing.

One after another, the deadly arrows were shot from the hands of the guardian dragon guards with the momentum of thunder.

But it's just a face-to-face.

The bandits outside the fire village have all died.

You must know that these bandits are at best a group of desperadoes.

Its horrific fighting power.

How could it be compared with the Dragon Guard, who is an S-class unit.


500 meters.

300 meters.

100 metres!

The iron hooves of the northern Xinjiang cavalry rattled.

Zhao Feiyan was the first to kill to the entrance of Lie Huo Village.

The wooden cottage gate is closed.

It seemed that Zhao Feiyan was blocked from the cottage, but in fact the wooden gate of the cottage was like a useless decoration in front of Zhao Feiyan.

I saw a faint white light flickering on top of the double moon rings in his hands.

"Moonlight Slash"

A terrifying energy turned into moonlight, rushing towards the wooden cottage gate from in front of Zhao Feiyan.



Several heavy impacts sounded, and the wooden cottage gate immediately collapsed.

"Destroy this bandit cottage."

"Not a single one!"

"Let them know the price of offending Chaoge Village."


In the absence of the gate of the cottage.

All the bandits in Lie Huo Village had already come out, and Zhao Feiyan looked at each other.

Zhao Feiyan just said something in a low voice, and then, like a war god descending into the world, she directly rode the northern border cavalry, and took the lead in killing the bandits in the cottage.



At first, facing Zhao Feiyan, who was alone and the first to kill, the bandits all had grim faces.

But not much time passed.

After they died tragically under Zhao Feiyan's double moon rings, they were stunned.



Instead, it's endless.

"The fighting power of this beautiful woman is too terrifying, right?"

Even if the bandit leader from Lie Huo Village appeared, he was frightened by the scene in front of him.

Only a few minutes passed.

Not only was Zhao Feiyan unscathed when she entered the group of bandits, there was no blood on her body.

Look at the bandits around.

At this time, half of them were already dead.

And these dead bandits, without exception, were all lightly brushed by the double rings like the moon around their necks.

If killing is also an art.

So it is no surprise that Zhao Feiyan is definitely the king of this art.

She was expressionless, looking at the dead bandits one by one, and there was no pity in her eyes.


The dragon guard's arrival was long overdue.

It became the last straw that crushed the bandit leader.

Fear without fighting.

The enemy in front of him is simply invincible.

"I surrender."

"I am willing to lead Raging Fire Village and become your vassal."

After acknowledging the reality, the bandit leader of Liehuo Village chose to give up resistance.

But the next moment.

A sharp arrow flew over in an instant, piercing his body mercilessly.

"Chaoge Village doesn't need a vassal like you."

"The only price for offending Chaoge Village is death."

Not far away, Mu Rushuang spoke softly, and then aimed the black longbow in her hand at the next bandit who was about to escape.

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