Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 37 The Detachment Of Women, Ready For Order

"This location is fine."

"It's not too far from the Dragon Guard Barracks."

"It's next to the horse farm, and you can directly equip the Northern Xinjiang Iron Cavalry."

In Chaoge Village.

Yang Chuan communicated with Li Xiuling.

The location for the construction of the Women's Army Barracks was soon confirmed.

After putting down the architectural drawings.

A building similar to the Dragon Guard Barracks appeared instantly under the flickering of golden light.

By viewing.

The information of the Women's Army barracks appeared in front of Yang Chuan's eyes.

"Territory Building: Women's Army Barracks"

"Build Quality: S Class"

"Architectural Effect: Training the Women's Army of S-rank Arms"

"Training requirements: female subjects with B-level bloodline, or female subjects with A-level talent."

"Training consumption: 100 units of food, 10 taels of gold."


Compared to the training requirements of the Dragon Guard.

The subject training lowered the requirements of the Women's Army by one level, but only female subjects could be transferred to the Women's Army.

However, this can be directly ignored for Chaoge Village, which is all female.

"There are now 107 female subjects in the territory."

"There are 27 of them, trained as dragon guards."

"The remaining 80 female citizens meet the conditions for training as the Women's Army."

Yang Chuan thought in his heart.

words spoken.

Don't look at the fact that there are currently only 27 Dragon Guards.

But you must know that these people who are trained to protect the Dragon Guard all have the blood of Houyi's family, as well as the talent of arrows.

Equip the Red Flame Bow.

Can attack enemies from a distance of 1,000 meters away.

For other people, it is obviously impossible to do so.

Therefore, if you train the Women's Army, you don't need to be selective.

After all, according to Li Xiuning's explanation.

The Women's Army is a melee unit and does not have the ability to attack from a distance.

What Yang Chuan only needs to consider at the moment is how many of the remaining 80 people in Chaoge Village will be trained as the Women's Army.

At this time.

Lin Shu also walked slowly.

"Lord Lord, there are currently 35 artisans and masons in Chaoge Village who can collect basic resources."

"Except for the development needs of Chaoge Village."

"There should be 30 subjects who can be trained as the Women's Army."

After Yang Chuan heard the words, he nodded lightly.

In this way, it is clear at a glance.

And after Lin Shu also finished speaking, he handed a list to Yang Chuan.

After checking, there are no names of Yi Changge, Mo Xiaoyu and others in this list.


Yi Changge can forge weapons and equipment.

Mo Xiaoyu can train mounts.

They are all essential talents for the development of Chaoge Village.

"Then let's start training."

"Before the sunset, we successfully trained 30 Women's Women's Troops."

Yang Chuan said to Lin Shuyi.



Time soon came to afternoon.

During this period, Yang Chuan was not idle.

The business of selling Chiyan equipment is still very hot.

"and also!"

"It is estimated that more than 70 pieces of Chiyan equipment have been sold."

"Yang Chuan's initial building should be a blacksmith shop that is countless times stronger than a blacksmith shop."

"I made a rough calculation. In addition to jade resources, according to a piece of red flame equipment, which requires 5,000 units of basic resources, Yang Chuan has harvested at least 200,000 basic resources."

"It can't be calculated like this. After all, there are still lords who use rare resources and rare architectural drawings to exchange Chiyan equipment from the hands of Yang Chuan."

"That's enough to make people envious."

"And look, Yang Chuan has reappeared in the trial rankings."

"Ranked 27th and captured 9 bandit cottages."

"It doesn't seem like much at first glance, but this is while selling equipment and crusades against bandit cottages."

"Wrong, you should say, this is Yang Chuan. It took a day to capture 9 bandit cottages."

Some people are envious.

Someone was horrified.

Just like exchanging information in a chat forum.

The time of the day did not pass.

Yang Chuan's harvest is enough to far surpass other lords and develop the harvest for a few days.

Under the leadership of Zhao Feiyan.

At present, the progress of the crusade against the bandit cottage is very fast.

Before you know it, 8 bandit cottages have been captured today, plus the Jutiezhai captured a few days ago.

Therefore, in the trial rankings, Yang Chuan has captured a total of 9 bandit cottages.

The goal set by Yang Chuan today is far away.

Now there are only 2 bandit cottages left, and Zhao Feiyan can go back to the DPRK.


The efficiency is so high.

The reason is also because today’s crusades are all first-class bandit cottages.

If it is replaced by a second-level bandit cottage, it is estimated that the efficiency will be greatly reduced.

"Lord Lord, there are only 2,000 units of red fire ore left."

After another 10 pieces of Chiyan equipment were forged.

Yi Changge took a break for a while.

Yang Chuan heard and understood what Yi Changge meant.

"Then stop forging Chiyan equipment."

"Repairing the Scarlet Flame City Wall and repairing the Scarlet Flame Arrow Tower will require the consumption of Scarlet Fire Ore."

"We do need to keep a little red fire ore for backup."

Yi Changge nodded slightly, his eyes were a little tired, and he continued in a low voice: "There are 3,000 units of Ukrainian iron ore. Next, we can use Ukrainian iron ore to forge equipment."

After the words fell, Yi Changge added: "But black iron ore is more suitable for heavy armor."

"Heavy armor?"

Yang Chuan was lost in thought.

Yet at the same time.

Li Xiuning walked slowly towards Yang Chuan, and behind Li Xiuning, 30 women's soldiers who had finished training were arranged in an orderly manner with extraordinary bearing.

At first glance, the aura of a woman who does not allow her men to be seen is vividly reflected in the Women's Army.


"All 30 women's soldiers are on standby."

If necessary, we will do our best! "



The book has been signed. In the end, no matter what the results are, the younger brother will write everything that should be written, and present a complete novel for all book friends.

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