Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 4 Rookie Trial, Phantom Arrow Tower

"Reminder: Zhang Xiaomu, a citizen of the territory, successfully collected 10 units of wood."

"Reminder: Zhang Xiaomu, a citizen of the territory, successfully collected 10 units of wood."


"Reminder: Citizen Zhang Xiaomu, start building the wooden arrow tower."

"Reminder: Citizen Zhang Xiaomu, start building the wooden fence."

"Reminder: Citizen Zhang Xiaomu, start building a private house."


On the Bronze Sparrow Stage.

Yang Chuan looked at the prompt message that appeared in front of him. .

Cai Wenji and Zhang Mingyue sat next to Yang Chuan, one on the left and one on the right.

"Sister, are you and Xiaomu really mother and daughter?"

"Master Hui Wenji, Xiao Mu is my adopted daughter."

Because of different identities.

Cai Wenji's identity is a hero.

Therefore, as a citizen of the territory, Zhang Mingyue added honorifics when communicating with Cai Wenji.

"So it turned out that I was almost cheated by the master."

After understanding what was going on, the curious Cai Wenji continued to ask, "Then sister Mingyue, don't you have any children of your own?"

Zhang Mingyue replied truthfully: "Oh, in this era of war and chaos, Xiao Mu and I depended on each other for life at a young age, and I don't want to drag other people down."

"That's really hard for Sister Mingyue."

Cai Wenji responded with emotion.


Under the chatting of the two of them sentence after sentence, just one hour passed quickly.

At this time, it was already afternoon.

There shouldn't be much time left before the bandits invade.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaomu, who seemed timid, was very efficient in doing things after getting Yang Chuan's permission.

Plus there is 10 times more wood gathering efficiency.

So just a few hours passed.

Zhang Xiaomu completed the collection, construction, etc., all the work of a whole dragon by himself.

"Reminder: The construction of the wooden arrow tower is completed, Zhang Xiaomu triggers the talent effect, and the wooden arrow tower is upgraded to a phantom arrow tower."

"Reminder: The wooden fence is completed, Zhang Xiaomu triggers the talent effect, and the wooden fence is upgraded to a thorn fence."

"Reminder: After the construction of the private house is completed, Zhang Xiaomu triggers the talent effect, and the private house is upgraded to a luxurious private house."


Accompanied by a reminder sound.

Yang Chuan got up quickly, and led Cai Wenji and Zhang Mingyue down the Tongque Terrace.

Suddenly, beside the original wooden house, there was another private house.

This folk house looks antique.

Although it is not as luxurious as Tongque Terrace, it is full of warm atmosphere.

And beyond that.

At the entrance of the territory, there are two more wooden arrow towers.

And a fence that looks like thorns, enclosing the entire territory.

"Xiaomu has worked hard."

The timid Zhang Xiaomu quickly lowered his head when he saw him.

Yang Chuan could only look at the luxurious houses.

next moment.

Information about the building appears.

"Territorial Architecture: Luxury Residential Houses"

"Building Quality: Grade D"

"Building effect: When refreshing refugees, add 2 additional refugees to the territory."

"Building Population: 2/10"


"Territory Building: Phantom Arrow Tower"

"Building Quality: Grade D"

"Building Effect: Every time you attack an enemy, there is a 50% chance to cause damage twice."

"Attack Power: 25 Points"


"Territory Architecture: Thorn Fence"

"Building Quality: Grade D"

"Building effect: Enemies attacking the fence will be damaged by thorns."

"Durability: 200 points"



The appearance of the Phantom Arrow Tower and the thorn fence made Yang Chuan very satisfied.

After all, there are these two buildings, which can reduce the difficulty of resisting the invasion of thieves.

Of course, the architectural effect of luxury houses.

It is the urgent need of Yang Chuan.

Territorial development is inseparable from the people.

Now that the day has passed, in addition to Yang Chuan and Cai Wenji, only Zhang Mingyue and Zhang Xiaomu have joined the territory.

So obvious.

Adding two more refugees to the territory will undoubtedly not be a blessing for the early development of the territory.


At this time, Yang Chuan did not wait for the second time to refresh the refugees and join the prompt of the territory.

Instead, I waited for the announcement about the novice trial.

[Announcement: The first day of the novice trial will start in ten minutes. All lords please prepare for the invasion of thieves. 】

[Trial Rules]: The thief invasion will continue for two hours.

10 thieves will be refreshed every time.

Kills will continue to refresh, until after two hours, the thieves stop refreshing.

[Trial Reward]: According to the number of thieves killed, the corresponding reward will be obtained.

【Countdown starts】





It's finally here.

Although he didn't wait for the second refresh of the refugees, but fortunately he persevered, Zhang Xiaomu successfully built the Phantom Arrow Tower and the thorn fence.

"Refresh 10 thieves at a time."

"It's not too difficult, but it's a bit annoying to keep refreshing for two hours."

After Yang Chuan muttered to himself.

Turn around and tell the situation of the thief invasion.

Zhang Mingyue's face immediately became solemn, but Zhang Xiaomu didn't take it seriously, and seemed to be full of confidence in the arrow tower he built.

As for Cai Wenji, don't look at the appearance of a delicate woman, but after hearing about it, she is already ready to go.

"Master, don't worry."

"With the slave family here, there must be no return for that thief."

"Mingyue is good at medicine. If Lord Wenji is injured, he can heal at any time."

"Everyone...don't worry, there should be no problem with the Phantom Arrow Tower."

The three women gave the same answer.

Quite a woman's attitude.

Yang Chuan was also inspired: "Go, prepare to meet the enemy."

next moment.

Under the leadership of Yang Chuan.

They soon came to the entrance of the territory.

At this time, I saw not far away, and the figure of the thief was faintly visible.

Although it was still some distance away from the territory, the sound of the iron knives banging and banging sounded nervous.

9 minutes

7 minutes

5 minutes


The ten-minute countdown was quickly drawing to a close.

The location of the thieves is getting closer and closer to the territory.

Holding an iron sword, the thief dressed in commoner is also looking around Yang Chuan's territory with fierce eyes.

When he saw Cai Wenji and Zhang Mingyue's mother and daughter, his eyes became more like a wolf.

"Brothers, this kid is very sexual."

A jealous roar sounded.

The countdown is finally over.

Yet at this moment.

Before the thieves approached the territory, the Phantom Arrow Tower shot two sharp arrows in a row.

Directly kill the thieves closest to the territory with one blow.

"Just this strength?"

Looking at the thief who fell to the ground and died.

Zhang Xiaomu smiled slightly, and Yang Chuan suddenly lost interest.

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