Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 40: Military Merit Promotion, Black Iron Equipment

【Trial Ranking】

1st place: Gusu Village, Sun Ziyu, defeated 19 enemies

Second: Handan Village, Li Mu, defeated 17 enemies

Third: Qingfeng Village, Li Yulan, defeated 16 enemies


Nineteenth: Chaoge Village, Yang Chuan, destroy 10 enemies


Rankings on the Trial Leaderboard change rapidly.

But there is no doubt about it.

After Yang Chuan dropped out of the trial rankings, it took only one day to reach the top 20 again.

Although Yang Chuan wasted two days before.

However, sharpening knives does not fail to chop woodworkers!

The cultivated Northern Xinjiang Dragon Rider, together with the Women's Army, will definitely bring Yang Chuan back to the first place in the trial rankings.

You must know that the Northern Border Dragon Rider is an A-level mount.

This is an invaluable resource.

at the same time.

The emergence of military merit has brought greater benefits to the training of the Women's Army.

And under the efforts of Yi Changge, using the black iron ore as the material, it didn't take too long to forge the heavy armor equipment.

"Hint: Black iron heavy armor is successfully forged, Yi Changge's talent effect is triggered, and black iron heavy armor is upgraded to black iron heavy armor."

"Hint: The black iron spear is successfully forged, Yi Changge's talent effect is triggered, and the black iron spear is upgraded to a black iron spear."


"Weapon: Black Iron Spear"

"Weapon Quality: Blue Quality"

"Equipment effect 1: +30 attack power, +10 force"

"Equipment effect 2: Increase penetration effect by 25%, increase attack speed by 15%"


"Equipment: Black Iron Heavy Armor"

"Equipment Quality: Blue Quality"

"Equipment Effect 1: +33 Defense, +11 Constitution"

"Equipment Effect 2: Reduces ranged attack damage by 15% and melee attack damage by 10%"


Equipment in blue quality.

Then match it with the Northern Border Dragon Rider.

There is no doubt that it is not without reason to call the Women's Army the elite cavalry of Chaoge Village.

"Tomorrow can sound the horn to attack the third-level bandit cottage."

"The Dragon Riders of the Women's Army will surely conquer the third-level bandit cottage."

"At that time, the ranking of Chaoge Village will inevitably return to the first place in the trial rankings."

Yang Chuan muttered to himself happily.

And the other side.

On the other hand, Zhao Feiyan, who had temporarily changed his plan, was already approaching Heishui Village at this time.

This is a third-level bandit cottage.

A full 350 troops.

There are also 8 wooden arrow towers standing at the entrance of the cottage gate.

If you choose to be tough and tough, although you can't say that you have no chance of winning, it is very likely that you will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred yourself.


After arriving not far from Heishui Village, Zhao Feiyan did not choose to attack rashly, but first peeked into the situation in Heishui Village.

I saw the entrance of the cottage.

There are sentries and bandits patrolling and guarding, about 20 or 30 people, and it is impossible to kill all of them in the first time.

After that, in front of the cottage hall, there was a condescending open space, which was very suitable for bandit shooters to carry out long-range attacks.

And because Heishui Village was built in Montenegro, there was only one entrance, so it was impossible to make a sneak attack from the side.

"It seems that we can only have a tug-of-war."

"Using the mobile advantages of the Northern Territory Cavalry and the long-range attack advantage of the Dragon Guards to deal with the bandits in this Black Water Village."

"Do you understand?"

Zhao Feiyan winked slightly and said her plan.


Mu Rushuang responded in a low voice.

next moment.

The red flame bowstring in his hand was like a full moon, and the sharp arrow flew out instantly, hitting the sentry bandits directly.

Immediately, several sentry bandits fell to the ground.

"There is an enemy attack!"

"There is an enemy attack!"

The gongs and drums were roaring in the sky.

The rest of the sentinel bandits quickly finished fighting the dragon guards who were thousands of meters away.

But didn't wait too long.

The second round of arrow rain struck again.

"Hint: Successfully kill the Sentinel Bandit (Tier 1), +5 points of military merit."

"Hint: Successfully kill a bandit elite (Tier 1), +5 points of military merit."


"Enemy: Sentinel Bandit (Level 10)"

"Equal order: first order"

"Attack Power: 25"

"Defense Power: 15"

"Skill: Watch out, call for help"


Through the observation after the approach, Zhao Feiyan also learned the information data of the sentinel bandits at this time.

The bandit elite and the sentinel bandit are almost the same.

They are all about twenty points of attack power, and their own defense power of more than ten points.

On the other hand, the Dragon Guard wearing Chiyan equipment has nearly 100 points of attack power.

There is also the blessing effect of Zhao Feiyan's bloodline talent.

As a result, every attack of the Dragon Guard can easily kill a sentinel bandit.

The battle has only just begun.

The three long-range attacks of the Dragon Guards killed all the sentinel bandits.

But at the same time.

I saw the gate of the cottage in Heishui Village opened.

All the bandit elites came out, like a corpse like a tide.

Even at this time, as the bandit leader of Heishui Village, Shi Dazhuang was also among them.

"That immortal thing."

"You dare to invade my Heishui Village, I think you are an old birthday star eating arsenic - tired of living!"

Shi Dazhuang's voice was like Hong Lei's voice.

Even Zhao Feiyan, who was thousands of meters away, was deafening.

1000 meters.

800 meters.

However, as it continues to advance towards the Dragon Guard.

Shi Dazhuang suddenly realized a problem.

There are dragon guards of the Northern Xinjiang Iron Cavalry.

While carrying out a long-range attack, the other side kept retreating, always maintaining a safe position.

Even the bandit shooters couldn't threaten the Dragon Guard. In the process of moving forward, a large number of elite bandits were shot and killed by the Dragon Guard.

It's like walking the dog.

There were originally more than 300 elite bandits, and in this time, hundreds of people have died.

The enemy on the other side,

Why is the combat power so terrifying!

There are dozens of people in the district, and they can actually play themselves in the applause.

think of this,

Shi Dazhuang felt a chill on his back.

Such a regular military unit,

Although there are not many people, it can be under the advantage of ultra-long-distance attack and unified execution.

If it goes on like this, it is bound to die in vain.

For a while, Shi Dazhuang, who had reacted with hindsight, panicked and planned to retreat to Heishui Village.

But it was at this time.

The guardian dragon suddenly stopped.

And with the appearance of Jinguang Longyin, the strength of the Dragon Guard has increased again.

"Hint: Mu Rushuang triggers the bloody dragon guard skill effect, attack power +3."

"Hint: Mu Ruxue's military merit exceeded 100 points, and he was promoted to the first rank."



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