Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 52: Sensible Makes People Feel Distressed, Holy Light Arrow Tower

"Hint: Li Xiuning comprehends the skills of generals - flying cavalry, +3X5 points of force."


【Li Xiuning】

Status: hero

Level: Level 2

Force: 145X2+115

Intelligence: 117

Constitution: 115

Charisma: 999


【General Skills】

Jiaolong goes to sea: level 4

Enhancement: +20 points of force (increase by 5 times)


Flying Rider: Level 1

Boost: +200 marching speed, +3 force (5x increase)


According to Yang Chuan's training goals.

As a fierce general, Li Xiuning is just right for the flying general.

A prompt message for successful comprehension appears.

Yang Chuan looked at Li Xiuning's message template and nodded with satisfaction.

"Such a high force attribute."

"Even if it's Xiang Yu, who is the overlord, I'm afraid that's not the case."

After this.

The late night wind blew gently.

The lights of the Bronze Sparrow Terrace were blown out.

The Chaoge Village, which has been busy all day, is now finally silent at night.

Right now.

A delicate and thin woman with a pure appearance walked out of Chaoge Village alone under the starry sky.

"Mother always says."

"Lord Lord is like a father, one silently caring for Xiao Mu."

"Xiao Mu must work hard to contribute to the development of Chaoge Village."

Gently yawned.

At this time, Zhang Xiaomu, who had been working all day, was already very tired.

Blinking his eyes, he seemed to want to wake up a little, but he became more sleepy.

However, the architectural drawings of the Golden Light Arrow Tower were tightly clutched in her hands, making Zhang Xiaomu unable to sleep peacefully.

That's right.

Cozy little jacket.

Zhang Xiaomu, a tool person, has not been offline yet.

I saw that after she walked out of Chaoge Village, taking advantage of the afterglow of the moonlight, she came to the area where the golden light ore was located.



Collection starts.

One after another golden light ore was mined by Zhang Xiaomu.

After a long time.

Only the amount of golden light ore meets the requirements for building the golden light arrow tower.

Only then did Zhang Xiaomu return to Chaoge Village again.

And in accordance with the construction needs of the Golden Arrow Tower, the construction of the Golden Arrow Tower began.

"Hint: The Golden Light Arrow Tower was successfully built, Zhang Xiaomu's talent effect was triggered, and the Golden Light Arrow Tower was upgraded to the Holy Light Arrow Tower."


The eleventh day of the new man's trial.

early morning.

The darkness has not disappeared.

The rays of the sun are not revealed in the east.

Yang Chuan, who was still sleeping, was woken up by the reminder message that was retrieved.

"Golden Arrow Tower?"

"Holy Light Arrow Tower!"

"This is not the task this morning, how can it be completed now?"

a time.

Numerous doubts occupy Yang Chuan's mind.

Could it be that this girl, Zhang Xiaomu, did not sleep all night and completed the construction of the Golden Arrow Tower alone?

After thinking about this.

Yang Chuan immediately got dressed and got up.

Forget anything else.

Zhang Xiaomu and Zhang Mingyue's mother and daughter were the first to join Chaoge Village.

Yang Chuan also treats Zhang Xiaomu like a daughter.

"Little Twilight?"

"Lord Lord, did you get up so early today?"

The fact is exactly as Yang Chuan guessed.

When he walked out of the Bronze Sparrow Terrace.

When he came to an entrance of Chaoge Village's territory, he saw Zhang Xiaomu tired and haggard.

It is in sharp contrast with the Holy Light Arrow Tower, which is flickering with golden light.

Yang Chuan looked a little distressed: "Go and rest. In the future, you can leave this kind of thing to other people."

"The lord that does not get in the way."

"This is what Xiao Mu should do, and it's the only job Xiao Mu can do."

Xiao Mu smiled slightly, her white face like a splendid wild flower.

It hurts to be sensible.

Perhaps this is the reason why Chaoge Village can develop so fast.

There is this intimate little padded jacket.

Why is it difficult to achieve hegemony!

"Go to sleep."

"If you do this again, I'll be angry."

Yang Chuan took a deep breath and tried to calm down.


Zhang Xiaomu rubbed his eyes, it seemed that he really couldn't stand it anymore.


Under the supervision and escort of Yang Chuan all the way.

Only then did Zhang Xiaomu return to the luxurious private room, and he went straight to sleep while lying on the bed.

Seems really tired.

Yang Chuan sat on the side in silence for a long time before leaving lightly.

Zhang Mingyue is good at understanding human clothes.

Zhang Xiaomu is well-behaved and sensible.

This pair of mother and daughter is really behind Yang Chuan, giving silently.


And after leaving Zhang Xiaomu's residence.

Yang Chuan came to the Holy Light Arrow Tower again, and a long exclamation sounded first, and then his eyes slowly turned to the Holy Light Arrow Tower.

This is the result of Zhang Xiaomu's hard work all night.


Regardless of the final effect, it is worth taking seriously by Yang Chuan.

"Territory Building: Holy Light Arrow Tower"

"Arrow Tower Quality: Grade A"

"Attack Power: 250X5"

"Effect 1: Multi-Attack"

(Each attack can deal 75% of Holy Light damage to 9 enemies.)

"Special Effect 2: Blessing of the Holy Light"

(Increases attack speed by 25%)


It can be viewed at Yang Chuan.

The information attribute of the Holy Light Arrow Tower immediately made Yang Chuan's eyes shine.

Multiple attacks.

Holy Light Blessing.

It turns out that fortifications like the arrow tower actually have special effects.

And the basic attack power of the Holy Light Arrow Tower has reached 250 points.

Coupled with the ascension of the royal girl, after the enhancement effect of this god-level territory characteristic.

In the case of a full 5 times increase.

The attack power of the Holy Light Tower has been increased to 1250 points.

"With this Holy Light Arrow Tower."

"From now on, Chaoge Village is really a solid existence."

"Xiao Mu, as expected of my sweet little padded jacket, you really gave your father a big gift."

Yang Chuan was very excited.

Yet at the same time.

A prompt message suddenly appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

[Tips]: Under the leadership of the bandit leader Liu Baazi, Yingmen Village launched an invasion of Chaoge Village.

[Tips]: Ruixinzhai, under the leadership of the bandit leader Feng Feilong, launched an invasion of Chaoge Village.

The beginning of a new day.

The bandit invasion begins again.

And this time.

There will be two level 4 bandit cottages that will invade Chaoge Village at the same time.


This was the challenge that Zhao Feiyan had to face after capturing the Qingzhu Village yesterday and killing Hua Tongzi.




Thanks to the book friends for the monthly pass of [Blossoms and Flowers in a Dream].

Thanks to the book friend [passed away] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Infinite Moment] for the monthly pass.


Sorry, a girl has been added to the family these days, the update is not timely, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

thanks for your support.

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