Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 6 The Trial Is Over, Ranking First

"It turned out that my application was rejected."

"Is this Yang Chuan lucky for a while, or is he really powerful?"

Looking at the prompt of rejection appeared in front of him.

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, not expecting that he would also be rejected.

After all, it started from the arrival of the battlefield of all races.

After learning that his initial building was an S-level black iron armored battalion, he could train an S-level black iron armored army.

Li Mu was active in the chat forum.

In his opinion.

The newbie trial is just the beginning.

The real war is after the newcomer's trial is over and he has obtained the qualification to compete for hegemony among all races.

That will be the beginning of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

Therefore, Li Mu's pattern is good.

Or maybe Li Mu is very ambitious.

His current purpose is to win over more lords, become allies with himself, or join his own forces.

And he just took this to build a powerful military force.

"That's it."

"As the newcomer's trial progresses, in the end, the capable ones must come up later."

"Temporary results don't mean anything."

Thinking of this, Li Mu no longer bothered about this matter, and turned his eyes to the territory.

Time of day now.

Although there were only a few people in his territory, under his leadership, he gathered all the resources of the entire territory and trained a black iron armored army.

The dark armor was already covered with blood.

The blade in his hand is like a death scythe.

With every attack of the Black Iron Armor, a thief died immediately.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of the Black Iron Armored Army and its performance on the battlefield, a satisfied smile appeared on Li Mu's face.

"Although the training of the Black Iron Armored Army has extremely high requirements on the people, it is an S-rank army after all."

"If you can successfully create a black iron armored army at the end of the newcomer's trial."

"For the future struggle for hegemony among all ethnic groups, I, Li Mu, must have a place."


Within Yang Chuan's territory.

It was different from Li Mu who was worried and thinking about every step of the plan.

At this time, it seemed that there was no danger.

The first day of the rookie trial was coming to an end, and Yang Chuan was lying on the bronze sparrow platform.

On the side is Zhang Mingyue, carefully waiting for Yang Chuan.

have to say.

Young people don't know Aunt is good, mistakenly think of girls as treasures, this sentence is not wrong at all.

With Zhang Mingyue clenching his fist with one hand and gently massaging, Yang Chuan fell asleep for a while.

It was not until he saw that the first day of the newcomer's trial was about to end, he slowly woke up.

"Your lord, are you awake?"

"The group of thieves did not invade the territory under the slaughter of Lord Wenji."

Zhang Mingyue is very good at taking care of people and understands men's thoughts. Seeing Yang Chuan wake up, he reported the situation in time.

"Ok, I know."

Yang Chuan stood up slowly and glanced at the kill count, which had now accumulated to 169.

There are still a few minutes left.

The first day of the newbie trial will end.

Yang Chuan is still looking forward to the upcoming ranking rewards.

Right now.

The content of the chat channel attracted Yang Chuan's attention.

"Is there any boss, willing to share some food, I'm really hungry."

"Me too, begging the boss to share the food."

"I am willing to exchange wood resources, and stone resources are also fine."

"What are you thinking about? With the development of the territory, food is a strategic resource, and who would be willing to trade it."

"There are beasts and wild fruits near the territory, won't you let your people collect them?"

"I don't know. After the newcomer trial is over, I will ask the people to go out and check."


Grain, food to eat.

After watching this scene, it was Yang Chuan who woke up from sleep, and he was also very hungry at this time.

Before, it was because of the sudden arrival on the battlefield of ten thousand races, coupled with the fact that the simulated territory appeared.

So excited Yang Chuan didn't bother to look for food at all.

But right now.

The announcement that the newcomer trial was over suddenly appeared.

[Announcement: Newcomer Trial (first day) is over. 】


"Start Billing"

"Kill bandits: 198 people"

"Campaign Losses: None"

"Trial ranking: first place"


"Basic rewards: 198 taels of gold, 1980 units of food, 1980 units of wood, and 1980 units of stone."

"Drop Reward: Rusty Iron Knife (19 Pieces) Coarse Clothes (23 Pieces)"

"Ranking Reward: Imperial Guard Barracks (A-level Building)"


"Fortunately, the newcomer trial rewards food."

"In this way, it can be regarded as solving the food crisis in the territory."

The appearance of trial rewards made Yang Chuan happy.

It is not difficult to see, except for the final ranking reward.

The basic rewards for newcomer trials are based on the number of thieves killed.

So it goes without saying.

Of all the lords, Yang Chuan has the most generous base rewards.

As for drop rewards.

This should be an additional reward that can be obtained with a chance when killing invading bandits.

It's a reward of luck.

But for Yang Chuan, it didn't have much effect.

After all, the people in the territory are all beautiful as flowers, who would want to wear coarse clothes.

For Cai Wenji, a rusty iron knife is even more unnecessary.

"Are you hungry?"

After receiving the trial reward, Yang Chuan asked Zhang Mingyue.

Zhang Mingyue nodded honestly.

At this time, the figures of Cai Wenji and Zhang Xiaomu also appeared on the Tongque Stage.

"I'm too hungry, master."

The voice fell, and the only person who could talk to Yang Chuan so bluntly was the lovely and innocent Cai Wenji.

And afterward, Cai Wenji spoke again: "If this copper sparrow is real, I really want to stew it."

Yang Chuan heard this and smiled slightly: "Let's eat then."

Follow the system prompts.

The trial rewards received have already appeared in the initial wooden house.

So after finishing speaking, Yang Chuan immediately arranged for Zhang Mingyue to light a fire and cook.

And he took this opportunity to check the architectural drawings of the rewarded Imperial Guard barracks.


Praetorian Barracks: A-Level Blueprint

Construction requirements: 1000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone, 100 taels of gold

Tip: After use, the building can be built according to the construction requirements.



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