[Tips]: Killing centaur warriors will give you +200 points of military merit.

[Tips]: Killing centaur warriors will give you +200 points of military merit.

[Hint]: If the military merit of the Detachment Army under his command reaches 10,000 points in total, should he be promoted to Wushan Wonderful Girl?

【Yes or no】


The end of the first round of slaughter, it was the military exploits of several women's soldiers, which met the requirements of being promoted to Wushan's beautiful girl.

Yang Chuan is a decisive - decisive choice.

next moment.

The golden light turned into a golden dragon phantom, and surrounded it with the female-child army who had begun to advance.

For a time, it was like the God of War came into the world.


Only a few minutes passed.

The centaur warriors who invaded Chaoge City were all killed by the Women's Army.

There is no suspense.

This is a one-sided killing feast.

Even this group of centaur warriors, which numbered as many as hundreds, had never approached Chaoge City.

So brutal!

After this war.

The Yuezhi tribe's messenger team fell into silence collectively, never speaking, and did not dare to say any unnecessary words.

Even at this point, the breathing pig became cautious.

Train a group of beautiful women as heavy-armored cavalry and fight against centaur warriors.

the most important is.

In the end it won.

Easy to crush to win.

This is what a mad lord needs to be able to do such a brutal thing.

Therefore, this incident is definitely a heavy blow to their young hearts.

"Promoted again."

"The number of this SS class has increased again."

"No wonder the number of people in Chaoge City is so small.

"It turns out that the SS-level units were trained like this.

This moment.

In the hearts of every messenger, Yang Chuan has been crowned as a tyrant.

If we say that the Yuezhi tribe was born on the grasslands, it was a naturally sturdy female tribe.

Then the people of Chaoge City.

It is under the control of the tyrant, a team that is as terrifying as a killing god is created.


After the first round of confrontation.

Although the centaur warriors are all dead.

But this does not mean that the invasion of the Centaur Dynasty is over.

Outside Chaoge City, a second wave of centaur monsters soon appeared.

And this team of centaur monsters.

He was dressed in pitch-black heavy armor and held a sharp long knife. When his iron hoofs stepped on the ground, the entire earth shook slightly.

"The centaur pioneer."

"It's over, it's over, today we may have to go to Chaoge City and disappear together in Yongzhou.

That's right.

More powerful centaurs appeared.

Its name is Centaur Pioneer!

As a pioneer team, the number is still around a hundred, and the momentum that can burst out is like a black cloud pressing down on the city.

And the rank of every centaur vanguard has reached the fifth rank.


This time, the Yuezhi tribe's messenger team did not speak again, but only showed an expression full of despair.

"Wenji, get ready."

Yang Chuan looked at Cai Wenji and said.

That's it?

Don't send the beautiful girl of Wushan to kill the enemy?

Yang Chuan's death-defying operation once again made the Yuezhi tribe's messenger team bewildered.

This is the centaur vanguard.

Still let the Women's Army fight against it?

He will definitely pay a painful price for his arrogance.

The messenger team thought in their hearts.


Accompanied by the approach of the Centaur Pioneer.

The second round of invasion begins.



Every time the iron hoof tramples on the ground, it can complete the vision of the earth shaking.

Even if Yang Chuan stood on the Bronze Sparrow Stage, he could still feel it clearly.

He looked outside Chaoge City.

At this time, the Detachment of Women has already started charging again.

At this moment, the centaur vanguard has also arrived.

But in an instant.

Dazzling holy light fell from the sky.

Like the protection of the gods, it shrouded the entire battlefield.

The holy light shone extremely brightly, and turned into a golden dragon around the Detachment of Women Army, surrounding it.

The next moment, the enemy and the enemy approached.

The centaur vanguards on the battlefield were still in the same situation as the centaur warriors, falling one by one in a pool of blood.

Not only did they not pose any threat to the Detachment of Women, but even the formation was destroyed in an instant, and there was no chance of fighting back.

Even under the sweeping attack of Heiyao's spear.

Even dodging attacks has become a luxury.

A moment of effort passed.

Half of the centaur vanguards were killed or injured.

...ask for flowers...

Those centaur pioneers who survived by luck, faced with such a battle situation, even if they still rose up to resist, they seemed pale and powerless.

Desperate, howling.

At this time, the Women's Army, bathed in the holy light, erupted with terrifying fighting power.

It completely exceeded the cognition of the Centaur Pioneer.

They were trembling all over, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at the Detachment of Women.

"Madman, the lord of Chaoge City is an out-and-out lunatic."

"But I have to admit that he is a convincing lunatic."

Especially just now when Cai Wenji stood playing the qin, accompanied by the continuous sound of the qin, when she launched the military master skill ------ Great Heavenly Sage.

one more time.

The envoy team of the Yuezhi tribe were stunned.

No wonder Yang Chuan is so calm.

No wonder Chaoge City was able to go out to kill the enemy under the invasion of the centaur dynasty and confront it head-on.

Perhaps this is the performance of absolute fighting power.

If you are an enemy of this kind of person.

Its fate can be imagined.

The result can be imagined.


"It's time for the Detachment of Women to rest."

"There, there seems to be an exciting enemy."

With the end of the second round of invasion again.

Li Xiuning, who was next to Yang Chuan, suddenly spoke and pointed not far away.

Look along the trend.

Immediately, a centaur creature with a build like a titan was seen walking towards Chaoge City step by step.

behind it.

There are still ten elite centaurs.


Although these elite centaurs are still only at the fifth level, they are all elite level monsters.

Look at that huge centaur creature again.

Naturally, like the lightning kobold before, it is a lord-level monster.

"Lord Level: Centaur Khan"

"Equal rank: sixth rank"

"Attack Power: 600 points"

"Defense: 650 points"

"Skills: Heroic Stampede, Charged Strike, Roaring Roar"

Thank you book friend [18565..] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [18565..] for the 588 reward.

Thanks to the book friend [Zhenshifu] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Old Shoucheng Ren] for the monthly pass.

Thank you all for your support. .

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