Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 83 Swallowing Wolves And Driving Tigers, Wang Zuozhi's Talents, Xun Yu (57)

【Friend Application】: Yugezi requested to add you as a friend, did you pass the application?

【Apply message】: Boss Yang Chuan, I am your fan, fate made us meet, please don't refuse, okay?

【Yes or no】



Yang Chuan frowned, looking at the friend application that appeared, and fell into contemplation.

The two are currently the only two lords in the Yongzhou area, and it is normal to hold a group for warmth.

It is impossible to go on a single machine like this.

After a brief contemplation, the friend request was approved.

Yugezi: "Big brother, you finally passed my application, I have been waiting for 3 hours."

The reason why Yang Chuan blocked the prompt message just now was that the friend application time was an hour ago.

It's just surprising.

This fisherman actually waited for him for three hours, and sent a message the first time he passed the friend request.

Didn't wait for Yang Chuan to reply.

Another message was sent.

Yugezi: "The centaur dynasty invaded my territory just now, but fortunately it was only the vanguard, with only a few dozen centaur warriors.

"However, that's not the point."

But when Yang Chuan saw this, he instantly had a puzzled expression on his face.

That's the point!

Unexpectedly, this Centaur Dynasty was treated differently.

Why are there only dozens of half-human war kings in the vanguard team that invaded Yugezi territory?

On the other hand, the vanguard team he faced in the morning included centaur warriors, centaur vanguards, and even at the end, there was a lord-level centaur Khan.

at the same time.

Yugezi sent another message.

"The point is that today I got news that in seven days, the Centaur Dynasty will send tens of thousands of Centaur troops to sweep across the entire Yongzhou."

"What to do, boss!!!"

Is this the difficulty of 9-star regional missions?

Before Yang Chuan was still thinking about whether Chaoge City's combat power was too strong, or whether the Centaur Dynasty was too weak.

Why two days passed.

I don't feel any pressure.

It turned out that this was just the last glimmer of dawn before the killing feast began.

An army of tens of thousands of centaurs.

The appearance of this text, even Yang Chuan, felt a sense of oppression.

How to do?

Moreover, after 7 days, most of the lords have basically completed the second stage of the rookie trial.

In this way, without any preparation, they are faced with the difficulty challenge of the abyss of hell.

Yang Chuan replied: "The news is true"々?"

Yugezi: "It is absolutely true that I have conquered a racial force, and I got this news.

"And in order to ensure the authenticity, I specially sent a sentinel to confirm it."

"Boss, haven't you noticed that the centaur squads that were wandering in the wild have disappeared now?"

Yang Chuan really didn't notice this.

After all, he rarely left the gentle township of Chaoge City, mainly because Xishi was too gentle, and Zhang Mingyue was too understanding.

In other words, Zhao Feiyan's commander-in-chief ability is enough to make Yang Chuan feel at ease as a hand-slinger.


Yang Chuan would not completely believe the information provided by Yugezi until he got the exact information.

Harmful heart is not allowed.

Defenses can not do without.

Yang Chuan was silent for a long time before replying: "Building fortifications is the only way to quickly increase the combat effectiveness of the territory."

"In seven days, build as many fortifications as possible in the territory."

This approach seems like a joke.

But so far, there is no better strategy to meet the tens of thousands of centaurs,

In fact, if you want to resist the invasion of the Centaur army, the best way is to let more lords choose to join Yongzhou.

Help share in the centaur invasion.

But people are greedy for comfort.

Especially after learning that seven days later, there will be a large-scale invasion of racial forces.

no doubt.

The choice of most lords will definitely be dominated by Jingzhou.

Because of the difficulty of the mission in Jingzhou, it is only 1 star.

Under such circumstances, even in Kyushu, all of them appeared, and the racial forces invaded on a large scale.

The difficulty of Jingzhou is also the easiest.

"This method is feasible, pigeons listen to the boss.

Another second reply.

At the same time, Yang Chuan got another news from Yugezi.

That is its lords located in other areas, and they have already started to form gangs and form alliances.

Among them, Jingzhou has the largest number of lords.

The Moshang Alliance created by Sun Ziyu has begun to take shape in Jingzhou, and even started to talk in the chat forum, the regional tasks that will be completed tomorrow.

Yugezi: "Big brother, you really don't pay much attention to chat forums."

Looking at Yugezi's complaints.

Yang Chuan smiled helplessly and opened the chat forum instead.

next moment.

With the emergence of a large amount of information, Yang Chuan was stunned for a moment, why is he now a unit of measurement?

I saw that for some reason.

Most of the lords were actually verbally criticizing Sun Ziyu.

The general meaning is very clear,

Yang Chuan, the strongest lord, hasn't spoken yet.

How come it was Sun Tzu Yu's turn to go wild.

This situation appeared, exactly the same as Li Mu's previous experience.

Anyway, chat forum.

When sprayed, no one agrees.

Sun Ziyu's combat power is only 0.1 Yang Chuan.

Right now.

Sun Ziyu spoke again.

And an information template is published in the chat channel.

".々 Yang Chuan is just a tortoise with its head shrinking. If you have the ability, why don't you dare to respond in the chat forum."

"A temporary lead doesn't mean anything. This is a world where all races compete for hegemony. Soon, I will replace him and conquer the entire Kyushu."

【Xun Yu】: Peerless hero

Status: Hero

Level: Level 5

Bloodline: Eight Ghost Dragons (SS Grade)

(King Li's) Talent: Demon's Left Hand (SSS level) Wang Zuozhicai (S level)

Force: 65


Constitution: 79

Military Master Skills: Swallow wolf, drive tiger, Jia disaster

Introduction: Famous in the world for his skills of swallowing wolves and driving tigers, he intimidates the Quartet with the skills of quality and guilt.

"Eight Ghost Dragons"

Bloodline quality: SS grade

Effect: Intelligence attribute growth + 10 points, the success rate of military skills is greatly improved, and the power of military skills against the enemy is greatly improved.

"The Devil's Left Hand"

Talent quality: SSS level

Effect: It has exclusive military skills, expelling tigers, swallowing wolves, calamities and so on.

"Wang Zuo's Talent"

Talent quality: S grade

Effect: There is a high chance to see through the enemy's strategist skills, increase the harvest of territorial resources by 500%, increase the efficiency of territorial construction by 500%, and increase the number of refugees refreshed by 500%.

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