Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 91 Protecting The Dragon Town, Cutting Off The Dragon Veins, Rich Simulation Rewards

There is currently an opportunity to simulate development.

And for the first time to simulate development, it does not need to consume any national luck points.

"A chance to simulate development for free."

"The five wild forces are handed over to Yanyun Wolf Cavalry, and there is no big problem.

"As for the crusade against the Centaur Dynasty, there is no rush for a while."

"As for the development of the territory, Chaoge City, which is the size of a town, is far ahead of other lords.

Yang Chuan thought for a while.

The heart was there soon, the first analog development option.

God-given dragon veins!

Definitely the best choice.

You should know that every time you simulate development, you will consume corresponding Guoyun points according to the degree of difficulty.

Therefore, it is obvious that compared to other options, the difficulty of the achievement task of the Dragon Vein from Heaven has reached the mythical level.

If the simulated development is carried out, the national luck points consumed are absolutely amazing.

next moment.

Make your choice through Yang Chuan.

An information interface similar to that in the game appeared before his eyes.

【Analog copy】: God-given Dragon Vein

[Dungeon Difficulty]: Mythical Level

[Simulation Consumption]: 0 National Luck Points

【Create a mock copy successfully!】

[Simulation time-consuming]: 2 hours

[Taking Tianci Longmai as a copy, the simulation development has officially begun!]

The content of this information interface is very detailed.

Because in the development of the simulation, the speed of time passing is a hundred times faster than that of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

You only need to wait quietly for 2 hours to know the final result of the simulation development. "six six three"

at this time.

Located under the city gate of the town, the fierce battle continued, and the resentful spirit creatures that appeared one after another did not pose any threat to Wushan Miaonu.

Even in all the Women's Army, after being promoted to Wushan Wonderful Girl, Ming Longwei also joined the team of killing wraith creatures.

Just a moment's work.

The ranks of all arms units have all been raised to the fourth rank.

And Li Xiuning was on the sidelines.

The emergence of such a situation allowed Yang Chuan to pay attention to the progress of the simulation development without any worries.

Accompanied by the concentration of eyes.

Silently looking at the content in the information interface.

New information gradually appeared in Yang Chuan's field of vision.

[Heaven-given Dragon Vein - the first day]

Through Clue 1 and Clue 2, you have determined the specific location of the Tianci Dragon Vein.

Full of confidence, you left Chaoge City with all your units and hero units.

It's a pity that there is a town that blocks the entrance of the mountain range, and all the wraith creatures need to be destroyed. Only after this town can they enter the mountain range.

[Heaven-given Dragon Vein——Second Day]

After a day's rest, you launch an attack on the town, and an endless stream of wraith creatures emerges.

The battle is easy, but these wraith creatures have the ability to resurrect from the dead.

Fortunately, Zhao Feiyan is very smart and has discovered the reason why the wraith creature can be resurrected from the dead.

【Heaven-given dragon veins——the third day】

After a day of fighting yesterday, you took this town and chose to destroy it.

But it's a pity that after you entered the mountain range, you didn't find the specific location of the God-given Dragon Vein.

【Heaven-given Dragon Vein——Day 4】

Got nothing.

Got nothing.

You found the Tianling ore resource point in the mountains, but you still haven't found the specific location of the Tianshou Dragon Vein.

【Heaven-given dragon veins——the seventh day】

Finally, you found a broken stele in the mountains.

Appraised by Li Moyu.

The content of the stele is not complete, only a record about the town.

Destroy the dragon guard town.

It will cut off the god-given dragon vein.

[Simulation development ends]

Within seven days, unfortunately, you did not find the Heaven-given Dragon Vein in the end.

[This simulation found the harvest]

First: All units under the command, +10000 points of military merit.

Second: All hero units under his command, +10000 experience points.

Third: Harvest 5000 units of Tianling ore.

Fourth: Town Core Crystal

Two hours passed quickly.

The final result of the simulation development also appeared in front of Yang Chuan at this moment.

"It turns out that this town is named Hulong Town, and its purpose of existence is to protect the god-given dragon veins.

"If the town protecting the dragon is destroyed, the god-given dragon vein will be cut off."

While Yang Chuan spoke softly, he felt a little fortunate in his heart.

Although this simulated development, the specific location of the Tianci Dragon Vein was not found in the end.

But according to the content that appears in the information interface.

Yang Chuan learned a key piece of information.

The reason why it took seven days to simulate the development was that the specific location of the God-given Dragon Vein was not found.

The reason.

It was to destroy the town of guarding the dragon.

That's right.

Once the dragon guarding town is destroyed, it will cut off the god-given dragon vein.

and at the same time.

Not far away, countless dazzling golden lights appeared under the gate of Hulong Town.

I saw all the units under Yang Chuan's command at this time, whether they were Dragon Guards or Wushan Miaonu.

The ranks of military merit are collectively raised to the fifth rank.

Even, including Li Xiuning and others, the levels of the four hero units were also improved at this moment.

[Reminder]: Mu Chengxue's military merit ranks up to rank five, and her combat effectiveness will be strengthened.

[Reminder]: Li Xiuning's level is raised to level 5, and her combat effectiveness will be strengthened.

This is after the simulation development is over.

Harvesting rich rewards.


I saw another sparkling crystal appearing in Yang Chuan's hand.

Looking around, the crystal is extremely shining, and it seems to contain endless energy.

[Item]: Town Core Crystal

[Function]: Increase the scale of the town level

[Rare Resources]: Sky Spirit Ore

【Resource Quality】: Grade A

[Resource function]: Forge weapons, build buildings, etc.

[Number of resources]: 5000 units

The appearance of the town core crystal made Yang Chuan's eyes shine.

To know.

The reason why you can get the town core crystal in the simulation development.

The reason for this is that, during the simulation development, the dragon guardian town was destroyed.

So obvious.

You can't have both, if you want to find the exact location of the God-given Dragon Vein.

Can't destroy the dragon guardian town.

The appearance of Tianling ore is also good news for the Dragon Guard.

The weapon blueprint of the Celestial Longbow obtained earlier.

Just need Tianling ore, this rare resource, as a forging material.

And the other side.

Yanyun tribe.

500 Yanyun wolf riders are ready to go.

"Target five field forces."

"For Chaoge City."

"For Chaoge City!"

The shouts resounded as loud as Honglei, and under the leadership of the leader Zhang Niujiao, the bandit cottage, which had been obedient before, was now planning to strike hard.

According to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

The target of their expedition this time is the Yuezhi tribe, and they try to win it in one day, so as to show their focus on Chaoge City.

The Yanyun Wolf Rider is a special type of unit.

The initial quality of the arms is only A-level.

However, with the support of the SSS-level skills and the inextinguishable effect of Yan Yun, the combat power of Yan Yun's Wolf Rider was not inferior to that of the Dragon Guard and the Women's Army.

Even, coupled with the SSS-level skills of the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, when the military merits have accumulated to a certain level, they can be transferred to the only special arms "Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry."

So attack the Yuezhi tribe.

For the 500-strong Yanyun Wolf Rider, it was not a difficult task.

The mighty team left from the Yanyun tribe.

along the way.

Aroused a large number of lords onlookers.

someone was horrified,

Someone questioned.

But more is unknown.

That's right.

Now with the passing of time.

More and more lords have completed the second stage of the rookie trial and selected Yongzhou as the area where their territory is located.

"Who told me what's going on?"

"Hidden achievement mission?"

"Or the troops of the field forces?"

Without exception, the lords who discovered the Yanyun wolf riding team had countless suspicions in their minds.

After all, after the bandit troops were trained as Yanyun Wolf Riders, the improvement in combat effectiveness brought about changes that were very clearly visible.

Laziness, the morale of a mess of sand disappeared. . . .

Instead, all of them are murderous, like the elite of the elites that they have cultivated after countless battles.

The more important point is that the number of people in this Yanyun wolf riding team is too many for all the lords at this stage.

One hundred people, because of the elite team of one hundred people.

It was enough to make most of the lords envious. At this time, 500 people suddenly appeared on the Yanyun Wolf Rider. Obviously, it was easy to be unacceptable.

So, a moment later.

The news that Yanyun Langqi appeared in Yongzhou became the focus of discussion in the chat forum.

Yugezi: "Big brother, you exposed.

This moment.

outside the dragon.

Yang Chuan lay calmly on the bench.

On the other hand, looking around, Cai Wenji played the piano, Zhao Feiyan's figure was elegant, sometimes as light as a butterfly, sometimes as a green willow, and the beauty made people intoxicated.

Xi Shi sat on the side, and poured water because Yang handed the tea.

Compared with the battlefield not far away, it is simply a gap between a thought of heaven and a thought of hell.


After seeing the friend message sent by Yugezi, Yang Chuan sat up slightly, and immediately looked around, and there was no suspicious trace.

What about exposure?

Could it be that there are other lords who discovered the location of Chaoge City?

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan responded: "What do you mean?"

After three or four seconds, the friend message sounded again.

Yugezi: "Your cavalry team."

"It looks ferocious and decisive, and it feels super powerful."

"You will be the boss of the pigeons from now on."

"The pigeon wants to mix with you, whether it is Yau Ma Tei or Kowloon Village, whoever you ask the pigeon to cut, the pigeon will never blink.


Yugezi's answer is very social.

However, Yang Chuan closed his eyes slightly after hearing this, as if he understood what was going on.

But to be on the safe side.

Yang Chuan still opened the chat forum to confirm his guess.

"If nothing else, this cavalry team should be the team of Yang Chuan."

"【a picture】!!!"

"Damn it, looking at the number of people in this team, there must be more than 300 people."

"As a witness who was fortunate enough to witness it, I can tell you responsibly that there were about 500 people.

“Real or fake? There are 500 people!!!”

"The big boss Yang Chuan is about to start working again. Let me just say that, with the big boss Yang Chuan in Yongzhou, how could he be afraid of the centaur dynasty?"

"Looking forward to the next Wanzu announcement.


"Are you all fools, just relying on an elite team of 500 people, you want to deal with tens of thousands of centaur dynasties?"

"Do you really think that Yang Chuan alone can save the entire Yongzhou District 0.1? Don't be stupid."

"Beiliang Alliance: For the rise of Yongzhou, in order to resist the iron hoofs of the Centaur Dynasty, we sincerely invite all Yongzhou lords to join the Beiliang Alliance."

"Fuck, the Northern Liang Alliance has appeared, this is to dig the corner of Yang Chuan's boss???"


As Yang Chuan guessed.

According to the pictures that appeared in the chat forum, the so-called exposure was not someone who discovered Chaoge City, but Yanyun Langqi.

In other words, with the appearance of Yanyun Wolf Rider, there were a large number of people and high morale.

It's hard not to think of Yang Chuan.

And in the Yongzhou area, the most powerful lord must be Yang Chuan's Chaoge City.

"But what's going on with this Northern Liang Alliance?"

"It seems that there is also an alliance force in Yongzhou, and its heart can be punished."

"I just don't know if this Beiliang Alliance will suddenly come out and make trouble when Yanyun Langqi is attacking the five major forces in the wild."

When uncertainties appear, Yang Chuan needs to take measures in advance.

Otherwise, once the uncertain factor of the Northern Liang Alliance will have an impact, it is very likely that it will be too late.

But fortunately, at present, the mythical achievement task of the God-given Dragon Vein will not have too much impact due to the appearance of the Northern Liang Alliance.

After this.

Yang Chuan looked at the dragon-protecting town, and decided to start the next step, entering the mountains and looking for the god-sent dragon veins.

"Get ready to do it."

"Destroy the resentful creatures in the dragon guardian town.

"We don't have much time left."

With the voice falling.

Li Xiuning immediately retreated, followed by Wushan Maiden and Hulongwei.

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