In the hot summer, people continue their lives in an orderly manner accompanied by the chirping of cicadas.

Like most of the miserable office workers, Chen Keke was typing on the keyboard in the office building.

Suddenly, I felt a black screen in front of my eyes, and then my consciousness came to a dark space.

Chen Keke was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted. He dared not make any sound and could only watch the changes.

Originally, I wanted to hug my arms, but then I found that I had completely lost my body. Before I could be frightened, I heard a calm and emotionless voice.

[You have received the invitation of God to go to the Novadia continent, where you will build your own territory to coexist. ]

[In the Novadia continent, your territory will be invaded by aliens. Since 7.8 billion Earth players have just joined the game, there will be a three-day novice protection period after building the territory. ]

[The following is a description of the game, please watch carefully. ]

Although Chen Keke didn't understand what Novadiya or God's invitation meant, she still understood the word "game", and she had read similar novels before.

She was sure that she, or rather the whole world, had been pulled into the game!

Although it was not kind to think so, fortunately, it was not just her or a few people, but the whole world was with her.

Before she had time to think more, lines of subtitles appeared in the originally dark space in front of her.

[Game Goal: Stay Alive]

[Friendly Tips]

[1. You can choose to die, but you only have one life. You can get what you want. As long as you have enough props, you can even resurrect your relatives or create your own world! ]

[2. During the novice protection period, there will be random hidden treasure chests in the wild. Of course, opportunities are often accompanied by dangers. During the protection period, you are only safe within the protection circle of the territory. ]

[3. You may be able to trust your kind, but the nature of any living being is selfish. 】

After reading the first prompt, Chen Keke's original mentality of not caring about anything, that is, the worst that can happen is that the whole world will be buried with me, has changed.

After reading it, garbled data appeared in front of him, and then a light screen appeared, showing various different sections of "chat", "trade", "backpack", "manufacturing", and even "personal information".

At the top is a striking, blood-red countdown showing that there are 9 minutes and 16 seconds left.

It is estimated that the game will not start until the countdown is over, so I have to hurry up and get familiar with these functions.

Just when I wanted to click on the section marked with chat, it opened automatically. Chen Keke was stunned for a moment, and then quickly browsed.

There are many different channels in the chat section. The default channel is the world channel, and the number of 7.8 billion people is displayed on the top.

[Tell me this is a joke, right? Tell me! ]

[Gao Shanshan, Class 1 and 2 of Minghua High School, I love you. If you see it, please send me a private message! ]

[Almighty and merciful Lord, please save me!]

[Sure enough, I am the lucky child of this world. Hahaha, look at me taking you flying!]

Looking at the 3 with a bracket under the world channel, Chen Keke instantly understood that it means that it can only be sent three times a day.

Then he tried to use his mind to click on the regional channel and the friend interface respectively, but the results showed that they were all empty.

However, it also proved that there is no need to click on the light screen by yourself, just a thought can operate.

Chen Keke quickly became familiar with the operation and clicked on his personal information.

[Player: Chen Keke]

[Level: 1 (0/100)]

[Race: Human]

[Health: 100]

[Strength: 3]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Defense: 3]

[Speed: 5]

The more I look at Chen Keke, the more I feel like I'm playing a game. Although it's true that the whole world is playing a game together, I'm just the one being played...

As the bright red 10-minute countdown above my head reaches 4 minutes and 59 seconds, the data in front of Chen Keke begins to show garbled characters again.

[Player Chen Keke is randomly in the terrain, talent, treasure...]

[Random terrain: forest]

[Random talent: natural affinity]

[Random treasure: miracle statue]

[The player's essential items have been put into the backpack]

After a quick glance, Chen Keke immediately began to browse the information of the items he had obtained.

[Natural affinity: B-level talent, can sense the surroundings when calm, and can perceive the approximate information of 10 meters around and 2 meters underground. 】

【Miracle Statue: A-level treasure. You can pray to the statue once a day to let it guide you in the right direction. It has been bound to the player Chen Keke. It cannot be dropped or damaged. 】

After reading the skills and treasures, I immediately opened the backpack to check the items I had obtained.

There was a thatched house, a hoe and an axe in the backpack. A kettle and two torches.

After feeling that it was about the same, I began to think about my skills and treasures.

"Calm down?" Thinking of this, I sat down and closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. After all, this skill did not write consumption, so Chen Keke wanted to try it as soon as possible.

After a while, I felt that the atmosphere around me had changed, and there was active vitality all around...

Chen Keke, who felt something was wrong, opened his eyes immediately, and found himself in a dense forest. Blinking his eyes, he found that he had come to reality from that unknown dark space.

First, I looked around, but I didn't know where to go. But thinking about the time when I used natural affinity just now, I didn't notice the danger.

This made her feel a little relieved, so she decided to think about where her territory should be placed.

She took out the miracle statue from her backpack, but Chen Keke was in trouble again. How could she get guidance?

Could the statue speak?

After inserting the three small wooden sticks into the soil, Chen Keke knelt on the ground with her hands clasped together and prayed to the statue: "Please tell me where my personal territory should be built."

After saying that, she bowed down directly. When she raised her head again, the three small wooden sticks in front of the statue fell in the same direction.

Originally, Chen Keke just used that as incense...

But by accident, she understood the use of the statue.

Although she didn't know what time it was, according to the time she was hijacked in the afternoon, she had to find a suitable location as soon as possible.

Without having time to think about whether there were other creatures in the bushes, Chen Keke just wanted to build her territory as soon as possible.

If you haven't found a location by night, you can only choose the location of the territory directly when you encounter danger in the forest.

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