However, Sayana paused for a moment after hearing this.

The surrounding butterfly people looked at each other.

"Why don't you go, Sayana..."

Another butterfly people companion said at this time.

"Yes, you are the one who is fighting for all these things."

"Yes, it is you who wants the moonlight flower seeds."

Although they also want to go to the Scholars Hall to accumulate knowledge.

But because they are also experiencing the same, they also know that Sayana has paid a lot, and it has even been her who has been working hard with everyone.

Some of them have also had the experience of having their credits taken away, so they also want Sayana to get what she deserves.

"No, I still have Xiao Shaxiang. When the time comes..."

Sayana, who originally didn't expect everyone to recommend her, was about to refuse when she heard Xiao Shaxiang's voice:

"Mother, you go. I'm fine, I will take care of the moonlight flower seeds with other butterfly people companions."

Although being imprisoned in the Goblin Territory made Xiao Shaxiang extremely insecure.

Even though she didn't know much about the Hall of Scholars and the accumulation of knowledge.

But from the reactions of the people around her, it was not difficult to see that this was a good opportunity. At the same time, she had seen what her mother had been doing these days.


Although Sayana was very moved when she heard this, she was still a little hesitant.

Since being captured by the Goblin Territory, Xiao Shaxiang has become silent.

She still reacted to her words and occasionally communicated with her simply.

But more often she just nodded and shook her head.

In the past two days, Sayana began to try to accept the new territory and even spoke, which made her feel very relieved.

At this time, Xiao Shaxiang should need her company more, although the opportunity to accumulate knowledge is very rare.

But it is obvious that Xiao Shaxiang is more important to her...

"Why don't you let Xiao Shaxiang go?"

Cuihua, who knew a little about the situation, suggested so.


Other people who heard this, including Xiao Shaxiang, also looked at Cuihua in shock.

"There are limited places for knowledge accumulation. If there are vacancies, you should put down your work in time and let others take over."

"And Xiao Shaxiang's work can be replaced, and she has more time in normal times."

Seeing that everyone's attention was on her, Cuihua also took the opportunity to talk about the reason.

Everyone who heard this also thought about it.

Indeed, being able to enter the Scholars Hall to accumulate knowledge is something that people dream of.

As they know, now in addition to Cuihua, Tieniu is the only one who has been granted the qualification to enter by the Lord.

But if there are problems like crops, Cuihua still needs to deal with them.

If there are problems related to construction, Tieniu also needs to be found to deal with it, and Tieniu has to build a greenhouse for them recently.

In comparison, the most idle people in the territory are naturally the younger children.

It's not that they can't help, but what they can do is too limited.

Like Xiao Shaxiang, she can only help, pass things or imitate what others do.

And now there is only one child in the territory, Xiao Shaxiang.

"Shaxiang, are you willing?"

After thinking for a while, Sayana squatted down and stroked Xiao Shaxiang's hair to comfort her.

She came to this territory and was so eager to show her and contribute to the territory, not just because this territory is good to them.

She wanted to fight for a future for Xiao Shaxiang and herself.

Since she would worry about Xiao Shaxiang if she went alone, it would be better to let Xiao Shaxiang go instead of her!

Besides, apart from anything else, she also wanted Xiao Shaxiang to gradually adapt to life in the territory.

After all, Sayana herself understood that Xiao Shaxiang could not always follow her around.

In addition, she also hoped that Xiao Shaxiang could accumulate knowledge. As long as her contribution to the territory was great enough, then the status of their mother and daughter in the territory would be guaranteed.

Looking at her mother, the slightly excited and expectant eyes.

Although a little timid, Xiao Shaxiang nodded.

When the Butterfly Tribe's territory was attacked before, her mother had been protecting her.

When she was captured in the Goblin Territory, she had been silently protecting her. Even after joining a new territory, she was constantly creating a good living environment.

Although she was very scared, Xiao Shaxiang also understood that she could not add more burdens to her mother.


Seeing her daughter nod in agreement, Sayana hugged Xiao Shaxiang with tears of joy.

"In that case, I'll take you to the Scholar's Hall to familiarize yourself with it now."

Seeing thisCuihua was also infected by this scene, and said to Xiao Shaxiang with a smile.

Looking at Cuihua who said this, and then looking at her mother's encouraging eyes, Xiao Shaxiang still nodded without saying anything, but also stood silently beside Cuihua.


Chen Keke on the other side came to the warehouse.

There is no one else here now.

It was a little dim inside the warehouse, especially after entering.

Because of the fear of burning items, only torches were placed at the door.

"It seems that it is necessary to make moonlight flowers and starlight flowers into potted plants in the future..."

While speaking, Chen Keke also took out a piece of meat.

"Come on, Ruanruan, digestive juice."

Putting the meat on the ground, Chen Keke directed Ruanruan.


After hearing this, Ruanruan also jumped from the shoulder of her master to the ground.

Then a transparent liquid was sprayed from the top of her slime body and hit the target.

Seeing this scene, Chen Keke carefully observed the meat he had just put.

After staring at it for two seconds, he soon found a clue.

The surface of the meat covered by the digestive fluid did not seem to have any other reaction.

However, as long as you keep staring, it is not difficult to find that the piece of meat is gradually decreasing, and it looks like it is being decomposed and digested.

He asked Ruanruan again.

The other party said that the feeling now is very similar to the feeling of eating and digesting.

After experiments, it seems that the digestive function that originally needed to be absorbed into the body of Ruanruan Slime has been turned into an external version.

However, there are still certain disadvantages.

The digested part can only be the part that the digestive fluid contacts, and the amount of digestive fluid itself will be consumed when digesting items.

After trying for a while, I found that the digestive fluid can also digest dead leaves and the like.

At the same time, even stones and soil can be digested, but the time consumed will be longer.

This was discovered by Chen Keke when he asked Ruanruan and found that the other party had a sense of digestion.

In the end, it was discovered that Ruanruan did not seem to be able to digest metal.

Suddenly, Chen Keke had a bold idea.

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