Xiao Shaxiang just nodded and didn't say much.

Judging from the attitude of the tribe, as long as she can accumulate knowledge, it is a very lucky thing.

And the mother also said that this is what the lord said, and it is also a more important thing in the territory.

After receiving the order from his lord, Tie Niu on the other side started to make beehives without stopping.

Recently, he has been making simpler things such as flower houses and flower stands.

Although the difficulty is not great, it takes a lot of time because the objects are large.

When he heard that it was a structure similar to a small house, and it was urgently needed by the lord, he started to make it without saying a word.

After Chen Keke returned to the cabin, he was worried about the honey bees in his palm.

Originally, he wanted to let them stay in a random place and wait for Tie Niu and others to seal the box.

But when he thought that these honey bees in his hands might be all members of these species, he had to be cautious.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Tie Niu and several other people came over carrying the beehive.

Although it is somewhat different from what I remember, it is at least sheltered from the wind and rain, and there is a bracket to support it from the ground.

Put the beehive on the right side near the cabin.

There is a small pool of water generated by the clean source and tenacious thorns.

Because she was a little worried, Chen Keke stayed here for a while.

Until the Mimifengs crawled in and out, and even began to fly around, she returned to the cabin.

Looked at the content of the chat section, which was similar to the past.

Looked at the forum section again, there are many useful things here.

For example, some people built a first-level water, fire, ice and thunder tower, and then found that these towers were very different from the element towers built using the blueprints.

Also, after upgrading to a third-level territory.

The wooden archer tower and stone tower built at the beginning can be upgraded to a third-level defense tower.

When upgrading to a third-level defense tower, there are other options, which can be upgraded to an ordinary third-level wooden archer tower as before.

Or add elemental stones to make wooden attack towers have elemental effects and elemental attacks.

Some people have made some comparisons.

It takes a first-level elemental stone to build a first-level water, fire, ice and thunder tower, and it will naturally require a second-level elemental stone when it is upgraded to a second-level.

When upgrading a second-level wooden archer tower or stone tower to a third-level defense tower with elements, only a first-level elemental stone is needed.

It looks like a physical attack with magic attacks attached.

However, the specific details will have to wait until she upgrades her territory to a third-level territory to know.

In addition, the information in the forum may not be correct.

Knowledge is endless, but there is no absolute right or wrong. All actions depend on personal cognition and will.

After that, many other lords defeated the pollution accomplices around them.

The main reason is that they noticed that the beasts were getting stronger and stronger.

Although most people still cannot defeat them, they are also sneaking up on them.

Even the number of items in the trading section has increased.

For example, blueprints, but the energy required is almost as much as the magic fruit.

After thinking about it, Chen Keke posted a blueprint and rare seed trading information in the world channel.

With the rise of everyone's territory, although the energy value will be used more and more, it still has a certain depreciation. It is better to use the magic fruit to exchange for other resources.

Just before I had time to check it, I heard a shout outside the house:

"Lord! The iron basin you ordered has been cast."

Hearing this, Chen Keke immediately opened the door and found that it was the blacksmith apprentice Koluk standing outside the door.

"My Lord, I am well."

Seeing his lord coming out, Koluk hurriedly saluted.

Nodding without asking too many questions, Chen Keke went directly to the blacksmith shop.

Seeing this, Koluk followed behind him to the blacksmith shop.

"Go and ask Sera and Felix to come to the blacksmith shop to see me."

After walking for a while, Chen Keke remembered this matter and asked Koruk, who was following behind her, to call people.

When they arrived outside the blacksmith shop, Bruder had already placed the huge iron basin outside.

After waiving Bruder's greetings, she observed that the iron basin was no different from the ones she had seen before, except that it was not as fine.

This was what she had said before, as long as it did not leak and could be used to hold things, it would be fine.

At the same time, she also told Bruder her idea, asking him to make it as soon as possible without worrying about the exquisiteness.

After waiting for a while, Koruk brought Sera and Felix toto the outside of the blacksmith shop.

Before they came, Chen Keke had already thought of the location of the garbage disposal plant.

Placed it on the right side of the territory.

Due to the previous territory upgrade, the original stream was also some distance away from the cabin.

However, thinking that this garbage disposal plant is needed by many people, it was placed on the other side of the river.

If the territory expands in the future, this kind of garbage disposal plant can continue to be built.

The selected location asked Felix to make a pit and a wall, and let Sera spawn vines to make it more conspicuous.

Finally, let Ruanruan fill the iron basin with his own venom.


At this time, Ruanruan did not have the concept of filling it up, but just began to secrete mucus according to what his master said.

While accompanying Ruanruan, Chen Keke also opened the previous private message.

Find some good ones to trade in it.

At this time, in a somewhat damp cave, a heroic man who was poisoned was leaning against the cold rock wall and lingering.

He had been seeking items that could heal or detoxify in the chat and forum sections.

He was also frantically searching for something that could save him in the trading section.

But at this time when healing items were extremely scarce, not to mention detoxifying items, even ordinary healing potions were rare.

In fact, he knew that if he had similar items, he would never put them in the trading section but keep them for himself.

Even so, he still used a lot of energy to exchange for some.

However, these healing potions could only restore 10 health points, and at most 20 health points.

As time went by, his health points, which were not low to begin with, gradually decreased.

He had persisted for so long, and the effects of the poisoning in half an hour would soon pass if he managed to get by.

At this time, a strong sense of unwillingness was eroding him.

At this moment, he received a prompt from the system.

Chen Keke-Shenyou Territory: [I am interested in your items, how can we trade? ]

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