The group also slowed down their pace, fearing that something might happen.

Soon, they saw a little light in the darkness.

After observing for a while, they found that the territory where the kappa was located was much larger than the goblin territory.

And the level was obviously higher, at least not all of them were thatched houses, and there were even some small wooden houses.

However, there were more farmhouses built with thatched houses.

When Chen Keke saw these, the first thing he thought of was the previous fire attack.

But looking at the river next to him, he quickly gave up this idea.

Not to mention that even if he caught fire, he would jump directly into the river, because the kappa kappa itself has water attributes.

Not to mention the existence of the kappa priest.

He can summon heavy rain, which is considered half a water magician, so isn't it easy to put out a fire?

This moment became a little difficult.

There was no way, so he had to leave a distance first and then discuss feasible methods.

During this period, Sass also communicated with Snake.

Although even if Snake enters the interior of the Kappa tribe, the information he gets is very limited, but it is better than knowing nothing.

"Can't we use flint potion and fire stone powder like last time?"

Feili was the first to raise doubts.

But he was quickly beaten back by Kola because there was a river nearby and the other party was a Kappa.

"How about using poison?"

The last experience gave Feili a good inspiration.

As long as the enemy's combat effectiveness is weakened first, then it will be beneficial to them no matter what happens next.

"But they have to eat the poison, right?"

Saira frowned a little.

While refuting, she kept asking in her mind what good way to fight against the Kappa's territory.

"I think we can cover the ground with thorny thorns, which will make it difficult for them to move."

After thinking about it, Saira expressed her thoughts. After all, this is what she can do.

Everyone began to think about it after hearing this, and did not refute it immediately.

"What's going on?"

After telling Snake about it, Sass came back and saw that everyone was in deep thought and distress, so he couldn't help asking.

After Sera said what he thought, Sass thought for a while and said:

"If that's the case, wouldn't our movement be restricted?"

This was a wake-up call.

Everyone was thinking about how to deal with Kappa, but they forgot where they were now and had to go to fight.

Then these vines and thorns would cause some damage to them.

"I forgot about this."

"You can't just stay still."

"Or trap them in there?"

Although everyone was talking about it, some people came up with new ideas, and some people still questioned it.

But everyone tried to control their emotions and voices.

But it was still because of insufficient strength.

If the Kappa tribe counterattacked, a large number of enemies would come in an instant, and they would have no time to take care of them.

This place doesn't have stubborn thorns like the territory, which can be used as an isolation and buffer zone.

"Felix, dig a cellar shelter like we did last time in the Goblin Territory."

Since the discussion was fruitless, let's do something practical first.

"Okay, Lord."

Felix didn't have any objections. With his previous experience, he immediately started to make a pit.

And because he had been there before, he even improved it this time.

During this period, Chen Keke also came up with some coping methods.

After all, no matter what, their chance is only at night.

If they consume too much energy during the day, they will not be able to deal with the beasts at night.

She did not forget that there is more than one source of pollution.

"Alia, are you sure that you can transform into a mermaid in the river and hold back the people in the Kappa Territory?"

No matter what, there must be a target to attract attention.

Otherwise, no matter what they do, they will only be surrounded.

Although she was a little surprised by the sudden decision of her lord, the full sense of belonging still made her subconsciously choose to believe it.

"I can do it. What do you need me to do?"

She didn't think she was being sent to death.

After all, she was a mermaid. Even if she couldn't defeat the enemy in the water, she could still escape and save her life.

Then Chen Keke also detailed the plan.

First, let Sera produce some thorns on the shore in advance, and then Alia would attack the Kappa territory and jump out of the water to attract their attention.

She and Sass and others started the sneak attack.

Felix would use the earth wall to protect her, and she would seize the opportunity to use the Star Map History.

This was her onlyA large-scale group attack skill.

Gathered together again, confirmed the process several times.

Then began to rest, after all, Snake Boy had not returned yet.

At the same time, a retreat plan was also made, hiding in the cellar if there was a chance.

"Don't be brave, Aria, you can attack in the water first, and then emerge from another direction.

Remember not to let Kappa go into the water, otherwise your situation may be a little worrying."

The most worrying position among them is Aria.

It's not that I'm worried about the candidate. No matter who it is, it's always dangerous to attract firepower, but Aria has more advantages in the water.

After confirming that Snake Boy returned, Sass arranged them in various places.

Taking advantage of the night, Sera secretly gave birth to thorns near the river, and Aria watched from the side to avoid being hit.

After everything was almost ready, Chen Keke gave everyone a shelter state.

According to the previous plan, Sass and Felix followed Chen Keke to the back of the Kappa territory and made the final move.

At this time, Alia had also made her move. She first soaked in the river for a while, and then came to the open space left for her by Sera.

After nodding to Sera in the distance, she transformed into a mermaid and launched a water wave attack directly at the Kappa's territory.

The huge water wave covered the Kappa's territory like a flood!

Almost in an instant, all the Kappas were awakened.


In an instant, the cries, cries, and screams all merged into a noisy chaos.

And Alia also became a little weak because she consumed too much magic power in an instant.

However, now that she is a first-level magician, she will not empty all the magic power in her body at once.

After recovering, she quickly launched several water balls and water column attacks.

Seeing the kappa gradually approaching her, Alia did not hesitate and immediately used the bounce of her fish tail to dive into the river.

Sera, who was hiding in the dark, also hurriedly gave birth to thorns and kept increasing the density of thorns.

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