Cuihua was very careful in this regard.

Among the 12 people, 5 were half-snake people, 3 were centaurs, 3 were butterfly people, and a mother and son of werewolves.

It seems that 7 more farmhouses need to be built...

While Chen Keke was thinking, Kakina had already knelt in front of him with Kazim.

"Thank you, Lord, for lifting the curse for us, our sister and brother. We will swear to be loyal to you until death!"

The hoarse voice due to crying carried an extraordinary firmness.

"So it was because of the curse!"

"So it was the Lord who lifted their curse?"

"Of course, didn't you hear them say it?"

Chen Keke, who was stunned by the sudden kneeling, wanted to go forward and help them up, but heard the exclamation in her ear and saw the reminder that the sense of belonging of the residents of the territory was improved.

The words and actions that were originally intended to be said were turned around:

"You are now residents of the Shenyou Territory. As the lord, I should naturally consider you."

After saying this in a serious manner, Chen Keke turned around and took a group of people to build farmhouses.

And they planned to move all the farmhouses together if they needed to upgrade the farmhouses next time.

However, people like Alia, Bruder, and Yuna will move according to their personal needs.

Otherwise, it is indeed a bit irregular to be scattered here and there.

Originally, they were still touched by the lord who had just joined the territory, and he actually thought so much about them.

As a result, the next second, they heard the lord say that he would personally build a farmhouse for them, and they were all shocked and opened their mouths.

"Then we can do it ourselves, right?"

One of them whispered to the person who led them to familiarize themselves with the territory today.

The others also agreed when they heard it.

"Yes, yes, how can we trouble the Lord with such a small matter as building a farmhouse?"

"We have many people, we can do it ourselves."

Although they have just joined this territory, such extraordinary means prove that this territory is not simple.

Moreover, at present, at least no one in this territory can't afford to eat.

"You will know later."

Faced with the question, Cuizhi smiled and kept it a secret.

Although the others were very confused, they did not continue to discuss this issue.

They were just newcomers to this territory, and they just needed to follow the arrangements.

Came to the lower left of the territory, which was also the location where the butterfly people's farmhouse was built.

There was really no extra space to build in the inner circle of the defense tower. With her own cabin as the center, the position above was all crops.

She didn't want to turn that side into a residential area. She took a casual look and came to the side to build 6 farmhouses neatly.

As for the location of Kakina and Kazim's farmhouses, she planned to let them decide for themselves.

With their abilities, they are not afraid of danger even if they live far away.

After doing all this, Chen Keke took Kakina and Kazim away, ignoring the 12 people who were still surprised.

"What are your abilities? Does the Magic Temple help you? Where do you want to build your farmhouse in the territory?"

Faced with three consecutive inquiries, the siblings also answered all they knew.

They belonged to the Shenyou Territory, and now they have received such a great favor from the Lord.

When Chen Keke finished building the farmhouse for them, it was almost time for lunch.

During lunch, Chen Keke first announced the establishment of the territory church. Although many people already know about it, it is still necessary to emphasize it for the sake of faith.

Then let Tie Niu build a small house for Kazim on the left side of the territory, away from other buildings.

The farmhouse of the siblings is in the upper position, surrounded by crops.

They don't seem to like staying in the crowd.

As the elder sister, Kakina is good at using spells and is a useful combat force.

Spells are similar to curses, and like asylum, they are buff-like abilities.

However, as a sorcerer, it is more used to weaken the enemy's ability in a certain aspect.

And the younger brother Kazim is better at making potions.

This surprised Chen Keke a little.

In her opinion, potions are most likely made by alchemists, but she didn't expect it to be the work of sorcerers.

Later, after Kazim's explanation, she realized that potions are just a category, some people are proficient, and some people are not proficient.

Just like the elemental control of a magician, it mainly depends on personal choice.

Although she didn't quite understand it, Chen Keke knew that there were people in the territory who could make potions now.

Although the potions made by sorcerers are mostlySome of them are curses or poisons, but other potions can be made.

That’s why I want Tieniu to build a cabin for him in a place far away from people, after all, potions are both precious and dangerous.

At that time, I can also give him things like bat skulls or ghost-faced rat hair.

At the same time, I asked about the materials needed for some common potions and found that many of them are composed of plants.

And I have basically bought seeds of these plants.

Although I read the introduction when I bought them, those introductions were messy. Except for those that didn’t say they were trees, she bought them all.

Now I think about it and realize that plants have the process of flowering and fruiting. As long as they can bloom, they seem to be flower seeds...

But there is no need to worry too much about this aspect.

At the same time, the matter of the flower garden has become more heated. After all, this flower garden may become like a herb garden.

Like magicians, sorcerers can also meditate during magic training.

It’s just that the effect is not as good as that of magicians.

After all, the name of this building is Magic Temple, so Chen Keke didn't think too much about it.

During dinner time, she unconsciously opened the chat section and forum section.

In the past, she always liked to watch something while eating.

Not that she liked to watch it, but she felt that when she did, she would rest for a little longer.

Most of the chat channels were discussing about the source of pollution.

However, due to the limit on the number of chats, there was a lot of other information mixed in.

Chen Keke came to the forum section again, and as soon as she entered, she saw her post, which was at the top.

[Thanks for sharing! ]

[It's all your fault, otherwise the pollution wouldn't have come! ]

[So the number of wild animals in the Magic Forest will also decrease tonight? ]

[Is there something wrong with some people? Lord Shenyou doesn't eliminate the source of pollution, is he waiting for the source of pollution to eliminate you? ]

[The beasts are getting stronger day by day, don't you feel it? ]

[That is, Lord Shenyou, who will come sooner or later, at least let us know the method, so we have a reference. ]

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