After Sass finished speaking, Sera naturally added what was not said before.

"The cloud transformed by the Lord is very similar to the pattern on the metal in your hand."

Hearing this, Chen Keke looked down at the golden hairpin with auspicious clouds in her hand, one end of which was a decorative carving of auspicious clouds.

"This is called a golden hairpin."

After correcting Sera's name, the group returned to the territory and prepared to enjoy dinner.

"Lord, the cabin you ordered has been built."

After finishing the meal, Tie Niu couldn't wait to report his work.

This made Chen Keke stunned for a moment.

Did she not expect Tie Niu's efficiency to be so high?

Although she was a little confused, she nodded and continued:

"Well, that cabin is for Kazim. You can discuss the details with him."

What Chen Keke didn't know was that as long as she clearly had something to be completed first, they would put down their work and try to complete it first.


Looking over the sound, I found that it was a little girl from the Butterfly Clan.

"In the process of accumulating knowledge, I found that it is extremely difficult to successfully promote an ordinary Mi Mi Feng to the first level..."

Seeing her lord looking at her, Xiao Shaxiang answered timidly.

For a moment, the whole pavilion was silent.

Although everyone had been listening carefully to the matters in the territory before, although they were very quiet, everyone would discuss with each other.

But now, you can hear a pin drop.

"No problem, it is difficult for ordinary creatures to be promoted. Tell me about the methods you have tried."

Although she felt a little disappointed when she heard this, Chen Keke also understood that this was not Xiao Shaxiang's problem.

If there were all good things in the territory, or if Xiao Shaxiang knew all the resources she had.

If she tried her best, she might succeed.

But it is better for only herself to know the trump card.

Seeing that his lord did not blame himself for the failure of this matter.

All the butterfly people present breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly signaled Xiao Shaxiang to answer the lord's question.

After thinking about the content of her recent knowledge accumulation, Xiao Shaxiang also spoke without reservation.

In fact, it is nothing more than letting one of the Mimi Feng eat and drink well, and doing her best to pile up supplies and resources.

But no matter how you pile it up, this amount is not enough to achieve a qualitative change.

And these are just ordinary food, Mimi Feng will always be full, and this is the result of feeding day after day.

Hearing this, Chen Keke thought about it for a while.

Indeed, there is nothing in the items he has for Mimi Feng to eat.

Except for a magic fruit that can barely be regarded as edible, there is nothing else that Mimi Feng can eat.

"Okay, I'll find a way to deal with this matter."

It seems that I have to go to the exchange to see, and if it doesn't work, I'll try using the magic fruit.

Anyway, they are all items in the territory, and they can be regarded as his own items. Even if the magic fruit has no effect, it is not a big loss.

After comforting himself a little, he asked Tie Niu to expand the facilities of the pavilion in the territory, or build a few new ones.

After all, there will definitely be more and more people in the territory in the future.

Fortunately, there is still a lot of space in this part of the open space.

In addition, the land expansion after the territory upgrade should be enough.

After that, Sass was asked to identify the new people who joined the territory last night.

Those who are capable will guard the territory together for patrol arrangements and fight against wild beasts at night.

For those who are incapable like the Butterfly People, let them do what they can in the territory.

After explaining, Chen Keke wanted to return to the cabin.

But in the process, she always felt that she seemed to have forgotten something.

Coming to the beehive next to the cabin, Chen Keke put her hand at the entrance of the beehive.

After a while, they all ran out, just like at the beginning, sticking to her hands.

Just looking at the bunch in her hand, she suddenly didn't know how to choose.

After all, according to what Xiao Shaxiang said, one of the honey bees must be higher than the other members of the same clan, so that it can lead the ordinary honey bees to produce honey blocks.

Then he put them back into the beehive, and then put his hand at the entrance of the beehive again, and took the first honey bee that crawled out back to the cabin.

Fortunately, this honey bee is probably very close to the lord because of the ownership of the territory.

Otherwise, holding bees in your hands is really a bit unacceptable.

He took out a magic fruit from his backpack and put it on the table, then grabbed the honey bee and put it on the fruitGo up and fight.

Although there was some resistance at the beginning, as the skin of the magic fruit was pierced, the sweet juice flowed out.

Having tasted the sweetness, Mimi Feng no longer resisted, and even lay directly on the magic fruit and began to suck.

Suddenly, Chen Keke felt the movement coming from the contract space.

At this time, she remembered that Ruanruan had not come out of the contract space since she used the Xiangyun Golden Hairpin.

"Puji! Puji!"

After coming out, Ruanruan immediately protested to her master.

Chen Keke did not respond to this matter, but just held the other party in his arms and kneaded him as usual.

And Ruanruan's protests also subsided in the gradual kneading.


Feeling the comfort of his master, he also found Mimi Feng who was chewing the magic fruit on the table.

For this creature that suddenly appeared, it did not have any resistance, but just couldn't help but be a little confused.

"This is the Mimifeng in the territory. If it can be promoted, we will have sweet blocks to eat."

While observing the eating situation of this Mimifeng, Chen Keke was also secretly thinking in her heart. How long does it take for this Mimifeng to eat a magic fruit?


Sweet block?

So it is not clear what it is, but this does not prevent Ruanruan from looking forward to this item.

While staring at it, Chen Keke was also thinking about tonight's actions.

There must be pollution accomplices around her territory, but she has eliminated one of the territories with pollution sources.

And the total number needs to be eliminated 100,000, and the territories with pollution sources will be eliminated.

Thinking of this, she looked at the logo on the system interface, 1/100000.

It seems that she has to work harder and eliminate more people. Fortunately, today she has a detection ability.

As long as she uses the auspicious cloud gold hairpin to transform into the auspicious cloud form, she can float in the air to detect, and others will not pay too much attention.

Although the cloud did look a bit strange, as she thought about it, she wanted to find Sass and Sera to test the auspicious cloud form.

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