It's not that I'm tired, I'm just a little uncomfortable.

I came to the pavilion and told Cuihua and the others to arrange for the dragon blood people, and then I went back to the cabin while eating buns.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard a buzzing sound.

Then a huge bee flew over and swayed in front of me.

After two seconds of stunned, Chen Keke realized that this was Mimi Feng who had completed the promotion.

After reaching out his hand, the other party naturally stopped on his palm.


Ruanruan, who was on his shoulder, looked at the fat bee and was a little confused at first.

But soon he remembered that this was the bee that his master said would produce sweet blocks.

So he hurriedly expressed his warm welcome.


"Bees may not be able to speak now, but when they become stronger in the future, they may be able to speak."

Hearing what Ruanruan said, Chen Keke also explained on the side.

After all, this is the only first-level Mimifeng in the territory, or in the world.

Although Ruanruan would not go against her orders to bully Mimifeng.

But if they can get along well, it would be great.


Ruanruan, who had not received a response and did not feel anything at first, realized it after hearing this.

This little creature that can produce delicious food is so weak.

Take this first-level Mimifeng to the side of the beehive, and the Mimifeng will naturally crawl in.

Fortunately, the number of bees was taken into consideration when doing it before. Although this Mimifeng is a little bigger, there are still enough entrances and exits.

Chen Keke, who returned to the cabin, thought about it.

This Mimifeng, who has successfully promoted, seems to be a little smarter.

Thinking of this, she felt a little sleepy while sitting on the bed.

Leave a gap in the door of the cabin for Ruanruan to go in and out.

On the way back, Ruanruan had been resting on her shoulder.

And from the past situation, the slime's sleep time is much shorter than hers.

He also told it to remember to replenish the mucus in the garbage disposal in the territory, and then began to sleep on its own.



Ruanruan also knew that her master had not rested for a whole night.

He remembered the mucus replenishment just mentioned.

So he slowly moved his body and began to crawl towards the so-called garbage disposal.


When Chen Keke woke up, it was not yet noon.

He felt his body and did not feel sleepy.

He looked around and did not find Ruanruan's trace as usual.

Maybe he went to replenish the mucus in the territory.

Thinking of this, Chen Keke walked out of the cabin and looked at the growth of the magic fruit tree on the right as usual.

I don't know if it's because of the daily observation, she didn't see any changes.

It's nothing more than a bigger leaf, or a newly grown small leaf.

Then she looked to the left to check on Mimi Feng's condition.

What she didn't expect was that there was a slime squatting next to the beehive, watching Mimi Feng eat.


After noticing the movement, Ruanruan turned her head and found that it was her master, and then she quickly moved her body to climb up.

She stopped when she climbed to the shoulder where she usually was.

During this period, Chen Keke also checked on Mimi Feng's condition.

When she opened the beehive, she found that there was a little crystal on it, which looked like honey.

Their food was still a little nectar brewed from wild flowers collected by the butterfly people.

However, because these wild flower nectars were all made from unknown wild flowers, they had no effect.

When the nectar was first used, the butterfly people also came to ask for instructions.

Chen Keke also learned from them that the types of wild flowers around the territory were too single.

In addition, a few days before being captured by the goblins, they found that the number of flowers that were originally everywhere had decreased a lot.

Later, they found that, except for the ones cultivated in their own territory, other plants or crops of certain value seemed to have decreased a lot.

Because of the reduction of flowers around them, they had to go to farther places to collect nectar.

But despite this, they could only rely on offering the nectar they had stored in the past to seek protection from those powerful territories.

But later, the nectar reserves gradually became insufficient, and they could not maintain the supply. Therefore, they lost their protection and were targeted by Kappa and goblins.

Chen Keke only reacted after hearing this.

No wonder she told Cuihua and others many times that if they encountered useful crops or fruit trees outside the territory, they should transplant them into the territory.But until now, no useful plants have been found.

Unexpectedly, when they landed on the Vanodia continent, the surrounding plants and crops were targeted for reduction.

But it was not to the extent of extinction.

Except for the scope of other territories, the wild ones can basically be regarded as rare...

Later, she posted this matter to the forum, and received unanimous approval from others.

Looking at the 2730 energy points she settled last night, Chen Keke planned to build a flower garden immediately.

Holding the shining gem treasure chest, she came to the right side of the territory. In addition to the conventional defense towers, the buildings here are holy light sculptures and churches.

She plans to gather all the farmhouses on the left side of the territory with the stream as the dividing line.

In this way, the core of her territory is also on the right.

The flower garden should also need water sources, and then let Alia and Felix use the previous method to bring the spring water from the clean source.

On the way there, Chen Keke also planned the plan for the flower garden.

But when the blueprint was taken out and she wanted to start construction, the phantom that appeared in front of her made Chen Keke a little unbelievable for a moment.

It was a wall.

To be precise, it was something similar to a stone wall.

Although it was just a phantom, many details could not be seen clearly, but the general appearance could still be seen.

While feeling a little unbelievable, she hurriedly checked the introduction and required materials of the flower garden.

She wanted to find some answers from it.

[Flower garden blueprint: Flower garden can be built. Required materials: 100 kinds of flower seeds, space stone x1, energy value x1000, stone x1000, wood x1000. ]

Looking at it, only the space stone is the most suspicious.

Could this wall open up space or something like that?

This is the only thing she can think of.

"Lord, what are you doing?"

Chen Keke turned around after hearing the voice, and then found that she was surrounded by people without knowing when.

He was stunned for a moment, then he saw the jewel box he was holding and instantly understood.

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