I took a look at the summary.

Elemental stones, in addition to the common water and fire, there are also thunder stones and ice stones. Currently, there are only these four known elemental stones.

[I've learned nothing.]

Chen Keke replied to the post below, so that the post can be kept popular and others can see it.

This is also the only contribution I can make.

However, even with the forum function, the chat section is still not lacking in information.

[I am in the desert area. Many scorpions, snakes and wolves came last night.]

[I am in the forest area. There seems to be something strange here?]

Chen Keke's heart skipped a beat when he saw this message. He was also in the forest area.

[What strange thing?]

Chen Keke immediately joined the chat, but no matter whether it was the message sent by that person or his own, they were quickly drowned in the chat army.

Just when I thought there would be no reply, I saw it again.

[I saw it by the river. It looked like a green toad. It didn't attack last night. It seemed to be watching from the side. My territory is near the river.]

Chen Keke, who knew it was a kappa, hadn't replied yet, and many people's messages appeared one after another.

[That's a kappa! I've encountered it!]

[Kappa? No wonder I always feel that this description is familiar...]

[I'm in the mining area, there are stone monsters here!]

[I'm on the plains, I've seen sheep-headed people!]

Looking at the messages sent by others, I realized that so many people have encountered other races.

It's just that I didn't seem to have seen the relevant information before, but on second thought, I would only check it occasionally, after all, there are so many things to do in the territory.


After lunch.

Chen Keke came to the thatched house, staring at it and silently saying "upgrade" in his heart.

The next second, information about the thatched house appeared in front of him.

[First-level core: has a 30-meter territory range, can be upgraded to a second-level territory core. Required materials: energy value x300, wood x100, stone x50. ]

When choosing to confirm, the entire territory trembled, to be precise, the ground was extending.

Although some people in the territory exclaimed, they did not panic. Chen Keke told them about this at lunch.

Some people were so scared that they squatted on the ground, touching the ground with their hands, and found that there seemed to be an invisible layer between them and the ground.

Chen Keke naturally discovered this phenomenon, but then reacted that if they followed the extension of the ground, they would definitely not be able to stand steadily and fall several times.

Before they could tell others, this reaction stagnated, and it was only a dozen seconds.

Then they found that the territory seemed to be a little bigger. The most obvious thing was that the distance between the houses became a little bigger.

When everyone was looking around, Cuihua's loud exclamation attracted their attention.

"Look at the crops we just planted!"

The seeds they had just finished sowing in the morning had already blossomed.

On the emerald green leaves, there were some flowers, and some had even produced small fruits.

The crops that were planted first had already begun to bear fruit, and Cuihua, who had reacted, took them to harvest.

And Chen Keke was watching the new changes in the territory.

[Second-level territory core: With a territory range of 200 meters, it can be upgraded to a third-level territory core. Required materials: energy value x3000, wood x500, stone x300, iron block x100. ]

At the same time, the original thatched house was also turned into a small wooden house, which looked much stronger than before, and the range was also much larger.

Then he checked other buildings and found that not only the defense tower but also the farmhouse could be upgraded.

And when checking the information, he could see the phantom after the upgrade, which was obviously larger than the original building.

Seeing the changes after the territory was upgraded, Chen Keke was also thinking about the future planning and arrangements for the territory.

Above the territory is a mountain wall, which can be used as part of the city wall when the territory is upgraded to a certain level.

If there is pressure from the enemy, it will not be surrounded like last night, which can relieve some of the hostile pressure.

After the beast attack last night, Chen Keke wanted to build a wall to encircle the territory. At that time, only the entrance and exit need to be guarded, which can save manpower and material resources to a great extent.

However, the territory will expand with the upgrade, and it is really unknown to start building the city wall now. And whether it is inThere is no description of items related to the city wall on the forum or chat board.

Also, this stream must be fenced off. If it rains heavily, won’t the entire territory be flooded?

Shaking his head, Chen Keke went forward to check when he saw Cuihua and others harvesting crops.


Cuihua, who noticed that the originally dazzling sunlight was shrouded in shadows, looked up and saw that her lord had stood behind her at some point.


Others who heard the voice also turned around to greet Chen Keke.

"Well, how is the harvest?"

After a simple nod, Chen Keke asked about what he was concerned about.

"Lord, after God's blessing, the crops in the territory have accelerated their growth to a certain extent, and the first batch planted is the one you see now."

"The harvest is also very gratifying, much more than what we planted before."

Obviously, Cuihua seemed very happy when talking about this, not only because of the harvest, but also because of the knowledge she had accumulated in the Hall of Scholars.

Especially when other people were asking her about this, it gave her a sense of participation in defending the territory and contributing to the territory.

Especially when Cuiye and Cuizhi said that they were accumulating knowledge for the people in the territory. Others thanked Cuihua, and Cuihua also thanked others for working hard for her.

Especially when she knew that these words were all said by the Lord, Cuihua's sense of belonging to the territory continued to rise.

"That's good, so that people in the territory won't be afraid of starving."

First, she expressed to others that there was no need to worry about food in the territory.

Then she continued:

"After the harvest, try to plant the crops in the upper reaches of the stream. This will make it easier for everyone to irrigate. If you have any questions, you can ask Cuihua."

"No problem, Cuihua?"

After saying that, Chen Keke did not forget to ask Cuihua for her opinion.

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