While Chen Keke was collecting items, Sass and Alia also familiarized themselves with the centaurs they had rescued before.

These centaurs were kidnapped when they were alone, and some of them were captured as a whole tribe.

"You can leave on your own, or you can choose to follow us to join the Shenyou Territory."

After seeing them understand the situation and packing up their things, Chen Keke left a word and walked towards the territory.

Sass and Alia didn't say anything else, followed the pace of their lord, and prepared to leave.

In fact, Chen Keke knew that if they stayed now, they would be left to fend for themselves. Although there was some coercion, if she hadn't saved them, they would have died long ago.

Originally, she thought that the first to follow would be the half-snake people, after all, there was Sass in her team.

She still remembered the introduction of Sass, who had a certain prestige among the half-snake people.

Unexpectedly, the first to follow was the only centaurs with wings, and until now Chen Keke still didn't know what kind of centaurs this was.

However, when fighting the troll just now, I saw that the other party seemed to have used some skills, causing vines to grow on the troll's damaged knee.

Seeing that someone had caught up with the pace, others also stepped forward.

They all understood that it was a great favor for the other party to save them, and they could not and had no right to ask for anything.

What's more, they noticed that the leader just touched the troll's body, and in just a blink of an eye, the body disappeared.

Although they didn't know what happened, everyone just widened their eyes a little, and no one came forward to ask, because they knew that this was not someone they could afford to offend.

Although they had guessed that they would follow them, when they sensed that everyone was following them through natural affinity, Chen Keke's mouth corners still curled up uncontrollably.

When they arrived at the territory, everyone looked at the few buildings and no one dared to despise them.

Although they didn't know what the towers were used for, they could feel the breath of danger from them.

"As long as you don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have, these defense towers won't pose a threat to you."

Noticing the pause of everyone, Chen Keke explained, and then continued to walk into the territory.

Other people in the territory were a little surprised to see their lord bringing other half-humans here, but they continued to do their own things.

Even those who occasionally passed by just bowed slightly to Chen Keke to show respect.

They had heard Tie Niu, Cuihua and others say before that the lord didn't care about these empty formalities. He said that instead of having time to do these, it would be better to make the territory better together.

"Cuizhi, remember to prepare more for dinner."

When she met Cuizhi passing by, Chen Keke reminded her and signaled behind her with her eyes.

"Okay, lord."

Cuizhi, who received the hint from the eyes, looked back to see the number of newcomers, and then went to communicate with Cuiye.

"Have you decided whether to join Shenyou's territory? Alia is from the mermaid tribe. Because she can't return to the Mermaid Kingdom for the time being, she joined my territory."

After arriving at an open space, Chen Keke paused for a moment to give them enough time to react.

Seeing everyone turn their heads to look at Alia, and then continue to look at herself, she said:

"If Alia wants to return to the Mermaid Kingdom in the future, it's no problem, but during her stay in Shenyou's territory, she must join Shenyou's territory and make contributions to it."

After hearing that they could leave the territory, everyone's originally somewhat uneasy mood calmed down at this time.

It was at this time that Chen Keke received many reminders to join the territory.

[Half-elf Sera joins the territory]

[Half-snake man Kola joins the territory]

[Half-snake man Feili joins the territory]

[Centaur Onde joins the territory]

[Centaur Olik joins the territory]

The first to join was Sera. I didn’t expect that the winged half-human was actually a half-elf!

Although the names of fairies and elves are very similar, they are completely different types.

Fairies generally have wings and generally have magical talents.

Elves do not have wings, and their bodies are more noble and elegant. They are better at using bows and arrows, and the magic they use is more attached to the bows and arrows, giving them a variety of effects.

During this time, Chen Keke also learned some common sense on the Novadiya continent.

The situation of the half-human race is generally difficult, and compared with the pure races, their strength is usually weaker.

And they are not accepted by the pure races, although they are not killed or hated. But seeingWhen you are with them, you are more indifferent and ignored, just like you are looking at your half-brothers and sisters.

Even so, there should be exchanges of interests.

After all, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

But what makes Chen Keke more curious is that there is no reproductive isolation in the Novadiya continent? How come there are so many half-humans?

But in this case, I have to build three farmhouses. Fortunately, there is a forest here, and wood is not scarce.

By the way, should I train a person who builds houses? Otherwise, when there are more people in the future, they will have to rely on themselves to build farms, and how much wood will it cost.

But then I thought that the farmhouses I saw could be upgraded. If I built them myself, there should be a great possibility that they could not be upgraded.

When I thought of what happened next, Chen Keke shook his head helplessly.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the construction of the three farmhouses took less than a minute.

After a brief understanding of their specialties, Chen Keke assigned them work.

The centaurs Ond and Orlik are better at long-range bows and arrows, and because the lower body of the horse is more agile.

Therefore, they are responsible for patrolling the surroundings of the territory, while the half-snakes Feili and Kola are responsible for night patrols.

Sera is better at controlling and promoting the growth of plants. Her main task now is to build a territory boundary line of sight composed of plants for the territory, and add more obstacles if possible.

Chen Keke wants to try to see if this can form a simple wall.

But at the same time, Sera doesn't have to go to great lengths. After all, it is still unknown whether the buildings that are not built through the system can be upgraded?

If not, some things will have to be done less.

After all, the difference between being able to upgrade and not being able to upgrade is still quite big.

After giving the order, Chen Keke came to the side of the magic fruit tree.

Compared with the saplings planted before, the magic fruit tree now looks like a tree.

[Magic fruit tree: can produce magic fruit. 】

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