Because of the magic fruit, Chen Keke has been receiving many private messages, so she plans not to go out today.

However, she only reads them occasionally, and stops only when she sees useful items or interesting information.

She knows that the reason why the magic fruit is sold at a high price now is mainly because no one has any items that can restore health and magic.

The current initial health is only 100 points, and the magic is completely gone, which can only appear after changing the profession.

And a magic fruit can restore half of the health, which can be said to be a resurrection.

Similarly, the permanent increase of 10 points of health and magic also raises the value of the magic fruit.

In the private messages, Chen Keke has seen more than once "I am seriously injured now, please give me magic fruit. Or other items that can be treated."

Such remarks.

Some even start with "I have a fairy egg!", and when you click in, you will find that it is a private message for help.

After getting no response, there are many people who even curse.

Fortunately, the shielding system is also powerful enough.

It is a product of the mind, so it is not difficult to handle.

I just feel a little tired after watching it for a long time.

If you ask Chen Keke how she feels, she will tell you that your mother is mentally retarded!

Do I look so much like the Virgin Mary of Notre Dame?

But there are idiots and normal people in this world.

She still exchanged the magic fruit for a few items that seem to be useful.

[Magic Boots: Magic Value +50, Speed ​​+2. A pair of boots that increase magic value. ]

[Mana Necklace: Magic Value Recovers +1 per Second. Endless Magic! ]

[Thunder Tower Blueprint: A defense tower of thunder element can be built. Required materials: Energy Value x300, Iron Block x100, Stone x50, First-level Thunder Stone x1. ]

Among them, the Mana Necklace and Thunder Tower Blueprint are both exchanged for two magic fruits.

In fact, Chen Keke wanted the blueprints of the building more, and then other treatment drugs would be released. As for his own magic fruit, the only thing that might be attractive is the permanent attribute.

And in exchange for energy value, it is not easy to get it now that energy value is scarce.

This is not like the catwoman's job transfer scroll last time. The professional job transfer scroll can make a territory develop rapidly.

At the same time, resources such as stone can be collected by manpower, especially in some areas with rich stone resources.

The current way to obtain the value may only be the settlement given by the system at dawn every day.

The worn-out boots were placed in the warehouse, mainly because the worn-out boots could not be given away, so they could only be placed there first to see if they would be of any use in the future.

Then find Aria and give her the worn-out staff.

"This is a staff I found. You said you are a magician, so I brought it to you to see if it is useful."

Chen Keke handed the worn-out staff to Aria.

After taking the staff and feeling it for a while, Alia thanked him:

"Thank you, Lord, this staff is still useful."

"It's good that it's useful."

As Chen Keke said this, she turned around and saw a bright green.

After a closer look, she found that it was the half-elf Sera.

Yesterday, they were in the troll's prison car, and their bodies were stained with stains and even their hair was covered with dirt, and they couldn't see the original color.

And because they had just arrived in the territory, they didn't have any clothes to change. It was only after Cuizhi and Cuiye handed over their work to them that they made simple clothes with animal skins before they rested.

At this time, Chen Keke found that Sera had emerald green hair.

Although she was a half-elf, her feet were slightly off the ground and she used her wings to fly, and she really looked like an elf in the air.

Even as a half-elf, Sera was still very beautiful, even more pleasing to the eye than Alia, a mermaid of the higher race.

Mermaids, elves and fairies are recognized as beautiful creatures in the Novaldia continent.

Mermaids are the representatives of beauty and confidence, while elves are the synonyms of elegance.

Fairies are a rarer race than mermaids and elves. Even though Sera, a half-fairy, is much inferior to pure-race fairies, she is still beautiful, and there is no adjective to describe her beauty.

It's like encountering something beautiful, and then a sigh.

The other party is stimulating the plant circle within 200 meters of his cabin, which is also the territory he mentioned before.

In any case, the territory should be determined first. In order to prevent the residents of the territory from leaving the territory too far without knowing it, after all, there are no iconic buildings or cities now.Wall.

"Remember to leave entrances and exits in four directions."

Seeing that Sera was about to pass in front of her, Chen Keke hurriedly reminded her.

"Okay, Lord!"

Although Sera was frightened by the sudden voice, he still reacted quickly.

I don't know if it's my illusion, Chen Keke always feels that the other party seems to be very happy.


During lunch, Sass said that he would apply to lead some people to conduct some surveys around in the afternoon, and check the traces of the beasts that invaded yesterday.

At the same time, the hatched snakes were placed on their must-pass roads for surveys to see if they can see their source.

Chen Keke said that there was no problem with this, and she also planned to follow up.

The main reason was that some items seemed invisible to the natives, such as treasure chests.

She reasonably suspected that it was the system that pulled them into this world and pushed them behind the scenes.

And the auction value of the magic fruit was also announced, and the final transaction price was 856 energy points.

After taking a look at the transaction object, I found that his name was followed by the name of the territory, which showed that he was a person on the leaderboard.

However, at this time, only people on the leaderboard have the ability to get so much energy value.

Chen Keke did not plan to continue the auction. Anyway, he should try his best to create the scarcity of this thing.

Besides, there might be only one mutated magic fruit tree in his territory on the Novadidia continent, even if it produces 100 magic fruits a day.

There are still 5 billion players now, and it will be a scarce commodity even in the future, not to mention that there are soldiers in his territory.

Chen Keke plans to sell a small amount first, or exchange it for valuable items.

The current mutated magic fruit is more like a healing potion.

When everyone starts to stabilize, they should start to pursue numerical improvement.

At least in Chen Keke's opinion, the most useful effect of the magic fruit is to restore 50 points of health and magic value.

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