Now, in the Scholars Hall in the territory, besides her, only Tie Niu was allowed to enter by the lord.

After getting the answer, Chen Keke immediately went to the Scholars Hall.

"Lord, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Tie Niu was a little panicked when he was found. Although his lord was usually very kind. But the lord's majesty was there, and he was now wondering if he had done something wrong.

"I need you to bring people to build a place to shelter from the wind and rain on the open space in the territory. It may rain recently, and our territory needs a place to discuss."

Originally, Chen Keke wanted to say what I needed, but when the words came to her lips, they changed to our territory.

"No problem, I'll go call people now!"

When he heard that it was for the territory, combined with the heavy rain just now. Tie Niu immediately understood the role and importance of this building.

If it rains, everyone stays in their own farmhouses, won't there be no one to guard the territory?

And after the rain, it is more difficult to make a fire and cook in the territory.

In fact, this should have been the first thing to do, but the weather in the past few days was not abnormal, which made Chen Keke ignore the importance of sheltering from the wind and rain.

Coming to the trading section, the current ratio of wood and stone basic materials to energy value has reached 3:1, and some have even reached 4:1.

However, the bad weather just now has brought the ratio to 2:1.

While some people have not yet reacted, Chen Keke immediately traded those 3:1 or even 4:1 basic resources.

Under such bad weather conditions, the beasts will attack at night more difficult.

It is better to upgrade the wooden arrow tower to level 2, anyway, it will not suffer any loss if you stay in the territory.

A total of 251 energy points were consumed and traded for 393 wood and 310 stones.

After the transaction was successful, Chen Keke directly upgraded all 7 first-level wooden archer towers in the territory to level 2.

[Level 2 wooden archer tower: damage 6-8, attack range 35 meters. Can launch double attacks at the same time! 】

Although the attack power is only increased by a few points, at least it can be compensated by having double attacks.

After thinking about it, I finally built a thunder tower near the water arrow tower.

Since the water arrow tower shows water element attack, it is not difficult to imagine that the thunder tower is a thunder element attack, and water can conduct electricity.

[First-level thunder tower: thunder element attack 15, attack range 50 meters. Thunder element attack: Stun the enemy and cause damage. If the distance is close, a chain reaction will occur. 】

Although it has been guessed that it is a thunder element attack, this attack distance does care about Chen Keke's imagination!

But since it is thunder, it seems that there is nothing wrong with attacking farther...

However, this chain reaction does not say whether it will conduct electricity.

Before, when I built the water arrow tower, I guessed that there was an element restraint relationship, so thunder should restrain water.

If the enemy has water on him, the attack of the thunder tower should be stronger.

I just don't know if the chain effect of the Thunder Tower will directly make it indistinguishable between friend and foe, and it would be bad if Alia was struck.

While thinking about this, Chen Keke's system panel popped up a prompt.

[The effect of the elemental defense tower is ineffective for residents of the territory]

"Are we all under surveillance?"

Chen Keke exclaimed when she saw the system prompt.

But if you think about it, it seems to make no difference. After all, people all over the world have moved together. If you want to kill them, why not just throw them into the sea?

Trying to calm yourself down, stop thinking about these things, and start analyzing the content of the prompt.

The effect of the elemental tower is ineffective for residents of the territory, which means that people who are not in the territory will be hit.

At the same time, only the elemental tower has this effect. For physical attacks like wooden archery towers, if you stand in front of the enemy, you are likely to be strung together.

Originally, I wanted to find Alia and tell her not to worry about the problem of the thunder tower. After all, mermaids can be considered as living in the water.

I thought the other party would be in my farmhouse, after all, it was raining heavily.

I didn't expect that the other party would play in the stream that became a little swift because of the rain.

By the way, how could a mermaid hide from the rain...

"Is there anything wrong, Lord?"

Aliya, who was originally soaking in the water, felt a gaze.

I looked back and found that it was my lord who seemed to be thinking about something, but his gaze was directed in my direction.

"It's like this, I built a new defense tower of the thunder element, just to tell you that the element tower will not have any bad effects on you."

Faced with the question, Chen Keke did not forget the purpose of coming to Aliya.

Originally, when Aliya heard about the thunder element,Still a little scared. But after hearing it, I was relieved. After all, the thunder element can cause extraordinary damage to the tribes living in the water.

Then, after hearing that the element tower would be ineffective against the residents of the territory, I suddenly became a little proud.

Fortunately, she joined the Shenyou territory directly at that time.

Seeing Alia in front of her inexplicably showing a proud expression, Chen Keke felt a little confused, but seeing this increased her sense of belonging to the territory, she turned around and left without saying anything.

In the open space of the territory, Tie Niu has been building a pavilion with a group of people including Sass.

Although it is windy on all sides, there is always a place to shelter from the rain on the top.

However, Sera's figure was also seen among them. She was stimulating vines to tie up some places that needed to be fixed.

Now, at a glance, a small prototype has appeared on the edge of the open space.

Because after hearing that it might rain, Tie Niu planned to build a temporary one first.

When the weather clears up, he will slowly build a larger venue for the territory to use.

Fortunately, after everyone's efforts, a frame with only a roof was finally built at dinner time.

Although the dinner preparation time was a bit rushed due to the sudden heavy rain, it was only about ten minutes later than usual.

"Sass, are those snakes responsible for scouting the situation okay?"

Now that everything has settled down, Chen Keke thought of the snakes responsible for scouting.

"They will hide on their own when they encounter danger, and I have fed them before leaving. At least they will not starve to death due to food shortage within a week."

After thinking for a while, he said:

"But if they are targeted, there is nothing we can do."

Although I have thought of all kinds of preparations, if someone is targeted, then except for my own strong strength, or perhaps I have been prepared, otherwise there is basically no way.


Hearing this, Chen Keke did not say much, after all, he did not know the habits of snakes.

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