It seems that the first kappa I saw was probably frightened by me and ran into a beast in a panic, and was trampled by the beast instead.

I don’t know what these kappas are here for, but no matter what, they are not good.

"Ruanruan, attack the kappas first."

After giving the order, he continued to kill the beasts that wanted to move forward.

Although the number of beasts was only moving forward in a scattered manner, not all piled up together.

But this also made their defense more convenient. If all the beasts stood in a row and moved forward all at once, this territory would have been washed away long ago.

While killing the beasts at the front, as long as there was a gap, Chen Keke would change the direction of attack to the location of the kappa.

In her opinion, this was more like a means of reconnaissance. It seemed that if they felt that things were not going well, they would choose to retreat.

Then they should be kept here forever as much as possible, because dead mouths will not talk nonsense!

Seeing that the beasts were about to die, I thought that today was the end. However, after I shot and killed the last two beasts, some more came out one after another...

Although the half-humans joined, Chen Keke didn't feel much about the increase in the number of beasts.

But the obvious increase in the number can still be felt, especially today's rainy night has increased the difficulty of hunting beasts.

But fortunately, they took action today and have been looking for the source of the beasts.

This made Chen Keke's originally anxious mood soothed.

"Puji, Puji!"

Just then, Ruanruan seemed to have discovered something. Although the sound was not very clear in the rainy night, he could still understand what the other party meant through the relationship of the contract space.

He took advantage of the gap to shoot several magic-breaking arrows in Ruanruan's direction, but maybe his luck was not good and the lunar eclipse was not triggered.

After a while, he tried again. This time the lunar eclipse was triggered, and Chen Keke also saw a green frog that was a circle larger than the surrounding beasts.

And Ruanruan was on the other party's flippers!

"Climb up! Not on its limbs?"

Although I don't know what's going on, this looks like a small BOSS-level thing.

And her own Ruanruan is on the frog's feet, which is not a good sign no matter how you look at it.

Although she doesn't know if she can beat it, she knows that it is easy to be thrown off the enemy's hands and feet.

Ruanruan, who also sensed the master's thoughts through the contract space, immediately stuck to the opponent's legs and began to climb up.

Sensing Ruanruan's actions, Chen Keke was about to breathe a sigh of relief. As a result, a warm breath passed by the side of her cheek in the next second!

Fortunately, because she was going to attack the beast, she deviated a little distance, otherwise she would have been hit on the spot.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a pink thing? Thinking of the frog she just saw, Chen Keke immediately confirmed that it was the frog's tongue!

At this time, the tongue moved, and while quickly retracting, she also saw a pierced hunting dog hanging on the end of the tongue!

Still in shock, Chen Keke finally reacted when he saw the tongue disappear. It was clearly a great opportunity to attack.

Feeling the weakness of his master being attacked, he also accelerated his progress.

Although there were sneak attacks from frogs in the dark, Chen Keke could not stop. The defense of the defense tower alone could not stop the invasion of wild beasts in time.

But after each attack, Chen Keke would swing his body greatly, trying to avoid the frog's attack.

After several times, Chen Keke gradually figured out the trajectory of the frog's attack.

Every time he moved, there was a high probability that a tongue would appear in the next second and cross his position.

And when the lunar eclipse was triggered, there would basically be no attack from frogs.

It seems that when encountering light, it will affect the opponent's vision.

It turns out that the sudden light will flash the eyes, which also applies to frogs...

When seeing the moonlight again, Chen Keke did not dodge this time, but accelerated the speed of attack and cleared the surrounding wild beasts one by one.

At this moment, Ruanruan had already climbed to the top of the frog and began to wrap it up and secrete venom.

Although she felt some pain, the frog could not attack her top.

After shaking it a few times and finding that it had no effect, she continued to stare at the person who was constantly attacking the beast in front of her.

The lunar eclipse was triggered again. This time, Chen Keke still did not dodge, and the next second she was knocked out by a tongue!


This was the first time that Chen Keke felt such intense pain since she came to this world.

Fortunately, she had been holding the Silver Moon Bow firmly in her hand.Just as she was about to fight back, the tongue quickly stuck to her and pulled her back.

The air, which became cool due to the speed, formed a sharp contrast with the warm tongue.

She knew very well what would happen after being pulled back. She didn't have time to pay attention to her own condition, and hurriedly put her hands together.

As long as she could make a bow-drawing action, she could launch the magic-breaking arrow!


Fortunately, Ruanruan felt that her master was in danger, so she ran to the frog's eyes and covered them directly.

The eyes without any protection suddenly suffered severe pain, which caused the frog's movement to stagnate.

And Chen Keke also seized the opportunity, pulled the bowstring and fired the magic-breaking arrow at the frog's tongue.

The next moment, she was thrown onto the muddy ground by the tongue.

First the eyes and then the tongue, both vulnerable places were hurt, causing the frog to howl.

Chen Keke, who heard the noise, was about to cover her ears subconsciously, but the next moment she gritted her teeth and turned the upward movement of her hands into drawing a bow.

The pale blue magic-breaking arrow shot directly into the frog's mouth, and then triggered the lunar eclipse.

As the moonlight bloomed, the frog's voice stopped abruptly.

The attack inside the body seemed to cause much more damage than the attack outside the body.

Not far from the frog, Chen Keke looked at the frog that seemed to be stiff. Without hesitation, she continued to pull the magic-breaking arrow to attack. She didn't want to watch quietly and wait for the situation to escalate.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him. Chen Keke always thought that this sentence made sense.

I'm not afraid of the body turning into meat paste, but I'm afraid that the dead body will become a zombie!

With the continuous attack, the frog finally fell down.

"Lord, are you okay?"

Hearing the howling, Sass quickly dealt with the beasts around him, and handed the remaining few to the defense tower before coming to the location of the sound.

"I, I'm fine!"

Although a little out of breath, at least the crisis was resolved.

Seeing that his lord was fine, Sass also began to deal with the beasts around him.

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