Although everyone was somewhat puzzled about the practice of catching instead of killing, no one raised any questions.

After all, they wanted to taste such delicious food again.

While most people were here, Chen Keke told the story of the Goblin Territory.

"This is roughly the situation. You can all say what good suggestions you have. Only by discussing together can there be more possibilities."

"If we are sure that we want to attack at night, then let's think about what to prepare together."

A person's thinking can only be trapped in this person's cognition, and the thinking of multiple people can expand the possibilities.

What's more, there are some things that you really don't know.

The more ignorant people are, the more fearless they are. It's like when I was a child, I dared to reach out and catch insects, but when I grew up, I was afraid of being bitten by insects.

So Chen Keke also wanted to hear other people's opinions. After all, everyone's life experience is different, and more knowledge means less danger.

"Is it too dangerous to attack at night? The wild at night is not like the territory!"

When it comes to attacking at night, Weng De seems a little excited.

After all, the sense of belonging to the territory is there, and he is more worried about his own safety.

The second is the centaurs, who rely on their own flexible movement and long-range attack to kill the enemy.

If they cannot detect the road conditions in the dark, then their own flexibility advantage will be greatly limited.

This will make them have certain obstacles even when they escape.

"Night attack is indeed an opportunity, but there are also risks."

Unlike the centaurs, the half-snake Kola is more convenient to move in the dark.

Not only can he approach the enemy silently, but he can also use his strong and powerful tail to tightly wrap around the enemy's neck and break it.

"The other party is obviously coming for our territory. The beasts are summoned by them, and even the weather is changed by them."

When he said this, Chen Keke paused deliberately.

"And our territory has no ability to compete with it. All we can do is to fight back as much as possible. And the night attack is an opportunity. If you have a better way, you can say it."

This sentence tells them concisely and clearly that the night attack is necessary. This is no longer a life-or-death situation.

Then he said.

"Now let's discuss to solve the problem. What are you most worried about in the night attack? What supplies do you think should be prepared?"

Although the attitude is a bit tough, fortunately everyone understands that this is inevitable after listening.

"I am more worried that I can't see the road conditions clearly at night. Stumbling to the ground is fatal to the Centaurs."

Although he was somewhat resistant to the idea of ​​a night attack, Wend knew that this was something he had to face.

So after the lord finished speaking, he immediately expressed his concerns. I hope to get a solution, which may save my life at a critical moment.

This is indeed a problem. Different races have different advantages.

"How about some lighting?"

Someone among the people who were listening together made a suggestion, and when they looked over, they saw the iron horse.

"No, it won't work. Others can see it."

But this suggestion was quickly rejected by others.

"How about taking bigger steps?"

At this time, Sera put forward another point of view.

"The invisible things are usually on the ground. Would it be better if we raise our feet higher?"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were looking at her, Sera was a little scared. But thinking of her previous proposal for a night attack being recognized, she boldly expressed her ideas.

"Wengde and Orlik, what do you think of this proposal?"

After all, in Chen Keke's opinion, this proposal is still feasible, but the main use is still the centaur tribe.

Hearing this, Wende and Orlik looked at each other, and then came to the outside of the pavilion and began to try the method Sera said.

"Although I'm not used to it and my flexibility is reduced to a certain extent, I can avoid tripping to a great extent."

After walking, running, jumping, and a series of other actions, Olik answered first.

In the past, they knew that tripping was a dangerous thing for their own race.

So they tried to avoid it as much as possible, but never thought about how to reduce the probability of it happening.

After Weng De tried it, he remembered his previous attitude against night raids, and now he felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, no one cared about this matter, which also made him feel more at home in the territory.

Sensing the system prompt, Chen Keke felt a little curious.

Previously, when discussing aboutShe knew that there was a system prompt during the night attack, and she could probably think that it was because of the fluctuation of some people's sense of belonging to the territory.

She looked at it with some concern, and also looked at the previous information prompt.

Only then did she realize that it was Weng De. At the beginning, the other party's sense of belonging to the territory dropped slightly, and then began to rise again.

I think this should be the change in Weng De's mentality when she slapped him and gave him a sweet date just now.

And now after proposing a solution, not only Weng De, but also Orlik's sense of belonging to the territory has increased slightly.

Sure enough, interests move people's hearts. Under the circumstances that they have an effect, any action can change their views on things.

"What about you, Weng De? If this method doesn't help you, we can think of other ways."

Chen Kekeke asked deliberately after seeing the system information prompt.

"Very good, I think it's good too!"

Weng De, who was still a little embarrassed because of what happened just now, didn't expect that the lord didn't take the matter to heart at all.

Now they are still concerned about whether he has any problems, which instantly makes him feel more at home in the territory.

"That's good. The enemy is a goblin tribe, and there may be kappa. While there is nothing to do now, let's think about how to deal with it."

Said Chen Keke and discussed other matters with everyone.

With this discussion, the plan to launch a night attack on the goblin territory tonight was basically confirmed.

This afternoon, I plan to take care of the affairs in the territory first, and prepare for tonight, so I don't plan to go out to explore.

"By the way, how about asking Tie Niu and others to make tools for convenient transportation of wild animal corpses?"

Chen Keke suddenly remembered this and asked. Although he was asking, his eyes were looking at the magic fruit that was still being auctioned in the trading section.

The auction time of the item is 6 hours, and there are only a few minutes left before it can be settled.

The auction energy value of the magic fruit has also reached 812, which looks similar to the last time.

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