After the farmhouse was built, the option of whether to summon farmers popped up, and Chen Keke decisively chose yes.

"Meet the Lord!" After the two people came out, they knelt on one knee and put one hand on their chest and bowed their heads to salute.

This made Chen Keke a little at a loss. Although they were people who appeared out of thin air, he could not treat them as data, so he could only check their personal information first.

[Race: Human (Unnamed)]

[Gender: Male]

[Territory: Shenyou Territory (Sense of Belonging 80%)]

[Race: Human (Unnamed)]


"You don't have to kneel when you salute in the future, it's too troublesome. From now on, you will be called Tie Niu and you will be called Tie Ma."

"Thank you Lord for the name." As the two finished speaking, Chen Keke found that their sense of belonging to the territory increased by 5%.

At the same time, in their information, Human A also became Tie Niu and Tie Ma.

Chen Keke, who had just randomly named it because she thought it was troublesome, said: "..."

After having lunch with them, she gave them axes and hoes, and asked them to chop trees and cultivate the land.

After instructing them to work within the range of the defense tower and not to go far away. And not to work near the water source, Chen Keke left the territory.

After leaving the territory, Chen Keke came to the other side of the stream. After changing her job, she could clearly feel that her physical fitness had improved a lot.

I wanted to give myself a shelter first, but the cooling time was as long as two hours. After thinking about it, I decided to use it when needed.

After simply adapting to the release method of the magic-breaking arrow, I looked at my magic value of 284.

Chen Keke felt that it was necessary to develop this habit, after all, my magic value was very important!

After getting used to my body, I began to use natural affinity to sense the surrounding environment.

Although the environment on this side seemed a little strange, I don’t know if it was because Chen Keke’s confidence in herself increased after the job change, which led to the natural affinity not being invalidated due to the fluctuation of her mood.

This greatly increased the speed of the search, although it can sense the surrounding situation. But most of the information is useless, for example, when there is a treasure chest, it is easy to ignore it.

Because the treasure chest itself is not dangerous, there is no strong information.

Chen Keke, who was still searching the area, suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis behind him, and this feeling became stronger and stronger!

While turning around, the idea in his heart was to use the magic-breaking arrow, but this time he did not move as he did in the previous test.

This caused his shoulder to be bitten by the snake that fell from the sky. The feeling of his skin being penetrated made Chen Keke react immediately. He grabbed the chilly body and threw the snake directly into the air.

Then he thought about it and made a full pull of the bow in his hand, shooting the magic-breaking arrow.

There was no time to think about why the magic-breaking arrow could not be released suddenly. While the snake was knocked away, he continued to move forward and wanted to make up for it.

Because after attacking the snake, he had seen its health value.

[Ordinary venomous snake 2lv: HP 10]

According to the damage of the magic-breaking arrow, the HP of this snake should be 15.

Before the venomous snake was about to land, Chen Keke predicted the position in advance and fired another magic-breaking arrow.

[Player kills ordinary venomous snake at level 2 and gains 30 experience. ]

After discovering that the venomous snake had been killed, Chen Keke immediately pulled out his personal information panel.

[Magic value: 108]

[Status: Snake venom]

[Snake venom: -2 HP per second for half an hour]

After seeing that it was a venomous snake that attacked him, Chen Keke was quite nervous, but fortunately it was not beyond his tolerance.

Looking at the decreasing magic value, although Chen Keke was panicked, he still stopped the idea of ​​using the shelter immediately.

After a simple calculation, the snake venom plus the shelter would only reduce his HP a little, which is 1800 magic points in half an hour!

And now the only way to restore his magic value is to rely on the skill shelter.

If I cast Shelter right now, I will have no magic left!

Seeing that the magic value has reached 40, I cast Shelter without hesitation, and my hands uncontrollably hugged my shoulders.

When I looked at my personal information, there was indeed an additional Shelter status in the status bar.

Although the magic value is still decreasing, fortunately the damage will be the same in the end.

After doing everything, Chen Keke quickly decomposed the venomous snake.

[Decomposition: Venom sac x1, venomFang x2, snake meat x2,]

After a quick glance, he immediately returned to the territory relying on natural affinity. Now he was as powerless as before the job change.

Fortunately, he found two first-level treasure chests this time. Although the process was slow, it was a close call.

"Welcome back, Lord!"

Facing the greetings of Tie Niu and Tie Ma, Chen Keke just nodded. She knew that she had to adapt to it all.

After returning to the thatched house, he prepared to open the treasure chest directly.

[First-level magic fruit sapling x1, vegetable seeds x10, wood x20]

"No wonder one item occupies a treasure chest. This name sounds like a good thing!"

While sighing, he quickly walked out of the thatched house and prepared to plant the magic fruit tree next to it.

3 meters away from the thatched house, Chen Keke picked up a branch and started digging directly, and then drew water from the stream for irrigation.

After that, Chen Keke kept paying attention to the cooling time of the shelter, and also wanted to experiment why the magic-breaking arrow failed to be released before.

After thinking for a while, according to the thinking of mind operation, it may be that I considered too many factors at that time.

But I did turn around, or maybe the intention to use the skill was not firm enough?

In order to experiment with this possibility, after the cooling time of the shelter was over, Chen Keke thought about summoning Ruanruan through the contract while thinking about using shelter.

As a result, after summoning Ruanruan from the contract space, I used shelter again.

It seems that my guess is still correct. I will first judge what I want to do subjectively. As for the previous magic-breaking arrow, it may be because it was interrupted by the attack.

After all, when I was attacked, my mind was blank.

After doing all this, Chen Keke plans to build another farmhouse. There is still a lot of meat in my backpack now, and one unit is about one pound.

Although the farmhouse only needs 10 wood, there is a hidden continuous consumption afterwards.

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