As one of the beasts was hit, the others began to growl up and down.

Then they launched an attack. Fortunately, most of these beasts were at level one or two, and they could be killed with one blow under the attack of the second-level defense tower.

Chen Keke's magic-breaking arrows seemed a bit useless because they had fixed damage.

But fortunately, the probability of the lunar eclipse was increased by the lucky ring and doubled at night, making up for the lack of damage.

"If Ruanruan finds anything strange, remember to tell me."

Then he threw Ruanruan into the group of beasts. Slimes are natural creatures at the bottom, but they also have their own means of survival.

It was discovered before that Ruanruan seemed to be immune to physical damage.

To be precise, as long as the soft slime body on the surface of Ruanruan cannot be broken through, basically no damage will be caused.

And Ruanruan will continue to repair itself during digestion, and the excess energy will be accumulated.


After a while, Ruanruan's cry was heard, and the next moment, as Chen Keke turned around, a magic-breaking arrow flew out.

Then the lunar eclipse was triggered, and a round of soft moonlight burst out. The kappa that was shot didn't have time to shout, and fell into a long sleep under the moonlight.


Seeing the fallen kappa, Ruanruan wanted to climb onto the kappa to decompose it.

"Hit the living one first, and eat it later!"

Seeing Ruanruan slowly moving towards the kappa's corpse, Chen Keke immediately stopped him.

There are so many beasts now, and there may be other kappas hiding in the dark.

Fortunately, although Ruanruan's IQ is not very high, she listens to her own words.

The next second, she climbed onto the other's calf with the beast that stepped on her and corroded it with venom.

Seeing this, Chen Keke also began to change his position constantly, fearing that a tongue would pop out later...

Fortunately, until the end of the battle, the beast turned into a defense tower that could completely deal with it, and the Fearful Mud Frog still did not appear.

Seeing that the battle on his side was over, Chen Keke immediately looked for the direction downstream to help others.

Just after taking two steps down, Sera ran over from behind in a panic.

"Did something happen?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Keke couldn't help but feel a little flustered and asked hurriedly.

"No, it's okay? I've cleaned up the wild animals and wanted to see how others are doing..."

It was the first time that the lord asked so eagerly. Although Sera was a little flustered, she was much better than before.

"It's good that you're okay. Now you and I will go to support the others."

As he said that, he took the lead in heading downstream, and at the same time he was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Sera, who almost had an accident yesterday, became a magician and cleaned up the beasts faster than himself.

I think it should be due to the forest fairy's talent.

But this also indirectly proves that my choice is not wrong.

Perhaps because of the early squatting, the other people are in good condition.

But when I came to the stream, I didn't see Alia.

Only the Water Arrow Tower and the Thunder Tower were constantly attacking the advancing beasts. Because of the rain, the Thunder Tower was full of crackling sound of electricity after the attack.

Although the attack of the Thunder Tower was not as loud as thunder, there was still the sound of electricity running through.

The ground seemed to be a wave of water that was hit by light, and lightning flashed on it continuously, and then disappeared.

Fortunately, the attack of the elements will not appear on the flesh, otherwise it must be a burnt and smelly place, and the corpses of the beasts would not be left at all.

"You spread out and look for Alia! The effect of the elements will not take effect on the residents of the territory, don't worry."

While speaking, Chen Keke had already stepped into the stream that became sparkling because of lightning.

Seeing this, the others started searching all at once.

Although they were a little hesitant when they saw the current, fortunately, the explanation and actions of the lord later made them no longer have these concerns.


When she reached the other end of the stream, Chen Keke shouted at the top of her voice.

It was dark, and she was not going to search slowly like this.



Other people who were still searching, after hearing their lord's shout, also shouted together.

After all, shouting loudly at night would undoubtedly expose their position, which was why they searched silently at the beginning.

After a distance out of the attack range, Chen Keke was surprised to find that the light that was originally flashing with lightning in the stream seemed to be cut off.It was like it was split into two parts.

Although it was not out of the territory, it had already exceeded the attack range of the Thunder Tower.

Just when Chen Keke was confused and wanted to continue looking for Alia, a system prompt popped up.

[The effect of the element chain reaction can extend the attack range of the defense tower by up to twice]

This sudden prompt reminded her of the time when she was restricted because she asked too many questions about the Miracle Statue...

But anyway, it was a piece of information.


Helplessly, Chen Keke could only continue to shout. Fortunately, when she was about to leave the territory, she heard Alia's response.

"Lord! I'm here!"

Hearing the shouts of her lord, Alia hurriedly responded.

"What do you do here..."

Before she finished speaking, Chen Keke saw the water bubble next to Alia, and the two Terror Mud Frogs in it.

"Lord, I caught the Frog. But within the territory, they will still be affected by the reaction of the elements."

"So after catching them, I had to stay away from the defense tower and come to the edge of the territory."

She still remembered that her main purpose tonight was not to fight against wild beasts, but to catch these delicious Frogs.

Hearing this, Chen Keke did not expect that the defense tower would be attacked by the captured creatures.

However, the Turu beast caught today was completely fine. Could it be because the Turu beast had been in the backpack?

This is the only difference Chen Keke can think of at present. The other difference is that the mad beast is likely to have lost its mind, so it was attacked.

Thinking of this, Chen Keke quickly overturned his guess.

It was the wild beast that went crazy and out of control, and the Frog obviously still had some consciousness of its own.

At least when she fought against it before, it was not like other beasts who had no rules and only knew how to rush around.

In this case, it seems that it is very likely to be related to the backpack.

Thinking this way, Chen Keke began to try to put the two Frogs into his backpack.

However, this time it was not as successful as usual.

[The current condition of this creature is untamable]

Looking at the prompt displayed, Chen Keke was stunned for two seconds.

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