Hearing this, Kola didn't say anything. He hugged the tree trunk with both hands, then wrapped his snake tail around it and continued to climb up.

The previous work of forging traces has been completed, but it will take some time to create a hiding place.

Fortunately, there is the effect of the territory aura, and the magic value is restored by 1 per second, which alleviates everyone's consumption.

Especially Sera, because the surrounding plants were trampled by wild beasts. Although it is still slowly recovering to its original state, the difference can still be clearly seen.

Therefore, she gave birth to vines that consume more magic value. The vines climbing on the ground and covered by the soil basically will not be seen to have any problems.

"Found it!"

Kara came down from the tree and spread his hands.

The weak gray-yellow little snake collapsed in his palm.


After taking over, Sass fed and communicated like the previous two.

Similar to the information obtained before, the beasts scattered from the goblin tribe.

They all sensed the danger and quickly hid before the beast arrived.

When the snake said that he was full, Sass also let it go out to explore like the previous two snakes.

At this time, the place to hide was also ready.

This is a place similar to a basement, with a stepped entrance. It sinks down one section at a time.

Although the space inside is not large, it is enough for all people to go in.

At the same time, Sera also gave birth to vines at the bottom, passing through the soil and reaching the top. Under the condition of oxygen delivery, the space on this side was also strengthened.

Seeing that there was no problem, now we can only wait quietly for the two snakes who went out to inquire about the news first to return.

Fortunately, Alia had given the first two snakes the buff effect of water swimming in advance, and they came back to communicate with Sass not long after the third snake set off.

Looking at Sass kissing the snake, Chen Keke did not feel curious this time, and even had some expectations.

Finally, under Chen Keke's expectant gaze, Sass finally separated his snake tongue from that of the snake boy.

"Lord, the scale of the goblin territory is not that large. There are only dozens of buildings inside, but there are patrolling goblins on the periphery."

As a lower-level creature, although it can understand certain instructions, its intelligence is always insufficient.

These information were still communicated with by Sass for a while and figured out by himself.

"In this case, let the snake boy lead the way. When we get close to the goblin tribe, we will see the situation."

After all, even the goblin territory is not visible in this place now.

Under the leadership of the snake boy, several thatched farmhouses were seen in a short while.

At this time, the last snake boy also joined it. After communicating with it, Sass found that there was no difference from the previous information.

"What should the lord do now?"

Although Sass is a general and has his own ideas, everything still depends on the territory, and the territory is based on the lord.

"Everyone, tell me what you think first."

In fact, it's not that Chen Keke really wants to listen, but she knows nothing about this kind of thing. It's better to listen to other people's ideas and learn something else from them.

But others don't think so, they just think their lord is more kind.

"I think we can attack from a distance."

It was Wend who said this, after all, for the Centaurs, long-range skills are more advantageous.

"And when the number of enemies is greater than ours, long-range attacks can effectively weaken the enemy's combat power."

Olik, who is also a Centaur, also echoed when he heard the combat method that was beneficial to him.

There is no other reason, after all, this is what they are good at.

Others have no opinions, after all, they all have some ways of long-range attacks.

"What do you think, Sass?"

Seeing that no one seemed to have other ideas, Chen Keke had to throw the conversation to Sass.

But Sass didn't answer immediately, but frowned and thought about something.

"If you have any concerns, just tell us. It's good that everyone is here. Let's think of ways to solve it."

Seeing this, Chen Keke asked him to speak directly.

Although everyone likes nice words, some facts are not nice to hear.

"Although long-range attack seems to be a good method. But if there are too many enemies, we can't solve them all at once, and we will only be close."

"Then it will be a close battle, and it is very likely that we will be surrounded, which will put us in a disadvantageous position."

But he expressed his concerns about the long-range attack method, and then continued to express his own thoughts.

"What I'm thinking is, is there anythingWhat can we do to quietly weaken the number of enemies first? "

However, when he said this, he was also considering the advantages of being a half-snake race.

After all, sneaking up behind the enemy and then quickly killing the opponent is a common move of the half-snake people.

"Let's find a way to kill the guards first. The goblins we captured at noon today said that their food is a bit scarce."

"We can use the snake boy to lure them out, and then we can quickly kill them together. "

In fact, it all comes down to their lack of strength, and they can't directly enter the Goblin's territory.

In this case, they can only reduce the opponent's strength first.

After a quick discussion, they felt that there was no problem, and then Sass and Snake communicated.

Then they approached the Goblin's territory again, and asked Felix to use magic to cover the mud on his body to hide everyone's body.

Then Snake, at Sass's signal, began to wander in front of the Goblin patrol.

Soon, two or three patrolling Goblins were attracted by the times.

The Snakes panicked and moved towards the place where Chen Keke and the others were hiding.

Just when the three Goblins surrounded Snake in the middle, showing greedy eyes and drooling,

Sas was the fastest, he flew up from the ground and made a move in the air. He used the thick snake tail on his lower body to hook the neck of one of the goblins.

Then it was Kora and Feili who reacted.

Although their reaction speed was not as fast as Sas, it was still unusually fast for a goblin.

The thick and powerful snake tail directly wrapped around the goblin's throat, and even the sound could not be made.

Whenever he wanted to make a sound, the tail would increase the force and tighten the throat that was moving to speak.

Because of what Chen Keke said before, Sas and the others hung the enemy up.

They did not give them the opportunity to touch the ground, nor did they violently break the enemy's neck.

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