The others also began to look around after hearing this.

Especially the person who needed help from others before, in his opinion, the other person saved his life.

Others in the territory saw the 8 people who had been rescued before, and began to search for something in the ruins like them. They thought it was the lord's instruction, so they didn't care much.

Compared with others, Sayana and Shaxiang carefully observed the situation in the goblin territory.

Mainly, Sayana felt that Shaxiang was the most likely to run away among them.

Especially Shaxiang's body is relatively small, it is easy to hide from the sight of the goblins, and it is precisely because of her small body that she needs less physical strength.

As long as she gives some of her own rations to Shaxiang, she can fly far.

In addition, after flying into the sky, the target is smaller, so she has the most hope of escaping, not to mention that Shaxiang is her daughter.

"That... I know the location of the goblin leader's room..."

Although she had just answered some questions from the person in front of her, when she took the initiative to ask, Sayana still couldn't help but feel timid.

"Really? Then take me there."

Hearing the voice, Chen Keke turned around and found that it was the woman who answered her before, and there was still a child beside her.

"Okay, okay!"

Shayana, who was a little uneasy at first, answered immediately after hearing the other party's words.

Then she turned around and began to lead the way for the other party.

Following to a position that was not in the middle of the goblin territory, Chen Keke, who had been showing natural affinity, soon found that there seemed to be something hidden under the smoking ruins.

"Alia! Sass!"

Chen Keke, who felt the familiar size, shouted directly.

"Pry open this ruin."

Seeing the two of them running towards her, she didn't say much nonsense and said it directly.

The main reason was that there were no handy tools around her, and the ruins were still smoking, otherwise she would have done it herself.

Sass and Alia were stunned at first when they heard this, and after looking at each other, they quickly reacted.

Alia used water magic to completely cool the ruins, while Sass used his long scimitar to start digging through the ruins.

"It's done!"

Soon Chen Keke saw that there was a golden treasure chest in the ruins.

Ignoring the puzzled looks of the crowd, he placed his hand on the golden treasure chest and then put it into his backpack.

"Okay, if there are no other discoveries, let's return to the territory together now!"

After looking at each other again, Sass and Alia knew that they had obtained the items they wanted.

After the group had gathered, they were ready to return to the territory.

"If you want to join the territory, follow us back, and others are welcome to do as they please."

Chen Keke, who was sitting on Orlik's back, closed her eyes and performed natural affinity more carefully.

After hearing this, Sayana did not hesitate, took Xiao Shaxiang's hand and followed the team directly.

The other few people who saw this scene did not think much, and followed Sayana's steps to catch up with the team.

The main reason was that they had no better choice. It was late at night and it was not safe in the forest.

Moreover, some of their territories were attacked by goblins and kappas. Even if there were any surviving tribesmen, they had already fled. They had nowhere to go.

At least the person who was willing to treat them didn't seem difficult to get along with...

"Can Aria perform water swimming for all the people?"

After walking for a while, although nothing happened around, Chen Keke still wanted to return to the territory as soon as possible.

"Sorry, Lord, my magic power is not enough to support so many people to perform water swimming."

When Aria paused, she continued:

"If you use the storage crystal that Lord had before, it would be possible."

Although Aria's magic power has been restored by the effect of the territory aura, the upper limit of the magic power still limits her performance.

"Oh? Storage crystal?"

Although she was a little confused, Chen Keke still took out the magic crystal from her backpack and handed it to the other party.

"Yes, the storage crystal can be used in place of the upper limit of the magic value."

As she spoke, Alia was holding the storage crystal in one hand and raising the staff in the other.

With an invisible wave, everyone present felt that their bodies were much lighter.

Although Alia had exhausted her magic power, she still recovered a certain amount of magic value because the storage crystal must be stored or used once.

Looking at the storage crystal that had been used up and the water swimming state attached to her body.

At this time, Chen Keke realized that the storage crystal could not only directly release and restore the magic value.

I didn't expect that it could be equivalent to the increase of the upper limit of energy value in my hand. AlthoughHowever, the result of using it is to use up the storage value in the storage crystal at one time.

With the blessing of Shuiyou, it didn't take long for them to reach the place where they started to prepare.

Without stopping, Chen Keke asked them to continue moving forward and return directly to the territory.

Compared with the safety of hiding, she believed more in the firepower of the defense tower.

Perhaps because of the disappearance of the beasts, she could naturally perceive more situations when she returned than when she came.

Fortunately, some creatures were just observing quietly and did not act rashly.

The movement of the group returning to the territory was not small. Cui Ye, who stayed behind, soon discovered the return of her lord and his group, and even followed by seven or eight people.

The eyes that were originally a little sleepy because of not falling asleep suddenly widened a lot.

"Cui Ye, go cook a pot of hot soup."

Seeing Chen Keke trying to run out of the pavilion, she said immediately.

It was already late at night. Although I really wanted everyone to rest, there were still 8 non-territorial personnel.

We can't leave them all to Cui Ye alone.

"Lord, Cui Hua has already given instructions. The hot soup is ready and can be enjoyed at any time."

Cui Ye took back her steps to step out of the pavilion. When she turned back, she found that Tie Lu had already served the hot soup.

Since we cook and eat here these two days, there is no shortage of wooden bowls.

The eight people who have not yet joined the territory held the hot soup in their hands. Although they wanted to drink it, they were still observing the situation around them.

Xiao Sha Xiang looked at the hot soup in front of her eagerly, constantly sniffing the aroma emanating from it, and even her head moved closer and closer.

Feeling the warmth transmitted from the wooden bowl in her hand, Sha Xiang was stopped by Sayana just when her lips were about to touch the edge of the wooden bowl.

"After drinking, please give your choice, whether to join the Shenyou territory."

When Chen Keke said this, he paused, and after scanning the area with his eyes:

"Or leave my territory, I respect your choice."

After saying this, he stopped caring about other things and drank the hot soup in the bowl.

Although he had asked several times along the way, Chen Keke needed an attitude.

While forcing them, he didn't want them to think it was natural.

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