Although she was a little confused, Ruanruan was still very happy with her master's closeness, and she twisted her body hard to respond.


Chen Keke only reacted after hearing the cry, and quickly lifted Ruanruan to her eyes:

"Sorry, did I hurt you?"

She looked around, but the slimes' bodies were all the same, and she couldn't see any difference.

Seeing that Ruanruan was fine, Chen Keke breathed a sigh of relief and became excited.

Although she didn't know what the clean source was, she could still guess something about the inexhaustible clean source.

It was roughly an inexhaustible source of water, and as for the tenacious thorn seeds, it could be understood as a city wall, and there was no consumption.

This made Chen Keke look at the next item impatiently.

[Elegant Pleated Skirt (D): HP +50, Magic +50, Defense +3, Speed ​​+1, Strength +1, Intelligence +1. Very comprehensive equipment. ]

[Spring Butterfly Hundred Flowers Shirt (C): HP +100, Mana +100, Intelligence +5. This is a suit! ]

[With the skill Spring Butterfly, consume mana to release some butterflies to confuse the enemy and make it fall into illusion. Cooling time 2 hours. ]

[Spring Butterfly Hundred Flowers Robe (C): HP +100, Mana +100, Intelligence +5. This is a suit! ]

[With the skill Hundred Flowers, consume mana to release flowers to confuse the enemy and make it fall into illusion. Cooling time 2 hours. ]

Although the equipment shows a suit, the attributes feel very ordinary...

Thinking so, Chen Keke immediately changed into new equipment.

The previous crocodile armor and animal fur coat automatically returned to the backpack after changing into new equipment.

Chen Keke, who looked at the Spring Butterfly Hundred Flowers suit, also saw the information of the suit.

[Spring Butterfly Hundred Flowers suit effect: equipment attributes doubled, skills Spring Butterfly and Hundred Flowers become Spring Butterfly Hundred Flowers. 】

【Spring Butterfly and Hundred Flowers: Release the illusion of Spring Festival Hundred Flowers without consumption. Enemies will lose their way in the illusion and continue to be eroded by the fragrance of flowers. Cooling time 1 hour. 】

Seeing that Chen Keke's attributes doubled, she subconsciously wanted to take a look at her attributes.

Now her magic value has reached 1370, and her health value has reached 640.

There is a world of difference between the initial 300 magic value and 160 health value.

She has now developed the habit of looking at the magic value first.

After this, the Flame Tower seems much more ordinary.

【Flame Tower Blueprint: You can build a defense tower attacked by fire elements. Required materials: Energy value x100, wood x50, stone x50, iron block x20, first-level fire stone x1. 】

Comparing the materials of the previous blueprint, Chen Keke also found that the more scarce the elemental stone is, the higher the energy value required to build it.

And the more materials consumed, the greater the effect of the building.

For example, the previous Thunder Tower requires 300 energy points, while the Water Tower only requires 50 energy points.

It seems that this Flame Tower should be more powerful than the Water Arrow Tower, but it is still not as good as the Thunder Tower.

Bring Ruanruan to the side of the cabin, and the magic fruit tree is on the right.

Since the last time I picked the fruit, the magic fruit tree has remained the same, without any reaction.

Come to the position near the left and take out the clean source from the backpack.

Originally thought it was a device similar to a kettle that would discharge water, but I didn't expect that after taking it out, it would present a projection, similar to a small round pond.

Fortunately, there are no other buildings around my cabin, so there is still enough space.

The volume is also similar to my cabin, and the edges are even made of stones, but there is no fence or anything like that.

When I came to the edge of the pond, I found that the water was unusually clear and could even be used as a mirror.

When looking down, Chen Keke found that the clothes she was wearing seemed a little different, much better than the crocodile armor she was wearing at the beginning.

The elegant pleated skirt looked like a skirt armor, and it felt like cloth, but with some armor plates attached.

The colors of the armor plates and the cloth echoed each other, forming a dark color of varying shades.

"This color... is indeed quite elegant..."

Looking down at her elegant pleated skirt, she then looked at her Spring Butterfly and Hundred Flowers suit.

The Spring Butterfly and Hundred Flowers shirt was worn as an inner layer, and the overall color was white, with some flowers and plants and a few elegant butterflies.

The Spring Butterfly and Hundred Flowers robe was a short robe that reached the middle of the thigh.

Although it was also mainly white, the wide sleeves and edges had some ink-colored landscape patterns, and on the top were butterflies.Butterfly pattern.

Although the overall material is not as fine as the modern material, it is at least no longer animal skin.

Although she couldn't tell what material it was, it didn't matter to her.

She took out the tenacious thorn seed from her backpack and planted it next to the clean spring.

Then she scooped up the water from the clean spring and wanted to water it.

However, when she touched the clean spring, a prompt popped up.

Fearing that there would be some problems, Chen Keke checked the prompt from the system as soon as possible.

[Clean water: water that cannot be polluted, absolutely clean water. ]

Unexpectedly, this clean spring is not only an inexhaustible water source, but also has its own guarantee...

After finding that there was no problem, Chen Keke wanted to continue using clean water for watering.

As a result, when the water was poured down, a bare vine quickly grew out of the little soil that was originally buried.

[Stubborn Thorns (bound to the Divine Blessing Territory)]

As the prompts appeared, when Chen Keke looked at the stubborn thorns again, this time she could see its status and growth.

At this time, she found that the roots of the stubborn thorns had spread underground and occupied all the places under her cabin.

Some roots came to the bottom of the clean source and absorbed the spring water, which enabled the stubborn thorns to grow rapidly.

Fortunately, this clean source is an inexhaustible source of water, otherwise, relying on the growth rate of the thorns, I really don’t know how much water is needed.

When thinking of this, Chen Keke checked the information of the clean source again, and it was indeed different from when it was first placed.

[Clean source: Inexhaustible, a source of clean water, which can be improved by using certain items. ]

I didn’t expect that this clean source could also improve the quality...

At this time, the system had new prompts, and there were several of them. Chen Keke quickly opened the system panel to check.

[Tenacious thorns have covered the territory. ]

[Tenacious thorns have been irrigated with a large amount of clean water, and their quality has been improved! ]

[Player Chen Keke's territory is strong and has entered the 86th place in the rankings. ]

[Does player Chen Keke want to display the rankings? ]

Looking at these prompts, Chen Keke was shocked at first, and then delighted.

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