After saying this, Chen Keke immediately softened her tone:

"I know everyone wants to contribute to the territory, but everyone is in the position they should be in, which is the best contribution to the territory."

"Of course I have received your kindness. The fact that Shenyou Territory has you is God's favor to me."

In fact, the main reason is that Chen Keke feels that the human race is too weak without the blessing of equipment or magic.

At least she has changed her job to become a witch, and the centaurs have magic bows and arrows. If it doesn't work, they can still run on four long legs.

The half-snake race has a strong and powerful tail. Except for long-range attacks, other aspects are impeccable.

And if Cuihua and others really have something wrong.

All the knowledge accumulated and the sense of belonging to the territory that was cultivated before will be wasted.

"No! Thanks to you, Lord, we have such a good life in Shenyou Territory."

"That's right. Even in the current situation, you still think about us everywhere..."

"Don't worry, Lord! We will definitely do our part!"


As Chen Keke finished speaking, everyone in the territory said that this territory is so beautiful thanks to the Lord.

At the same time, Cuizhi Cuiye and Tieniu's sense of belonging to the territory reached its peak. They have completely belonged to Shenyou Territory and will never rebel!

The sense of belonging to the territory of the Butterfly People, which was just decreasing, has also been fed back at this time. Although it is not much, it is actually increasing.

"The defense of the territory is obviously a little weak today. Just like today at noon, whoever needs the equipment in the warehouse can go and get it."

"Don't be too confident. Always imagine the enemy to be stronger than yourself, so that you can be awed and careful."

Looking at the system prompt, the passenger smiled and talked about the topic of today's noon.

At that time, she talked about the equipment, but considering that there were only three pieces of equipment, and they were all in three different parts.

In addition, because she gave the authority of the warehouse to Cuizhi, Cuiye and Cuihua.

Her general meaning at that time was that those who felt that they were not strong enough could let Cuizhi and Cuiye go to the warehouse to get the equipment.

I don't know if it was too confident or if I really cared about others.

They thought that whoever needed it could go to the warehouse to get it, so this topic was not continued.

The final result was that no one went to get it...

Fortunately, after this lobbying, Alia used the shoes that increased 1 point of speed.

As for the crocodile armor and fur coat, they were given to Feili and Kola respectively because of the close combat.

Chen Keke was actually a little confused about Alia wearing shoes.

If Alia turned into a mermaid when she put on the shoes, what should she do with the shoes?

It was also today that she noticed that Alia had always been barefoot. Even if she saw it in the past, she didn't pay much attention to it.

Thinking of this, Chen Keke also asked her doubts.

Regarding this strange question, Alia just felt a little strange, but didn't think much about it.

The mermaids changed their forms, just changed their appearance. For example, shoes and the like will still remain on the body when they change again.

After getting the explanation, Chen Keke thought about it and felt that this thing was very much like skin.

It just changed its appearance, but the function remained the same.

After resting in the cabin for a while, Chen Keke prepared to upgrade the quarry in the territory.

After all, this is a renewable resource, the sooner it is upgraded, the sooner it can be enjoyed.

Since the internal space of the defense tower is limited, the clothing workshop is set up outside the defense tower.

In Chen Keke's opinion, as long as these buildings are upgraded at that time, they can be moved accordingly.

After all, she has no idea what the future will be like, so she doesn't have too many ideas about this aspect.

Ten seconds later, a building that feels similar to a farmhouse but much larger appeared in front of Chen Keke.

Just as Chen Keke was looking at the appearance of the clothing workshop, two women and one man walked out of it.

They are Yuna, Youmi, and Rude.

Through communication, I learned that they, like Felix, belong to the Shenyou Territory completely, and they are very familiar with the process of the clothing workshop.

Originally, Chen Keke thought that they would use silkworms to weave silk as she knew.

Unexpectedly, they used plant fibers and animal fur.

"Then do you know any creatures that can spit out silk thread?"

He did not directly name the silkworm, after all, this world has magic, and even fantasy creatures such as elves.

That isEven if there are silkworms, there is a great possibility that they are not called silkworms.


The three people who heard the question looked at each other and finally gave the answer hesitantly.

Chen Keke: "~"

"Can spider silk be made into clothes?"

Chen Keke said helplessly.

"Yes, but spiders are more dangerous, and most of them have toxins."

Not hearing the helpless tone of her lord, Youmi still answered seriously.


Obviously, she has changed her job to become a witch, and has been baptized by the release of magic skills, and even the cognition and getting along with fantasy races.

But she was still shocked by this sudden and inconsistent with her previous common sense.

"Lord, are you okay?"

Youmi, who has not received an answer for a long time, can't help but ask with some concern.

"I was just wondering where there are spiders and what materials we need to ask the people in the territory for help. Let's make a batch first and replace the animal skins on our bodies."

Chen Keke, who reacted, quickly drew up a plan to catch spiders.

After taking the three people to the pavilion in the territory, after dinner, there was basically no activity because it was getting late.

Except for Cuihua who was accumulating knowledge in the Hall of Scholars, everyone else was here to listen to Tieniu's explanation of the knowledge accumulation he had experienced.

"These three are Yuna, Youmi and Rude. They are members of the territory's clothing workshop. In order for us to all wear clothes that are convenient for movement, remember to help collect materials in the near future."

Everyone's response was very good and welcomed.

After all, they also felt that animal skins were not very convenient to wear, and everyone was part of the territory, so they quickly asked about the materials needed by Yuna and her group.

Seeing their happy appearance, Chen Keke nodded with satisfaction, and then asked all the butterfly people to follow him.

The butterfly people were suddenly called out and felt a little flustered, but they had to obey their orders when they were on someone else's territory.

They still understood such a simple matter.

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