She could see clearly that when people leaned on these stubborn thorns, they were not bent, which meant that these thorns were very hard.

But there were many sharp thorns on them...

"Because we are residents of the God's Blessing Territory, and these thorns are also from the God's Blessing Territory."

"As long as it is in the God's Blessing Territory, these thorns can't hurt you."

"Xiao Shaxiang, do you want to go forward and try it yourself?"

Faced with the question raised by Xiao Shaxiang, everyone joked and answered it.

Hearing Xiao Shaxiang, she turned her head and looked at her mother.

After seeing the other party nod with a smile, Xiao Shaxiang hesitated and walked to the edge of the stubborn thorns.

Looking at the hard thorns, although she was a little timid, she subconsciously chose to believe what they said.

After all, it was the people of the God's Blessing Territory who saved them from being imprisoned by the goblins.

Moreover, even in the past when she was in the territory of the Butterfly People, Xiao Shaxiang followed her mother to do more work than now, but she was not necessarily able to eat enough.

This made her trust the people in the Shenyou territory more, and she was also willing to try to trust them.

Xiao Shaxiang stretched out a finger, looked at the thorns in front of her, and slowly approached.

When she was about to touch it, Xiao Shaxiang's finger completely penetrated the thorns on the thorns! It was as if this was just a bare vine, and the thorns were all illusions!

Although she felt surprised for a moment, Xiao Shaxiang still had some disbelief, and slowly grabbed her whole palm.

"It's true! These thorns can't pierce me!"

After fully confirming it, Xiao Shaxiang happily shouted to Cuihua and others.

Different from the laughter of others.

Seeing this scene, Sayana felt tears welling up in her eyes, quietly covered her mouth, and stood slightly outside to watch everything.

Cuihua, who discovered this scene, hurriedly brought Xiao Shaxiang to Cuizhi and Cuiye and exchanged glances with them.

The latter looked in the direction of Sayana and understood, and hurriedly attracted Xiao Shaxiang's attention.

Cuihua, who came to Sayana's side, didn't say anything, but just patted her shoulder.

During this period, other butterfly people also tried to touch the stubborn thorns. They had just arrived in the territory and felt very uneasy.

They had always followed Sayana to carry out activities and had never been to the edge of the territory.

They were like Xiao Shaxiang before, first trying to touch the thorns on the stubborn thorns with their fingertips, and then trying to cover them with their palms after finding that they were indeed like phantoms.

This kind of thing that they had never seen and experienced before made them look surprised.

"Okay, let's go back together. If it's a little later, the lord will be worried about us."

Seeing that Sayana had almost recovered her mood, Cuihua also said at the right time.

"Will the Lord still care about us?"

This is what one of the Butterfly People asked subconsciously when he heard this.

However, he quickly realized that what he said was inappropriate, and immediately covered his mouth and looked around.

But the people who heard this were already looking at him.

Just when he thought he would definitely be severely criticized, he only heard.

"Of course, otherwise why should we act together instead of alone? Isn't it because I'm afraid that I can't do anything when I encounter danger alone."

"That's right, when I wanted to act alone at the beginning, the Lord stopped me."

"Okay, go and get the cart back to the thorns so that we can go back."

"Yes, if you have anything to say, we can talk while walking back."

Faced with such inquiries, the residents who first joined the territory lightly passed the topic one by one.

It was as if they were having a normal chat.

For this Butterfly Man male to have such doubts, the people present basically resonated.

Although in their previous memories, life was not too difficult.

But no lord cares about the residents of the territory like the lord of Shenyou Territory.

Forget caring. As long as they can be fair and just, they think it is great.

The male butterfly man saw that no one blamed him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He also took the cart with other butterfly people and crossed the thorns back to the territory.

"Although Alia and Sass are fighting, the lord treats us in the same way."

"It's just a different division of labor. The lord resists the beasts and we help collect the corpses. Isn't it all for the territory?"

Cuihua's usual words and the lord's actions made them gradually integrate into the idea that everyone is the same, just with different divisions of labor.

The butterfly man who just raised the questionXing didn't expect that. He originally thought it was just a passing phrase, but he didn't expect that they would still talk about this topic on the way back.

However, while he felt incredible, his sense of belonging to this territory was gradually increasing.

This also made him let go of his nervous nerves and continued to ask:

"But wouldn't it be more dangerous to resist the attack of wild beasts?"

This is also what the defenders in their previous territory of the Butterfly People said to them, and they often asked them to be tolerant.

Similarly, these people have a higher status in the territory.

"It is precisely because their situation is more dangerous that we should do a better job of logistics to ensure that everyone has no worries."

"That's right, they are obviously doing more dangerous things for the territory and for our safety, and we should be more grateful."

The people of the Butterfly People were a little silent. It was obviously the same words, but when they were spoken by the people in the Shenyou Territory, there was finally a strange warmth.

In the previous territory, these people would make them endure.

Because they really can't face the threats outside the territory.

And now they still can't face the threats outside the territory, and they still do the same thing.

It's just that now they are no longer forced to endure, but want to do these backup work for them from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, the butterfly people gradually reacted to the change in their mentality.

Although they just came to the territory, they didn't seem to be treated unequally.

They eat the same food, and even the lord personally built a farmhouse for them.

Although they can't fight for the territory like Sass and others, they also do what they can like Cuihua.


On the other side.

Looking at the sense of belonging to the territory on the system prompt, it started to go up little by little, and Chen Keke fell into deep thought.

Although she didn't know what happened, it was a good thing for her after all.

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