Two things made Su Fang even more shocked, this turned out to be a green quality exercise!

[Skill of Exercises: Agni Technique].

【Quality: Green】

[Introduction: You can cultivate special attributes, the exercises of flame battle qi, and those who have changed to the melee class can learn it.] 】

“It’s still a flame technique with attributes, the power of this thing seems to be much stronger than my Qi Technique!”

Su Fang now has the Battle Qi Exercise, so he doesn’t plan to continue to learn this exercise, this thing is too precious, and I don’t know when the next one will burst out.

But whether this exercise should be used by Zhao Yun or Xiang Yu, Su Fang was in a dilemma, both of them were top golden heroes, and they were very important to the territory.

And both of them performed very well, and the Su side planned to ask their opinions to see which of them was more suitable to use this exercise.

The third thing is the skill book, which is exactly the kind of skill “Flame Slash” used by the orc leader before, and it is also a green quality skill.

This skill and the exercises are all compatible and can be learned together.

Su Fang continued to look at the fourth item, which was also a skill book, and it was also a skill used behind the orc leader, and it was also a blue quality skill.

[Skill: Earth Rift].

【Quality: Blue】

[Introduction: You need to consume battle qi to use it, and release a battle qi to bombard the target, causing 30% additional damage! ] 】

“I’ll go! Good stuff! ”

Su Fang liked it very much, isn’t this move the skill he urgently needs now, but also a long-range attack skill, Su Fang immediately learned it.

[Learn the blue skill “Earth Rift”! ] 】

[Skill Point-1, Blue Ground Rift Skill +1, current skill level LV2.] 】

[Skill Point-1, “Blue Ground Rift” skill +1, current skill level LV7.] 】

The Soviet side now only has 7 skill points, and it is enough to upgrade “Earth Rift” to lv7.

Su Fang looked at the last thing that the orc leader burst out, this was an armor, and it was also a blue quality armor.

[Equipment: Orc Warframe].

【Quality: Blue】

【Durability: 100%】

[Attributes: Physical Defense +15, Magic Defense +15, Physique +5, Stamina +5].

This armor is much better than the armor worn by Su Fang, and Su Fang immediately replaced it, and his physical attributes increased a lot.

Su Fang looked at the weapon used in the hands of the orc leader again, and this turned out to be a blue quality weapon.

[Equipment: Orc Saber].

【Quality: Blue】

【Durability: 100%】

[Attributes: Strength +35, Physique +5, Stamina +5].

This blue weapon, a total of 45 attribute points have been added, it is indeed very strong, but Su Fang, Xiang Yu, and Zhao Yun do not like to use knife weapons, if it is fused, it is too wasteful, or it is good to use it for soldiers who need it.

Su Fang collected the equipment on the orc leader again.

[Orc Armor +1].

[Orc helmet +1].

【Orc Boots +1】

A total of three pieces of equipment, all of green quality, Su Fang put them all away, and then collected the equipment on the archer orcs, and finally looked at the entire orc camp.

There are also many orc soldiers fleeing around, and I believe that they will all be wiped out in a short time.

After more than forty minutes, the monsters in the entire orc camp were all wiped out by Su Fang’s men.

[You successfully eliminated one camp in the wild, 30 free attribute points, +30 reputation points, and 3 skill points! ] 】

This time it was not a Heavenly Dao hint, but a separate prompt, and the reward was much less than the previous time.

A person can only receive the Heavenly Dao reward of the wild camp once.

But after the elimination of field camps, there were additional rewards, which satisfied the Soviet side.

A field camp brings too many rewards to the Soviet side, especially in terms of architecture, and the entire camp building belongs to the Soviet side.

“Pack up the loot quickly!” Su Fang said to everyone.


The Soviet side also began to help collect these trophies, especially buildings, and collected them one by one.

In about an hour, the Soviet side obtained a lot of buildings, eight [wooden houses], one [stone railing], eight [watchtowers], two [wells], one [blacksmith shop], one [warehouse], and two [farmland].

What surprised Su Fang the most was the new [Chicken Coop] and [Cowshed] two buildings, which were new buildings, and could directly consume gold coins to raise chickens and cattle, which made Su Fang very happy.

Of the eight wooden houses, three are green and five are white.

As for the [blacksmith shop], it is also green quality.

[Warehouse] is even more blue quality, which surprised the Soviet side.

The entire orc camp brought great benefits to the Soviet side, with more than one million gold coins, more than 50,000 units of wood, more than 80,000 units of wood, more than 30,000 units of iron ore, plus other materials, and quite a few.

In addition to these, there were thousands of pieces of equipment, most of which were obtained from orc soldiers, and a few were captured from [warehouses].

“Lord, there is a discovery!” Zhao Yun came over and found Su Fang.

“What discovery?” The Soviet side felt that this must be a good thing.

“Discover a soil resource.” Zhao Yun replied.

“What! Soil resources! When Su Fang heard this, he was very happy, this thing can directly upgrade the building things of [farmland], Su Fang heard that he found this place, and immediately said: “Not bad, take me to see.” ”

Along a path, they saw a strange place, where it was soil resources, and Su Fang’s eyes lit up and said: “I decided to temporarily build a small defense base here specifically for collecting this soil resource.” ”

“Does the lord want me to stay here?” Zhao Yun asked.

“Haha, how can you need to guard here, just send dozens of soldiers to guard here, the location here is good, and you don’t need too many people here.”

Su Fang looked around and found that the environment here was very good, so he took out the buildings in the orc camp and built a [wooden house] and a [stone railing].

These two buildings do not need to be upgraded, just two teams of people digging for soil resources day and night.

The Soviet side will let the soldiers of white quality come here tomorrow, but today it is already late, so I can only let the [Trap Camp] soldiers station here first.

The monster will only attack the territory with the [Crystal], this is not the territory, it should not be attacked by the monster, and the Soviet side left thirty [Trapped Faction] soldiers here.

And took out some hoes and shovel tools, these are tools of green quality, which were fused by the Soviet side some time ago and now come in handy.

“You guys dig resources here first, and tomorrow I’ll arrange for someone to replace you.” The Soviet side said to these soldiers.

“Good lord!” The soldiers replied.

The Soviet side left a lot of golden food and enough water, and then rushed back with the remaining soldiers to the collar.

[Heavenly Dao Tip: The lord of “Noble Gentleman”, the third boss in the world to kill the blue quality, rewards 10 free attribute points, 10 reputation points, and 1 skill point. 】


On the way, Su Fang heard the Heavenly Dao prompt again, and he had ignored it.

By the time the Soviet side returned to the territory, it was already past seven o’clock in the evening.

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Collectible!!!

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Collectible!!!

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Collectible!!!

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